
A gay story: Perfection So, Dance of Desire was never meant to have a sequel, but here it is! This little tale is inspired by one of my regular commentor’s slight obsession with one of my character’s called, Cam. Super desperate for a story told only from Cam’s point of view.

Well, Cam is gorgeous, and has that enigmatic brooding thing going on, which shatters with that super cute smile. (Sigh!) Who wouldn’t be obsessed? And the abs. (Whimpery sigh!)

Yes you, Honey! You wanna know what goes on in Cam’s head? Well, this is third person, but it’s 100% Cam. Read on…

Anyone who just fancies a quick trip to Italy with lots of hot sweaty sex? Read on…

This can also be read as a standalone.

Tess O’Meter — Green.


Cam yawned and stretched hesitantly. Then with more confidence, as the sharp pain in his back didn’t return.

Then, like a cat, he lengthened his elegant, well-toned, five-ten (and a wee bit) to his full length, with another jaw cracking yawn before relaxing back into the mattress. Pleased that it seemed like the soreness in his pulled muscle was receding.

Cam’s usual dance partner, Beth, was still on maternity leave. He had agreed to do a few turns on the circuit with a very talented young lady called, Muriel. (Which Cam could not say correctly, no matter how hard he tried.)

Muriel’s partner, and boyfriend, had broken his ankle. It was a ‘good’ break, if such a thing were possible. It would heal cleanly and strongly, but he was out of action for at least four months.

Cam had agreed to partner Muriel, and she was good, but not very experienced. A few days ago she had hesitated on a lift during rehearsal, leading to Cam trying to heave her into the air from a standstill.

She couldn’t be more than eight stone soaking wet, and Cam’s gracefully muscled physique was strong, but even so it had been a lot to try and lift with no assistance. They had gone down in a tangle. Muriel apologizing profusely and Cam swearing fluently.

Thankfully, Muriel didn’t speak Italian!

Cam huffed out a laugh. At least they had a couple of weeks break now. He would be fit and ready to tease more confidence out of her when he returned from vacation.

He finally blinked his eyes open and was pleased to see it was full daylight. He hated waking too early. It just led to thinking time. Five in the morning thinking was always so fucking depressing.

He stretched again and sighed. Deeply content with the overnight improvement in his back. Sitting on a plane for three hours wouldn’t be as unpleasant as he had been anticipating.

Of course, much of it was probably down to the tender attentions of his husband, Frankie, last night.

He had been massaged into the consistency of limp, overcooked pasta. Then once Frankie had him weak and defenceless, he had taken terrible and wonderful advantage of him.

Cam smiled and felt his face heat. He never minded being taken advantage of. But the decadence last night of lying, flaked out, unable to do more than moan, as Frankie had sucked his seed, soul, and possibly life force, out of his dick.

He pressed his face into the pillow to hide the stupid grin. It had been something else.

Speaking of which?

Cam pulled his face out of the pillow before he suffocated, and eyes again closed, rolled, allowing his hand to flop onto the bed beside him.

What would he hit today? Sometimes his hand landed on ass, or chest. Cock was always good. Nose or chin was usually pretty funny, especially if Frankie was still asleep and not expecting it. His cute little face all scrunched up in sleepy annoyance, before he started laughing.

Cam frowned as his hand landed on duvet. He rolled fully to his back and frowned at the empty bed. It was still early. Where was his bed warmer?

And what hell was that smell?

Even as Cam’s feet hit the floor, the fire alarm started shrilling in the kitchen. He winced, but paused a moment to listen. Grinning at the semi-whispered, “Hush. Shut the fuck up,” and the sound of a stool scraping.

Next the blessed silence, broken only by a hissed, “Bastard thing!”

He lazily yanked on ancient sweatpants that more or less had enough grip to cling around his hips and wandered out to the kitchen.

Frankie froze guiltily in the act of waving a tea-towel in the air, trying to encourage the acrid black fumes, that looked like they could engulf a small country, towards the window.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“No. I was awake. What are you doing?”

Frankie pouted, “I was making breakfast, but I got distracted. It’s okay. I can start again.”

Cam leaned over and peered into the bowl. “Ricotta pancakes? Why are you going to all this trouble. We’re leaving today. You didn’t have to do all this.”

“Because it’s your birthday, and they’re your favourite, and today has to be perfect.”

“It’s not my birthday for two days.”

“It’s your birthday slash holiday slash honeymoon. So it has to be perfect,” Frankie glared at him so ferociously while swiping his hand through the air, that Cam cracked up and kissed his nose.

“Do I get older every day for the whole holiday?”

Frankie just rolled his eyes.

“Do you want a hand?”

“No. You go shower, I need twenty minutes.”

Not bothering to argue, Cam hiked his pants back up and headed for the shower.

Twenty-five minutes later, he returned to a much more pleasant smell and a smiling Frankie arranging fruit and berries in an elaborate and exact patten around the fluffy pancakes.

“Perfect timing. Perfect pancakes. I hope,” Frankie hustled him onto a stool and flamboyantly presented him with a plate and fork. Watching with concern, biting his lip, as Cam shoved back his damp hair, then carved out some pancake and berries and chewed thoughtfully.

He was careful to keep his face blank. Amused by Frankie’s dark eyes watching his mouth move, desperate for a clue. Cam nodded, frowned a little, and let out a doubtful, “Hmmmm.”

He snorted out a laugh when Frankie’s face fell, “Are they terrible?”

“It’s delicious. Are you going to be a crazy man the whole trip?”

Frankie’s eyes narrowed and he grumbled a word in Creole, which he always refused to tell Cam the meaning of, but Cam was sure was a very bad word.

“You cursing me again?” he asked brightly. Completely unconcerned as he shovelled in more pancake.

Frankie tried to look cross, but was obviously too pleased at the sight of Cam enjoying his breakfast.

Before Frankie could slip onto the stool next to him, Cam grabbed him and pulled him close. Briefly abandoning his food so he could pull Frankie between his legs and run his lips up the side of his neck.

“Remember, Frankie. No day is perfect. But every day with you is wonderful. Because I am with you.”

He smiled as Frankie turned his head to catch his lips. “Me too,” his whispered, his eyes a little damp.

Cam gave him a fond nudge back towards the stool and watched as Frankie hopped up and tried his pancake. “Oh, it’s good.”

“Si. I said,” Cam agreed, taking another bite and eyeing Frankie’s plate.

He grinned as Frankie took a protective hold and tucked in.


“Did you put the battery back in the fire alarm?” Cam suddenly thought to ask. Not that it would make much difference, as they had already arrived at the airport and sailed through security.

“Yes,” Frankie confirmed. Cam allowed his smug, as the traffic had been light, the queue’s speedy and so far he was getting his perfect day.

A half hour later, the smug slipped a little as the announcement came. “We are sorry to advise Ryanair flight FR1474 to Naples is delayed, please await further announcements.”

Cam shrugged at Frankie’s look. “It doesn’t matter,” he reassured him. “We’ll get there.”

Three hours later, Cam was entertained by Frankie’s dark looks towards the check in desk, and mutterings about the virtues of EasyJet. He would have expected Frankie, who had travelled a lot, to be more used to travel delays.

After a quick call to Bella, to advise her of the issue, he hung up and pulled Frankie towards him.

“Relax. We get there today, or tomorrow. It’s not the important thing.”


“You wanted perfect. I know. Stop worrying,” Cam said firmly and felt Frankie relent.


“Is okay.”

It was nearly midnight, local time, when Frankie and Cam finally arrived at Bella’s house in Naples.

This was not the house that Cam had half grown up in, from the age of fourteen. Or lived in full time between sixteen and nineteen, before he had moved to the UK.

But it was on the same street.

This house, with four bedrooms, allowing Bella a spare room for guests, was not overly opulent. She had the same neighbours, but it was more than twice the size of their old home at the other end of the street.

Buying the house for Bella, had been Frankie’s wedding present to Cam.

As Cam hauled his luggage out the car and stood for a moment, considering his husband, he felt his heart warm. Typical Frankie, to present Bella with a home she couldn’t say not to, because it was a present to Cam.

And Cam couldn’t say no to, because Bella, and her daughter Lucia, had shared a room since Lucia was born. Bella deserved this. She needed it.

Sometimes Cam felt slightly unnerved by how well Frankie knew him, and therefore could manipulate him.

When Frankie turned and smiled at him, his heart flipped. Frankie’s eyes were bright with happiness. “It’s lovely. The house, it’s so sweet.” He spoke quietly, as Cam had warned him about the neighbours.

Cam moved closer smiling. “It’s wonderful. You can see the old house there,” he pointed. “Where that little cat is sat.”

“So close.”

Cam nodded, and briefly pressed his lips to Frankie’s. Trying to make him understand the thanks, and love. The appreciation of his generosity. Money wasn’t an issue for Frankie, but Cam didn’t feel that lessoned the gesture.

He felt Frankie’s hand slip into his hair as the kiss lengthened. They were both smiling when they pulled back.

With no need to speak, Cam stepped forward and knocked quietly at the door. Glancing nervously over his shoulder.

Just as he raised his hand to knock again, a little louder, the door opened. Cam’s heart thudded in his chest, as he looked at his baby brother.

Taller than him now, at a fraction under six-feet. Handsome and slender. Boyish face, although he needed a shave. Cam felt the twin pull of excitement and regret. Always so wonderful to see him, but the regret that they lived in different countries.

Tonio looked him up and down and sneered, but Cam recognized the happy thrill and excitement in Tonio’s dark eyes. So unlike his own blue.

Even so, he brushed carelessly past Cam to grip Frankie in a bear hug. “At last. My favourite brother-in-law,” he exclaimed in perfect English.

Cam shook his head and rolled his eyes, but his heart lifted. He loved what good friends Tonio and Frankie were already.

He shifted his bag inside and grinned at Bella, before returning for Frankie’s bag. Frankie and Tonio were still locked in their swaying hug, and whispering together.

Before he could grab the bag he heard, “Camillo Russo!” Jumping slightly, he turned and waved at Bella’s neighbour. The terrifying Lorenzo Gastani. Who was approximately a hundred and fifty, but somehow still alive.

“Signor Gastani,” Cam called quietly. Hurrying across the street to pay his respects. He knew he was flushing and felt equal parts embarrassed and chastised. Ridiculous. It was more than half a lifetime ago that he had kicked a ball through Signor Gastani’s window.

Still, he smiled and nodded as the old man took his hand. Terrifying when he was fourteen and being threatened with a belt (Bella had threatened to use the belt on Signor Gastani if he tried. And then made Cam work off the costs of the window).

Cam had been overwhelmed at someone standing up for him. Slow to trust, he had known Bella for four months before that day. Her stout defence had him falling sweetly and innocently in love and awe.

A love and awe that had only grown.

But now, looking down at a suddenly frail Signor Gastani, Cam felt saddened. Life was change, and change was often hard and heart-breaking.

“How are you?” he enquired. Wincing as he failed to hide his concern and seeing Signor Gastani stiffen his spine.

“Humph, still here,” he grumbled. “Tonio said you and he will move some furniture for me tomorrow morning? Before breakfast, but I’ll have coffee for you.”

“Of course, Signor. Whatever you need.”

“Good. Well, it’s late. I want to go to bed. Are you not going to introduce me to your husband?”

Cam jolted slightly in shock. “Um, well,” he stopped lost for words. Looking back over his shoulder and seeing Bella welcoming Frankie and motioning him inside.

“What? You think because I will soon meet my God, I don’t understand love. Call him over,” Signor Gastani whacked Cam’s arm impatiently.

“Okay,” Cam caught Bella’s eye and pointed at Frankie, who turned at Bella’s direction and hurried over, his expression cautious. Cam had warned him about the grumpy neighbour.

“Signor Gastani, this is Frankie. Frankie, this is Signor Gastani. He is a vulcanologo, er.”

“I study and teach about volcano’s,” Signor Gastani clarified in English. Which Cam had no idea he spoke.

“There is nothing Signor Gastani couldn’t tell you about Mount Vesuvius,” Cam added, with pride he hadn’t realized he felt.

“You may call me Lorenzo,” Signor Gastani told Frankie, patting his arm. Then turning to stare down Cam’s frown, “You may not.”

Cam laughed. Surprised at the wave of fondness that filled him. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Signor,” he admitted. Laughing again when Signor Gastani grinned.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Lorenzo,” Frankie said, in careful Italian. Joining the joke.

“Ah, good,” Signor Gastani acknowledged Frankie’s Italian, but spoke again in English. “I go to bed now. Come tomorrow with the two boys. We can talk while they work. I have the best coffee.”

“It would be my pleasure, thank you,” Frankie agreed.

Signor Gastani nodded firmly, then reached up and gave Cam a none too gentle pat on his cheek before pinching his chin, “This stubborn jaw,” he stated, before reaching a kinder and slightly trembling hand to Frankie’s face and cupping him gently. “And this sweet smile.” He nodded again, “Yes, you will do well together.”

He turned and walked back into his house. “In the morning, then. Goodnight.” The door slammed shut before either of them made a reply.

Bella was smiling and holding the door when the crossed the street. Tonio having taken Frankie’s bag in.

“He’s having a stairlift fitted in the morning,” she confirmed as they walked in. “Tonio said you and he would move some furniture to make space.”

“That’s okay,” Cam said as he was pulled into a hug. He closed his eyes and rested his head on Bella’s shoulder. He loved the feeling of safety when she held him. A feeling he hadn’t known until he was nearly grown.

“He was weird with Frankie,” he murmured, feeling bemused.

“I showed him the wedding pictures,” Tonio told him. “He said Frankie reminded him of his brother. The one that died fighting next to him in the war.”

Frankie gasped and looked horrified, his hand flying to his mouth. “That’s terrible.”

Tonio nodded, “Yea. He was shot and died in Signor Gastani’s arms. Really horrible thing to experience. But it’s okay, he said he wanted to meet you.”

Cam stood back as Bella released him, surprised as Tonio continued.

“He wasn’t bothered at all that you married a man. He said people should be able to love who they love.” Tonio moved forward now and finally pulled Cam into an embrace.

Cam pushed aside his surprise over the old man, to concentrate on his brother. “Missed you,” he said, pulling Tonio even closer.

Tonio hugged him back. When they separated, they were both misty eyed, and neither embarrassed about it.

Cam cupped Tonio’s face and shook his head, his heart amazed. “How are you such a man? You were a baby five minutes ago.”

“You’re just getting old,” Tonio teased, and kissed his cheek in an easy display of affection.


The next morning Cam walked Frankie towards the docks.

It had been an early start. Tonio and Cam sweating and huffing as they moved bookcases (plus the books) and cupboards to clear a space around Signor Gastani’s stairs.

As they worked, Frankie and the Signor had sat in the warm morning sun, sipping coffee leisurely. Frankie apparently fascinated by Signor Gastani’s tales of volcanos, the city, and his endless stories. Shared in a combination of slow Italian and basic English.

Cam had laughed and muttered under his breath to Tonio that some of the stories might even be true.

Frankie had accepted that Signor Gastani would consider him a guest and be offended if he tried to help with the work. Cam had been pleased that after one offer, to ease his own conscience, Frankie had kept the Signor out of their way.

God knows, if he hadn’t been distracted, it would have taken twice as long.

Still the coffee had been hot and plentiful, and the pastries delicious.

Tonio had now scampered off to practice his dubious charms on his latest girlfriend, and Cam was showing Frankie the city.

He laughed out loud when they reached a major intersection and Frankie saw the fast moving traffic.

“Um, Cam? Why isn’t the traffic stopping?” Frankie watched four wide lanes of traffic (although in some places it was more like six lanes as illegal overtaking seemed to be a national sport!) zip past.

“They won’t stop.”

“But it’s a zebra crossing,” Frankie stated, and Cam laughed harder at his naivety.

“I know for a fact this is not your first time in Italy,” he said, before placing a hand on Frankie’s back and pushing. “Let’s go.”

Horns honked, curses flew (many from Frankie) and scooters whizzed around them as they strode across the road.

When they reached the other side, Frankie delighted Cam by bending double, his hands on his thighs. “Holy shit!”

“You’re so brave. I’m so proud,” Cam told him in an exaggerated voice, patting his back.

“Leccaculo!” Frankie responded. Cam knew he would regret teaching him that one. He laughed again when Frankie straightened and told him, “We are getting a cab back.”

They spent the rest of the morning and a lazy afternoon wandering the city, stopping at cafes, and eating gelato while watching the boats of varying sizes.

Sun-brushed, sleepy, and slightly sick (it was hard to decide on flavour when it came to gelato), they picked up some wonderful fresh and fragrant vegetables at the market and arrived back at the house in time to prepare dinner.

Cam sat and sipped wine and felt almost too full of love and pleasure as he watched Frankie teach Bella and Lucia how to make Paella.

Tonio arrived home in time to eat (of course) and disappeared again when it was time to clean up (typical).

Cam took the opportunity to chat with Lucia and catch up on her news. They hadn’t had much time at the wedding, which had been a few months ago.

Once the kitchen was set to rights, he went to find his husband, who had gone for a shower about an half an hour ago and was, Cam anticipated, now clean and waiting with lube at the ready. It was time for holiday sex.

Cam slipped into the bedroom and closed the door quietly. Leaning against it, his hands behind his back, head resting on the door.

He bit his lip and smiled despite himself. Ah well, best laid plans.

Frankie was on the bed, and there was lube, but he was also unconscious. Curled up, his arm partly thrown over his head, like a cat with its paw over its nose. This bizarre position, Cam knew, meant that Frankie was deeply asleep.

He sighed and moved to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, having rinsed the remains of sun cream from his skin, Cam lazily stroked his semi-hard cock and wondered if he could be bothered to jack off, or maybe wait for the morning.

The decision was made for him when a warm, sleepy body pressed up behind him and an elegant hand brushed his hand aside. “Allow me.”

Cam smiled, and braced his hands against the wall, as Frankie reached around and caressed him to full hardness. All the while pressing sweet kisses to his back and shoulders.

“Turn around.”

Taking a deep breath, Cam did as instructed. His heart pounding at the sight of Frankie sinking to his knees on the hard tiles.

“No, we go in the bedroom.”

“It’s okay,” Frankie told him. “You’re close.”

Cam shuddered in a breath as he watched Frankie’s beautiful lips enclose his cock. Taking him deep into the heat and wet. Yes, he was close.

He stroked a shaking hand over Frankie’s jaw, gently. Then cupped the back of his head and thrust slightly.

Frankie hummed and moaned encouragement, and moments later Cam was releasing into his throat.

With a slightly filthy plopping sound, Frankie pulled back and licked his lips. His smile satisfied. “Told ya!”

Cam laughed a little and ran a hand over his face. Pushing his sopping hair back, before hauling Frankie to his feet.

“You want?” he wondered. Confused when Frankie shook his head and grabbed the shower head to rinse them both down.

“Just did, when you did.”

Cam smiled, sleepy and satisfied as they dried each other and fell in a tangle of naked limbs onto the bed.

Pushing his face into Frankie’s neck, he slept.


The next day Cam was taken by surprise as they approached the rooms where the ballroom dance classes took place.

He had been basking in Frankie’s pleasure at the old maze of buildings, when suddenly Frankie gasped and pulled him into a narrow dark alleyway.

“Shit. Shit.” Frankie exclaimed, his eyes full of panic.

“What’s wrong?” Cam had no idea what had freaked him out. Looking around the small courtyard for a clue.

Frankie held up his left hand, light glinting from his ring. “Should we take off our rings?”

Cam’s heart seemed to fall through his stomach and deep underground. “You want to?” he asked in a whisper, ridiculously hurt.

“No,” Frankie admitted, but he looked unsure, his eyes full of concern, “But I don’t want to upset your friend.”

Cam forced his feelings down and took Frankie’s shoulders. Holding his gaze. “If you are ashamed, or frightened?”

“Of course not,” the protest died as Cam glared.

“Then of course you should take off your ring. But I am not ashamed. I am proud.” His heavy heart lightened when Frankie’s smiled flashed.

“Me too,” he replied, gripping their hands. “But Sister Maria won’t be angry? I know it’s a complicated thing here.”

“She won’t be angry,” Cam insisted, relaxing when Frankie did. “I will keep my hands off you, of course. But also I will not hide. I show them respect, I expect it back.”

Frankie squeezed his hands and stood back a little. Obviously remembering that they were already on convent grounds, and Cam had banned PDA’s. “You make me so proud.”

Absurdly pleased, Cam grinned. “Sister Maria will be happy for me, I promise. Let’s go teach class.”

Frankie nodded and they continued across the courtyard and into the small hall.

Sister Maria was waiting for him. She was as beautiful as Bella, inside and out, and Cam adored her. He grinned as she smiled at them. His heart almost too full of love and thankfulness, plus the deep regret that he could not hug her like he did Bella.

He had not touched Sister Maria since he was sixteen years old. Before then it had been a rare occurrence. Usually when she cleaned up a minor injury from the scrapes he would get into. Or a cuddle when he had a nightmare.

The final hug when he left, almost a man, to live with Bella. To sleep on her sofa in the tiny house, where four of them shared one bathroom.

Frankie had been amazed and saddened to hear that Bella only saw her sister once a year. They were allowed to exchange letters, and did, but only one visit.

Cam, on the other hand, taught a class whenever he was in Naples, so saw Sister Maria at least three times a year, often more.

He had warned Frankie that they would have only a few moments to exchange news, and as requested Frankie stood in their little group. Nodding and smiling as if they were having a slow, stunted conversation and being introduced. When in fact Cam was updating Sister Maria with news and fun family stories in low, rapid, Italian.

When Sister Maria’s superior made an uneasy motion, they all stepped back casually and Sister Maria sent Frankie a grateful smile.

“We will talk,” she promised as she walked them into the room. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It’s nice to meet you,” Frankie mumbled back. Gazing around as if he were commenting on the building.

About twenty teenagers, mostly girls, only three boys, stood waiting and watching with excitement.

Cam suspected they understood a lot more about who he and Frankie were than the nuns did.

They split into two groups and were soon busy. The morning flying by. It was important that every one of the girls got to dance once with Frankie or Cam. Having professional male dancers on site, anyone who got missed would be devastated. Cam was grateful for having Frankie to share the load.

He enlisted Sister Maria and one of her colleagues to monitor this.

They also spent some time on the boys. Improving their frame and leading skills. There were a few in the group who Cam and Frankie thought would be a good pairing. The convent liked to send teams into competition, as they had with Cam, and always took his advice on talent.

After the main class, and then an extra hour with four teenagers that he and Frankie had picked out. Cam was satisfied that it had been a good morning’s work.

He emerged from a dark corridor where the bathroom was tucked away, and headed towards Frankie and Sister Maria, who were stood talking quietly. Frowning and slowing as he passed a pillar. The strange acoustics in the old building throwing the sound randomly at him.

“It was such a relief,” Sister Maria was saying. “The thought of leaving here would have broken my heart. And for some of the older nuns it would have been devastating. The donation not only saved the roof, but will allow us to secure the building for another hundred years.”

“That’s great,” Frankie said. Cam immediately recognizing guilt and discomfort in the fake bright tone.

“It is,” Sister Maria agreed. Sending Frankie the same deceivingly bland smile she used to send Cam, when he was in trouble and she was giving him just enough rope to prove it. “Hmmmm.”

Cam stepped out to rescue Frankie. “That went well, I think. You have some talented dancers.”

“Yes. Thank you so much for the class. They always learn so much. And thank you for helping, Frankie. I hope you will come again.”

“You’re welcome, and I would love to,” Frankie replied, his voice genuine now.

Sister Maria turned slightly to Cam, slipping into Italian. “He is good for you. I’m so happy for you. He has released your smile.”

Cam cocked his head, puzzled, and shrugged slightly.

“Your smile was a rare gift, Cam. You were always so guarded and careful. But now it’s free and like the sun.” She laughed a little when Cam grinned and ducked his head, feeling embarrassed.

He lifted his gaze when she continued. “He thinks that he needs you more than you need him. But that’s not true is it? Will you tell him?”

Cam’s grin widened, as he saw beside her Frankie’s frown of concentration turn to wide eyed shock, his head snapping up.

“I think you just did, Sister Maria.” Cam laughed when she spun to Frankie and then back to Cam with a look of apology. “It’s okay, you are right. And Frankie speaks Spanish, so he tends to pick up a few things.”

“I’m sorry,” she said to include both of them.

“I’m not,” Cam insisted, holding Frankie’s gaze in a challenge.

After they had said their goodbyes, and been handed hot flatbreads filled with cheese and grilled vegetables as a thank you. They wandered into the busy streets.

Cam brought some chilled water and led them to a bench, where they finished their late lunch and fended off pigeons.

Frankie was quiet, seemingly lost in thought. Cam understood that his husband was not always as confident as he liked people to think, and would be obsessing on what Sister Maria had said. He wasn’t worried. They would talk about that in time.


“Why did you not tell me about the donation?” Cam kept his voice gentle. But he was confused as to why Frankie would keep this from him.

Frankie winced and looked uncomfortable.

Cam reached for his hand. “It’s okay. I’m just curious. It’s your business of course, what you do with your money but,” he stopped when Frankie straightened.

“It’s our money now. There’s no mine and yours. I’m serious,” he insisted when Cam just raised an eyebrow. “And there. That look on your face is why. It makes you uncomfortable and I didn’t want that, or for you to feel like I was trying to buy your affection or something.”

He turned fully to Cam on the bench, his expression earnest. “You told me what Sister Maria had said about the building needing urgent work. She didn’t know you had access to funds, and you didn’t ask me, not that you need to ask me, but I decided just to sort it out. It was doable from the charity account, and now their home is secure. I don’t know how she knew it was me though,” he frowned, perplexed.

Cam nodded as Frankie spoke. The first time he had been in what was now their home, he had wondered why Frankie needed an office, as a professional dancer.

But Frankie was also an artist and a financial whizz. He worked hard, increasing his fortune and re-directing it into charitable causes. Apart from travelling in style, he mostly lived off the income from dance, teaching and art.

Now their income was joined, that had become easier, and Cam was enjoying learning how the charity fund worked, and increased, and how wonderful it felt to be able to help.

“I did intend to speak with you about the convent repairs, but I wanted to find out more from Sister Maria first.”

“Oh. Oh well. That’s okay then.” Frankie bit his lip and looked sheepish.

“And she knew, because when she told me earlier they had an anonymous benefactor I knew immediately it was you. She knows me well enough to have read my expression.”

Cam watched as Frankie gazed across the pretty square they were sat in. Waiting for him to say whatever was on his mind.

Eventually, “I think we’re both uncomfortable with the money thing, aren’t we?”

“Si. But we will be less uncomfortable as time passes. We just need to keep talking.”

“Yes. Okay. I love you.”

“I love you,” Cam leaned in to Frankie, “and I will show you my appreciation for your generosity later tonight.”

He smirked when Frankie let loose an exasperated sigh. “See, that’s just it. I don’t need or want your appreciation. We’re married. It’s your money as much as mine.”

“Are you sure?” Cam whispered into Frankie’s ear. “I thought that kissing every inch of you and then riding your dick would be a good way to demonstrate how much I appreciate you.”

“Okay, yea that’s good. I can accept that,” Frankie said over-brightly, making Cam crack up. When he added, “Is it bedtime yet?” Cam laughed so hard his belly hurt.

“No, it’s Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli time,” Cam confirmed at speed, and pulled a smiling Frankie to his feet.


Later that night, once the pizza (it had been Tonio’s turn to provide food) had been devoured and the kitchen put to rights, Cam crawled onto the bed, approaching a grinning Frankie.

He lowered himself down, rotating his hips gently as their cocks rubbed together, sending delicious friction through him, and smiled as Frankie reached up to grip his hair and tug him down for a kiss.

“Are you sure about this?” Frankie asked in between kisses. “It’s your birthday and you want to do all the work?”

Cam pressed Frankie a little harder into the mattress, thrilled at his gasp. “Si,” he confirmed, enjoying the taste of the skin at his jaw and neck. “I want to be able to see all of you. I want to control you inside me. And I want to watch your face when it does this.”

Feeling mischievous, Cam pulled back a little and shut his eyes, opened his mouth like a fish gasping for oxygen and made a little grunty-gasping noise in the back of his throat.

He was unsurprised, when he opened his eyes, to see Frankie’s lips pursed, and his eyes narrowed in a hard glare. He sniggered and collapsed full weight.

“I do not look like that when I cum,” Frankie insisted. Lightly swatting the back of his head with each exaggerated word.

Cam sniggered again, “Where is your phone? I will film you and prove to you.”

Another swat, “Shut up!”

Still grinning, Cam gripped Frankie’s face and kissed him until he was babbling nonsense and breathless. He felt Frankie’s hands slip from his shoulders and eased back. Pleased to see a gazed, dreamy look in his lover’s eyes.

“I’m going to ride you so fucking hard,” Cam promised. Kissing his way down chest, abs, and hips. Before licking a wet line up Frankie’s already leaking cock. Smirking as his hips lifted in an involuntary plea.

“Keep yourself hard for me,” he ordered, as he reached for the lube, and coating his fingers twisted himself and reached around.

Frankie’s dark eyes were locked on his, as he stroked his cock slowly. “Gonna get yourself ready for me?”

“Won’t take long. Will only need one finger,” Cam teased, then grinned as Frankie’s smile flashed.

“Ha, bloody ha!” he drawled, sarcastically.

Cam sniggered, and then gasped as he added a second finger.

“I wanna see,” Frankie pouted, and pulled himself to kneel beside Cam. “Can I help?”

“Si. Yes, okay then,” Cam agreed.

“God, you look so hot doing this,” Frankie drizzled more lube over Cam’s busy fingers, and his own. Before gently covering Cam’s hand and sliding his own finger alongside. “Can you take it?”

“Yes.” Cam’s eyes were closed now. He concentrated on the stretch and burn. Grateful when he felt Frankie press close, his left hand slid over and caress his balls, tugging slightly, even as his finger slid deep into Cam, who was now impaled on both of them.

When he opened his eyes, it was with a flash of shock to see them displayed in the mirror. Frankie was already watching their reflection.

“Better?” Frankie asked, with another soft tug.

Cam nodded, keeping his eyes on Frankie’s as he waited for the discomfort to ease. Then with a sigh, “Yes. Good. Lie down.”

“Oh. Yes, Sir,” Frankie quipped, as he lay across the bed. “I want to watch,” he explained the odd angle.

Cam knee walked up Frankie’s body until he was straddling his hips. Yes, this was hot, being able to see themselves in the mirror.

He quickly added extra lube to Frankie’s throbbing cock. His own twitching in reaction. He rose on his knees and guided Frankie’s cock into himself. They were both darting their gaze between each other and the mirror.

He could feel Frankie’s hands gripping his thighs as he lowered down, his blunt nails digging in slightly.

“You feel so good, ti amo” Frankie murmured he was enclosed. Cam beamed, his smile taking over his face. He didn’t care.

“Ti amo,” he replied. Leaning down, balancing on Frankie’s chest, to take his lips.

Even as he sank into the kiss, he let himself relax down, and they both gasped as they kissed.

Cam lifted himself and sank again slowly, before he broke the kiss. “I always forget,” he admitted. “How much you fill me.”

“Do it again,” Frankie begged, his eyes on Cam’s ass in the mirror. Cam rose and fell again, enjoying the lust in Frankie’s eyes.

“Look at you inside me,” Cam moaned, repeating the move, as he strained his neck a little to see.

Frankie’s hands gripped his hips and he thrust a couple of times. Cam allowed it, because it felt fucking amazing, before he gripped Frankie’s wrists and moved them back to his own abs.

“No. I am in charge today,” he reminded a flushed Frankie.

“Ride my fucking dick, Cam,” Frankie begged.

With a laugh, Cam obliged. He balanced on Frankie’s flexing hard abs, as he started to bounce. Feeling the shuddering spike of every fall, deep in his ass and stomach, before he lifted again with the mixed sense of loss and relief.

Then the deep craving that made him fall again and again.

Frankie’s hands were busy. Stroking his chest and stomach and cock. Murmuring praise and demands in an intriguing mix of English, Spanish, and Italian. Obviously the Italian was a bit basic, and the accent was plain weird.

“What are you laughing at?” Frankie gasped when Cam started to chuckle.

“Nothing,” Cam tapped his head quickly. “Brain. Crazy. Cazzo. I’m cumming,” he grunted. Pushing Frankie’s hand away from his cock and starting to jack himself hard, while still bouncing.

“Yea. Cover me,” Frankie moaned when Cam did just that, his cum streaking across Frankie’s chest and stomach. Even some on his neck.

“Fuck, Yes,” Frankie gripped Cam’s hips now and thrust hard several times, Cam feeling the heat and wet, flood into him.

“Urghh,” was his only comment as they both went limp and he collapsed on top of Frankie’s heaving chest.

When he felt Frankie’s hand lift and trail down his damp back, he opened his eyes. Immediately seeing in the mirror that Frankie was splayed and crushed under him, but looking pretty happy about it.

“Hey,” Frankie smiled at him.

Cam just smiled lazily and somehow went limper. He could feel Frankie gradually softening inside him. His ass was still vibrating.

They watched each other for a few more moments until Frankie’s expression turned confused, and then sheepish.

“Er, Cam? I can feel my cum leaking out of your ass and all over my legs.”

“Don’t care,” Cam slurred, as he lazily watched Frankie’s hand move up and down his back, in the mirror.

“That would be my legs, and Bella’s sheets,” Frankie pointed out.

Cam sighed, and turned his head for a kiss, before reluctantly moving.


The following morning, Cam languidly packed his case. And Frankie’s.

As Frankie had disappeared on ‘an errand’ with Tonio first thing and begged for Cam to sort his stuff out. Confirming he would pick up their hire car on the way back.

Cam wasn’t sure about being abandoned on his birthday-next-day, as Frankie was calling it, but it was pretty clear to him that Frankie was up to something.

No sooner had Cam finished zipping the small cases shut, than Frankie strolled in. Sunglasses perched on his head, with a sunny smile and a wink.

He disappeared into the bathroom. Cam waited for the flush and sounds of running water. Grabbing Frankie as he came back out.

“What have you been up to? You look like the creamy cat.”

Frankie laughed with delight. “There might have been a pastry or three. I got some for the drive.”

“Cannoli?” Cam asked, hopefully.


Cam narrowed his eyes and pulled Frankie closer. His hands sliding around Franke’s slim waist and gripping his ass. “Come on,” he demanded, his pelvis rubbing against Frankie. “Tell me what else you have done. I can see you have a secret.”

Frankie slid his hands up Cam’s arms, to his shoulders, his eyes amused. “I won’t tell. You won’t break me.”

“Are you sure?” Cam slid one hand into Frankie’s jeans, and cupped the warm, smooth skin of his ass. Smiling in satisfaction as Frankie shuddered and let out a low growl, eyes fluttering closed.

“That’s cheating,” he complained.

“Is it?” Cam wondered and lowered his lips to Frankie’s neck. Kissing, then biting, as his hands gripped tighter.

At which point the door crashed open and Tonio barged in. “Are you coming?” he asked.

Frankie pressed his face into Cam’s shoulder and let out a snorted laugh.

“What the fuck, asshole. Can’t you knock? Don’t just barge in here,” Cam let rip in rapid, furious Italian as Tonio just leaned casually on the door frame and observed them.

“Can’t you keep your hands from each other for five minutes?” he asked.

“Fucking knock,” Cam insisted again. Slipping his hand out of Frankie’s jeans as discreetly as he could and pinching his hip. Hard. As Frankie continued to vibrate in his arms, with laughter.

“Would you like it if I barged in on you and Anna-Maria when you’re tucked in your room. Huh? Don’t you know what privacy is?” Cam continued. His irritation growing as Tonio merely gifted him with the same cocky smile that he knew wound Frankie up when it appeared on his face.

Jesus Christ! Talk about pay back.

“I wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave the door unlocked,” Tonio drawled, both his dialect and accent as thick as mud. “And maybe if I did you would learn something. Pick up some hints!”

“You little-” Tonio laughed and danced back a little as Cam lunged for him. Frankie, still laughing, body blocked him.

“Now stop. No fighting.”

“I’m gonna kick his ass,” Cam grumbled, this time in English.

“No you’re not,” Frankie told him firmly. “Not if you want your surprise.”

Tonio grinned now, seeing the danger had passed, and caught Cam in a bear hug.

Cam’s heart swelled, but he still deliberately mused up Tonio’s hair. “Little shit-bag,” he said. Or words to that effect.

He was grinning when Tonio pulled back.

“Sorry, Frankie,” Tonio said. “We shouldn’t argue when you can’t understand.”

“I wasn’t aware humans could speak that fast,” Frankie admitted.

“I’m going to wash my hands,” Cam muttered and headed for the bathroom. Grinning when he heard Tonio answer.

“Yes, Jesus, please do.” And then remember the hair mussing. “Oh, fuck. Schifo!” Followed by Frankie’s delighted laugh.

“We’ll take the cases,” Frankie called and Cam just grunted an acknowledgement. He knew Frankie was up to something and was curious. He hoped they weren’t going to be trying to balance their cases on a couple of Vespa’s or something.

He wandered towards the open doorway, hearing Tonio’s excited voice and Bella’s reply.

But when Cam walked into the street, his legs literally went weak and he gasped in shock.

Frankie just beamed at him as he stared in amazement.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” Tonio asked excitedly, as he gently stroked the hood of the Ferrari-red, well, Ferrari.

“It’s a Ferrari,” Cam said stupidly. His tongue felt slightly numb.

“It’s a 1972 Daytona,” Tonio told him in an awed voice.

“It’s a car,” Lucia stated, not impressed. “It’s even older than Mama.”

“She’s a beautiful car,” Bella corrected in an exaggerated gentle tone, designed to soothe the suddenly offended nearby testosterone carriers. “Very pretty.”

“Drives like a dream,” Tonio said, and Cam felt himself jolt again.

“You drove it?” he gasped, horrified.

“Only half a mile, just the last three streets. Frankie wouldn’t let me drive any further.”

Cam turned on Frankie. “He doesn’t have a licence yet,” he exclaimed. His heart racing, even though both Frankie and Tonio were stood, unharmed, in front of him.

“I know,” Frankie admitted. “But he used those gorgeous brown eyes on me, and I couldn’t say no.” As he pleaded his case, Frankie peered over the dark lenses of his glasses. Ruthlessly using his own gorgeous brown eyes on Cam.

Cam dragged his hands down his face, but then laughed. He felt slightly giddy, but clearly the car, and his boys had survived.

Then he lowered his eyes and gaped at Frankie again, as a sudden, even more shocking, thought hit him. “Frankie. You didn’t?”

“It’s a hire,” Frankie laughed, and rubbed his arm. Reading him easily. “For our drive down the coast. You think I would buy you a classic Ferrari. I’m not that crazy.”

At that point, Signor Gastani’s door opened, and he joined them. Giving them the benefit of his experience and sitting with a surprisingly boyish grin, in the car.

When Cam offered to take him for a short drive, the grin widened and they took off for twenty minutes around the neighbourhood.

Only five minutes of that was proper driving. The rest was neighbours paying their respects to Signor Gastani, admiring the car, and being reminded just who Cam was.

“Tonio’s brother. You know, he lives in England,” Signor Gastani would say. Or, “Camillo Russo, you remember when he broke my window/stole some apples from your tree/used to clear the snow from your steps/etc.”

Cam switched between feeling as ancient as Signor Gastani, or a teenager again, but it was a fun drive, and he enjoyed Signor Gastani’s pleasure.

Promising to drive carefully, when Signor Gastani asked. Although Cam’s suspicion was he was more concerned for Frankie, who had clearly made a big impression.


Finally the road trip was underway.

Cam grinned as they purred into the city and continued to smile, even as they sat in the heavy traffic. Both him and Frankie preening at the envious looks from other motorists and people walking by.

They waved regally at honks, and had several conversations with enthusiastic young men on scooters, who all looked interested that it was possible to hire such a car and went zooming off, newly motivated to earn the funds with which to do so.

Still, after moving under three miles in forty-five minutes, Cam decided he’d had enough birthday (next day) posing and swung the car into a narrow street and away from the traffic.

“Whoa, will it fit?” Frankie asked, cautiously tucking his arm in.

“Is a short cut,” Cam reassured him, giving him a careless shrug that made Frankie burst out laughing. “Why are you laughing? I won’t get lost.”

Frankie repeated his shrug, exaggerating it slightly. “You and Tonio are so alike.”

Cam grinned. Pleased.

They whizzed through narrow one-way streets, only occasionally slowing for a lazy cat (as all cats assume the right of way), and left the noise and traffic behind.

Cam ignored a slight sense of unease as he turned into a part of town he didn’t go to very often, and then heard the unexpected sound of chattering teeth.

He glanced at Frankie, concerned to see he was shivering. Hugging himself, his eyes wide, fearful, and confused on Cam’s.

“Hey?” Cam reached across, his concern growing. Frankie’s skin was cold.

“How old is Signor Gastani?” Frankie asked in a voice so quiet, Cam hardly heard.

He squeezed Frankie’s arm, “Hold on. Just a little while.” He concentrated on navigating the tiny streets, before popping suddenly onto a large road. The sea appeared before them and the car filled with warm sunshine.

Cam drove for fifteen minutes. Frankie had uncurled himself and seemed more relaxed, but sad. Gazing at the ocean, his hand resting on Cam’s thigh as if he needed the contact.

Cam pulled into a car park that looked over the ocean and the city. Basking and lazy beneath them. He switched off the engine and thought for a moment before taking Frankie’s hand, shocked to find it was still ice cold.

He shifted and pulled both of Frankie’s hands into his, rubbing them to warm them up. “I’m sorry, are you okay?”

Frankie nodded, giving Cam a weak smile. He rested in the seat and let Cam warm his hands for a moment before speaking.

“One of my favourite city’s in Spain, is Barcelona,” he began.

“I haven’t been.”

“I’ll take you,” Frankie promised softly. “It’s a twisty city. Lots of streets and courtyards. Beautiful. But in some places there is an echo. Like an echo of darkness reaching from the past. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

Cam raised Frankie’s hands and kissed each palm. He was warmer now. “Cities have memory’s. I believe that.”

Frankie only nodded and waited.

Cam sighed. “Signor Gastani is in his mid-nineties, I believe.”

“He can’t have fought in the war?” Frankie frowned.

Cam looked at the city sadly, his jaw tense. “He wasn’t a solider, no. He was fifteen, maybe sixteen, and his brother a year older. They were part of a crowd when his brother was shot.”

He gently squeezed Frankie’s hands. “September 1943. It was a hard time for Naples. A very hard time. Hardly anyone would still remember, but the city doesn’t forget, I don’t think.”

“He told me yesterday that I reminded him of his brother. Said he was killed by the Germans, but he forgave long ago because they were hardly more than boys themselves. I said I was sorry if I made him sad, but he said it was the opposite. He was excited to see his brother again soon, and meeting me made him happy because his memories were clearer.”

“I’m sure he has lots of happy memories as well,” Cam reached up and brushed a tear from Frankie’s cheek. “Don’t be sad. He’s an old man who has lived his life well. He’s not sad, you shouldn’t be.”

“I like him.”

“Si. I do as well.”

They sat for a few moments, with just a couple of quiet sniffles from Frankie as he composed himself.

Cam startled slightly when Frankie spoke again, his thoughts having wandered. “My dad’s mother. I don’t remember her. I was only a baby when she died, but she was a healer and like a ‘wise-woman’ in Santería, which is one of the main religions in Cuba.”

Cam nodded, encouraging Frankie to continue. Interested to hear a story about Cuba.

“She told my parents that I was sensitive, that’s the closest word, but that I should not look too deeply because it would be bad for me. That I was for life, not death, and should bring joy because the darkness would consume me if I went too close. My parents took note of that warning, and when I was fourteen, during our summer in Cuba, I spent some time with a guy who taught me to acknowledge and then release. Does that make sense?”

“Yes,” Cam turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Frankie. “Mia told me that you often see the Lady in Blackpool?”

Frankie smiled, “Oh yea. She’s nice. She’s always there. But you can’t stare, or point her out. I just give her a smile and then avoid looking again until I’m leaving. If she’s still there, I’ll give her a nod. I’ve no idea how she feels about me, but she always stays for the whole dance.”

“It doesn’t scare you?”

Frankie shook his head. “She doesn’t. The Lady in the Gallery. I think she quite likes being infamous. No, but sometimes I get very strong feelings. That can be unnerving.”

He smiled fully now. “My dad’s mother also told them that I would meet my soul-mate in my third decade and be happy, looking into eyes the colour of the sea.”

Cam snorted out a laugh, “You’re making that up.”

“I’m not. Ask Mum. I always thought I was going to marry a green-eyed Irish man. The sea around the UK isn’t often blue.”

Cam burst out laughing. Jesus, he hadn’t known he could laugh so much until met Frankie.

“I’m sorry I freaked.”

Cam frowned now. “It’s not to be sorry. Not ever,” he said bluntly. Feeling suddenly cross and uncomfortable. “I love you. All of you. So I do not want to hear sorry from you.”

“Not even when you trip over my running shoes?” Frankie asked, making Cam huff out another laugh.

“Then I will demand apology blow jobs,” Cam grinned, reaching and running his thumb over Frankie’s lips, feeling satisfied when Frankie’s eyes widened and he gasped.

“You can’t turn me on here,” he complained.

Cam sniggered and reached for the ignition. “You’ll have to be patient,” he teased. The car roared to life and he only just caught Frankie’s mumbled, “Bloody sod!”

Cam sat for a moment, the car now purring and vibrating, but then grumbled to himself and turned the key again. He ran his hands down his face and sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Frankie asked.

Cam turned and looked at him again. “I wasn’t honest,” he admitted. “I didn’t tell you everything.”


Cam gazed at the sea for a moment. “That street where you were so uncomfortable. I don’t know about Signor Gastani, although it would be the right area. But I rarely go there.” He took a breath. “I nearly died there.”

“What? Cam. What?”

Cam felt his hand grabbed and pressed against Frankie’s chest, where his heart was pounding.

“It’s okay. I’m right here, safe and sound.”

“What happened?” Frankie’s eyes were wide with fear.

“Hush. It’s okay.” Cam stroked a thumb over the exposed skin of Frankie’s chest, where his shirt was open. Comforting himself and Frankie.

“I was thirteen, almost fourteen. I delivered a package to one of the gang leaders. It turned out to be proof of the betrayal of one of his men. The man,” Cam paused and huffed. “Fuck. I’m older now than he was. Anyway, he knew he wouldn’t get out of the city alive, so he wanted payback. He killed the man who turned on him, and then came to find me.”


“Because I delivered the package.” He leaned back in the seat, shoving his hair back impatiently, his free hand still gripped by Frankie.

“I was warned to hide. The gang would find him before the morning, but he found me first and chased me to that street. It was very run down, not like now. A fire had left some houses in ruins. I wriggled into a tiny space in a basement, under rubble. Trapped if he saw me. I heard him calling and cursing, climbing all over to find me. He was still holding the knife he had used to kill the other man.”

“Oh my God,” Cam heard the lap-belt click and suddenly his arms were full of Frankie. “Cam, you must have been so scared.”

Cam linked his arms around Frankie’s waist and pulled him close. Comforted by the warm weight. Frankie’s face tucked into his neck.

“I was terrified. I prayed, for the first time in my life, to a God I didn’t even understand. Please don’t let him find me. Please let me get home to Tonio.” Cam’s voice broke, surprising him and making him feel embarrassed for a second. Until he remembered this was Frankie. He squeezed him even closer and finished. “It was after that, that our neighbour told her priest we needed help. Just a few weeks before that. She was terrified that I would be killed and she wouldn’t have the money to take Tonio on.”

Frankie kissed up his neck, then his cheeks. “What happened to the man. The man that was hunting you?”

“He would have ended up in the sea. Once they finished with him. He stole from them you see. It couldn’t be allowed.”

He smiled as Frankie’s trembling hands caught his face and his lips were taken in the gentlest kiss. Then another, and another. Until they were both trembling from arousal, instead of fear.

“Do you think I’m going to be able to drive,” Cam asked, lifting his hips a little, his erection brushing Frankie’s ass. Then groaning when Frankie caught his bottom lip, gently in his teeth, and tugged slightly. “Fuck. Frankie!”

“In a while,” Frankie smirked, and lifted himself. Clambering, slightly clumsily, back to his seat.

Cam sat and took some deep breaths. He had never known such a deep need as this.

“I have a question,” Frankie said.

Cam just turned and raised a brow.

“Did the gangs never bother you. After you were taken in by the nuns?”

Cam snorted. “Of course not. Italians can be superstitious, especially when it comes to religion. It doesn’t matter whether you believe or not, it’s all around you. I was taken in by God. They weren’t going to argue with that.”


It was early evening when the beautiful car purred it’s way down the long driveway to an elegant, but small, hotel looking out over the ocean.

They had been traveling for seven hours, even though large chucks of that were for sights they just couldn’t drive past. A few lazy coffee stops, and a long late lunch on a popular beach where Cam had enjoyed watching Frankie enjoy watching the local lads, who were busy preening and posing for the tourists.

“Why am I busting a gut in dance?” Frankie had wondered out loud. “I could just stay here and flex my abs for tourist selfies like these guys.”

Cam had caught and kissed Frankie’s hand with a smirk. “You have the abs, my beauty, but not the Italian.”

“I can practise my Italian.”

“Not the language, that’s not important. These tourists don’t speak Italian. But the accent and the charm. You can’t fake that.” Cam laughed as Frankie batted his hand away, pretending offense.

“I’m very charming.”

“Of course you are,” Cam agreed in an exaggerated soothing voice.


“See how charming.”

There were relieved to arrive though, and looking forward to some proper alone time.

The hotel had been recommended by a friend who described it as intimate, but with enough guests to be interesting. And very LGBTQ+ friendly.

More than friendly, in fact. The website had strong warnings about tolerance, and when they walked into the lobby there was a beautiful artwork effectively saying LGBTQ and every ‘plus’ you could possibly imagine, over and over.

One, when Cam interpreted it, even Frankie said, “What the hell is that?” in a low voice, immediately whipping out his phone.

Cam was a little shocked, as Frankie usually knew everything about the queer community. He walked to the desk, smiling at Frankie’s quiet, “Ah, I see. Of course,” behind him.

“Buonasera,” Cam smiled at the older man and younger woman behind the desk.

“Welcome. Mr Russo? I am Benito, I am the manager here. This is Lucia, who is in charge of all of us this evening.” He looked just past Cam as Frankie joined them. “And this must be Mr Vega-Caro? Welcome.”

“We have a sister called Lucia,” Frankie smiled at them, and made Cam’s heart swell. “It’s Frankie, please.”

“And Cam,” Can confirmed, his voice a little rough. Frankie shot him a questioning look.

“Frankie,” Lucia acknowledged, rolling the ‘r’ beautifully. “Do you like the painting? I noticed you admiring it.”

“It’s wonderful. So vibrant at first glance, but there are shadows in there as well. It’s interesting. Simple at first glance, but I think not very simple at all.”

“My husband is a brilliant artist,” Cam told them proudly as Frankie beamed at him.

“How wonderful,” Benito said as he handed them both a bottle of chilled water, which they gratefully accepted. “You will have lots of inspiration here. That work was created by a group that use our facilities to meet once a week. Young people who have struggled to find their place, or to be accepted. You’re welcome to search for any materials you need if you have the need to create.” He said ‘create’ with a wink and a flamboyant wave of his hand.

“I brought some things, but thank you.”

They were efficiently escorted to their room by Benito. Who told them more of the local village, a hippie stronghold (not the famous one), with the sea in front of it and the forests behind.

Of the ‘safe space’ that the village had become, and how the hotel had become part of that. The art and counselling that the hotel provided space for.

A run down of the staff members, the menu, and activities available.

Finished with an introduction, via his phone, to his wife, three kids, a dogs and a goat. With a solid history of all (the goat had lived a very interesting life).

Cam’s head was spinning when Benito finally left the room advising thirty minutes and their light super would be ready for them.

He turned and found Frankie collapsed on the bed, in hysterical, silent laughter.

“Oh my God,” Cam exclaimed. Bending to pick up a pillow that Frankie had knocked to the floor.

Frankie splayed on the bed, holding his stomach. “I love him. Thank goodness you’re spoken for. He would be exactly your type if he wasn’t straight!” Frankie half wept, shaking with laughter.

Cam just shook his head and threw the pillow at him.

A couple of hours later they were fed, watered, and after a stroll around the beautiful gardens, back in their room.

Benito, who Frankie declared was most definitely the perky-ist person Frankie had ever met. (Lovingly leaving Cam to translate the word ‘perky’ to Benito, who was delighted and found it hilarious). Had persuaded them to sign up for ocean paddle boarding the next afternoon.

He had been aiming for windsurfing, but when they explained their jobs, and Cam’s recent back injury, he had relented. Paddle boarding it was.

He had then surprised them with a bottle of champagne and enthusiastic embraces, when he found out they were actually on their honeymoon. Cam had insisted on Benito and Lucia joining them.

Then the night porter joined them, and a young lad who had raced in, his eyes big as moons, after spotting the Ferrari parked outside.

Lucia had seemed surprised when the young man chatted in excitement to Cam and Frankie about the car, and begged to be allowed to wash it the following day.

He worked in the gardens normally, but Benito had agreed.

Lucia quietly explained to Frankie and Cam afterwards, that the lad was autistic and struggled with people he didn’t know. He usually avoided guests, and she had never seen him so confident and animated with strangers.

Apparently, he did have a passion for cars, though.

Cam was glad they had escaped with only half a glass of champagne each, as he was already weary and a little lightheaded.

“Wow. Aren’t they all lovely,” Frankie said, coming out of the bathroom after freshening up.

He bounced onto the bed beside Cam who was waiting, having already got himself sweet smelling and minty fresh, and was half reclined and trying not to doze off.

“Italians are very tactile though,” Frankie added.

“Like that bothers you,” Cam snorted, as he clumsily pushed Frankie’s towel aside wanting to get to flesh.

Frankie laughed. Low, tired and a little husky. “I’ve never turned down a hug in my life.” His head flopped onto the pillow, even as Cam took his dick in hand.

Cam smiled and snuggled in next to Frankie, his breath faltering slightly when Frankie gripped him in return.

“Let’s just take it easy, yea? I’ll get my second wind in a few,” Frankie suggested. Twisting his wrist in just the way to make Cam whimper.

“Hmmm, yes,” Cam agreed. Nestling further into the pillow as Frankie’s free hand slid into his hair and started to lazily tease.

Cam tried to concentrate on his movements. Frankie’s delicate hardness in his hand. But even as he stroked, his eyes grew heavy. The distraction of roaming fingers massaging his scalp, and the tugging on his cock, the answering heaviness in his tummy and his balls.

It just all felt so good.


Cam woke with a smile on his face.

A little pissed off with himself for falling asleep the previous night, but his arms were tight around a relaxed Frankie, and hilariously his cock was still gripped (thankfully gently) in Frankie’s hand.

Stubborn son of a bitch, Cam thought as he kissed Frankie’s hair and started to disentangle himself. He had to win, literally everything!

Cam frowned at himself in the bathroom mirror as he cleaned his teeth. Mainly because it was really hard to clean your teeth when you were grinning, and he couldn’t seem to stop. So he glared his most ferocious ‘Paso’ glare as the brush hummed.

When Frankie skipped into the bathroom, he stopped dead, a look of shock on his face. “What’s wrong. Oh my God, what’s happened?”

Cam cracked up and half spat, half coughed, toothpaste into the sink and down his chin. Cursing and gesturing for some paper towel.

“What’s going on?” Frankie asked, still concerned as he passed the towels over.

“Nothing, I was just practising,” Cam reassured him.

“You looked really angry.”

“I woke up too happy,” Cam explained, laughing again at Frankie’s eye roll.

“Of course. That makes sense. Not!”

Cam just laughed and decided not to explain further. A little mystery is good in a relationship, yes? And he didn’t want Frankie to become too big headed.

“Nuoo-wower?” Frankie asked him around his own buzzing brush.

“No. We will only have to shower again after the gym,” Cam answered. Understanding him perfectly.

Frankie nodded agreement and turned to spit.

Just over an hour later they both piled into the shower, following a brief scuffle in the doorway.

Sweat soaked clothing fell to the floor. They were both still winded from their work out.

Frankie got the prime position and therefore control over the temperature, as Cam was disadvantaged by the tie on his shorts pulling into a knot.

“Shit! Bastardo” Cam cursed as the extreme heat immediately peeled away three layers of skin.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Frankie teased, as the water pounded over his head and shoulders.

Cam put his hand through the spray, thinking to reach the shampoo, but swore again and pulled it back. “No, I’ll wait for you to finish,” he told Frankie and made to leave the shower.

“But,” Frankie gave an exaggerated pout and eye roll. “Okay, I’ll turn it down.”

Temperature now at non lobster broiling levels, Cam lathered up and shampooed Frankie’s hair. Watching the white suds slide over Frankie’s dark skin.

He chased them with his hands. His fingers pressing and slipping into the groves and ridges of Frankie’s toned shape.

Frankie held his shoulders for support and just grinned. Like a cat, soaking up the attention.

After several long minutes, Cam simply slapped the bottle into Frankie’s hand, as a sign it was time to return the favour.

Smirking, Frankie did so.

When Frankie’s fingers slipped up and down his crack, Cam groaned deep in his throat and bent slightly, his hands braced on the wall.

“Hmmmm,” Frankie considered, and angled the shower head a little before another bottle clicked and Cam tensed slightly as slippery fingers teased and dipped slightly into his hole.

“Did you really being lube in the shower?” he wondered.

“Yea, so like, be careful. It’s about to get super slippery in here.” Frankie gently put pressure between Cam’s shoulder blades as he spoke, and Cam sank down, his butt sticking out, as the clever fingers dipped deeper.

“Fuck,” Cam breathed, as his body tensed and then released, allowing Frankie deeper access.

“Actually.” The attention paused as Frankie stepped out of the shower and picked up both of their dirty tops. Cam lifted one foot and then the other as Frankie placed the clothing on the shower floor for grip. Before pushing Cam back down.

“Safer,” he concluded, dribbling more lube.

Bent double now, with water soaking his head and shoulders, and two of Frankie’s fingers diving and twisting in his ass, Cam was fast becoming lost to sensation.

He pushed back as Frankie pushed in, teasing until he was begging.

Finally Frankie slipped his fingers out (three now, Cam was frantic), and gripped his hips.

“Please, Frankie. Fuck, please,” Cam begged. Moaning again when Frankie pushed deep.

The grunts and slaps of water soaked rutting echoed around the bathroom. Cam’s legs shaking as Frankie nailed his prostate thrust after thrust, until he felt he would combust.

“I’m cumming. Cam, I’m cumming, can you cum?” Frankie gasped, his hips jacking fast.

“Si. Now. Cum. Thank you,” Cam huffed out, and then half sank as pleasure flooded out of him and all down his legs, even as Frankie’s heat flooded into him.

Cam shook his head and walked his hands back up the shower wall, pathetically grateful as Frankie’s arm around his waist, helped to drag him up.

“Did I break you, big guy?”

Cam could feel Frankie’s body shaking. He felt his face flush, as he knew Frankie was laughing at him. “Sorry, my legs went funny.”

“Got your feet under you now?”

“Si,” Cam nodded and tipped the shower head back to cover both of them, before turning and leaning against the wall. “Oh fuck off,” he complained at the look of absolute delight on Frankie’s grinning face.

“Did you just THANK me?”

Cam merely held up a finger, which made Frankie laugh harder.

“I mean, I could start charging if it’s that good.”

“It just slipped out,” Cam tried to defend himself, then rolled his eyes when Frankie indicated his cock.

“Well, yes. It always does once I’m done,” he sniggered.

“You are impossible,” Cam told him, but he was smiling now as well.

Eyes dancing, Frankie leaned in close and their smiling lips met in a messy, awkward kiss as the water rinsed them clean.

It was Cam’s stomach growling that ended the kiss.

“Yea, me too,” Frankie told Cam’s mid-section seriously, making Cam chuckle.

It was more like an early lunch, than a late breakfast, and they were both trembling slightly by the time they ate. Purely from hunger.

Once refuelled, they slathered sun cream on each other, and then headed out for their paddleboarding class.

It was great fun.

After a couple of unplanned re-entries (into the sea), they quickly found their balance and were taken on a paddle tour by their guide, Mark.

Mark had such a strong Australian accent, that Cam was totally reliant on Frankie to translate using facial expressions and hand signals.

Mark also had a tight butt and a ten-borderline-twelve-pack. Both Cam and Frankie were giggling so hard when they caught each other’s eyes, that Mark asked them with concern if they had been drinking.

Frankie, who wouldn’t recognize subtle if it mugged him, admitted they were just horny and he, Mark, was really cute.

Thankfully, despite being straight, Mark wasn’t at all offended and spent the next two hours teasing them with ab flexing, on board squats, and other forms of posing.

“You’re a good sport,” Frankie told him, as they shook hands and said goodbye.

“Hey, if it gets me the tips,” Mark had joked, before thanking them and moving off to collect his next booking.

Frankie and Cam headed for the patio bar, and settle with tall icy glasses, needing some shade.

“Enough of a work out?” Frankie asked as he relaxed back on the lounger.

“For today, yes.”

“So are you missing Muriel. Missing work?”

Cam laughed. “She is very nice. I don’t mind dancing with her, but she’s not vey good compared to Beth. I really miss Beth.”

He turned and looked at Frankie’s profile. All dark glasses, cheekbones and sassy sensuality. “I think you should lend me Mia for some of the dances,” he suggested. His stomach knotting in almost painful lust, when Frankie’s grin flashed.

“No chance.”

“Just the one’s you are not very good at.”

Frankie gasped before he covered it. Turning slowly to give Cam a dark look over the tops of his glasses. “Fuck. You.” He said sweetly, before blowing Cam a kiss.

Cam laughed so hard he nearly dropped his drink.

They relaxed and chatted until dinner started, and then bloated their tummy’s on pasta, fragrant bread and wine.

Cam marvelled that they still had so much to talk about. Mind you, they were both so busy. Since the Paris competition ended, they were sometimes like the ships that sail past each other at night.

After dinner Cam took Frankie’s hand and tugged him back outside. Leading him down to the sand to sit under the half-moon and listen to the ocean.

They cuddled and kissed. Cam loved the lack of urgency. It felt almost sedate, but so beautiful. He was relaxed almost to the point of falling asleep.

“Come on you,” Frankie’s voice jolted Cam.


“You’re starting to snore. You wanna spend the night on the beach?”

“Was I dozing?” Cam loved that word. Some English words were quite cute. Frankie had taught him ‘spunk’ which he used as much as possible. Cam frowned now, his mind wandering to things like there, their, they’re, which just made him want to chew through his wrists.

“Spunk,” Cam stated with certainty.

“Cam. Wake up!” Frankie giggled in his ear, rousing him further.

“Oh, sorry.” Cam took a deep breath, surprised at just how weary he was. “Bed I think.” He let Frankie pull him to his feet and guide him inside.


A sudden blinding pain assaulted Cam. He made a strangled sound, like an indrawn scream. Cutting it off as his skull, teeth, and neck nearly disintegrated at the noise.

With no further warning his stomach rose through his throat and he crashed out of the bed, jarring every bone in his body, reaching in a literal blind panic for the nearby bin before his body completely betrayed him.

For what seemed like forever, he sobbed and retched over the bin. Choking on staggered breaths, the impossible pounding in his head, ripping through his whole body.

When finally his body was exhausted and empty, he became aware of Frankie’s hand on his back, just resting there, and his cautious, “Cam? That’s it, I’m calling a doctor.”

Careful not to move his head, even a little, Cam croaked out, “No. Just a migraine.”

“Just! Sorry,” Frankie added on a whisper when Cam flinched.

Cam reached out and felt Frankie take his hand. “Can you help me onto the bed? There are some pills in my wallet.”

“Okay. You’re right by the bed, here.” Frankie took his right hand and lifted it, pressing his palm against the mattress. “I’ll help you.”

Cam allowed Frankie to half lift him, as he half crawled back onto the bed, before gingerly sitting up. He felt Frankie guide his hands so he was gripping the edge of the bed, before he moved away.

Even the sound of Frankie rooting through his jeans made him wince.

“In the zipped pocket,” he directed in a quiet voice. He heard the popper on his wallet, and then the zipper. “I need two pills.”

“There’s only four. I can’t read the name.”

“It’s fine, I know what they are.” Cam held his hand out, palm up, nearly crying with relief when he felt Frankie place two pills. “I’ll need water straight away,” he said.

“Hold on,” the normally barely audible sound of a water bottle being un-capped, drilled through Cam’s head. “Okay, I’m right here ready. I’ll put the water in your left hand.”

“Si,” Cam acknowledged, concentrating on not nodding his head. He picked up the two pills and placed them, immediately feeling the water in his hand and gratefully washing them down, before taking a long drink.

“Grazie,” Cam muttered, not realizing he had slipped into Italian. “Sdraiarsi.” He felt weak and swimmy. Not hearing Frankie’s soft answer, but feeling his strong arms supporting him as he lay down, and the pillow being arranged.

A gentle touch on his hair and he was gone.

When Cam next woke, he was on his back covered by a light sheet, a cool cloth was on his head. He fiddled and removed a damp cloth with an icepack enclosed.

Blinking, he peered cautiously. Deeply grateful to find the room cool and gloomy. The curtains were drawn against the light. A breeze slipping through the edge, but a chair stopping them from moving enough to let the light in.

A fan was blowing on him from across the room. Soothing, rather than drafty.

He turned his head, very carefully, relieved when it stayed on his shoulders and saw an icy jug of water and his wallet with his pills placed on top, waiting for him.

He sat up slowly. Shaking and nauseous, but not actually sick. Moving to the side of the bed and pouring some water. The jug went down with a bump and he swore softly. Almost immediately the curtains briefly parted, and Frankie came in from the balcony.

“You woke up. Yay!” he whispered. Like he was joking, but Cam could read the concern in his eyes.

“It’s passing,” he reassured. “How long ago did I take the pills?”

“Five hours ago. It’s two pm.”

“Jesus,” Cam forgot not to shake his head, immediately regretting it. “Okay, I can take some more.” He popped the final two pills and drank deep again.

Frankie perched next to him, looking worried. “Do you have more pills?”

“I won’t need them. It will get better now.”

Frankie nodded, not looking convinced. “Should you eat?”

Cam wrinkled his nose, he wasn’t in the mood, but Frankie had a point.

“I have some fruit salad here. It’s quite plain. Can you eat some of that?”

“That sounds perfect. I’ll try,” Cam smiled as Frankie dashed to the kitchen area and came back with a plate.

“Room service made it up for you.”

“Thanks,” Cam nibbled on a piece of apple, and instantly felt ravenous.

He ignored Frankie’s dark eyes watching him as he ate. Bade him wait, as he staggered to the bathroom, and stumbled back like an old, drunk man. And held his silence until he had lain back down and taken a deep breath.

Then he met Frankie’s eyes. “You should go out, for a walk or to the beach. I’m going to sleep again. I promise it will get better now.”

“I can wait with you.”

“Frankie, please don’t waste the whole day. Go get some fresh air, I’m just going to sleep another couple of hours. Maybe we can have dinner in our room tonight?”

“Will you be able to eat properly?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Cam worked up a smile. “And we can talk later. Is that okay?”

“Yes, okay.”

Cam smiled, satisfied and closed his eyes. Then opened them again when Frankie didn’t move. “I thought you were going to walk?”

“Sure, when you are asleep.”

Cam just rolled his eyes, and reached behind him, lifting the sheet, “Come on then.” Unable to hide the smile when Frankie grinned, whipped off his shorts, and slipped into the bed behind him.

“Afternoon nap. How decadent,” he murmured.

Trying to despair of his over protective husband, but mostly filled with happy-snuggleness, despite the lingering pain, Cam just smiled and slept.

It was warmer when he woke again. The breeze was still tangling the curtains, but the room felt little closer now. Stuffy.

He rolled and looked at Frankie, who was sat next to him, resting against the headboard and sketching in swift, sure strokes.

“What time is it?”

Frankie glanced at his watch, “Seven. It’s gotten a little muggy.”

“You can open the curtains now, that will help.”

Frankie nodded and went over to tug the curtains apart. Soft light and more of a breeze floated in. “It will cool down soon.”

“Hmmmm,” Cam was distracted. Having pushed himself to sit, he was studying the sketchbook. Simple pencil lines had captured his uncovered body draped across the sheets.

His hair was tousled, his (slightly exaggerated) cock was half hard, and his lips in a slight pout, belying the innocent face. “Do I really look this young?” he asked, running a finger over the figure.

“Yes. When you are asleep. Then your eyes open and the wicked kicks in!”

Cam smirked a little as Frankie squeezed back next to him. “This looks like innocence that has just been ravished. What were you thinking about?”

“Ravishing you,” Frankie whispered in a husky tone.

Cam smiled, his laugh very weak. “Maybe tomorrow.”

“It’s a date,” Frankie promised, placing the pad to one side before looking back to Cam with an expectant expression.

Cam sighed. “I’m sorry Frankie. I haven’t had a migraine in years, I didn’t think. I didn’t expect it.”

“You had pills,” Frankie pointed out gently.

“Probably out of date. They must have been in there for well over five years. Longer?”

Frankie frowned his disapproval, but thankfully didn’t nag. Which Cam knew meant he must look really rough.

“Do you have triggers?” Frankie asked, then his expression darkened to accusation when Cam winced.

“It was probably the wine last night,” he admitted.

Now the expression changed to confused. “You drink wine sometimes. You had wine at Bella’s?”

“I buy organic wine at home, and so does Bella when I am visiting. Probably the hotel’s wine is not organic. I just didn’t think. It hasn’t happened in so long.”

“Leeds,” Frankie said with sudden inspiration.

“I’m sorry?”

“Or Sheffield. Leeds or Sheffield. That would have been around six and a half years ago. I found Beth wandering the hotel. We were both quite new, but of course you snapped her up before anyone else got the chance! She was hungry, but didn’t want to go in the restaurant alone. There was a loud stag party and they were making her too nervous to go outside. It was dark. April maybe?”

“Ahhh,” Cam murmured as his brain caught up.

“I asked why you weren’t taking care of her and she said you were sleeping. That you were ill. I bet that was your last migraine.”

“It probably was,” Cam admitted, feeling guilty. “What happened with Beth?”

“I took her into the bar and brought her dinner. They kicked us out at midnight, we were having so much fun. Her whole life experience was so different to mine, it was fascinating.”

“Thank you,” Cam said seriously.

“For taking care of Beth? Of course, I adore her. It wasn’t a problem.” Frankie grinned when Cam’s tummy rumbled. “Dinner’s ready when you are. Maybe put some clothes on!”

Cam smiled and pulled on his shorts before joining Frankie in the small kitchen.

“Chicken salad and some cold pasta thing. That super cute waiter, Marco? His sister has migraines. He said this should be okay for you.”

“It’s wonderful,” Cam grabbed a forkful of chicken, even before Frankie finished setting it out. “You know that super cute waiter is straight, and has a new baby?”

“I’m allowed to look,” Frankie explained patiently. Then perched on the seat next to Cam and picked up his own fork, winking at Cam. “It’s touching that’s not allowed.”

Cam just smiled and concentrated on his food.

Less than two hours later he was back in bed, somehow feeling exhausted despite doing nothing but sleeping all day, and a short post-dinner walk on the beach.

He felt bad, but Frankie had reassured him that he had been out of the room, arranging food and chatting with the staff, and had also done some yoga and meditation.

“I actually feel quite chilled,” he claimed when they returned from their sunset walk.

Cam appreciated it, even if he wasn’t fully convinced, as he slipped back to sleep.


The following morning found them, after a lazy late start, hiking a wooded and coolly shadowed trail to a nearby cove.

Cam walked steadily, feeling well, but still a little tired. Watching Frankie dart from one side of the path to the other, taking photographs and occasionally pulling out his sketchbook and rapidly creating rough scenes before quickly shading in some colours, to remind him of what he wanted to re-create on canvas.

Even his quick ‘sketchlings’ Frankie’s term for the part sketch, part scribbled notes that he created, were incredible art to Cam. Especially the speed at which Frankie did them.

He paused to take some water and allow Frankie to finish, grunting when his phone rang.

“David?” he answered, slightly concerned at the unexpected call from their friend. I mean, they were basically on their honeymoon at this point. “Is everything okay?” he asked, unable to keep the concern from his voice.

“Hi Cam. That’s what I was going to ask you.”

“What?” Cam frowned back at where Frankie was crouched, fingers still flying over the paper, a rainbow of chalks fanned out on the ground in front of him.

“Are you feeling alright, after yesterday?” David asked.

Cam relaxed, as he cottoned on. “Frankie called you,” he realized. “I’m sorry, David. It was only a migraine. He shouldn’t have bothered you.”

“He was quite shaken,” David admitted. “Sounded like a bad one.”

Cam watched Frankie feeling a little guilty, before looking out at the sparking blue ocean, visible through the trees. “They are severe, but it was my first in years. I hadn’t even considered.”

“Any other important health issues you ‘forgot’ to tell your husband about?” David asked dryly.

“No. Don’t start, I feel bad already.”

David chuckled. “I’m teasing. It just scared him a bit. He said you fell out of bed. Any damage?”

“No. Just a bruise on my thigh, Frankie called it a,” Cam thought. “Whoopie?”

“A whopper,” David suggested.

“Si. Yes, that’s it.”

“Nice. I think it was that, plus the passing out that freaked him out. No point having a mate who’s a doctor if you don’t use him. What was this medication you had?”

“Is called Zolmitriptan,” Cam pronounced carefully.


“It was probably out of date,” Cam admitted.

“Do you have more?”

“No. But I believe it was the wine I drank. Non organic wine has given me migraines before. I just was not careful.”

“But you’re okay today?”

“Yes, we are on a walk. I slept most of yesterday, but I am fine today.” Cam turned from the view and found Frankie stood beside him. ‘Is David,” he mouthed, and Frankie nodded, then looked guilty.

“Okay. Text me your date of birth and I’ll get Dad to issue a new prescription and get the pills. Six okay? I’ll leave them with Robbie.”

“You can do that?” Cam asked.

“I can’t, or shouldn’t for a friend, so I won’t, but Dad can. Make a note of the expiry date this time.”

“Thanks, David.”

“No problem. Enjoy yourselves.”

“We are. It’s beautiful here. Frankie is just sending you a picture.”

“I’ll look forward to getting it. Take care, Cam.”

“Yes. Thank you, Bye.” Cam shoved his phone back in his backpack and waited while Frankie sent a couple of images and a quick message before slipping his phone into his back pocket and looking up.

“I’m sorry you were scared yesterday,” Cam said before Frankie could speak.

Frankie let out a relieved sigh. “I probably over reacted. But you are quite important to me.”

“Quite?” Cam queried with amusement.

Frankie slipped his arms around Cam’s neck and slid closer. “Like the most important thing in my life,” he said quietly, pleasing Cam with his words, and then with a sweet kiss.

Cam slipped his hands around Frankie’s waist and yanked him closer still, deepening the kiss and raising both their temperatures. Grinning at Frankie’s ‘Whoa!’, when he let him go.

“I love you,” Cam said simply and grinned at Frankie’s happy smile. “Show me?” he asked, gesturing for the sketchpad.

Frankie blinked. “Oh, sure,” he agreed and handed the book over. Smiling again when Cam murmured in appreciation. “I’ll have enough to keep me painting until I’m ninety!”

“And I can’t even draw the men with sticks,” Cam grumbled.

“That’s not true,” Frankie objected. “I liked the stick-man-Frankie digging in the big poop pile with a shovel, that you drew for me.”

Cam glared for real now. Frankie was referring to the handmade birthday card he had attempted when he ran out of time (forgot) to go to the shops. “It was you eating your birthday cake,” he said.

“Really?” Frankie asked, then danced backwards, giggling, when Cam grabbed for him.

“You are,” Cam clicked his fingers as he searched for the word. “Bratty.”

Frankie’s eyes widened. “Who taught you that?”

Cam just smiled, smugly.

“Hmmm,” Frankie muttered, as they started to walk again. He linked their fingers casually and Cam smiled again. “You are an artist as well.”

“With dance you mean?”

“No. Well yes,” Frankie amended at Cam’s raised brow. “But more than that. I couldn’t have refinished that chest of drawers you bought. All falling apart and covered in peeling paint. Now it’s beautiful. That’s art as well.”

Cam smiled and squeezed Frankie’s hand, pleased. Both with Frankie’s praise, and the memory of the work he had done on the particular set of drawers that now sat in their bedroom.

“It just needed love and time,” he said.

“And skill, and knowledge, and an artistic eye,” Frankie told him as they walked out of the trees and onto the sand in the little sheltered cove. “Oh well. Yes, this is beautiful.”

A couple of hours later, having swam and eaten their picnic. Cam finished smoothing sun cream over Frankie’s tempting back as they idly watched a family playing together.

When the family’s dad tumbled to the sand, having tried to copy his daughter’s cartwheel, the whole family fell on him while laughing and Cam quickly wiped his hands on the towel and grabbed his phone, texting quickly.

“Who are you texting?” Frankie asked.

“No one. Myself,” he clarified. “Shh, wait one moment,” he requested when Frankie made to ask more. “An idea,” he confirmed when he was done. “For a lift.”

“What idea?” Frankie wondered, looking back at the family, then at Cam.

Cam laughed loudly. “I will not tell you. Why would I tell you?”

“What? You won’t share?” Frankie looked affronted.

“You are the competition, No?”

“I’m your husband.”

“Husband second. Competition first,” Cam declared, then grinned when Frankie playfully pounced and wrestled him to the sand.

“That’s so mean.”

Cam grinned up at Frankie, now sitting on his waist. “Mean, maybe. But that is how I will win.”

“So competitive,” Frankie declared with an exaggerated sigh and rolled off to sprawl next to Cam on the towel.

They linked hands and half dozed for a while, before swimming again and then heading back to the hotel.

“This has been a lovely lazy day,” Frankie sighed as they followed the track back. “But I’m going to have to hit the gym when we get back to the hotel.”

“Does the sex and swim not count as a work-out?” Cam wondered, and grinned when Frankie snorted out a laugh. “No, you are right. I will join you.”

“You should take it easy,” Frankie suggested, looking concerned.

“I’m fine, Frankie. But yes, I will also take it easy.”

They reached the hotel only to be invited to a yoga class, so had a more relaxing work-out than expected. Followed by a quick shower and a very slow blow job.

“Jesus, Frankie, please.” Cam was too desperate to be concerned about begging.

Frankie had been edging him for hours. Days even.

He could feel his heartbeat, frantically scrambling, pulsating through his balls. His cock was like iron.

When Frankie pulled back to tease, he tried to grip his hair and force him down, but couldn’t get purchase on the short cropped style.

“Frankie, I will kill you,” he threatened instead. Falling back, weakened, when Frankie just laughed.

Frankie was still chuckling when he curled his tongue around Cam’s quivering cock again. It was too much for Cam who just flooded out on a cry. Most of it running down Frankie’s chin and chest as he was laughing too hard to be able to swallow.

Cam cursed steadily with a stream of gutter Italian that would have blown google translate’s circuits, had it been eavesdropping.

Frankie wiped his chin with his forearm and scrambled up to straddle Cam’s exhausted, heaving body.

“Didn’t think it would take you much longer to loose it,” he quipped as he grabbed himself and started jacking off frantically. “Let’s see how much mess I can make!”

It was a pretty big mess.


Cam woke the next morning, cursing at the early morning sun casting too enthusiastic a glow across the room.

Groggy, he pushed out of the bed, yawning widely, to deal with his equally enthusiastic bladder, and then absently cleaned his teeth. Wandering out to peer at Frankie as the brush vibrated, to see if he was stirring.

As Frankie’s head was buried under the pillow, the light hadn’t woken him yet. He was sprawled face down across the fresh white sheets. The material gathered around his waist, all that smooth dark honey skin on display, tempting and sensuous.

Pausing, Cam frowned, and then moved back into the bathroom to rinse (despite Frankie telling him he should just spit), before returning for a closer look.

Sure enough Cam could see a mark from Frankie’s watch strap on his left wrist. Curious, Cam gently tugged the sheet away, exposing his ass and legs. There again, faint marks from his shorts.

Cam pursed his lips, fast becoming aroused, and lifted himself over Frankie to straddle him. The movement on the bed and of the sheet had disturbed him and Frankie appeared from under the pillow, blearily blinking and shifting to look over his shoulder at Cam.

Cam chuckled as Frankie’s eyes moved from his face to his cock and back, his gaze becoming more interested. “Someone’s awake,” he smirked. “I’m so glad I trained you out of wearing sleep shorts.”

“I can’t resist you,” Cam admitted, sweeping his hands over Frankie’s back and down to his hips, then back to his arm. “You have?”

“What? Hang on, shift a minute, will you?”

Cam lifted his weight to the side, as Frankie squirmed onto his back, freeing his semi from under his stomach. “What do I have?”

“Here, see?” Cam lifted Frankie’s arm and ran his fingers over Frankie’s wrist, then kissed it before nipping. “A mark. You have been catching the sun. No,” mildly frustrated he looked at Frankie, “That’s wrong.”

“I’ve caught the sun,” Frankie amended, turning his wrist. Cam nodded, pleased. Frankie didn’t really like correcting him, but he liked to learn. “It’s slang anyway, it doesn’t really matter,” Frankie added, proving he was fully awake after all.

“I didn’t expect,” Cam muttered.

“I do tan you know!” Frankie exclaimed.

“Okay,” Cam said neutrality, because honestly, he had never thought about it. Frankie was a demon for moisturizing and sun protection, but Cam had never considered tanning.

He winced and felt his face flush when Frankie asked, “Does your skin stay the same colour 365 days a year?”

“No, of course not. I’m sorry,” Cam’s heartbeat kicked a little. Settling when Frankie rolled his eyes and dramatically pronounced, “Jesus! White people are so clueless!”

Cam grinned, knowing he was forgiven, and lowered his head. Feeling Frankie’s hand slide lazily into his hair as he pressed an open, tasting, kiss to Frankie’s chest. “Now I have to kiss every inch of you all over, to check the change.”

“Why so? Not that I’m objecting,” Frankie murmured, his hand caressing carelessly.

Feeling wicked, Cam licked, enjoying Frankie’s slight gasp. “Because the honey now will taste perhaps more like chocolate. Ow!” He protested as Frankie flicked his head.

“Idiot! And I’m cleaning my teeth first,” Cam tried to hold him, but Frankie flipped him to the side and wriggled out, dashing into the bathroom.

Cam huffed and stroked himself as he listened to the sounds of running water and Frankie’s toothbrush.

Feeling unusually agitated and needy, he grabbed the lube and chucked it on the bed. Then he reconsidered and moved it to the end of the bed, next to a tall and wide chest with a padded top, that in his opinion was perfect for his current needs.

Could he?

Should he?

“Cam, I’m gonna grab a quick shower.”

Fuck it!

Cam charged into the bathroom and gripped a surprised Frankie by the wrist. The one with the mark of course, as that was the one which was turning him all the way on.

“After. Stop fucking teasing me,” Cam demanded as he dragged Frankie back into the bedroom.

“After what? I what? Cam!” Frankie squealed out the last, as Cam spun him and pushed him splayed over the large chest.

“Stay down.” Cam gripped the back of Frankie’s neck when he wriggled and leaned over him. Pushing his lower back into the top of the chest with his other hand. “Are you going to stay down?”

“Yes. Yes. Oh my fucking God,” Frankie started to laugh. He gripped the sides of the box, and moved his feet to brace himself better, as Cam opened the lube and drizzled it over his fingers and Frankie’s ass with a big, fat grin on his face.

“Whoa, fuck,” Frankie gasped as a long finger slid deep inside him. “Jesus, Cam. What’s gotten into you?” he chuckled.

In answer, Cam simply took Frankie’s wrist again and expertly lifted and twisted, so his elbow bent and his wrist fit snug into the small of his back. Then he leaned down and nipped at the mark again.

“Seriously? Why?” Frankie wondered breathlessly. Then gritted his teeth and growled as a second finger spread him.

“I’ve no idea,” Cam admitted. Ruthlessly spreading Frankie and feeling slightly amazed at himself.

When Frankie started to moan and pant a little, Cam swiped the excess lube over his cock and braced his feet.

“Can I just?”

“No!” Cam partnered this with a hefty slap of Frankie’s ass. His cock giving an almost painful throb as Frankie yelped and flinched, the slap and his yelp reverberating around the room.

“Jesus, fuck!” Frankie gasped, a shudder ripping through him. Cam paused for a brief second of concern, but as this was followed by a low moan and Frankie seeming to melt under him, he pushed concern aside and pushed deep and hard.

The feel of the slick heat enclosing and squeezing him was insane. He could feel every tremor in Frankie’s body, he was almost too tight.

Frankie gasp-sobbed under him, as Cam used his body to pleasure himself. Slipping out and then back in, leaning down when Frankie struggled a little.

“Do you want me to stop?” Cam snarled in Frankie’s ear, at the same time gripping his captured wrist harder and pressing it more firmly into his back.

Cam’s smile felt dangerous even to himself, when Frankie begged, “Please.” He took an even firmer grip. His free hand pressing between Frankie’s shoulder blades. That was no to stopping then. That ‘please’ never failed to send him wild.

Wild was what he felt as he started to thrust. Frankie’s feet slipping on the carpet, his free hand desperately gripping the edge of the chest, as within a few thrusts Cam was jackhammering into him so hard it sounded like someone clapping.

Cam felt almost lightheaded and he shook his head to clear it. He could feel Frankie’s body resisting him. His sphincter muscle desperately trying to protect his body from this harsh invasion.

He gripped even harder and somehow thrust deeper, Frankie letting out a scream. Looking down at Frankie helpless below him, made him think of the porn they enjoyed watching sometimes. Young men being used, and used hard.

“Fuck,” Cam muttered, his heart pounding dangerously fast with excitement and exertion. He crushed Frankie under his body and sank his teeth into the back of his neck. Feeling Frankie writhe and jerk under him as he screamed again and came hard, before going limp.

Cam pushed back upright and followed. Coming hard into Frankie’s body in several forceful thrusts, before he released Frankie’s arm and collapsed back down again.

Frankie’s arms and legs hung limp, his body wracked with sobs. After gasping some air in himself, Cam pushed up a little again, careful to stop Frankie from sliding to the floor.

“Frankie?” he queried.

“Fuck. I thought I was toppy!” Frankie managed on a shaky whisper.

“Did I hurt you?”

“A little.”

“Do I apologize?” Cam nuzzled the slight mark from his teeth, deciding it would fade quickly enough.

Frankie’s damp eyelashes fluttered, “Please don’t.”

Pushing down the urge (with surprising difficulty) to pound his chest, laugh, and dance around the room. Cam instead pressed a soft kiss to Frankie wet cheek. “Would you like a bath?”

“Oh fucking yes,” Frankie breathed with longing.

“Come.” Cam lifted him from the chest and onto the bed. Frankie flopping like a rag doll. “Just a few minutes,” he promised.

“You’re shaking,” Frankie pointed out.

“So are you,” Cam returned and left Frankie to catch his breath as he went to run the bath.

A part of him was numb, a small part concerned that he had been too rough, but mostly he was proud and when he caught sight of himself in the mirror, his grin was huge.

He heard the sound of Frankie blowing his nose, and peeked in, but was reassured at the sight of Frankie curled on his side. His arm was moving in the familiar way that Cam knew meant he was playing with balls. A post-sex routine. Well, post ‘Frankie having been penetrated’ sex habit, that Frankie didn’t even know he did.

Cam assumed it was relaxing. He turned the taps off and tested the water. Chuffing out a half laugh. He had tried it, but his balls were always too sensitive and tickly after sex, so he left well alone.

When he walked back to the bed, Frankie was relaxed, his eyes closed, one hand gently caressing his balls, a grin to match Cam’s on his face.

He hummed happily when Cam kissed him. Then held up an arm for Cam to lift him.

Cam tugged Frankie up, half concerned and half amused at his wince as he stood. With an arm around Frankie’s waist he supported him to the bathroom.

“I would guess we will keep that for only the special occasions?” he suggested.

“Probably best,” Frankie admitted, still a little breathless.

“Like the bank holidays.”

Frankie grinned, “For sure, oh and birthdays.”

“Who’s birthday?” Cam wondered.

“Anyone’s birthday,” Frankie snapped impatiently and made Cam crack up with delight.

“Okay, take it slow.” Cam stepped into the luxurious bath first and held both of Frankie’s hands to balance him as he followed.

Then he lowered himself in, leaning against the padded back rest, before again bracing Frankie again, as he knelt carefully in the water between Cam’s legs.

Frankie breathed out a kind of, ‘Whoaooooooo!’ sound and closed his eyes. Looking a bit pained, as his butt sank below the surface.

“Are you alright?” Cam asked, a little concerned. There were still tremors running through Frankie, and he seemed uncomfortable.

“One sec.”

“Is the water too hot?”

“Just one sec,” Frankie let go his death grip of Cam’s hands and rested his palms against his chest instead, balancing and resting for a moment. “The water’s fine, I just need a moment.”

Watching closely, Cam waited the few minutes until Frankie finally relaxed. Letting out a whoosh of air as the tension left him.

“Okaayyyy,” Frankie opened his eyes and smiled as he sank half onto his side and curled against Cam. One arm slipping under the water in the gap between his back and the rest. The other resting on his abs. “That feels really good now. The water,” he clarified.

Cam pressed a kiss to his hair and snuggled him close. His right hand slipping around Frankie’s left wrist. His thumb gently caressing the strap mark.

They just lay quietly for a while, and Cam felt Frankie relax even further as he dozed a little.

When his eyes blinked open, Cam was still stroking his wrist, and he snuffed quietly through his nose. “Weirdo!” he teased and Cam chuckled.

Frankie shifted again and Cam’s balls tingled at the slight scrape across his flat stomach. “You need a shave,” he told Frankie. Who just fluttered his lashes in reply, shifting slightly against Cam’s sudden semi.

“Behave,” Cam warned, and smiled as he felt Frankie shake with silent laughter.

Frankie dozed again and Cam lost track of time. The bath had a temperature control that kept the water warm, so they could stay here all day if they wanted. He lay and allowed his mind to remember and store all the gasps, cries and sexy noises that Frankie had made while he was pounding him.

A deep breath and he knew Frankie was awake again.

“Is there much pain?” he asked.

“Not now,” Frankie said. “My butt was kinda cramping when I first got in the bath, but it’s relaxed now.”

Cam nodded and allowed his free hand to stroke down Frankie’s back and gently over his bum.

“You know, once when I was a kid I scrubbed my skin so hard that I made myself bleed.”

Cam jerked at this unexpected claim, “What? What do you mean?”

Frankie was gazing at Cam’s thumb still moving in an absent gesture over his wrist.

“I was seven. The kids at school had been bullying me. It started off with the older kids, name calling and stuff. Then the kids my age. Then shoving around. I was in the bath one night and I guess I just got overwhelmed. I was trying to scrub the black off coz they told me I was dirty.”

“Frankie!” Cam shifted to pull him closer, truly shocked. “That’s? God, I don’t know what that is.”

“Mum was so upset. She came in and found I had literally grazed myself from scrubbing so hard. She didn’t know what to say to me. What to do with me. I remember her just crying. Then she went to the school the next day, I remember it was a Friday, and when she came back she was spitting mad. Told me I wasn’t going back to that school. I would have to wait until after the summer.”

“They didn’t help?”

“I had already asked a teacher for help. She just told me to ignore them. They weren’t bothered when Mum went to see them. Actually, about five years later there was a huge incident and enquiry and press and everything, at that school. But I was well out of it by then.”

Cam gently tipped Frankie’s chin, reassured when he looked up with a gentle smile. “It was about four weeks before the end of term. I was so relieved when she said I didn’t have to go back. We were due to go to Cuba in about five weeks anyway.”

“Why didn’t you tell your Mum about the bullying, before it got so bad?”

“How do you know I didn’t?” Cam just raised an eyebrow and Frankie laughed a little. “Yea, okay. There was a lot going on with her family in Spain at the time. I didn’t want to worry her. I mean, that’s what she told me I said. I don’t remember it all. I don’t remember what set me off so badly that particular day.”

Cam huffed frustrated, “You are terrible for not talking to each other.”

“We’re better now,” Frankie objected, and Cam let out another humourless laugh. Because they really weren’t very good at asking for help. He had never met three such mutually-protective people in his life, as Frankie and his parents.

“Anyway,” Frankie continued. “The next day, the Friday night, I was snuggled in bed with Mum reading a bedtime story and there was a knock at the door. I remember it was quite loud, it made us both jump. Mum told me to settle down, we would finish the story the next night. I remember listening and imagining her walking to the door and looking through the peep hole, which she always, always did. But then she let out this cry. This strange sound. It scared me.”

Cam felt his tummy shiver as Frankie spoke.

“I thought my bullies had come to hurt Mum, so I ran out of bed and into the room as she opened the door, and skidded to a stop because it was my Dad. My Dad was there. He took Mum’s face and gave her a very quick but really tender kiss. I’ve never forgotten it. Then he strode across the room and just lifted me. Squeezing me so hard.” Frankie beamed at him. “It was one of the best moments of my life.”

Cam just nodded. He had only met Frankie’s dad on a couple of occasions, but liked him very much. He had no doubt the guy had jumped straight on a plane.

“The weird thing is,” Frankie shifted so he could look up at Cam without straining his neck. “Dad stayed three weeks. But two weeks in, I had this really grown up moment and realized that he just didn’t get it. He was supportive and we had been talking and everything, but no matter how hard he tried, Dad just couldn’t understand me hating myself that way.”

“The bullies made you feel bad about yourself, but your Dad. He is a very confident man,” Cam considered. “So how did that help you?” he asked, looking back at Frankie.

“I suppose by example. My Dad had never doubted himself, or felt bad about who he was. So neither would I. I mean, he’s experienced racism, obviously, but he’s always treated that almost like ‘they are idiot’s, what can you do’. I think he pities people. I don’t have a good hard shell like he does, but I’ve never felt bad about who I am. Never again. I like who I am.”

“So do I,” Cam grinned. Taking the opportunity to steal a kiss, but kept hold of Frankie’s chin when he lifted his head. “Why is this on your mind today?”

“I don’t know really. Because we’re in the bath? It’s not like we can tell each other everything all at once. Looking at the tan line? I guess it just came into my head.” Frankie raised his own wrist now and examined it curiously.

Cam just lowered his cheek to Frankie’s head and gave himself a moment. That might be it, but he suspected he had also made Frankie feel a little vulnerable this morning.

“Did I scare you?” he asked. Wincing at his own bluntness.

Frankie reached up and placed his hand on Cam’s cheek. Which was actually really irritating, because his hand was wet, and tickly water ran down his neck. “No. I always feel safe with you. And wanted. It was exciting and sexy, and you absolutely did not scare me,” he said clearly.

Cam nodded, and then gave up and wiped the water away with a huff, making Frankie grin.

“You know what was my favourite part in that story?”

“The part when my dad walks through the door, obviously!” Frankie responded in a tone of ‘well duh!’


“What? That’s totally the best part,” Frankie looked so pissed off that Cam laughed and just had to kiss those pouty lips.

When he pulled back he laughed again, because the lips were even more pouty.

“My favourite part was the part when seven year old Frankie goes running out of his bed to save his Mum from the bullies.” He smiled in satisfaction as Frankie’s mouth fell open with a look of astonishment. “Seven year old Frankie was very brave, I think. Very amazing.”

“Gosh. I’ve never really thought about it like that,” Frankie admitted.

“Also, I have seen pictures. You were adorably gorgeous when you were a little boy. Beautiful.”

“Well, I know that now!” Frankie quipped and made Cam laugh again.

“Come, let’s get out,” Cam suggested, and watched nervously for any sign of discomfort as Frankie climbed out of the bath and stood dripping.

He followed, and after loosely wrapping a towel around his waist, he wrapped another around Frankie’s body, trapping his arms and claiming a kiss while walking him backwards.

“Where are we going?” Frankie asked, smiling.

“To the bed,” Cam advised, and snorted out a laugh when Frankie’s eyes popped wide, a pained expression on his face. “Not for that, you crazy man.”

“Well,” Frankie let out a half laugh. “I’m not sure I could!”

Cam grinned and after rubbing most of the moisture from his skin, told Frankie to lie on his side. “I want to talk to you.” He resisted the urge to slap Frankie’s ass again, as he crawled onto the bed, butt in the air.

Frankie draped himself like Cleopatra awaiting grapes, and kept his eyes on Cam as he gave himself a cursory swipe with the towel.

“What are we talking about?” he asked as Cam joined him.

Cam settled next to Frankie. Their knees were touching, bodies close. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching to touch Frankie’s skin, and idly circling his thumb around and over one dark nipple.

After barely a moment, Frankie’s resting cock fidgeted a little and then seemed to lurch lazily to life. Hardening, and effectively sneaking towards Cam across the sheet.

“Now look what you’ve done,” Frankie admonished, raising an eyebrow as he watched his naughty member.

Cam sniggered, unrepentant.

“People very often do not understand demi-sexuality,” he told Frankie.

Frankie’s hurt eyes snapped to his. “I do,” he said quietly.

“Yes, better than most.” Cam leaned in and gave Frankie a soft kiss. “Don’t look so worried, this is not a bad conversation. You understand it better than I do,” he reminded Frankie.

Frankie’s instant support and unwavering belief that Cam’s demi-sexuality was totally normal, just less common, had completely changed the way Cam thought about himself.

Even so.

“Some people would think that I do not recognize beauty, but I do. And I can be attracted to someone, even a stranger. I just. Urgh,” he broke off, frustrated that English was letting him down again.

So many useless and unnecessary words in the English language, and yet he couldn’t find the one’s he needed.

Frankie lifted a hand to his chest. “I think being demi is slightly different for everyone. But knowing you, I believe you could experience sexual attraction to a person. I just don’t think you would be driven inside, to do anything about it, unless you knew and liked them. Does that sound right?”

Cam closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, before lifting Frankie’s hand and pressing his lips to the palm. “Thank you. I say it before, but you really do understand me better than I understand myself.”

“As long as you are not about to explain how you are attracted to someone who isn’t me!”

“Well,” Cam drew out, and grinned when Frankie pulled his hand free and lightly slapped his chest. “Of course not. But from what you told me about when you were younger, the bullies. I wanted to explain why, even though it was many years before I learned I liked you and could not resist. The first time I saw you, I thought, I knew, that you were stunning.”

He smiled as Frankie’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. For once there was no sound coming out.

Reaching up and running his fingers gently over Frankie’s bottom lip, he continued. “The most perfect creature I had ever seen.”

“But, you didn’t even like me?” Frankie wondered. His eyes searching Cam’s, as Cam shifted uncomfortably.

“I think, I didn’t want to like you. I didn’t dare to like you. I was so scared of you.”

“What?” Frankie squeaked, totally shocked. “No one had ever been scared of me!”

“I was scared because I had never felt so strongly for a person before. Whether I knew them or not. It was so overwhelming. Terrifying. I thought I was completely broken, and I blamed you.”

Frankie’s expression softened, and he eased closer. Pressing his aching cock against Cam, whose own cock was now looking to join the conversation. Sliding his hand into Cam’s hair, and pulling him down for a long kiss.

“You’ve never been broken,” he reminded Cam when their lips parted. “And you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever known. Are you still scared of me?”

“Si,” Cam chased the kiss. Pressing Frankie slightly into the sheets. “But now I also know that I am safe with you,” he said when he pulled back.

Frankie kissed his fingertips and pressed them to Cam’s heart. “Always. We’ll always keep each other safe.”


“And take care of each other.”

“Of course.”

“And share with each other all of our dreams and ideas for dance so we can achieve our dreams together.”



“Yes, I will share my ideas for dance with you. And with everyone, when I perform them with Beth.”

“Dammit, I thought I had managed to sneak that one past you.”

“No,” Cam stated bluntly, before they both started giggling.

“You are a worm,” Cam chuckled.

“Excuse me!”

“Or a bird?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Frankie asked, with a bemused chuckle.

“There is a saying. About being too slow and not clever enough. An English phrase,” he huffed, frustrated.

Frankie, who had been mouthing ‘Bird? Worm?’ suddenly brightened. “Do you mean, the early bird catches the worm?” he asked, and then collapsed back laughing.

“Yes,” Cam was laughing too. “I was too fast. You were too slow. So I am the clever bird.”

“That makes no sense,” Frankie gasped out.

“It does,” Cam insisted, thinking Frankie looked positively lickable, with tears of laughter on his cheeks. “And I eat the worm,” he added with a mischievous grin, before bending down.

Frankie’s laugh transformed into a strangled gasp as Cam sucked him deep. “Fuck, shit, wait.”

Cam lifted his head as Frankie’s hips bucked. “Why wait?”

“I want you. I want you,” Frankie made grabby hands motions towards Cam’s body. “Turn around.”

Cam’s smile was huge when he realized what Frankie was suggesting. He grinned and moved around, allowing Frankie to grab his hips and haul him close. Moaning when Frankie nuzzled his balls.

Cam shuddered head to foot when Frankie gave him a long succulent lick, before asking, “Have you done this before?”

“What do you think?” Cam growled, shaking his head and wrapping his hands around Frankie’s thighs.

“I think, no.”

“Well done.”

“It’s probably not as sexy as you think it’s going to be,” Frankie warned him.

Cam rolled his eyes on a flare of annoyance, “Are you even going to stop talking when my cock is in your mouth?”

“Maybe?” was the cheeky reply, and Cam snorted out a laugh. “Bet I can make you cum first,” Frankie added, and took him deep.

“Fuck! What?” Cam practically saw stars, and then had to fight back Frankie’s thighs that were in danger of clamping around his head. Competitive little shit.

Trying to concentrate through the devastating sensations flying from his cock to his brain, Cam lowered his head and took Frankie in.

It only took a few moments for Cam to realize that this.

This was.

Really fucking hard!

He was trying to take Frankie as deep as he could, and control his own thrusting so he didn’t gag. All while holding him steady and not getting distracted by the absolutely wonderful things that Frankie’s tongue was doing to his cock.

Every now and then he would thrust, and Frankie would pull back and cough, before dragging him deep again.

And he kept forgetting to breathe.

Still. Cam took a firmer grip on Frankie’s thighs and ass, trying to stop him squirming so much, and decided just to go for it. Going for major suck-fest in an all out attempt to win.

Until Frankie did that thing when he flicked the tip of his tongue into Cam’s slit, and then gently used his teeth on the underside of Cam’s head, and he lost it.

Frankie’s cock fell from his mouth as he groaned out a shattered, “Fuuuccckkkkk!” and flooded into Frankie’s eager mouth.

“Urghh,” Cam thrust and shuddered without control as Frankie drained him. A wave of weakness washed over him, and he couldn’t resist when a grinning Frankie flipped him on to his back.

“I win,” Frankie crowed.

“Do you have to win everything?” Cam complained, his chest heaving.

“Yep!” Frankie declared cheerfully as he crawled up Cam’s body and straddled his chest. “Open up, Baby. Here’s your worm,” he waved his leaking cock in Cam’s face.

Cam cracked up. Closely followed by Frankie.

“How can that even be sexy?” he wondered out loud.

“Everything I do is sexy,” Frankie declared.

“Of course. Come here.” Cam reached up for his hips and pulled Frankie closer. Lifting his head to take him in. His eyes locked on, as Frankie slipped his cock between his lips.

He guided Frankie’s rolling hips for a few moments, but then pulled back.

“You okay?” Frankie asked.

“Yes,” Cam reached and griped the headboard behind him. “Fuck my mouth, Frankie. Use me.”

Frankie’s eyes flared and stayed locked in his, even as he leaned forward and covered one of Cam’s hands with his.

“With pleasure,” he gasped as Cam felt his mouth fill with the salty and silky hardness that was Frankie.

“My absolute pleasure.”


Despite their depraved morning, they actually made it to the dining room in time for breakfast. For the first time, on their last day.

Before following the track back through the woods, on another lazy walk.

This time they veered left, instead of right, and wandered into the town and small harbour.

The pretty little town, almost a village, was a delight. Cam enjoyed being able to wander around and hold hands with Frankie, wrap an arm around his waist, without looking over his shoulder. That is, when Frankie wasn’t taking one of about fifty-thousand photographs.

“I’m feeling my ‘Italian Phase’ coming on,” Frankie stated dramatically, unable to tear his eyes away from a scene in the market where a small boy was sneaking scraps to a dog, while his father sold produce on his stall.

“Am I not your ‘Italian Phase’?” Cam asked and made him laugh.

“Different series,” Frankie leered at him. “All nudes.” Then in a typically abrupt change of topic, “Ohhh, pastries.”

Cam smirked as Frankie dashed off to flirt with the elderly lady selling sweets and pastries. Before turning and beckoning his equivalent of SOS. Translation needed. STAT!

Neither of them having any doubt that they would be back to visit again, they had lunch in the town before walking back and arriving at the hotel at the perfect time for cocktails.

Or mocktails, as Cam didn’t want to risk alcohol this close to a migraine. One was enough, thank you very much.

They sat and looked out over the ocean. Cam felt he was more relaxed than he had ever been in his life. With a drink next to him and Frankie curled into him.


The hesitant call pulled him from a day-dream involving a naked Frankie, whipped cream and strawberry flavoured lube. It also put him on alert.


“I wanted to talk to you about what Sister Maria said. You know what she said about, well.”

“She said I need you more than you need me.” Cam felt resigned and tried to stay calm. After all, he had known this was coming.

“Yes. That.” Frankie was staring out to sea. His expression impossible to read.

“She was wrong,” Cam stated bluntly, and felt Frankie relax against him.

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