Sex Academy

A gay story: Sex Academy CHAPTER 1: WELCOME TO SEX ACADEMY

I woke up excited. Today was the big day. I was starting my first day at Sexton Academy. Allow me to introduce myself before I get too far down the road. My name is Blake Alexzander Ivey. I’m 18 years old, a certified chocolate drop with a body made for fucking, and I’m gay as fuck.

I grew up in Hattiesburg, MS., and my parents are pastors. You know that saying about pastor’s kids being the worst? Well, it’s true. Imagine being gay, and both your parents are pastors. Whatever you thought, I promise you, it’s ten times worse.

Anyway, my parents found out. I had been doing an excellent job of keeping it hidden. That was until my mom walked in on the youth pastor from our church, laying hands on me. He was digging out all my sins while splattering me with his. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have your mom walk in on you and see your Lazarus rising from the dead?

She lost her holy shit. The things that came out of her mouth that day were not of God. Two months later, I got accepted into the Sexton Academy program for boys. Sexton Academy is an all-male queer academy. My parents think it’s a school to help cure my queerness, and I intend to let them believe that forever. My best friend

Drake also got accepted. So, goodbye Mississippi, and hello California. Yeah, the school is in a small town in Northern California called Ocean Pine.

The entire car ride was just my parents complaining. They talked about how they hoped I’d be the son they had been hoping for and praying for at the end of my first year. I put my Airpods in, and Beyonce’s “Bodyguard” drowned them out. I took in the sights of the Pacific Ocean as we made the journey up the mountain. I imagined what life would be like at Sexton and most of those thoughts were dirty.

The school sat at the top of a coastal mountain. A line of cars checked in with the guards to get through the gates. Sexton was a private school hidden behind black gates. The campus was massive, and the school looked like a castle on the English country hillside–like the Canfield-Moreno Estate.

Everyone was dressed in their school uniforms: burgundy blazers with crisp white shirts. Some were wearing grey pants, and others had khaki pants. My first thought was that this may have been a horrible mistake.

It took two hours, but my parents got me settled into my dorm. It was like a fancy college. My dorm room had a living area and a kitchen for cooking, as well as two individual bedrooms. I was pretty eager to meet my roommate. I could barely contain my excitement.

Just as my parents were getting ready to leave, we met my roommate. Simon walked in, and I rolled my eyes. He was a proper nerd. I don’t want to sound cocky, but I was pretty popular back home. I was definitely steps above Simon in the hierarchy. He had on these nerdy glasses, and his blonde hair was slicked to the back. His place face was round with a few red freckles. He was carrying six books in his hands. He just screamed lame.

“Hello,” he said, all chipper. “I’m your roommate, Simon.”

I rolled my eyes, “I figured that.”

“Simon, is this your first year,” my mother asked him.

“Heavens no. It’s my second year,” he said with a laugh.

I mumbled under my breath, “Sweet Jesus, kill me now.”

A bell began ringing. My parents wondered what the bell was for. I caught a glimpse of Simon. He had a mischievous grin on his face.

“That’s the bell for the parents. Visiting hours are over, and the school year has started,” he said.

“Well, son, your mother and I are leaving. Make sure you say your prayers daily and read your bible. We’ll see you at Christmas,” my dad said.

We exchanged a hug and a goodbye. They left the room, and I was stuck with Simon. He waited a moment, and then Simon tossed his books. He bent forward and ran his fingers through his hair a few times. He threw his blazer and snatched his dress shirt off. He was wearing a tank top underneath. This dude had some nice, toned arms. He then kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants. He had on some hoochie daddy shorts. My mind was blown. Long gone was the little nerd who had walked in.

“Fuck, dude, I hate the first day. All the parents and we have to walk around with this shit on,” he said as he stretched his arms.

“I’m confused,” I uttered.

He smirked, “We only wear uniforms when parents visit. Other than that, we, the students, have the freedom to have fun and party while attaining our education. You should change. This campus is about to be lit, dude.”

I couldn’t get changed fast enough. I looked out the window as soon as I was comfortable in a pair of shorts, a polo shirt, and some nice loafers. All the parents were gone. The campus is dead. There wasn’t anyone outside. I figured this dude was lying to me. Then, another bell suddenly began to ring.

“That’s for us. You ready to see the school,” he asked.

“I’m ready. I’m Blake, by the way,” I said as I extended my hand for a shake.

We were the first two outside. There still wasn’t anybody. I was starting to feel stupid for trusting this guy. Then it happened. Somebody somewhere placed some speakers outside, and Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up” started thumping.

The campus lit up with dudes of every race and creed. I thought I had died and gone to gay heaven. There was so much ass and dick for as far as the eye could see. I was like a kid in a candy shop.

“Close your mouth, Blake. You’re letting flies in.” He thought he was funny.

As we walked, he pointed out all the different cliques around campus. The first group he showed me was what we call trade. They were primarily black and Latino guys. They were playing basketball. Every single one of them was shirtless, and their asses were bouncing more than the basketball. My dick swelled instantly. I watched them dunk the ball in the goal repeatedly. Each time someone would dunk, all I would see was a big juicy ass shake.

Across the lawn, he pointed out the jocks. They were some of the sexiest white guys on the planet. They were working out and flexing their muscles. I spotted a few that I was ready to marry. There was one in particular with a buzz cut and goldish hair with green eyes. He glanced at me, and he licked his lips.

“I swear imma skeet in his pussy,” I exclaimed.

Simon chuckled, “You a wild boy, Blake.”

“You have no idea, Simon,” I said.

Then the Twinks passed by us. They were a mixture of every race. Simon had this lustful look in his eyes when the Twinks walked by. I guess I discovered his type.

They spoke in perfect harmony, “Hi.” They even waved in together as a group.

Further down were the dread heads. I had heard rumors back home that if a dude had dreads, his dick was for sure some of the best dick around. I couldn’t wait to ride one of them. It was only a matter of time, I told myself.

There were the hippie gays, the conservative gays, the Outcasts gays, and the boy next door gays. There was a group for everyone. It was crazy to think about.

“BLAKE,” Drake screamed my name.

I turned around, and there was my bestie. He was running toward me, and some fine Brazilian guy was with him. Drake was a little on the flamboyant side. I swear, though, he could make anyone laugh and feel safe around him. He wasn’t the most popular kid back home, but he was my boy, and no one fucked with him.

“Drake, have you seen these men,” I asked, all happy and shit.

We gave each other that eye. It’s legit a real thing in the community. Some kind of way, we know exactly what the other person is thinking with that one look.

“I got pregnant ten times on the walk over here,” he said, laughing.

“You so nasty,” I laughed. “Oh, this is my roommate, Simon. Simon, this is my best friend from back home, Drake.”

Drake pushed me out of the way, “Hey, Simon. You got a man?”

Simon laughed, “I’m single.”

“Okay. Well, how about a little dark meat in your life,” Drake asked.

I screamed, “Boy shut the fuck up. I’m sorry. My friend doesn’t leave the house often.”

“It’s cool; I like what he offering.” Simon licked his lips and looked Drake up and down. They were gonna fuck before the school year ended. I could see it.

The Brazilian guy cleared his throat, “I’m Angel. My roommate forgot to introduce me.”

We all quickly became familiar with one another. Before long, we were laughing and having the time of our lives. Then we spotted them sitting under a big tree. They were watching everyone else as if they were the kings of the school- and they were.

“They run the school. People will say the student council makes the rules, but don’t believe it. If they don’t co-sign, it’s never going to happen,” Simon said to us.

They called them the “its.” They had that factor about themselves. Every last one of them looked like they could be a model. They were dressed in black. There were four of them: one white guy, a black guy, an Asian guy, and a Middle Eastern guy.

Drake sucked his teeth, “What the fuck is this Mean Girls?”


ore like mean gays,” Simon replied.

The dark-haired, blue-eyed one was Jett. The guy looked like a more toned and athletic version of Timothee Chalamet. He was shirtless, and his washboard abs could sing to anyone.

The rich, mocha-skinned one they called Phantom. No one knew his real name, but the man was fine. He was medium height and thick, and his smile could light up the entire world.

Next was Alex. He had a baby face, but he was all grown up. There was this gracefulness in the way he held himself. He had the most alluring eyes and flawless bone structure.

I was trying to figure out who made these boys. There was no way in hell they were all natural. Then my eyes landed on the last one–the one they crowned as the alpha of the group, and he was pure perfection.

Finally, the alpha of the group was Ibrahim, aka Ibe. He was picture-perfect. To say he was hot wouldn’t do him any justice. The dude was painfully beautiful. His lips were full, lush, and pink. He had abs like Jett and a smile like Phantom. The dude had beautiful eyes, and he had that big dick, pretty boy energy.

“How do you get in the group?” I was curious.

Simon shook his head, “You don’t. Each class will tell you that for as long as Sex Academy has existed, the “it” group has always been a four-person group. The students pick the alpha, and he then picks his three. It’s a fierce contest. This is Ibe’s second year as alpha.”

Angel asked, “Doesn’t he have to be reelected this year?”

Simon smirked, “You don’t challenge a sitting alpha. When he graduates, the next class will pick their alpha. That’s the Sexton way of things.”

I blurted out, “It sounds fucking weird.”

“Give it a day or two, Blake. You’re gonna love it here,” Simon said.

We spent the rest of the day walking around and having fun. That night, I tossed and turned in my bed. I couldn’t sleep. My body was still on central time, and I was missing my bed. It was a little after 2 in the morning when I climbed out of bed.

I snuck out of my room and made my way out of the building. The courtyard was quiet, and I walked mindlessly around, taking in the California air.

“Hey, it’s past curfew. Come here,” some security guard called out.

He flashed his light, and I ran off. He tried to chase me, but I was a fast runner, and he was slightly out of shape. I ran without looking back but had no idea where I was running.

I ended up deep in the woods behind the main building. I stumbled upon a beautiful lake. The water was almost indigo. I heard something in the bushes, so I moved and hid behind a tree. Ibe came and stood near the edge of the bank.

I watched him remove his clothing in slow motion. First went his shirt revealing his broad back and strong shoulders. Then he pulled his shorts down. His round, plump ass was on full display. His cheeks were smooth, but I could see the dark black hairs that lined the split of his glutes.

“It’s not polite to watch people,” he said without looking back at me.

His voice was smooth and sweet. It made me feel something I hadn’t felt before with a guy. His voice made me feel nervous. I didn’t like it.

I don’t know how he knew I was there, but he did. I came out from behind the tree. He dived into the lake. After a second, his upper body emerged, and he tossed his hair back like Ariel did in that one scene from “The Little Mermaid.”

He stared at me, “What’s your name?”

“Blake.” My voice shook with nervousness.

He could sense it. He stared at me for several long minutes without blinking. It was intense and intriguing. We were both trying to figure the other one out. He seemed like a mystery waiting to be solved, and I’m sure I seemed like a nervous mess needing comfort.

“Get in. The water is perfect,” he finally said.

I looked around for a moment, and then I chuckled out loud. I did that sometimes when I wasn’t sure about something, but he didn’t appreciate my chuckle.

He frowned,” Why aren’t you in the water?”

With a bit of sass, I said, “You know how there’s this stereotype that some black people can’t swim? It’s me. I’m some black people!”

He smiled, “I’ll teach you. It’s easy. Unless you’re scared of showing off your little guy.”

I was more scared of drowning than I was of him seeing me naked. I snatched my shirt off, and then I dropped my pants and underwear. I stood there on full display.

He got his eyes full. He took in every inch of my frontal nudity. I wasn’t erect, but I was proud of my dick no matter what state it was in.

He whistled, “Very nice, Blake.”

I slowly walked to the edge and then dived into the lake. I came up to the surface, gasping for air. I don’t know what made my no-swimming ass dive in, but I did. He laughed and grabbed my waist. I struggled for a moment to regain my composure. The entire time, he tried to relax my body and my fears.

“I got you. Relax!” He was calm but firm with me.

I stopped moving, and my breathing slowed down. He slowly wiped the water from my face. Our eyes met, and we spent a minute or two just treading in the water, staring at one another.

“Okay, what now,” I asked.

He smiled, “The first thing I’m going to do is teach you how to float. Now turn around and close your eyes.” There was a softness this time in his voice.

I turned and had my back facing him. He moved his body closer to mine. His chest was up against my back, and I could feel his penis. It was thick and nestled right into my crack. My dick slowly began to come alive. The moment felt extremely erotic in nature.

He whispered, “Do you feel that?”

“I feel something,” I said.

My hips slowly moved in a circle. His cock twitched against my ass. He was finding it just as erotic as I was. I reached back and took his member into my hand. It was thick and fat and had a certain heaviness to it. I gasped, and everything around me faded away. Simon was right. I knew right then and there that I would love this school.


© Grayson Rose 2024. All rights reserved.

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