Prison Guard Spirals Out of Control Ch. 03


A gay story: Prison Guard Spirals Out of Control Ch. 03 After my shift I was heading out to my car when I heard Mike walking up from behind me.

“Did you go by cell block B where that fag Yolanda sleeps?” He asked

“Um, yeah, that’s part of my rounds, why, what happened?”

“When I went by she was sucking some dude off…I think it was Marcus but I didn’t want to even look at that kind of shit. These guys are just a bunch of faggots, they deserve to be locked up.” He says

I try to be a little more diplomatic, “Well, not all of those guys are gay you know? And some of them are doing it out of necessity as they are locked down for the rest of their lives so doesn’t leave them much choice if they want to bust a nut” I explain

“Fuck you, whatever dude, you can stick up for those fags if you want to…maybe you want to join in” He jokes

Little does he know that I have already crossed that line. But I need to act cool and pretend like it disgusts me too so he won’t start getting suspicious about me.

“Fuck you, I ain’t sticking up for those fags, they’re in there for a reason so this is what they signed up for”

“What are you doing this afternoon? You want to come over and play some Grand Theft Auto and drink some beers? Mike asks

Mike and I don’t typically hang out, but we did have the same days off and neither of us had to work tonight. I thought maybe I should say yes, that way I can keep redirecting his attention away from my activity so he doesn’t catch on.

“Sure, what time?

“I’m going to hit the rack for a few hours, let’s say 3:00pm”

“Sounds good, see you then” I say as I get into my car.

When I get home I replay the events of last night, immediately my dick gets hard and I pull off my uniform and lay into bed to start stroking my dick. Honestly, I forgot about the panties I was wearing, they felt so comfortable that I didn’t even notice. As I look in the mirror before jumping into the bed I see the bright pink like a neon light staring back at me. I look ridiculous, but something inside likes how they feel and look. I lay down and fish out my dick, it’s rock hard now and I start to stroke. I think about what transpired between me and Marcus, I thought about how big and strong his cock was…it was like something out of a porno movie, blacks really do have bigger cocks I guess.

I recall him calling me his girl and how I needed to address him as daddy. I was getting close when I suddenly remembered the last thing Yolanda said to me, I was not to cum without daddy’s permission.

That thought alone almost sent me over the edge but I immediately pulled my hand away from my dick…it was pulsing like it does right before you ejaculate. It felt so good but the payoff was the squirting of the cum but I wasn’t allowed to do that. I was breathing heavily and I tried to slow my breathing and stop from blowing my load. I went to the brink of the edge and came back safely.

That felt so good that I started to pump again to get myself hard. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to cum but I wanted to feel that again and I promised myself I would stop when I got to the edge again. I imagine Marcus, now my daddy, pulling me across his lap to administer a spanking because I came without permission. He was calling me all kinds of derogatory names like, bitch, sissy boi, cucksucker, etc.. For some reason the name calling got me even harder and more excited. Then I pulled my hand off my dick again, stopping just in time. I did that a couple more times before I gave up, it was driving me crazy and had me so horny that I couldn’t fall asleep. I needed to stop so I could sleep, I rolled over and closed my eyes.

Somehow I did manage to sleep for a few hours but I awoke with a raging hard on again. I was still wearing my panties and instinctively I reached down to start rubbing my dick. I was thinking about Marcus’s body, it was so strong and powerful, he had great muscles and was so dominant towards me that it got me excited quite quickly. I wanted him to take me, to dominate me into submission. I wanted him to make me his bitch, taking away any choice I thought I had in the matter. It felt sooo good to give up control to a superior man, it made me feel weak and vulnerable, like a girl honestly. Afterall, I was wearing panties, and I was the one on my knees sucking his cock, I was acting more like a girl than Yolanda was. Once again I remembered the order, “no cumming without permission” and I abruptly stopped.

Feeling so sexually frustrated I got out of bed and jumped in the shower. Again I recollected what Yolanda had told me, I needed to be clean shaven over my whole body. I looked at my razor and grabbed the shaving cream, I started on my legs as that was the easiest thing to do. I moved on to my arms and chest, that was getting a little harder but I was able to remove most of it. Then I turned my attention to my groin, was she expecting me to shave that too? After a brief consideration I figured she wanted that shaved as well so I carefully worked my way around my cock and balls to shave off my pubic hair. I wasn’t sure how these femboys were able to do this without cutting themselves. It took me nearly an hour to remove all my body hair. I still had some on my ass because I could reach but for the most part I was bare.

It was only 1pm so I had a couple hours before I needed to be over at Mike’s place. I realized that I would need to get more panties as I couldn’t keep wearing the same ones every day I worked. I headed back to that same store, but this time I knew exactly where they were located and I knew about what size I needed. I grabbed several pairs of different colors, all of them very feminine though like pink, yellow, baby blue, and lavender.

On my way home I could feel my dick stiffening, I still hadn’t cummed and I was getting excited by my new panties that I needed to get home to jack off real quick and then I’ll head to Mike’s place.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and grabbed a new pair of my panties, the lavender ones looked hot. I slid those on, without having any body hair, the feeling of the material gliding over my legs and my dick was extremely stimulating. I never felt anything like that before, no wonder women loved the silkier underwear, it felt sooo good on my body.

I laid down to rub one out while wearing my new panties but once again it wasn’t too long before I was hard as can be but remembered I wasn’t supposed to cum. I needed that release, how would they know anyway? I could just deny it and since they are stuck in prison they wouldn’t know the difference. But something inside me knew I needed to obey them, both Yolanda and Marcus, mostly Marcus. I didn’t want to disappoint him, I wanted my daddy to be proud of me…WTF, why was I thinking that way? Why did I feel the need to obey him, this was just some fantasy game I was playing, right? Deep down I knew it was more than that, I was actually thinking in terms of him being my daddy, my owner, and I belonged to him. Not sure how that works since I’m the one who has all the power in a prison, not the prisoners. Once again I stopped short of cumming, I had edged several times now and it was only making me more horny and more crazy. I needed a distraction, going over to Mike’s is turning out to be a good idea because if I stay home alone I’ll eventually give in.

Mike lived across town so it was a short ride over to his apartment. When I got there his place looked like a bachelor pad, or should I say, more like a college dorm room. He had shit laying around everywhere. Dishes stacked up in the sink, old food boxes on the counters. There were clothes hanging on the furniture and the floor looked like it hadn’t been vacuumed in months. He was a slob.

He grabbed a beer from the fridge and threw it to me, when I opened it of course it started to bubble out of the top and onto the floor. What did I expect, the bottle shook up when he threw it at me.

“Sorry about the mess” I apologized

“Don’t worry about it, my maid will clean it up” He joked

We got set up in his front room on his couch, we started playing GTA and bullshitting about everything and everyone. Even though Mike was a douchebag he was actually a pretty cool guy. We talked sports, we bitched about our shift commander and of course Mike took every opportunity to rip on the fags in the prison.

We really got into the game, shouting at the screen, talking shit to each other when we would wipe out. At one point he slapped the controller out of my hands so I wouldn’t get ahead of him, bullshit move but par for the course for Mike.

I bent down to grab my remote, Mike at that same time looked over and could see my panties rise up along my lower back as my jeans were pushed down from bending. A grin came over his face. When I sat back up, he got up and asked if I needed another beer.

“Of course man. Thanks”

“No problem sweetie” he teased

That wasn’t unusual for Mike, he had a teenager mind and thought he was back in highschool snapping towels at the weaker boys in the locker room. He was your typical cocky jock type that always treated the girls as sluts and the weaker guys as wimps to be picked on.

As we continued to drink and play Grand Theft Auto I hadn’t realized we were at it for 4 hours. I was getting hungry and that’s when Mike suggested we order a pizza. Sounded like a good plan, we wouldn’t have to stop playing and just had to wait for them to deliver it to us.

Mike asks, “So you didn’t hear any of those fags fucking or sucking last night?”

Not really, it’s always noisy there so I’m not sure if I just couldn’t hear them.”

“Not even by Yolanda’s cell?”

“Uh…nope, nothing that I can recall” I answer tentatively wondering where he’s going with this.

“Well I could have sworn that Yolanda was giving someone head in there”

“That wouldn’t surprise me, does that surprise you?”

Afterall, Yolanda was one of the more well known femboys in there so it would go to reason that she’s sucked her fair share of dicks while in prison.

The doorbell rings, must be the pizza delivery guy.

“Go get the door bitch” Mike laughs

“Fuck you” I say back as I get up to grab our pizza

“Get me another beer” Miike yells out

I swung by the fridge, Mike was getting bossy but I grabbed Mike his beer anyway and grabbed some napkins for the pizza. I put everything on the coffee table and sit back down on the couch.

“I could have sworn there was somebody else in there with Yolanda last night” Mike continues.

“No shit sherlock, you said she was giving someone a blowjob, pretty hard to do that by herself.”

“I mean a 3rd person, I saw Marcus I think but then there was Yolanda, who is easy to identify in her women’s clothes and looked like a white dude too.” I hear Mike say

Oh shit, did he see me in there? There’s no way he could have known it was me anyway, it was dark and even if he did see a white guy that could be just about anyone.

“Huh, that’s weird” I say acting uninterested in his story.

“To be honest, it sounded like your voice I heard” Mike puts the game on pause

I don’t say anything, I don’t want to tip my hand in any way.

“Why would I hear you in Yolanda’s cell? Did you turn into a fag or something?” He eggs me on.

“What? No, of course not”

“I heard something about wearing panties and it sure sounded like you” He continued.

“No idea Mike, I think your imagination is getting the best of you” I try to deflect

“As much as I joke around, I don’t care if a guy likes to suck dick, that’s his business” Mike says, sounding a lot more reasonable than he had previously.

Mike drops his controller now, probably got slippery from the grease from the pizza.

“Pick that up” He orders

Not sure why but I comply without hesitation.

Then I feel his hand slip down the back of my jeans, he gently starts rubbing my ass as it sticks straight up while I’m bent over picking up his controller.

“I see my bitch chose his purple panties for me today.”

“They’re lavender” I corrected him without thinking that I just admitted to wearing panties.

“Oh Lavender, does my bitch like lavender? I would have thought pink would be a better color for you” He says in a low husky tone.

Sounded like Mike was getting aroused, he kept sticking his hand down my jeans and rubbing my ass. For some reason I didn’t push him away or sit back up. Instead I stayed that way bent over while he rubbed my ass. It felt good, I was still horny from before and not cumming, as he continued slowly rubbing my ass it was getting me hard. I didn’t want to sit back down to expose my hard on to him but at the same time by staying in this position I was accepting his hand on my ass.

“Do you shave your body hair? Are you one of those sissy fags?”

Damn, he caught me, I was wearing panties and he could feel the smoothness of my skin after I shaved.

Then Mike pushed me from behind forcing me to fall completely off the couch and onto the floor. I was now eye level with his crotch, he grab it with his other hand and asks,

“IS this what you want bitch? You want some of this hard cock in your mouth?

From edging all day I was already horny, and now Mike was taunting me with his cock I felt my mouth water. I didn’t want to give in to this jerk but my dick was making the decisions and my dick was telling me to get that cock in my mouth asap.

I could feel my head nod yes, but I couldn’t bring myself to say that out loud. Mike wouldn’t let me get off that easy though.

“I want to hear it, you want to suck my dick like a faggot that you are?

He then pulled his dick out of his sweats, I was surprised by its girth, it wasn’t as long as Marcus’s dick but it was bigger than mine and thicker. I could smell the sweat from his cock that had been hiding in his pants this whole time. It was just one more thing that seemed to trigger me, I quietly admit that I want to suck his dick.

“I can’t hear you, does my faggot want my dick or not? Mike asks

“Yes, I want to suck on your dick…I need it badly”

That last part came out of nowhere, I sounded like some whore wanting to suck dick, maybe I was.

“What are you waiting for bitch, get those lips around this cock now!” Mike barked

I eagerly grabbed his dick and started licking up the shaft on the underside. I wanted to savor it a bit before I shoved it into my mouth. Mike had other thoughts, he grabbed my head and rammed it down over his dick. He started skull fucking me with total disregard to almost choking me. I was gagging and saliva was flying out of my mouth trying to catch my breath while sucking on his dick.

“That’s it bitch, suck on my cock, I knew you wanted it. You even dressed up in your new panties for me, didn’t you?

I nodded as I didn’t want to pull his dick out of my mouth, plus he had such a grip on my head I probably couldn’t do it anyway.

I could feel my dick hard as I continued to service his cock, I reached down and started rubbing my dick through my pants. I needed to get it out of my pants so I could finally get that release I was longing for all day. I wasn’t thinking about my directive not to cum, that took a backseat to the current situation. I finally was able to loosen my belt and unbutton my jeans to pull my dick out. As soon as I started stroking it Mike kicked me in the crotch and yelled,

“Get our hand off that pathetic dick of yours, this isn’t for your enjoyment. You work on getting the man satisfied first”

It was clear he didn’t view me as a man, why would he, real men don’t go around wearing panties and sucking other guy’s dicks.

Damn, I was horny and with sucking on this cock I was even more turned on than ever before. But I also knew that Mike was calling the shots and I needed to follow his orders.

I could feel his cock start to tense up and his breathing was getting faster, I knew that meant he was about to cum any second now. Just then he pulls his dick out of my mouth and sprays his hot cum over my face. I hear him laughing as large amounts of cum keep hitting my face and dripping down off my chin.

“Look at you, just like one of my bitches, you should be thanking me for giving you a facial” He laughs at his comment thinking he was so funny.

I didn’t think he was funny but I did know I was loving it. I licked my lips to taste some of his cum. And of course I said,

“Thank you”

“Master!” He shouts


“You need to referred to me as your Master from now on”

“Yes…Master” I finally said.

That wasn’t easy to say as I hated Mike right now but I was also so turned on and him being so dominant was adding fuel to my fire.

Then he pushes me away and gets up to head into the bathroom, I assume to clean up. I stayed there on my knees with a raging hard on trying to catch my breath. That was like having your mouth raped, he wasn’t gentle, he was like a man possessed skull fucking me like that. I so badly wanted to grab my dick and start jerking off but I knew better.

“Clean up this mess bitch” Mike says as he comes out of the bathroom pointing to the living room area that we had been sitting in.

What was left of our pizza had got knocked off the table, our beers had spilled too. I got up to grab some paper towels to clean up the spilled beer. I picked up the pizza and the bottles and brought them to the trash.

“And while you’re at it, start cleaning the kitchen, that’s a girl’s job and you obviously qualify.”

Without replying I started on the dirty dishes, this shit must have been in here for weeks, the food was hardened on the plates and the glasses had film of gunk over them. As I cleaned Mike went to sit back down on the couch to play GTA. Every once in a while he would shout out orders to me.

“I want you on your hands and knees scrubbing that floor too, you need to learn how to keep a clean house for your Master.”

“And when you’re done with that you can start on the laundry”

Mike was loving this, he had this shit eating grin on his face as he stared back at the TV.

I still hadn’t cummed so I was at a 10 in hornyness level, that may have contributed to my subservient actions. I willingly followed all his orders like I was his maid or slave. Probably that later as he wanted me to call him Master. I didn’t have time to dwell on the impact of all of this, there was just so much work that had to get done to clean the house.

It was getting late, I had been cleaning for nearly 2 hours and it started to look pretty good. Mike was back in his bedroom doing something while I was finishing up. He comes walking out and throws some clothes at me. I hold them up to see what they are, it’s a plaid skirt and white blouse, why did he have these? And what did he want me to do with them?

“Those are my sister’s clothes that she had left here a few weeks ago, she goes to Saint Beverly Catholic H.S. up the road. Put them on, only real men should wear guy’s clothes.”

Was he serious? He wanted me to change into a catholic school girl’s uniform? Just from the thought of it my dick stirred, did dressing as a girl excite me? With no time to think about what was happening I headed off to the bathroom to change.

The clothes were tight but I managed to get them on, albeit, snuggly and I couldn’t quite zip the skirt all the way up. I looked in the mirror, I had dry cum on my face, I looked ridiculous in this uniform but the one constant was my dick was still hard and poking out from underneath my skirt.

As I came out of the bathroom Mike was back on the couch relaxing. To my surprise I asked him if I could get him anything to drink. Where did that come from? Wearing girl’s clothes had this new effect on me, I was becoming more and more submissive. I was naturally, without being pushed, liking the idea of serving someone, in this case Mike.

“Yeah, bring me a beer.”

When I brought Mike his beer he told me to kneel at his feet.

“You shaved all your body hair? You really are a faggy sissy aren’t you?” He asked rhetorically.

“I have rules you need to follow, first, you will be my cocksucker both here and at work. If I tell you I need my dick sucked you will drop to your knees immediately and start sucking. No complaining, no bitching, you are my slut now so if anything you should be thanking me each time I give you that order.”

“Yes Master, thank you” I heard myself say.

This spiraled out of control pretty fast…just a few hours ago I was sitting on the couch playing video games and drinking a beer with a coworker. Now I was his personal cocksucker and maid.

“When you are here I expect you to be dressed like the slut you are…that means you need to go buy yourself something that fits, something sexy like that school girl outfit, or a maid uniform, along those lines. And since you are already shaving your body hair you must really want to be a girl, right?”

“I guess so…” I stuttered. I hadn’t really thought of it in those terms, did I really want to be a girl? It was becoming obvious that I liked being submissive to dominant men. First Marcus and now Mike.

“Plus, I always want you wearing your panties at work”

Little did he know I had already started to do that.

Then I wondered where the heck I was supposed to get women’s clothes that would fit me? I can’t walk into a store and ask for women’s clothes in my size, first, they most likely wouldn’t have them anyway, and secondly, they would know they are for me and that’s fucking embarrassing.

“Secondly, I want this place spotless, you will wash all the clothes, clean the dishes, change my sheets, vacuum, and anything else that needs to be done. Those are all girl’s jobs, and we know which one of us is the girl, right?”

“Yes Master”

“I’ll think of more things I want from you as we go along, but for now you can take off my socks and start rubbing my feet.”

So I take off his socks, his feet stink but based on how everything else looked in this house it doesn’t surprise me. I started massaging his feet and even continued up his leg to his calves. He was enjoying this, he let out a sigh of relaxation as he drank his beer while I worked on his feet. I could feel my dick hardening, I was enjoying serving him apparently to a point that I was getting aroused. Of course it could be a result of not cumming yet and getting so close so many times without release that is making me hard. But deep down I knew differently. I opened this side of me that I didn’t know existed, it was very liberating despite being someone’s servant, which seems to be a contradiction but I knew I liked it.

Mike looks down at me and sees my dick poking out from under my skirt, he sits up pulling his feet out of my hands.

“I don’t want to see this in my house” As he points to my erection. “There’s only one man in this house and it’s me, girls don’t get erections so we need to do something about that. I don’t want to be looking at some dude’s hard dick all the time.”

I didn’t know what to say or do, it really wasn’t my fault, I hadn’t got to cum and all this stuff was super arousing to me so naturally my dick would get hard.

“I know the perfect solution, I need to get you one of those chastity cages. That should take care of your issue. I want you to order one off the web today, and make sure it comes with a lock because I want that locked at all times when I’m around.”

“Yes Master” was all I could say at this point.

I started thinking, how was I going to pay for new clothes, panties, and now a chastity cage? I was already just barely making ends meet with this shitty paying job, I didn’t have extra money to spend on all this. I didn’t dare say anything because he would certainly tell me it’s not his problem, it’s mine.

It was now about midnight, I had been there for almost 9 hours, and in that time I went from being a friend to being his cocksucking slave. I sucked his dick, I cleaned his house, I massaged his feet and he even got me to wear girl’s clothes.

“Okay bitch, I’m going to bed and as much as I’m sure you would want to sleep with me get your faggy ass out.”

I got up to grab my clothes and head into the bathroom to change.

“What do you think you are doing? I didn’t say you can change, you will wear that home tonight to remind you of your place. Now get the fuck out!”

Oh shit, I know it’s late but what if someone saw me leaving, or worse, what if I see some of my neighbors when I get home? These thoughts kept playing in my head while I drove home, I did devise a plan when I got to my complex. I would change in my car before heading inside my apartment. Luckily for me it was late and no one was outside when I arrived so I was able to change in the car without being noticed.

It was my night off, I planned to just chill for the night and try to figure out where this all was going. I had a daddy in prison, I had a master while at home, and until now I didn’t even know I was gay. But it was abundantly clear that I was gay, a fag as Mike would call me. What if my coworkers found out, it would be just like Mike to blab to everyone that I was a fag and that I sucked his dick and wore girl’s clothes. He loved to show people that he was better than them, and this would be a slam dunk for him to demonstrate he was the top dog and I was his slave.

The next day I went online to look for a chastity cage, surprisingly there were a lot of places that sold them and there were many different styles and sizes. I wasn’t sure what I should buy, my first inclination was to buy the cheapest one but then I took the risk that it would be uncomfortable or even hurt. I knew that wearing one of these devices wasn’t going to be comfortable but at least I could make sure I didn’t make it worse by going cheap. I did lots of research and found that most people recommend the CB6000 so that’s what I ordered.

While doing research on chastity cages I started to get ads for feminization sites, you gotta love Google, they know everything about you. I clicked on a couple of the sites and they sold clothes specifically designed for men who dress as women. They even had a conversion chart so all you had to do is put in your man sizes and it converts to what you would wear in women’s clothes.

I found some cute outfits, the first one was similar to the catholic schoolgirl uniform but instead it was a crop top with a plaid short skirt, and came with white knee high stockings. The other outfit I picked out was a cheerleader uniform, I thought Mike might like that since he really dug my school girl uniform. There were so many other great options but I was out of money until my next paycheck. Plus I didn’t have any shoes yet but that too would have to wait. Being a girl was gonna be expensive.

I did have to work tonight and since Mike’s house I hadn’t thought about Marcus or Yolanda. I was wondering if I should stop cold turkey as it relates to them, I would still fulfill my cocksucking needs with Mike. Plus, if I continue messing around with Marcus eventually that will get out and not only would I lose my job but I would probably be charged with a crime. Can you imagine if I ended up in the same prison as I worked? This settles it, I’m going to stop all interactions with Marcus and Yolanda.

Sure at first it will be a tad difficult because Marcus is such a real man with big strong muscles that look so good, and that cock is gorgeous. Just from all this thinking I was hard again, if I was going to cut it off with them, then I wouldn’t need to worry about the no cumming without permission rule. And Mike never made such a rule, he only didn’t want me cumming in front of him.

I pulled out my dick from my panties, I slowly started stroking as I thought about Marcus. His chest is so fine looking, and his arms could crush me if he wanted to. He was 100% all man where I was a submissive little sissy slut. I imagined being dressed in my schoolgirl outfit with my knee high white stockings, he would ravish me and I would love it. I started tantilizing my asshole with my other hand, I didn’t think much about what it would feel like to get fucked by this stud. But now I had my finger up to the knuckle in my ass and with my other hand I was stroking at full speed. My mind was still daydreaming about Marcus.

“You want this cock in your pussy?” Marcus asks

“Yes daddy, please fuck me hard.”

“Beg for it sissy, tell me how bad you want it?”

“I’ve been such a bad girl, I can’t stop thinking about you fucking my pussy so good”

I’m wrapped around my daddy, my legs gripping his waist like a rider does on a horse. My arms wrapped around his neck and my mouth was kissing and licking on his beautiful chest. I couldn’t take it, he kept teasing me by rubbing his cock head along my asshole, the way I was positioned I could feel my sphincter contract each time he did it.

“Please daddy, pleeeeasssse!! You are teasing me…pretty please daddy!”

“After I fuck that pussy you will be mine forever, you will never leave me.” Marcus says

“I won’t leave daddy, you are the only man I want. You are such a real man and I’m just your sissy slut” I plead.

And then he lowered me onto his cock, I felt my ass open up around the head, like a boa constrictor swallows his prey and you see the lump slither down his belly. My ass was absorbing his big snake, I could feel it go deeper and deeper. I always heard it hurts the first time but not to me, it felt sooo good, it fulfilled me.

I bounce up and down on his cock with help from my daddy’s arms

“Oh god, oh god, don’t stop…”

I bury my head into his neck and start nippling on it like a baby sucking his momma’s tit. I was in ecstasy heaven.

“Don’t stop daddy…I love it…please don’t stop…this feels so good…I love youuu!!”

Just then my balls tighten and I shoot the biggest load that I can remember, I was so backed up from getting hard and then not cumming that it was like a geyser. I had my finger 3/4 of the way into my ass…if I could I would have gone deeper but the angle of my hand wouldn’t allow me to physically go any further.

That felt so good, I needed that so bad. I’ve never edged before so I’m certain that played a big part in it. I felt my heart still racing and my dick tingling, wow that was awesome. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep just like that.

When I awoke a couple hours later I forgot where I was, I looked down at my body and I saw my panties were around my knees. I have dry cum on my belly and I’m partially wearing my schoolgirl outfit. I checked the clock, oh shoot, I got to jump in the shower and get to work!


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