Prison School Ch. 26

A gay story: Prison School Ch. 26 Authors Note: Chapter 26 contains no hot steamy sex, sorry!

(At the tail end of Chapter 25, Mike’s parents were visiting him at the school, and the following took place.)

Dad’s cell phone suddenly chirped, and he looked to see an unfamiliar calling number.

“Hello?” Dad answered.

“Hello, is this Mr. Hamlin, Mike’s father?” the voice said.


“This is Luke, Luke Johnson, a friend of Mike’s.”

“Friend?” Dad responded, warmly, “I was led to believe you two are practically husbands. How is everything going?”

Luke, choking, “To be honest—not well, not well at all. Would it be possible to speak with Mike?”

“Certainly, Luke, hold on.” Dad responded, “Mike, it’s Luke, and he sounds terribly upset!”

Chapter 26—W6 – Sunday afternoon

Dad handed the cell phone to Mike.

“Hey, Baby,” Mike said, “What’s happening?”

Luke, via Phone, “Dad wants me out of this house by midnight! I don’t know what to do, or where to go.” Then, choking, “He said he won’t have no faggot son living under his roof!”

“Oh my god, baby! I didn’t think you were going to tell them yet.”

“I didn’t, they figured it out when they realized how badly I was missing you. Mother said I shouldn’t miss a friend this bad, unless you were more than just a friend. Then they asked if I loved you, Mike, I couldn’t lie, then they convinced me to admit that I was queer.”

“Luke, whose phone are you using, and can you receive calls on it?”

“It’s the same phone I had before I was arrested. I used the VISA card that Ruben gave me, to go to the phone store and get my account re-activated. And I can receive calls.”

“OK baby, I have a plan. Sweetheart, don’t do anything stupid or rash. Give me a few minutes to talk with Mom and Dad, and I’ll call you back from Dad’s phone. Just sit tight for a few, maybe 15 or 20 minutes, OK?”

“OK Mike, I’ll wait. You know I love you.”

“I love you too, bye, baby, I’ll call you in a few.”

This was too much, Mike burst into tears, and like all good mothers, his Mom salvaged some tissues from her purse and handed them to Mike.

“OK son,” Mike’s father spoke, “What’s going on, fill us in!”

Mike, trying to gather himself together, blurted out, “Luke’s father is kicking him out, he wants Luke out by midnight! He says he won’t have a faggot son living under his roof.”

“Oh my God,” Mom wailed, bursting into tears. “How could—any parents—be so cruel!”

“Dad, Mom, I hate to ask this,” Mike begged, “Is there any way you could go to his parents house, and pick Luke up, and take him home with you?”

“I don’t see where we have a choice,” Dad responded, “We’re certainly not going to leave our son’s future husband to be homeless on the streets! I guess maybe we’ll get to meet him today after all!” Dad smiled.

Dad brought up a GPS application on his phone, and put in some addresses, calculating distance and times for the trip.

“It’s going to take about two hours to get to Luke’s, and then three hours to travel from there to home. I know we’ll want to stop and have dinner someplace along the way. I hope Luke likes Cracker Barrel!”

Mike, tears sliding down his face, “Mom, Dad, how was I lucky enough to have the best parents in the whole wide world! I can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for Luke and me.” Then added, “Something of interest you could maybe surprise him with, Luke will turn 20 on my 21st birthday, the 16th of next month. But don’t tell him I told you!”

“Well son, we’ve got a five hour drive ahead of us, so we probably need to hit the road soon. I think you promised someone a return phone call?” and handed the cell to Mike.

Mike placed the call, and Luke answered on the first ring.

“Hi baby. I have a couple of quick questions. Will all your stuff fit in the back of a Honda Pilot? And how long will it take you to pack everything you own?”

“Mike, are you sure you want to do this? I hate to take advantage of your parents.”

“Luke, I have some awesome parents, and they want to do this, for us! I know you haven’t met them yet, but you will love them, and they already love you, sight unseen!”

“I don’t have all that much, Mike. Mostly clothing. I can probably have everything packed in an hour. It’s like about three large trash bags, and a few DVD’s and CD’s, and a boom box.”

“OK baby, don’t forget papers, like your SS card, graduation diploma and birth certificate. Try not to leave anything behind that you might want or need in the future.” Then, “My Dad figures it’ll take two hours to get to your house, and they’re leaving in just a few minutes.”

“Mike, if my parents want to know who is picking me up, what should I tell them?”

“Does it matter? They’re kicking you out. If you want to really rub it in, tell them it’s your future in-laws!” Mike laughed. “Just be ready, baby. And know that I love you with all my heart! Bye for now.”

They both hung up and Mike handed the phone back to his Dad.

“I sure wish we could have cell phones here. I know it was just yesterday that Luke left here, but it was just awesome to hear his voice, even over the phone. It feels like he has been gone for a month already.”

“What does Luke look like?” Mom asked.

“Well, he is about my height, a little more slender, shoulder length brown hair and soft brown eyes. Do you remember Dennis DeYoung, of the rock group Styx? He reminds me very much of Dennis. He is quite shy, but I think, once he gets to know you, he’ll open up more.”

“Styx was a good band,” Mom replied, “Your father and I saw them in concert once, many years ago.” Then, “I think having Luke in our home, will be like having an extension of you there with us.”

“We need to go, Mike,” Dad said, “We’ve got a lot of miles to cover tonight. I have to say it’s been a really interesting afternoon. Your Mom and I will be very happy to show Luke a home where love abounds and there is no bigotry. I’m glad we could help you two.”

The senior Hamlin’s hugged their son, entered the Pilot, and left, on their way to pick up Luke. A few short miles from the school, they stopped at a gas station fueled up and used the badly needed restroom facilities.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

About 6:15 PM the GPS guided the Hamlin’s to the address where Luke was supposed to be. A young man rose from the front steps when he saw the Honda Pilot pulling up in front of the house, and walked toward the curb. There were several black trash bags, along with a couple of boxes sitting at the end of the sidewalk that led to the front steps.

“Luke?” Mr. Hamlin questioned, extending his hand.

“Luke Johnson,” he extended his hand and they shook.

Mr. Hamlin opened the rear door of the Pilot and Luke started to put the bags and boxes inside, with the help of Mr. Hamlin. Mrs. Hamlin had also exited the passenger side of the car, and stood watching the men load the stuff in the back.

“Mrs. Hamlin, I presume?” Luke addressed the woman.

Mrs. Hamlin, giving Luke a hug, “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Luke.”

“Who are you two?” a man’s voice demanded.

“Mr. Hamlin, sensing an altercation, “And who are you to ask?”

“If you’re picking up our son, we have every right to know who you are and where you are taking him.”

“Excuse me!” Hamlin retorted, “My understanding is that you told Luke you wanted him gone from your home by midnight. It is now 6:30 and he is leaving. I think, since you are booting him out, it is his prerogative to inform you of his whereabouts, if he so desires.”

“Luke, it’s up to you,” Hamlin spoke, “if you want to tell them where you are going to be staying.”

Luke, shaking his head, “They don’t need to know.”

“Luke is not welcome here because he is a faggot, and he had a faggot boyfriend he met at prison school that has his head all messed up.”

“Sir,” countered Hamlin, “I find your language very offensive. Only ignorant bigots use that term. Love doesn’t have a gender, and not everyone just happens to be born straight.” Placing his hand on Luke’s shoulder, “C’mon son, let’s get out of here.”

Luke climbed into the back seat with the Hamlin’s in the front, and they took off.

“Boy, Mr. Hamlin,” Luke exclaimed, “I only just met you, and I like you already. You sure put my old man in his place! I’ve come to really hate him.”

“Luke, that’s not a good attitude to have, you shouldn’t hate your father, but I think it’s perfectly normal to hate some of the things he has done. I didn’t see anything of your mother. How does she feel?”

“She’s a bible thumper, you know, all homosexuals will go to hell. That’s the indoctrination I had growing up. As a teen I was comfortable hanging out with the guys, but my Dad said I should be hanging out with the chicks, and that only queers hung out with other guys.”

“Mike got to me. He said I was listening too much to my f’d up brain, and I needed to listen to my heart. My heart and my brain had some battles, but I finally let my heart start winning. That’s when I started acknowledging the feelings I had for Mike. Feelings I thought I shouldn’t have for a man.”

“I’m just curious, Mr. Hamlin, “How did you find out Mike was gay?”

“I think maybe we can get over this Mr. & Mrs. Terminology, Luke.” Mr. Hamlin said, smiling. “I’m George and my wife is Anna, and if that doesn’t feel right, you could call us Mom & Dad. We kind of feel like we’re adopting another son, anyway. Do you like Cracker Barrel restaurants?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been to one.”

“In that case, it’ll be a first time for you. Anna and I are starved, but we wanted to wait to eat until after we rescued you. Now we can enjoy our first meal together, as a family.”

“I’ll—just wait in the car,” Luke stated.

“That, is not an option, son!” Mom stated, sternly, “It wouldn’t be a family dinner without you.”

Once they were seated, and all looking over the menu, Luke was checking for the cheapest items. Dad told him to look at the selections, not the prices. They all ordered, and while waiting, Mom told a story.

“When Mike was about 7 or 8 years old, one night during dinner, he popped a question. ‘Dad, what’s a queer?’ and Dad answered that it was a derogatory term for a gay person. Of course, that prompted another question, ‘what does gay mean?’ So we explained that sometimes girls like girls, and boys like boys, and it is just a different lifestyle, and not all boys and girls are born to like the opposite sex. And that those people that do like others of the same sex are called gay.”

“To answer your question, Luke,” Dad responded. “We didn’t think anything when Mike asked if some boys could stay overnight when he was 9, 10 or 12 years old. Kids do that. We got a little concerned when he was 13 or 14, and had a couple of different boys that slept with him frequently.”

“So,” Mom picked up the topic, “We just came out and asked him, if he was gay. He answered in the affirmative. We accepted it, and we support and love him just as much as if he was straight. I’m just so thankful that we were in a position to help you out today!”

“It seems kind of strange,” Luke commented, “that I feel closer to my best friend’s parents, than I do my own. Mike is right, he is lucky to have some awesome parents. I don’t know what I would have done, without your help. I don’t want to take advantage of you though.”

“You’re not just our son’s friend, Luke,” Dad said, “You’re future family. I did tell Mike, however, that we’re not going to support a freeloader. There is no free ride, we expect you to carry your own weight, but we are willing to help you to get on your feet.” Luke nodded in agreement.

They all finished their dinners, Dad paid the tab and they returned to the SUV and headed toward home. It was about 10:30 PM when they pulled into the driveway. Mom unlocked the front door, and released Buddy, Mike’s Siberian Husky, who immediately started to investigate Luke, and Luke froze, about to piss his pants.

“Oh!” Dad exclaimed, “We forgot to tell you about Buddy. He’s harmless.”

Buddy sniffed Luke, then ran over to a tree and relieved himself, having been shut up in the house since about noon that day. Then Buddy returned to Luke, wagging his tail. Buddy reached out to Luke’s hand and started to lick Luke’s fingers, and Luke gingerly petted Buddy’s head.

“Buddy has a keen judgement of strangers,” Dad said, “and I can tell he likes you, Luke.”

Luke and Dad carried the bags inside from the Pilot, and set them on the living room floor, and Dad locked the car. Mom then told Luke he could start to carry the stuff upstairs, and led Luke to Mike’s bedroom. The room appeared to be a typical young man’s room, except for maybe the rainbow flag fastened to the wall.

“Does that,” Luke questioned, pointing to the flag, “have a significance?”

Mom, somewhat shocked, “You don’t know what that is?” Luke shook his head. “The rainbow flag is likely the most prominent symbol of the LGBT community. Mike displays it with pride.”

“What is LGBT?”

“Wow, you really are misinformed. LGBT stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender.” Mom stated, “You boys have your own bathroom, right there. Go ahead and bring the rest of your stuff up here, and we can figure out where we’ll store it in the next couple of days.”

“The bed has clean sheets, and you’ll find clean towels on the towel rod, for when you want a shower.” Mom said. “It has been a long day for all of us, and I’m about ready for bed. Luke, you’re home now, so make yourself comfortable. Is there anything you need before I leave?”

Luke shook his head. Mom put her arms around him, and kissed him on his cheek.

“Welcome home, son! You may have a bed partner, I hope you won’t mind if Buddy decides to sleep with you, he always slept with Mike. Good night and sleep tight.” She left the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Buddy in the room with Luke.

Luke got ready for bed, and removed most of his clothes, leaving his boxers on. He was really used to sleeping naked, but being here, in a strange house and a strange bed, he thought better, and left the boxers on. It felt good to go to bed in his boyfriend’s bed, even without Mike being there.

Mom was right, within seconds, Buddy leaped up on the bed, lying next to Luke. Missing Mike, Luke instinctively wrapped his arm around Buddy. It was surprising to Luke, how comfortable he felt, with Mike’s dog lying so close to him. He actually fell asleep without crying.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the school, Mike has gone to bed, to sleep for the second night alone in his assigned bed #11. He is concerned about how his parents made out, and if they picked up Luke without any problems. He knew, also, that Luke is shy, and is hoping that they are all getting along ok. He finally cried himself to sleep, knowing that he and Troy were to open in the morning.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Monday morning about 7:00 AM Luke was awakened by the unfamiliar feeling of a wet tongue licking his forehead and face, and opened his eyes to see a pair of green husky eyes staring at him anxiously. He arose from the bed, and, after making a quick morning trip into the bathroom, got dressed.

He groggily made his way downstairs to the aroma of freshly brewing coffee, and then found his way into the kitchen. Buddy started whining at the back door.

“Good morning, Luke,” Mom said, cheerfully, “coffee is ready. You do drink coffee, don’t you? Will you please let Buddy out?”

Luke, walking to open the back door for Buddy, “yes, Ma’am, thank you.”

Mom, pouring Luke a mug of coffee, “I hope you like quiche, I have a frozen one in the oven, baking. I’m a little too lazy to make one from scratch.”

“I do. Sometimes they offered it on the line at the school, for Saturday or Sunday morning brunch. I’d never eaten it before then.” Luke answered, “Is Dad gone already?”

“No, he’s shaving. He should be out here shortly.”

Luke heard Buddy scratching at the back door and got up to let him back in.

“Good morning Luke,” Dad said, as he walked into the kitchen and hugged and kissed his wife.

“You sure about that?” Luke responded, grinning.

“Of course I’m sure, It’s a good morning because you’re here. Luke, what plans do you have for today?”

“I want to try to get a job, ASAP. I was hoping to land a job delivering pizza. I don’t have a car, but Mike told me I could use his, until I can get one.”

“That makes sense,” Dad replied. “Is your drivers license still valid?”

“I’m not sure. They may have suspended it when I got arrested, or when I went to prison. I need to get to a DMV office and check it out. My license says it expires a year from next month on my birthday.”

“Luke, I am in an elevated position at work, and I can go in later. I will be happy to take you to the DMV. Even if it is valid, you would need to change your address.”

The three enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, then Dad and Luke prepared to leave. They got into the Pilot, and Dad drove them to the local DMV. Luke was informed that his license was valid, and he applied for a replacement, with the new address. They were done there in about half an hour, and headed home.

Mom had taken the Vue and had already left for work when Luke and Dad returned. Dad went to a key cabinet that hung on the wall and retrieved a key fob with four keys on it. The fob was the rainbow symbol. Evidently Mike wasn’t one to hide his sexuality.

“These are Mike’s keys,” Dad stated. “This key fits both the front and back door of the house, and these are the ignition and trunk keys for the Cavalier, and this key, I think, is to the work shed in the back yard. Let’s check out the Cavalier. It hasn’t been driven for a few weeks.”

They went out toward the back end of the drive, where the red 98 Cavalier was parked. Luke unlocked the driver’s door, and pulled on the hood release. Dad checked the water level and oil, indicating that they were ok and told Luke to start it up. The battery seemed a little low, but it turned over and started to purr.

“I think we better let if run a few minutes to charge up the battery,” Dad said, “How is the gas?”

Luke, looking at the gas gauge, “Less than a quarter full.”

Dad reached into his wallet and pulled out a $20 and handed it to Luke.

“Better put at least $10 in the tank, and hold on to the rest, just in case.” Dad said, then, “Anna should be home around 4:00, and if you get hungry, I’m sure you can find something in the fridge to eat. I’m gonna head on in to work. See you later. Oh, by the way, the registration and insurance cards should be in the glove box.”

Luke returned to the house and got his phone, then googled Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, and Domino’s Pizza to see where they were. All were within about 3 miles of the Hamlin address. Using the GPS on his phone he drove to Papa Johns, noting the sign in their window ‘Hiring Drivers’.

He walked in and asked for an application, which they handed him quickly. The manager on duty informed him that, if hired, he would need to get a haircut, which was not something he desired to do, but would comply if hired. Luke was proud of his hair.

On his way to Pizza Hut, he spotted a marquis at a NAPA car parts store that said ‘Delivery Driver Wanted’. The store manager told him that the job was open, and they needed to fill the position immediately. It would pay $8.50 and hour and was 9-5 weekdays, plus 8-12 on Saturday, which was time and a half. Also, he would be driving the company van, rather than Mike’s car.

Luke filled out the application, and the manager interviewed him immediately after examining the application. The manager asked him how well he knew the area, and Luke was honest, explaining that he had just moved here and didn’t. Jed (the manager) then said he would, soon. Luke would mainly need to learn where all the auto repair shops were, both in the city as well as the surrounding area.

“I realize, Luke,” Jed stated, “that you’re going to be somewhat inefficient for a couple weeks, but we can live with that. Customer service is of the utmost importance here. We’ve lost a lot of business to places like Autozone and Advance. We need to treat our customers like they are the most important people in the world, and in reality, they are. Can you start work today?”

“Yes, sir.” Luke replied.

“Great!” Jed exclaimed, “Luke, I need you to fill out this W-4 for withholding, and this form for your banking information as we do direct deposit here. Then we can get you clocked in.”

“Excuse me, Jed,” Luke replied, “I don’t have a bank account, yet.”

“That’s not too big of a problem. Just get an account opened, and get this information back to me by Friday. I have to have it or you won’t get paid next week. We do pay weekly, on Fridays, for the previous week. You will likely need to make a $5 or $10 dollar deposit to open an account.”

“Which bank do you recommend?”

“There is a credit union down on Central Ave. I have an account there, and so do a couple of the counter men. They’re really good people there, and I think you’ll like them. They offer free checking and ATM for their members. They open at 8:00 AM weekdays, so you can probably take care of that before you come in tomorrow.”

“Sit tight a minute, Luke, and I’ll get you set up in the system, so you can clock in and out. All the terminals on the counter are touch screens, and you can clock in on any of them. Your password, for now, will be the last four of your social. OK, I got you in. Follow me.”

Luke followed Jed in behind the sales counter, to one of three terminals. Two men were waiting on customers at two of them.

“OK Luke, first hit Esc, then, where it says ‘clock in/out’ tap with your finger, then hit ‘J’ and it offers ‘Jones, Ricky’ or ‘Johnson, Luke’ so press “Johnson, now it asks for password, put in the last four of your social, Enter. Now it says ‘You have Clocked In Successfully” press Esc to exit, then press on POS which returns it to Point of Sale.”

Jed, directing his attention to the other two men, “Lee, Ryan, this is our new delivery driver, Luke. He is clocked in, so you guys can now accept delivery orders.”

Lee and Ryan both shook Luke’s hand, Ryan said, smiling, “Welcome aboard, Luke, We’ve been needing you for a while. I hate telling customers we can’t deliver.”

Both of the phone lines rang, Lee took one and Ryan took the other. Lee’s customer was quick. “We’ll have it down to you in about 10 minutes, Ben.” Lee said, and the printer spit out the receipt. Ryan finished his call, and the printer spit out another ticket.

“Your first delivery is pretty easy, Luke,” Lee said, handing the ticket to Luke. “Triple A Transmission needs 2 cases of ATF, and they’re just about four blocks down the street on the left.”

Ryan disappeared down an Isle of parts, returning with a power steering pump. He double-checked the number on the box with the ticket in his hand, then handed both to Luke.

“This goes to J&B Automotive,” Ryan said. “You’ll probably need to use the GPS to get there, it’s about 4 or 5 miles out from here.

Jed, reaching up on the wall, and picking a key off a hook, “You’ll probably need this key, and when you park the van at the end of the day, please remember to replace the key here. Also, get all tickets signed and bring the white copy’s back, and drop them,” pointing, “into this basket.”

By 5:00 PM Luke had made quite a few deliveries to several shops around town. He had delivered several sets of brake pads and shoes, a couple of batteries, some fan belts, light bulbs, mufflers and tail pipes, and other miscellaneous items.

“It’ll get better Luke,” Jed stated, “In a couple of weeks you’ll know your way around town much better, and where our customers are located. You won’t need the GPS much after that. I’m pleased with your performance on your first day here. You can go ahead and clock out, and I’ll see you at 9:00 AM.”

“Thanks, Jed,” Luke responded, “I think I’m going to like it here. I’ll see you in the morning.” Luke clocked out, walked out to the Cavalier, and drove toward home.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mike and Troy are opening this Monday morning, and are scheduled to open every morning through Friday.

“Are you OK Mike?” Troy questioned, “You don’t seem to be yourself today, it’s like you’re on edge. Buddy, talk to me.”

“I’m sorry Troy, it’s just—you know Luke got released Saturday. Then Sunday, he called my Dad, while they were here visiting me, and said his father was kicking him out of the house. My parent’s were to rescue him Sunday evening, last night, and take him home with them.”

“I’m just deeply concerned.” Mike continued, “I have no way to contact either Luke or my parents. I hope everything went smoothly. I just wish I knew. I hope one of them writes me soon, so I can breathe more easily! I think I’d rather die, than to see my baby hurting. I love him so much.”

Troy stepped over to Mike and threw his arms around him, hugging Mike closely.

“I would hope,” Troy said, “That you would consider me one of your closest friends. I’ve got broad shoulders, if you need one, use it. When my friend hurts, I hurt. I’m here for you, Mike.”

“Thanks Troy, that means a lot to me, and I might just take you up on that offer.”

The trainers and trainees were all coming in for breakfast. Mike watched, as Ivan, Darin and Bryan came through the line, with Luke so obviously missing from the Carpentry Group. The three sat together at a table.

“Now we’re down to three,” Ivan stated, “and in five more weeks, it will be just you two. I hope we can get the renovations done before I leave. You do realize, don’t you, that we are starting the renovation on Dorm One today. We should easily finish it by the weeks end.”

“What, exactly,” Darin asked, “are we doing with Dorm One?”

“We’ll be constructing a ‘Z’ shaped partition in the hallway, between the rec room, the sleeping area, and the shower and bath rooms.” Ivan explained. “It will allow the young dudes to have access to the rec room, but partition off the rest of the dorm, where they will not be allowed to go. If they need a bathroom, they will need to go to Dorm Two.”

“Why don’t they just confine the young guys to Dorm two?” Bryan questioned. “They would then have their own rec room.”

“Because,” Ivan explained, “The renovations in Dorm two, is going to mostly eliminate the rec room. Part of it is going to be retrofitted into a computer lab, so they can get schooled and work on their GED’s or other training courses.”

“No more watching TV or shooting pool in the nude. Speaking of pool, no more skinny dipping either. We are going to construct changing rooms outside the swimming pool and swimming trunks will be required. They are trying to eliminate the possibility of these youngsters maybe seeing adult men naked, and vise verse.”

“We actually will still need to go out to the work site today,” Ivan commented, “For just a half day. Mainly, because we need to get our tools. We’ll start the renovations after lunch.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Luke arrived at the house it was about 5:15 PM. Mom was in the process of cooking dinner, and the aroma was enough to make any working man hungry.

“Hi Luke,” Mom said, cheerfully. “How did your day go?”

“Decent, actually much better than I expected.” Luke answered. “I not only have a job, but I also started work today. What time does Dad usually get home?”

“Normally about 6:00 PM. So where are you working?”

“NAPA Auto Parts,” Luke replied, “Delivering, and I use the company van.”

“I didn’t realize they delivered pizza,” Mom said, grinning.

“They don’t,” Luke chuckled. “Do I have time to catch a shower before dinner?”

“You should have. I need to warn you though, you’d better close the bedroom door, Buddy has been known to jump into the shower with you, otherwise.”

Luke thanked her for the warning, went upstairs to their (Mike’s and Luke’s) bedroom and showered. It seemed strange, showering alone, as he was used to showering with Mike. It’s quite convenient, having a bathroom connected to the bedroom. He finished his shower, dried off, and put on clean clothing, and headed back down to the kitchen.

“NAPA huh?” Dad said, “So how did that come about?”

Luke told him the whole story, about stopping at Papa Johns, then seeing the marquis at the NAPA store, applying, and getting hired on the spot. Luke also told Dad he needed to get a bank account ASAP for the direct deposits, and Jed had recommended the credit union. Dad agreed with that choice.

“Luke,” Mom asked, “are there any particular foods that you are really fond of or particularly dislike? It would help to know, when I go grocery shopping.”

Luke, pondering, “Not really, Mom, I’ll eat almost anything. It would be good to have some cold cuts around, and I could make a couple sandwiches to carry to work with me. If we have eggs and toast around, I like them for breakfast, and that is one of the few things I can actually cook.”

“I have a feeling,” Dad commented, “that in yours and Mike’s home, Mike will be doing most of the cooking, as he is training in culinary arts.”

“You’re probably right, and I guess I’ll have to clean up after him. I don’t have to be to work until 9:00 AM, but I need to leave a little earlier tomorrow, as I want to go by the credit union before work, and open an account. Dad, I hate to ask, but I’ve been told I will need a few dollars to open an account, if I could borrow some, I’ll pay you back after I get my first pay.”

“Not a problem, Luke,” Dad responded, going to the desk in the living room, and retrieving his checkbook. He wrote out a check for $150 to ‘Luke Johnson’, and handed it to Luke.

“That check is against my account at the credit union. They will cash it immediately, with your proper ID of course. I’d recommend cashing it, and using what you need to open the account, and keep the rest for whatever you need. It will take them a few days to get your debit card mailed to you. Also, you likely won’t have a payday for a couple of weeks.”

“Mom, I need a couple of favors from you, also. Nearly all my clothes that I brought from my old home need to be laundered. I am just asking if I may use the washer and dryer, I don’t expect you to do my laundry.”

“Sure, Luke,” Mom replied. “The washing soap, bleach, and dryer sheets are all in the cupboard over the dryer. Just help yourself whenever you need them. Luke, will you please pull those three bowls of salad out of the fridge, and those 4 or 5 bottles of dressing.”

Luke did so, and placed them on the table. Mom then drained the pasta, and distributed it between 3 spaghetti plates, and drenched them with deliciously smelling sauce and meatballs. She then pulled some garlic bread out of the toaster oven and placed it on the table. Dinner was served.

“Just one more small favor,” Luke said, “I know how Mike is, and I’m pretty certain he’s is worried sick about us. I need to write him, and let him know how everything is going. Do you have what I need to send him a letter?”

“I surely do, I’ll give them to you after dinner.” Mom said, “I’ll give you some extra stamps to enclose, I think he may be out of them.”

They all finished dinner, Mom cleared the table, and got the paper, envelopes and stamps and placed them on the table for Luke to use. He immediately started writing the letter, planning to mail it Tuesday morning on his way to the credit union and work.

Generally speaking, the week went pretty smoothly. Luke opened the account at the credit union Tuesday morning, and finished filling out the form to give to Jed. NAPA has quite a few customers that sometimes get 3 or 4 deliveries in a single day. By Friday, Luke was only using the GPS once or twice a day.

Saturday was a little different. Luke had set his phone alarm to wake him at 7:00 AM, as he needed to be at work at 8:00 instead of 9:00. Mom and Dad were still asleep when Luke left the house, stopping by Bojangles and grabbing a couple of sausage and egg biscuits for breakfast and a coffee to go.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

W7 – Thursday afternoon

Sean walked into the kitchen area and handed Mike an envelope. Mike immediately looked at the return address, Luke’s name but with his own home address. He was already feeling better. He knew, just from that little fact, that his parents had, in fact, rescued his lover. Mike can breathe now.

**** The letter ****

My Dearest Mike,

Baby, I can’t begin to tell you how awesome your parents are, and how welcome they have made me feel. Your father gained my utmost respect when he put my old man in his place, Sunday evening when they rescued me. My old man referred to both of us as faggots, and then your Dad put him down, big time, and we left.

We stopped for dinner at a Cracker Barrel, and had our first meal together as family. When we got home, Mom let Buddy out, and he ran up to me, and I almost pissed my pants. It felt so good to sleep in your bed, and Buddy slept with me. I wrapped my arm around him, imagining it was you, and we fell asleep. But we didn’t kiss or have sex. It was actually quite comforting to have Buddy on the bed with me.

Today I used your car to go and try to get a job. After getting an application for Papa Johns, I spotted a marquis at NAPA that said they were looking for a delivery person. I applied, they interviewed me and hired me on the spot. It’s a little rough right now, as I don’t know the area, and I have to use the GPS a lot. I drive the company van. I like the work though, and Jed, the manager, said he was pleased with my work for the first day.

Baby, even as well as your parents have treated and accepted me, I am still missing you in a huge way. I feel like half of me is missing, and I am counting the days until you are here with me. I hope you are doing OK. You know, I hope, that I love you very much.

Eternally yours, Luke

PS – Mom sent you stamps, hint, hint.


Troy, looking at Mike, “Was that letter good news?”

“Yes!” Mike exclaimed, smiling, “I can breathe easier now cause I know my baby is safe. He even got a job, delivering car parts for NAPA, and started Monday.” Then, chuckling, “My Siberian Husky might have abandoned me though, he is sleeping with Luke now.”

“I know you’re relieved now, Mike, it’ll be good to have you back with us.”

“Thanks Troy, I think I’d like to be Buddy now, so I could be sleeping with Luke. I’m feeling just a tad jealous of my dog. I miss Luke terribly.”

The way Vern had set up the schedule, for the weekdays, Mike and Troy were opening, serving breakfast and preparing lunch. Stephen comes in about 11:30 AM to help serve lunch, and help with prepping dinner and serving it. Vern and Jeremy come in about 2:00 to help with dinner prep, and will clean up and close after dinner.

W-7 Friday afternoon, shortly after 2:00 PM Sean entered the kitchen

“I’m glad I caught all of you here,” Sean stated, “I have some important information for you guys from Ruben. As some of you may be aware, the renovations in Dorm One are complete now. Ruben wants all the CA group to relocate to the first 5 beds in Dorm One, to make it easier for the Security Guard to wake you in the mornings.”

“Vern, Mike and Troy will need to move from Dorm 2 to Dorm 1, Jeremy and Stephen just need to relocate to different beds.” Sean, pen in hand, “So what are yawls preferences? So I can change the bed assignments.”

The five CA guys had a discussion, then Mike took over as spokesman.

“Vern selected Bed #1, I’ll take #2, Troy wants #3, Stephen will take #4 and Jeremy wants #5.” Mike stated.

“Gotcha.” Sean confirmed. “We are asking you all to make the move on Sunday, so by Monday morning you will already be relocated. Thanks guys.” Then added, “By the way, you guys moving from Dorm 2 can leave your old linens and pillows there, and I will issue you fresh ones from Dorm 1 on Sunday.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

About 10:00 AM Mom was fixing a batch of potato salad in the kitchen when Jerry knocked at the back door, Buddy ran to the door wagging his tail and getting excited.

“Come on in Jerry,” Mom said, cheerfully.

“Hi Buddy, Is Mike back home?” Jerry asked, bending over to give Buddy some loving. “I’ve noticed his car is gone quite often.”

“No, Jerry, he’s still got another four months to go. His boyfriend, Luke, is staying with us though, and is using his car.

“Mike’s got a boyfriend?” Jerry smiled. “How did that happen, when Mike was in prison?”

“Actually, they met and became friends in the pen, then after both of them transferred to prison school, they just got—well, a lot closer. It seems pretty serious.”

“So how did Luke end up living here, with you?” Jerry asked.

“Luke was imprisoned on a trumped up charge, and he got released last Saturday, free and no felony. Anna continued, “We visited Mike at the school last Sunday, and Luke called George’s cell phone while we were there and asked to speak to Mike.”

“Luke’s father was kicking him out of the house, and wanted him out by midnight. When Mike told us, we really had no choice but to go to Luke’s house and rescue him.”

“Just because Luke is gay?” Jerry responded. Anna nodded and Jerry shook his head. “How can—parents like that don’t deserve the title. I can’t imagine kicking my child out because they might be gay! So where is Luke now?”

“Working, delivering parts for NAPA. He should be getting off at noon. Would you like to hang around and meet him?”

“I’ve got some things to take care of, maybe later.”

“Jerry, we’re planning BBQ for later this afternoon, why don’t you come back and join us, and meet Luke. I think you will like him.”

“Thank you Mrs. Hamlin, I’d like that.” Grinning, “I would like to meet the dude that stole Mike’s heart. What time?”

“Probably about 3:00, we’ll probably eat around 4:00ish.”

“Cool, I’ll be back about 3:00, and thanks for the invite. It’ll be a little like the old days.”

Luke had a pretty decent Saturday morning. Many of the regular customers are closed on Saturday, but he still had quite a few deliveries, and was able to clock out at noon. Luke drove in about 12:15 and walked into the house.

“Man, I’m starved,” Luke exclaimed.

“There are some cold cuts in the fridge, Luke,” Mom said, “But don’t eat too much, we’ve got BBQ chicken fixin’ for dinner a little later. And Jerry’s coming by to eat with us. He stopped by this morning, first time we’ve seen him since Mike—got arrested. He wants to meet you.”

“Who is Jerry?”

“Mike’s best friend. Jerry and Mike pretty much grew up together. They were best friends since they were about 6 or 7 years old, and were close until Mike got arrested. I think you will like him.”

“I hope so, does he know about Mike and me?”

“Yes, and he is cool with it. He’s always known Mike was gay, but that never interfered with their friendship.”

“It’s warm today, I wish I had some shorts!”

“You don’t have any?” Mom questioned.

“My father always said only sissies wear shorts, and I was never allowed to wear them. I might buy a couple pair after I get paid.”

“Check out Mike’s drawers,” Mom said, “I’m sure he has at least 8 or 10 pairs, and I think they will fit you too.”

Luke finished off a ham sandwich, and then went up to their bedroom and started to look through Mike’s drawers. He found the right drawer, and pulled out a pair of camouflage shorts, and tried them on. Mom was right. They fit just fine.

Donning a rock star T-shirt, Luke headed back downstairs. He got a glass of iced tea from the fridge and headed out the back door where Dad was firing up the charcoal grill.

Dad, quickly covering his eyes with his arm, “You trying to blind me with those bright white legs? You need some sun, son!” Dad chuckled.

“Sorry Dad,” Luke replied, his face turning pink, “I’ve never had the option of wearing shorts before, but they feel good. I think I could get used to it.”

Luke watched as Dad placed 4 split broilers on the grill, basting them with a yellowish sauce. Shortly after, a young man walked into the back yard and up to Dad, who was facing away from him at the grill.

“Hi Mr. Hamlin.”

Dad, turning around, “Jerry! It’s so good to see you.” They hugged, then Dad said, “Jerry, I’d like to introduce you to Mike’s boyfriend, Luke Johnson.”

Luke offered his hand but…..

“Fuck it, Dude,” Jerry exclaimed, “you’re family, you deserve more than a handshake!” and wrapped his arms around Luke, hugging him close. “Mike is still my best friend, and I want to be your friend also.”

“T—T—Thanks, Jerry.” Luke stammered, “we’ll give it a shot.” Luke is still trying to get used to people actually accepting the lifestyle he and Mike are headed into.

The Hamlins really went all out. About 4:00 PM the chicken was done to perfection, and Mom brought out the potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans and rolls. Jerry made some comment about needing to get Luke to the beach to get some color on those white legs, and caused Luke to blush again.

George placed a half chicken on each of the four plates, and they all sat down at the rectangular patio table. The Hamlin’s sat on one side and the two boys sat next to each other on the flip side, with Buddy parked between them, hoping for some handouts. He knows, with the right eye contact, the boys are likely to feed him quicker that the older adults.

“Gosh, Dad,” Luke exclaimed, “This has got to be the best tasting chicken I’ve ever eaten!”

“It’s awesome, isn’t it,” Jerry commented. “I don’t think any eatery I know of can compete with Mr. Hamlin”s chicken, it’s always the best. I’d drive a hundred miles for some of Mr. Hamlin’s BBQ chicken. Thanks Mrs. H for inviting me today.”

Dad, smiling, “Thanks boys, it does my heart good to see you boys enjoying it. Jerry has shared a lot of meals here with Mike and us, and we’ve kind of missed you, Jerry, since Mike has been gone. I hope you know you’re still welcome to stop by anytime.”

“Thanks Mr. H, I always felt bad,” Jerry commented, “that my Mom was funny about having other kids in the house. She would never let me bring Mike home to share a meal with us.”

The four chatted about nothing of real importance, while enjoying the delicious meal. They were all pretty much stuffed. The two boys are still getting to know each other a little more.

“Where do you work, Jerry?” Luke queried.

“I don’t. I spend most of my days attending classes at the community college. What hours do you work?”

“9-5 weekdays and 8-12 on Saturdays. This is my first week there, and I like it a lot. Why?”

“So you’re off tomorrow,” smiling. “Look, there’s a band fest over in Milton tonight. There’ll be four or five local rock bands competing with each other. I think we should go, and get you introduced to a little of the night life around these parts.”

“I don’t know Jerry. I don’t really have the money, and I don’t get my first payday until Friday. How far away is Milton?”

“Hey dude, don’t worry about it. It’s like $5 admission, plus whatever we drink or snack on. I gotcha covered. It’s only about 45 minutes away, and we’ll have a blast. We do need to leave pretty soon though, or we’ll have to walk a mile to get to the stage area.”

“Go ahead Luke,” Dad said, “After what you’ve been going through, you deserve to go out on a Saturday night and have a little fun.”

“OK, I’ll go, give me a few minutes to change out of these shorts.”

“Why?” Jerry retorted, “It’s not a black tie event, 75% of the guys will be dressed like us, T-shirts, shorts and sneakers. We can walk to my house, and take my car. It’s only about 1 block away.”

“Any idea what time you guys will be back?” George asked, “You know Jerry, you’re welcome to stay overnight, if Luke doesn’t mind.”

“Thanks, Mr. H, the event gets over at midnight. If we stop for a late night snack it might be 1:30 or 2:00, otherwise 12:30 at the earliest. Thank you and the Mrs. For an awesome BBQ dinner. See you later. Be good, Buddy.”

“I think I could get used to wearing shorts, They feel comfortable.” Luke said, as he and Jerry walked towards Jerry’s house.

“You’ve never worn shorts? No wonder your legs are so white. Why not?”

“My father said real men wear long pants, only women and sissies wear shorts, and faggots. Jerry, this will be my first time to see a rock band perform live. It’s pretty exciting.”

“You’ve never been to a rock concert either?”

“Nope, my father said rock and roll is the devils music. I couldn’t even listen to it if my parents were around.”

Jerry, as they arrived at his house and car. “Well, here it is. Kinda old, but it runs. I got a good system in it though, the systems probably worth more than the car! Let me run in and tell Mom where we are going, so she won’t worry.”

Jerry and Luke climbed in and buckled up. Jerry put in a classic rock CD, cranked up the system, and they drove to Milton. There was no conversation between them, as neither could have heard anything above the blaring of the speakers and sub woofer in the trunk.

They arrived, and were directed to a parking area, left the car and headed to the arena, which appeared to be a soccer field. There was plenty of bleacher type seating, and the admission was, as Jerry had stated, $5, and they rubberstamped the back of everyone’s hand as they paid. Those of age, with proper ID could get a purple bracelet, which allowed them to purchase alcohol.

There were two stages set up on the field, fairly close to the seating area, and a band was set up on each stage. It was designed so that when a band completed their performance, they could break down their equipment while the other band played, and the next band could set up on the vacated stage. It was a total of five bands, treating the crowd to five straight hours of music.

At 11:00 the final performers took the stage, and the audience was quite surprised. Their instruments were bass and lead guitar, drums, keyboard, and accordion. They were introduced as ‘Los Extranjeros’ (The Foreigners) and played music sung in Spanish. Much of the crowd made their exit at this point, but many hung around, enjoying something out of the ordinary.

When that last band finished, what was left of the crowd gave them a standing ovation, so they treated us to a last couple of songs, ending their performance with a Spanish version of ‘Titanic’ that had been popularized by Celine Dion. The crowd loved it.

We finally worked our way out of the parking lot, and headed toward home.

“So, Luke,” Jerry questioned, “Did you enjoy it?”

“Absolutely!” Luke exclaimed, “Even though they weren’t well known bands, watching and hearing them live like that was awesome. If you come up with something like that again, you won’t have to twist my arm very hard to get me to go with you.” Luke was grinning.

“I could sure go for a burger about now,” Jerry said, “I know there is a Waffle House on the way home. I don’t believe it! Randy’s Diner is still open!”

“What’s Randy’s?” Luke asked.

“It’s a Mama Pop diner that likely has the best damn burger and fries in the state! They usually close about 10:00 PM.”

Jerry pulled in to the nearly full parking lot and he and Luke got out of the car and walked in. It seemed that, because of the Band Fest, they decided to stay open late tonight, and had a full staff working, and a house full of guests.

A waitress that reminded both Jerry and Luke of ‘Flo’ from Mel’s Diner, showed them to a booth and took their orders for coffee, burgers and fries. Jerry explained to Luke that their burgers were hand pressed from freshly ground beef, and the fries were done with the skins on and fresh cut. Jerry told Luke that he never needed catsup with these fries.

After eating, Luke told Jerry that they were the tastiest burgers and fries he had ever eaten, and he would remember this diner. Jerry picked up the tab, and left a $6 tip for ‘Flo’ and they left.

Once in the car and headed home, Jerry turned the volume down to where they could communicate without their voices being drowned by the music.

“So Luke,” Jerry questioned, “How do you feel about me maybe staying over with you tonight?”

“You mean like, sleeping together, in Mike’s bed?”

“You do realize, Luke, I’m straight. It’s not like I’m going to rape you, and I’m damn sure not going to let you rape me.” Jerry continued, “Yes, I do mean sleeping with you, in Mike’s bed, as friends.”

“I don’t know, Jerry,” Luke pondered, “a few months ago I would have said ‘hell no’ to sleeping with another man, but I’ve gotten used to sleeping with Mike for almost two months now. Jerry, I miss Mike so much. I still can’t believe I fell for a man, like I fell for Mike. He is my world, he means more to me than anything else I can imagine.”

“Luke, I’m not gay, and I’m not Mike. Things that Mike can do with you, I can’t, but I can be your friend, and I can keep you warm. What do you say?”

“It might not seem so lonely, if you are close to me. Are we almost home?”

“About 10 minutes, Luke. If it’s OK, I’ll park behind the Cavalier. Nobody has to leave early in the morning anyway. When we get home I’ll text my Mom and let her know I’m over here so she won’t worry.”

When Luke unlocked the back door, Buddy came out, tail wagging. He went over to the nearest tree and watered it, and we all entered the kitchen. Luke locked the back door, and we all quietly went to Mike’s room. Both Jerry and Luke needed the bathroom before bed. When Jerry came out, Luke went in, and Jerry then undressed, and was standing by the bed naked when Luke came out of the bathroom, still wearing boxers.

“Jerry, you’re naked!” Luke exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Jerry responded, “Mike and I always slept raw. Is that a problem for you?”

“I guess not,” Luke said, “it just caught me off guard.”

Luke then dropped his boxers, and both boys slipped into bed. Jerry reached up and turned out the light, snuggling close to Luke. Luke was tempted to slide over and create some space between them, but feeling Jerry’s body so close and warm, decided to just enjoy the feeling, and yes, it felt good.

“Jerry, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what?”

“Have you and Mike ever done anything together?”

“Sure, lots. We’ve skateboarded, kayaked, bowled, gone to movies and concerts, hiked, camped. We have spent most of our lives together since we were kids.”

“What I really meant—was—have you ever done anything—like—sexually?”

Jerry’s pondering how to answer this. He wants to be truthful, and still not hurt Luke. He also wants something from Luke, and doesn’t want to fuck up a budding friendship. Luke has appeared to trust him, and Jerry doesn’t want to destroy that trust.

(to be continued)

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