The Brownstone: Michael Ch. 02

A gay story: The Brownstone: Michael Ch. 02 A light knocking on the door the next morning woke me from my sleep. The king sized bed I was sleeping in was far more comfortable than the single at the Y or even my too short bed in the dorm.

The last thing that Charles requested of me before he departed from the limo was that I not cum again until we saw each other. At first I didn’t know if that was possible. My libido was in constant overdrive and I was accustomed to a daily routine of casting off loads 3-4 times a day. I woke up with my hand wrapped around my cock but quickly stopped myself. I didn’t want to disappoint Charles and decided try my hardest to do as he requested.

The knocking persisted forcing me to get up. My cock was rock hard and screaming for release and it took everything I had to answer the door.

Cracking the door slightly I saw an attractive woman patiently waiting for me . “Mr. Layton?” She inquired, knowing full well who I was.


“My employer sent me by to get you and take you about town today.” Her voice was tinged with an English accent. “I am his personal assistant.” She added. Finally realizing that she woke me up she recommended I meet her in hotel restaurant as soon as I could get ready, as we had a busy day ahead of us, and she would go over my schedule for the day.

Thirty minutes later I was listening to Ms. Penelope Wilson as she rattled on about my day while I ate an egg white omelet with fruit and whole wheat toast that had been pre-ordered and placed in front of me. ‘Mr. C’, as she referred to Charles had been very specific about my schedule for the day. The morning had been earmarked for getting new clothes and a proper shave and haircut. I didn’t really understand why I needed another shave after all I had just shaved with a brand new .25 cent Bic razor in my room – I thought it did a decent enough job. Not wanting to appear rude I just continued to listen as Ms. Wilson droned on. I would have a late lunch before I would be shuttled to Mr. Charles’ private club for a massage and steam. A car would pick me up at 6:30 pm to make a 7pm dinner reservation with Mr. C and his guests. Proper dress was required.

For the briefest moment I wondered if I was still asleep and this was all a dream. But it wasn’t, and I realized that even though there was a part of me that looked forward to everything that Ms. Wilson was mapping out for me, there was something was about the whole thing that was nagging at me. It all seemed so planned, so regimented. Maybe it was because I had never been exposed to this type of life before. So far in my life the only expectations anyone ever had of me were to play a decent game of ball and get good grades in school.

Or maybe because suddenly this whole process was making me feel like I was being prostituted. I disliked that someone was paying for the room I was sleeping in, choosing the food I was eating and deciding on the clothes that I was ‘expected’ to wear. I felt like all of this was taking away any options I would have about continuing exploring something with Charles. I was beginning to believe that if I accepted all of these things it would be expected of me to have sex – in essence to perform. I did want Charles, he was probably the most exciting person I had ever met and just thinking about him made my cock hard…I just wasn’t sure it was under these circumstances.

Ms. Wilson didn’t appear to be uncomfortable dealing with me – like this was something she did every day. Was Charles that type of man that found unsuspecting men like me and did this on a regular basis? Did he have a stable of Iowa farm boys at his beck and call? Last night he made it seem like he had been looking for me for a long time.

Ms. Wilson accompanied me to Barneys where I stripped down to my underwear and spent the bulk of the morning being fitted with a pre-selected wardrobe of clothing. Chosen for me were two suits, one navy blue and one dark grey, 4 dress shirts that were tailored to fit me like a glove. In addition Charles included some additional casual clothing ‘to be worn for off business times’ as Ms. Wilson put it, as well as shoes, socks and new undergarments. In all my life I had never had so many clothes.

As if Barney’s wasn’t overwhelming enough, without taking a breath, we moved to our next stop – Renaldo’s. Ms. Wilson left me at the door to the ‘salon’ with instructions that I was to meet her back at the hotel when I was done. The limo was at my avail and after handing me the phone number to reach the limo driver she departed.

Renaldo was Charles’s personal barber or stylist as he called himself. He was the most unique and gregarious person I had ever met in my life. The salon was located off 5th Avenue in a converted basement space of the building that had a mixture of businesses and apartments. The large windowless one room shop was not excessively decorated, but what it lacked in decor Renaldo made up in his outgoing personality. The main focal point to the room was a large barber chair that I later found out converted into a table with the flip of several switches and sat in the center of the room. To left side of the room there was a small neatly appointed kitchenette and bar. Opposite that, on the right side of the room was a full large bathroom combination changing room area complete with a shower and jetted tub.

Renaldo was a story onto himself. He was the first openly gay man I had ever met. He was oddly good-looking, in a taller Al Pacino type of way and spoke with such a thick Italian accent I could barely understand him. Charged with way too much energy and perpetually happy, the glass was always half full for him,he expected everyone around him to be as happy as he was.

For the first five minutes he ran his hands through my hair, not saying a word, just getting the feel for my hair and what style would suit me best. When he was done he told me to go take a shower, use the shampoo that was there, and return to him. The caveat to the shower being that when I was done I wasn’t to put my clothes back on again. My eyes had to be the size of Nebraska – why did this man want me naked? What was he going to do to me? Giving me a stern look he sent me on my way. Once again I was baffled by orders being given to me. I was starting to find that this weekend away was both challenging and intriguing.

The shower was warm and soothing and for a few moments I was able to let everything go and relax. An ultra-soft towel waited for me when I was done which I wrapped around my waist before returning to the salon. Renaldo sat patiently waiting for me on a stool next to his barber chair. “Ah… good” he said with his strong Italian accent when I returned. He guided me to the chair and without hesitation flipped a lever so the chair went from an upright position to laying flat on my back. He told me he was going to shave me and that it was very important that I remain relaxed. My breath hitched momentarily when I finally realized what he was about to do to me. He peeled the towel away and looked over my body. A sharp whistle seared through his gaped front teeth as he slapped his hand against his cheek and exclaimed “Momma Mia!” over and over again. “You be da Rodin, you be a perfection. I have never a seen such beauty.”

Instinctively my hands moved to cover myself. “No…no…no… you must not a to cover yourself, you must to be a proud of yourself.” I let my hands drop slowly earning an ear-to-ear smile from Renaldo. “Si…Si…Si…” he whispered.

“Now we to begin a.” He said. For the next two hours Renaldo meticulously groomed my body. He applied hot towels to my face then using a straight barber’s razor gave me the closest shave I had ever had. When he was done he applied a cleansing peel to my face. It took me awhile to get used to his accent but I was finally able to gather that I didn’t take proper care of my skin and had badly clogged pores and that from now on I was to only use his products. He told me a beautiful face like mine will get me far in the business world.

My mind drifted to Charles and realized that maybe Renaldo did know what he was talking about.

Then he pulled out the wax.

I had heard about some jocks that waxed their bodies, especially runners who felt it gave them an added advantage, but I had never entertained the thought. “Mister Charles he a like a little hair, but not a too much a. Please no a worry I be a very gentle, you a very a special man and I a make you molto bello.”

No matter how gentle someone is waxing is still an unpleasant experience! He told me that hair around the nipples was no good. So with a slather, zip and rip it was gone. He left my happy trail telling me it was just too sexy to remove. Then he moved down to my cock and balls. Renaldo was a pro and told me I had nothing to worry about. He spread my legs, positioning them in stirrups on the side of the table-chair.

Talking to me the whole time, telling me each step he was taking was reassuring to a point. He applied a thin layer of numbing cream to my balls then applied what he explained to be a special wax he had developed. The wax, he further explained, when heated slightly and applied to the more sensitive areas would expand the pores, making it easier for the hairs to be removed. He also told me that with regular waxing it would eventually cause the hair to grow more slowly and definitely more finely. Before I could let out a few deep breaths the procedure was over and Renaldo was moving me around for the final waxing. My ass!

I wanted to protest, I know my ass was protesting as my puckered hole clenched tightly drawing my ass cheeks together. Renaldo just laughed as he raised and spread me wider in the stirrup rests. Releasing the bottom part of the table chair he positioned my ass so it was resting on the edge. Renaldo rolled the low seated stool between my legs. He seemed pleased that my ass cheeks weren’t hairy, but warned me that it is the curse of most men to grow heavy hair in this area. As he spoke he gently spread my cheeks and applied another thin layer of wax from the top of my crack to my balls and all the way to my pucker hole. “You be a virgin, si?” he asked as he waited for the wax to cool. I didn’t feel his question warranted an answer, so I let him think what he wanted to as he pulled the strips of cotton down and away from my body. How many other men had Renaldo done this to for Charles?

By 2pm I was done and on my way back to the hotel. My hair was cut to perfection and my tingly, much less hairy body was grateful it was over. Ms. Wilson met me at the limo and we were whisked off to the lunch only because that’s what it said to do on her list. As scheduled, after lunch the limo took me to Charles’ private club. Like everything that had crossed my path in the last 24 hours Charles club was so upscale it didn’t have a public address. A steward greeted me in the lobby and escorted me to a private room where I was instructed once again to remove my clothing, geez people sure liked me with no clothes on, he handed me a towel-wrap that I pulled around my waist and followed him to a common area where several men were sitting about talking.

“The steam room is over there sir” the steward pointed out as we walked around the area. Eerily, every eye in the area was on me. “There is a pool in the next area if you care to take a swim. Food, drinks, alcohol are located here, just ask any steward and they will be more than happy to assist you. When you are ready for your massage just return to your room and you will be taken care of.”

Left alone I wondered around the lounge and entered the steam room. The room wasn’t like the gymnasium type I was used to school. The eucalyptus scented steam was lush and invigorating. I laid on one of the teak benches and closed my eyes – relaxation was immediate.

“Good afternoon Michael.” It was his voice, that soft whispering voice that commanded attention. I sat up and watched Charles entering the room. “How are you feeling today? Are you having a good time” he asked.

“Ye…yes…sir, although I have to admit I didn’t care too much for some of the stuff Renaldo did to me.” I felt like I let out a little giggle, but men don’t giggle, do they?

He let out a hearty laugh and said. “But if you touch yourself now you will feel how good the results are.” He stared at me, waiting for me to do as he suggested. Spreading my legs slightly I touched my fingers to my balls and felt their smooth softness – just like Charles’ had felt last night. Without hesitation Charles sat next to me and intertwined my fingers with his as we explored my newly waxed areas. My cock immediately went rigid making a tepee tent in my towel. “I look forward to being with you tonight Michael. I hope you do too.”

A simple yes passed through my lips as his lips then his tongue glided over mine for the briefest moment. I wanted to reach out and pull him against my body feeling his nakedness against mine. Gawd this man was driving me crazy!

“As much as I would love to stay here with you all afternoon I must go now. I will see you this evening. I have asked my personal valet Peyton to make sure your clothes are laid out and ready for our dinner tonight. ”

He stood to leave, hesitated for a moment and turned to me. “Michael, we will be having drinks and dinner at a public restaurant tonight with some very influential people. It is a business meeting and you must behave accordingly. I will be very different with these people than I am when it is just you and me. It is imperative that you learn there are two facets to our relationship. Do I make myself clear?” His voice slipped into this ‘all business’ commanding tone that sent chills up spine. This is a man I did not want to cross – ever! Without saying another word he turned and left the room…leaving me feeling oddly despondent.

Charles’ cold manner snapped me back to reality. There were so many sides to Charles. One minute he was this sexy needy man, then he could change into this man that had to have total control over everything, and now I saw this new side – the business side of him, cold and ruthless. Charles had to be the most exciting man I had ever met but it still boiled down to the fact that I was just a simple 19 year old farm boy from Iowa who had never been exposed to the things that Charles had shown me in the past 12 hours. I was bothered by all the ‘rules’ that Charles carried with him, that I was being forced to follow. Do this, dress like this, shave this, act like this. He seemed to be molding me into someone he wanted me to be and I wasn’t sure I ready for or even wanted this. I couldn’t help but wonder why I wasn’t good enough, as I was, for him.

I returned to the hotel still confused to find my room had been transformed in the few hours I had been gone. The closet and dresser were filled with the new clothes. An empty and very expensive looking suitcase sat on the luggage rack at the end of the bed. The few pieces of clothing, my school books and toiletries I had come with were neatly packed away in my backpack and stowed in the back of the closest. In the bathroom I found bottle after bottle of personal items from Renaldo’s. New shoes sat shined and ready to wear. Sitting on the bed I looked over to the nightstand and found a bottle of lubricant with the seal still intact. Everything was all neat and tidy and thought out ahead of time.

I was a sophomore in college on what I thought was a single minded track. I had a minimum of four or five more years of school before I could reach the goals I had set for myself and I refused to let anything stand in my way to achieving them. Returning to Iowa was not an option and the next few years were the most crucial of my life. I had this nagging feeling deep inside of me, telling me if I went through with this thing with Charles there would be no turning back and there was a strong possibility that I could be throwing every goal I had set for myself away.

Walking around the room looking at all the things that Charles was trying to turn me into, my eyes stopped on the new suit his ‘personal valet’ had chosen for me to wear. My fingers traced their way across the fabric. I had never felt a material as lush as this before. This suit cost more than my food allotment for the year and was a long way from my $19.99 jeans or the polyester baseball pants I was used to wearing. My eyes drifted over to the white shirt with subtle almost invisible grey stripes running through it. A light yellow power tie was laid over the shirt. Navy blue sock were placed next to a white T-shirt and white silk boxer shorts, just like the ones Charles wore. I picked up the boxers, feeling the luxurious fabric between my fingers and realized that this one pair of boxer shorts probably cost more than my entire current wardrobe. Laying the boxers back on the dresser I found a neatly printed note card from Peyton telling me to call him if I needed assistance getting dressed and to meet Mr. Charles in the lobby promptly at 6:30.


The clock ticked to 6:00 pm as I looked back at the room. I had changed out of the ‘casual wear’ Charles had chosen for me back to the jeans I had worn last night. I put the room key on the dresser and let the door slowly click shut, hesitating for the briefest moment before I walked to the elevator. Leaving just seemed to be the only option for me.

The bus back to Boston was mostly empty and I was able to cram in a few hours of studying. It was close to 2am when I finally made it back to the dorm. The dorms were officially closed for the holiday but security was on duty to let me in.

“I hope you don’t mind, but your uncle showed up a little while ago, said he missed you at the bus station. I let him into your room” he told me. I bounded up the steps, taking them two at a time and ran to my room. Opening the door my heart almost stopped when I saw Charles casually sitting on my bed.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I choked out, still out of breath from the stairs and nervous by his appearance. Charles gave me a stunned reaction to my outburst but spoke calmly when he finally opened his mouth.

“I came to find out why you left Michael.”

I just shook my head in disbelief. “Charles…I …I…at the time it just felt like the right thing for me to do!” There, I said it.

“Sit down Michael. I want you to tell me everything you are feeling and why you felt you needed to leave” His voice was soft and filled with concern.

“I don’t know how to put all of these…feelings…into words Charles.” I said finally. He stared at me and waited patiently for me speak again. “I couldn’t breathe…everything was moving too fast. You have to understand…I have these goals I set for myself, there are things that I have to do in my life and I was afraid that being with you wouldn’t allow me fulfill them.”

“Please tell me more, tell me about your goals.” He whispered. His body relaxed as he leaned back on the bed giving me his full attention.

The pressures of the day soon disappeared and I found myself remembering how easy it was to talk to him. “Charles, my father was my hero. He was President of the largest bank in Ames. But he died when I when I was just a kid…” I paused for a moment to reflect on the only man I had ever truly admired…well before I met Charles. “After he died my mother and I moved back to her home town to the farm her parents had owned. I hated it. Her parents passed soon after and because of bad investments on their part we lost the farm a few years later. We moved into a one bedroom apartment in town. She had married my father when she was just out of high school and had never worked a day in her life. She had no skills whatsoever to support us. To keep us going she worked as a waitress during the day and cleaned office buildings in the evening just so that we could keep the roof over our heads. When she died suddenly I was a senior in high school and was left with nothing. No family, no heritance – simply nothing. To make matters worse I was forced to live my last six months of high school as a ward of the state. I promised myself I would never live like that again. I left Iowa with the goal of never going back there. The only thing I have in life at this moment is this fucking baseball scholarship, it’s the only way I can stay in school and I can’t do anything to lose it.”

“And you think that being with me might jeopardize it?” he asked.

“Yes…no…I think so…FUCK Charles, I don’t know…at the moment I left the New York it seemed a lot clearer than it does right now…” my sentenced drifted as Charles sat up and looked me dead in the eyes.

“I’ve listened to you, now I’d like you to listen to me please. My walking into that bar wasn’t by accident. I own that bar, and the bartender works for me. It is his job to be my eyes and ears. It is also his job to let me know if anyone comes in that I might find…that I might want to meet. He thought you were interesting enough for me to come and meet…and Michael, he was correct.” He stopped for a brief moment. “I know how that might sound, but I am a very rich man and there are people that would like to bring me down and look for any weaknesses I might have.”

“But why would he think you would be interested in me?” I asked.

“Michael, as I have explained to you, I am not looking for a one time fuck. I want to build a relationship with someone, someone that I can trust explicitly and I think you are that person. I guess that when Tom saw you he thought the same thing. After all how many men go to a gay bar with the intent to pick up another man and spend their time with their nose in a book studying Economics instead?” He paused to gather his thoughts. “Michael, I don’t want to stand in your way of your education. Hell, if I didn’t think you’d bite my head off I’d offer to pay for it and be a mentor to you also.” He stop but realized there was something else he needed to say. “I have goals too Michael and if you will give us an opportunity to know each other, I would love to share them with you.”

I was shocked. No one had ever put such faith and trust in me before. “I’m sorry” I finally said, “I should have spoken to you before I left”

“Yes you should have Michael,” He said in a mock stern voice, “but I do forgive you” He said smiling at me. “And now that it’s all settled my vote is that we continue our weekend! That is, if you want to.”

“You still want to see me?” I asked shocked.

There was no limo this time, just a Mercedes 500SEL. “I have a business associate that owns a vacation home on the Cape, he called the caretaker and had them open the house and stock the fridge for us.”

“But…But…I thought you had business to conduct in New York…” I said.

“Michael, as you get to know me you will learn that I am a very rich and extremely powerful man which gives me the right to conduct business when it suits me. Trust me, people will wait for me.”

It was just that simple.

Charles drove and also did most of the talking. He was open to most of my questions. His upbringing almost mirrored mine in that he came from small town America with the goal of never going back again. When it was evident his family wasn’t going to help him with paying for his college education he boarded a bus bound for New York and on his own he put himself through school while he held down a full time job.

“…and your wife doesn’t mind that you aren’t home for Thanksgiving?” I asked.

“No, Mary and I lead very separate lives and rarely do things together. She has her charity work that keeps her busy. Also…she has been ill this past year and spends most of her time in bed and on painkillers. She prefers to be alone when she has to be so medicated.” There was a quiet sadness in his voice when he spoke about her.


It was just before 4am when we pulled into the house on the Cape. From the outside it looked like your typical New England Cape Cod house. But the owner had made extensive interior renovations and from the moment you entered into the house you were transported from house by the beach to ultra modern and sleek. The house sat on six acres with no neighbors within walking range. The best part of the house was the entire back of the house was open, with large bay windows that looked out over the ocean so no matter where you stood on the ground floor you could see the nature at its best.

“I don’t know about you but it’s been a long day and I’m tired.” Charles said after we looked around the house and found a suitable bedroom to sleep in. There was an awkward silence as we busied ourselves preparing for bed.

We were stripped down to our briefs, my tidy-whities, him in his silk boxers as we brushed our teeth. Just standing there, looking at Charles in the mirror made me want him. Trying to entice him I rearranged myself so the head of my cock was popping out of the band of my underwear.

“As much as I would like to make that incredibly thick and swollen erection between your legs get smaller I feel we need to get some sleep first.” Charles said. “I want both of us to be well rested, well fed and well hydrated before we begin our sexual adventure.” He could tell I was visibly disappointed but I was just the young grasshopper learning from the oh so powerful master. He turned the light out in the bathroom and together we walked to the bed.

“Now Michael, as your self-appointed teacher…” he smiled trying to hold back laughing. I couldn’t help but smile too – he was reading my thoughts now also? “There are some rules you will need to learn.” I rolled my eyes, not more rules! “Rule #1 – no clothes allowed in bed.” He leaned his hand on my shoulder and removed his boxers tossing them across the room. I followed suit and within moments we were naked and wrapped in each others arms snuggled in the large king sized bed.

“I didn’t know I could enjoy rules so much. I can’t wait to find you what Rule #2 is” I said between the long wet kisses we were sharing. “In fact, I want to learn all the rules as quickly as possible!”

Charles smiled and told me that before we left this house I would certainly know the most important ones.

I couldn’t believe that with such a raging hard on I fell asleep as quickly as I did. When I woke a few hours later my balls were so full they were actually painful to the touch. Charles was already up and in the bathroom when I made my way out of the bed. He was in the process of shaving his beautiful face when I stepped to the toilet to relieve my full bladder.

“I love the sound of a man pissing, especially that first piss of the morning, it’s so strong and the smell is so pungent” he made pissing sound so erotic and such a normal thing that I didn’t know how to respond to his declaration.

“Michael, one thing you will learn from me is that every person is different and each can like or dislike different things. But you have to always keep an open mind,” He paused for a moment “I think that should be Rule #2 – always have an open mind, never judge”

He came up beside me and kissed my neck, “Mmmm…how are you this morning?” he asked.

“My balls hurt” I said as I shook the last of my piss from the end of my cock and walked over to wash my hands.

“Anything I can do to help?” he asked, reaching between my legs and kneading them gently between his fingers.

“Oh yessss…” I hissed. “Don’t stop.”

“You’ll shoot your load”

“Uh huh” I said closing my eyes and shaking my head.

“Um…. Sorry, but no…..I have plans for that load.” He withdrew his hand and whipped a finger in the air “Now for Rule #3 – Patience! Good things come to those that wait!”

Turning on his heel he left the bathroom, put on his boxers and went to the kitchen. I followed closely behind, only sans underwear. Charles busied himself making coffee and pulling items out to cook for breakfast while I sat at the kitchen table, facing him and stroking my cock ever so slowly from the base to the tip.

“It won’t work Michael” he said in his ultra sexy deep whispering tone. “You can stroke it all you want but all that’s going to happen are your balls will just hurt more.” He poured himself a cup of coffee, grabbed a glass of water and sat down in at the table with me.

“Drink the water. It’s important that you are hydrated. You are going to lose a lot of fluids very soon.” Grabbing the water with my free hand I downed the full glass in one gulp, never losing a beat stroking my cock. Not to be undone, Charles just stood up, walked to the sink, filled that glass again and returned to the table. “Again” he said.

“Charles, I need to cum. I have never gone this long with shooting my load. I’m used to jerking off several times a days, it’s now almost 36 hours. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.” I know I sounded like a whiny brat, but I wasn’t used to any of this.

“Rule #4 – Self control. You’ll come to love to appreciate it.” He whispered. “We eat and then play”

We ate a large breakfast and I drank two more glasses of water. Charles had me clean the breakfast dishes while he went and got things prepared. My cock was still hard and throbbing for release.

As I was finishing up Charles walked into the room. “Are you ready Michael?” Without saying a word I put the towel down and walked with him to the bedroom. Finally!


“Michael, I asked you the night we met what you wanted and you told me you weren’t sure. I want you to be able to explore and experience everything, some things you might like and other things maybe not so much, but at least you will always know that you tried.” We were sitting on the bed. “I want us to go slowly, for two reasons. One I want you to feel and enjoy every moment of this first experience and two; I don’t want either of us to cause the other pain.”

“That makes sense” I said.

“Lay back for a minute.” I laid back and Charles told me to spread my legs. “Now draw your legs up and hold them up with your hands.” He licked the tip of his middle finger and traced a line from my balls down to my puckered hole. He whispered for me to relax. Licking his finger again he rubbed lightly over my hole. It was the most incredible indescribable feeling. “I want to and I am going to put my cock in here.” he whispered again. A surge flowed through my body and a large pre-ejaculate stream oozed from my cock head. My body stiffened and I feared I was about to shot my entire load. Charles calmly pulled away, had me release my legs and patiently waited for the rush to subside.

Once my cock calmed down and Charles was confident we could continue he lean forward and kissed me lightly. “I want you to know what to expect when I finally put my cock into you. So I’m going to have you fuck me first” He laid down on the bed in the same position I had been in moments ago. His ass was pointing straight at me. Me? He wanted me to put my cock into him? How could I do that? “Michael, listen to me.” He sat up and looked me straight in the eye. “I want you to do this. I want to feel that big beautiful cock of yours deep in my ass. I want you to fill me up and shoot your load into me and then shoot it again and again.” He resumed his position on his back and spread his legs. I moved between his legs and stared at him in disbelief.

“Now listen to me Michael, I want you to take some lubricant from the nightstand and stroke it over your cock. Get it nice and slick. Now rub some on my hole”

When my finger touched his hole I felt it twitch at the same moment Charles moaned. I was in a fugue state where all I could do was listen to his voice and do what he told me to do. “Look at me Michael,” I looked to him for reassurance and found it in his eyes. “Slide a finger inside of me. Feel how my ass wraps itself around you…oh yes…that’s right…now in and out of me a few more times…can you feel how my ass is opening to your finger…. ahhhh…oh…yesssss….”

Suddenly brave I pulled my one finger out and slipped two inside of him. He moaned louder pressing himself into my hand. He was panting and I knew he was finding it difficult to talk and enjoy what I was doing at the same time. “Now I want you to put that beautiful cock of yours to my ass and very slowly push it in. You’ll feel a little more resistance this time, but just for a moment. I’m going to take a few deep relaxing breaths and you’ll start to feel me open and soon you’ll be in me. Go very slowly, I want you to savor every moment, feel what I’m feeling….” His voice drifted for a moment as I pressed myself against him. He took two deep breaths and I felt him start to relax and open to me as I pushed into him.

I pushed some more and the edges of his tight hole gave way and surrounded the head of my cock. Charles’s body relaxed as more of me pushed into him. His low guttural moans filled the room. “Oh Michael please … more, I want to feel more of you… push into me further…fuck my asssss….” His moans were almost desperate as I slid deeper into him. Never in my life could I have imagined that I would ever be doing anything like this and that it would feel so fucking good. His ass was so hot and tight around my cock.

“Charles…” I said suddenly. “I’m going to cum, I can’t stopppppp…..” I knew my voice was panicked, filled with fear that I was going to disappoint him but I couldn’t stop. My cock went deeper into him and suddenly exploded, pulsating streams of cum deep into his ass. Foreign sounds screamed out of me, animalistic howls that came from so deep inside that it shook my body uncontrollably as wave after wave of hot cum shot from my cock.

As my orgasm subsided Charles opened his eyes and stared at me. “That’s why I wanted you to wait…” he said with a shit-eating grin on his face. I had never seen anyone look so joyfully satisfied. “Now that you’ve gotten that over with I want you to fuck me Michael, please fuck me, I need your cock deeper inside of me” his mood had changed, he was a man that needed his needs fulfilled. His ass moved against mine, shoving himself deeper against me until the root of my cock and my balls slapped against his ass cheeks. “Now pull out slowly, feel how my body wants more. Yes… more…. pull that cock almost all the way out….” He body was shaking against mine. “Now slam back into me…” I shoved my cock deeply into him and felt him vibrating against me. Charles told me what to do, how to do it and when do it. He had me pull my cock slowly out then slam it back. He made me pull all the way and see how big his gaping hole had grown to accept my cock. When I saw it starting to close I slammed back into him again and did it again.

“I want you to watch yourself fucking me” he said suddenly. He had me pull out of him while he got on his knees and had his ass starring straight at me. I rubbed my hands over his smooth ass cheeks, feeling the roundness and firmness of each cheek. I couldn’t help myself, I leaned over and kissed each cheek gently, then drew my tongue down the crack of his ass. Charles whimpered, and then protested, he wanted my cock, he needed to feel my cock in his ass. I let a finger slip down his crack until it found his hole and instantly disappeared inside of him. Charles was moaning uncontrollably as first one finger, and then a second finger moved in and out of him.

Finally I knelt behind him and replaced my fingers with my cock. Spreading his ass cheeks with my hands I watched as the fat head of my cock slowly disappeared inside of him and how when I pulled out I could see how his hole twitched taunting me come back in again. My thumb pressed against his anal opening, feeling my cock head against it. Holding myself perfectly still, counting to five I slammed my cock full to my root into him. Charles screamed out, hissing a loud yes and begged me to do it again.

My second orgasm was building. Charles could feel my cock swelling and my body tensing. He whipped his ass back to me. Sweat covered our bodies as we worked together, hips pushing back, me slamming in to him. He shouted for me to cum and somehow he willed his ass to suck me deeper into him…and I EXPLODED!

My first orgasm was uncontrolled but this orgasm came from deep within my balls. I felt every pulse as my cock spewed over and over into him. Charles alternated between begging me to cum to screaming for me to cum. I pounded myself tighter to ass, grabbed his cock and held myself against him as my orgasm took over both of us.

Reality blurred. We collapsed on the bed, our bodies intertwined.

Minutes…hours…who knows how long…passed. Our panting finally eased as breathing return to normal. My cock remained hard, but satiated inside of him. Neither of us moved afraid to break the spell of the moment.

But it was who broke it when he started to move away from me. “I’ve really got to take a piss.”

“No,” I mumbled holding onto him tighter.

“If you don’t let me go I will do it right here and I don’t think my friend, who was so gracious to lend us this house, would appreciate it too much.” In resignation I moved my arms away from him and allowed him to pull himself free of me. My cock seemed to pop from his ass and he was gone.

I followed Charles to the bathroom and watched as he unleashed his piss into the toilet. Standing behind him, I took his cock in my hands and held it as he emptied himself.

“My turn” I said when he was done. We swapped places, Charles held my now rigid cock as I pissed the four glasses of water he made me drink earlier out. He nuzzled his face licking and sucking on my neck while pressing his cock against my crack dry humping me. His fingers crept down to the head of my cock feeling my hot stream as it flowed. “I can’t wait to fuck you” he whispered. “I want you to feel what I just felt”.

“Yes….oh fuck yes…I want to feel that too” Finished, I turned to him and opened my mouth sucking his tongue deep into my mouth.

“Come” he said, leading me from the bathroom. We returned to the bed. Charles had me get on my knees facing away from him. “You will feel more in this position” he said. He knelt behind me and spread my ass cheeks. “Oh I’m so glad Renaldo waxed you back here, I love the feel of a nice slick smooth crack.” His finger trailed down my crack until he reached my balls “so soft…so sweet” he said squeezing them tenderly. “I just love a virgin ass Michael. Knowing that no one or nothing has ever been in there, that my cock will take your virginity makes this so much more special.”

He touched his now lubricated finger to my hole. “Some people think it’s best to prime the ass, get it used to having something shoved in it, but I don’t. I love the feel of how it’s going to fight me at first, how with my words and body I will make you want me and accept me….” His words drifted off and I felt the head of his cock press gently to me. “Michael, think about how you slipped your cock into me….. I want you to take deep breaths and feel my cock against you…good…now remember those deep breaths I took to help me relax…. Remember how I slowly began to open up and took all of you into me….”

I shut everything around me out and concentrated just on his words. Two deep breaths…his hands holding me to him…his cock at my hole, suddenly, miraculously, I was opening to him. His slick cock was past my virgin anal ring and ever so slowly sliding inside of me. His hands grabbed my ass cheeks and held me perfectly still. “Don’t move,” he whispered, “I want you to feel just the head of my cock in you. Oh shit, you are so fucking gloriously tight Michael.”

He started to move again…again so very slowly. “Feel me sliding more of me into your virgin ass…think about how it felt when you shoved that beautiful cock of yours in my ass….”

He spread my ass cheeks wider. “I’m watching my cock slide in you Michael. I can’t see the head of my cock anymore. It’s deep inside of you. Soon my shaft is going disappear into you. I want you to take some control now Michael. When you are ready I want you to push back on me. I want you to judge how much of me you want to take.” My ass already felt so full and he wanted me to take more. He dropped his hands to his side as I slowly began to push back on him and I could feel more of his cock sliding further into me.

The fullness in my ass suddenly overwhelmed me and I stopped. Charles started to pull out but I found myself begging him not to move. I wasn’t in pain – it was a foreign and unknown feeling I was experiencing. I just needed a moment to get my bearings.

“Are you okay?” He asked, “Do you want to stop?” I shook my head no and told him I just needed a minute. “Take a couple of deep breaths…remember that your brain controls your body.” He whispered. “I can feel your body relaxing Michael. I’m going to slide my cock out a little and then back into you. I’m going to go very slowly…I don’t want to cause you any pain…If it too much just let me know.” He started with short strokes, pulling his cock back to my anal opening and then stroking back in a few inches. The overwhelming feeling suddenly passed and I was able to start pushing back on him again.

“Let me,” I said calmly. I repeated his actions, in reverse, pulling myself away from him then back to him, taking more of him into me each time. With each stroke I could feel my ass relaxing and a sensual pleasure filling my body.

“Oh fuck Michael you almost have all of my cock in your ass” he growled as he grabbed my ass holding me still. A husky whispered voice and two hands held my ass firmly told me to hold perfectly still or he would shoot his load into me. I found myself holding my breath as I waited for him to fight off the impending orgasm.

When it passed, he started. He took the control back and started slowly fucking my ass with incredible deep penetrating strokes. My ass rose up to meet him and pushed hard against him plunging his cock all the way deep into me. His full length burned into my ass. His balls gently rubbed against mine.

We moaned together as our carnal side took over. My ass was wide open to him and I loved it. A thin stream of ejaculate seeped from my piss hole and I grabbed my cock stroking in unison with him. I knew he wouldn’t hold off too much longer and I wanted to feel us cumming together. My balls tightened as my ass muscles wrapped around his cock. “Michael” he moaned “Oh fuck…I….I’m…I’m going to cum” he shoved his cock deep into me and I felt his pulsating cum filling my ass at the same moment my cock erupted shooting strings of cum in my hand and the bed.

We didn’t move for a moment.

Charles had leaned into me breathing hard, his forehead rested against my back. My body was shaking uncontrollably and he wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly. I could feel his heart beating hard against my back.

“I’m going to pull out” he whispered. “I’ll go slowly, but it may be a little painful.” He pulled away from me until his cock was at my anal opening – then with a dull pop he was gone from me. I felt so empty and found myself whimpering wanting him back inside of me. Leaning back on his heels he took his finger and rubbed it against my throbbing entrance. I felt him tugging lightly and a gush of cum dripped out of me down to my balls.

“I have to tell you something Michael…” he whispered as he played with his cum, painting my ass and balls. “That was another first for me. That orgasm…it’s the first time anyone has ever cum at the same time as me. It was the most intense orgasm I have ever had in my life.”

I rolled onto my side and looked at him. He was smiling at me. “You are a very special man Michael. Not only are you so very fucking hot, but you don’t know anything about sex and yet you have this natural ability to drive men – especially me – crazy…” he paused for a moment. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel absolutely fucking fantastic!” I wished I could have been more descriptive, but Charles has just fucked any intelligent thoughts right out of me.

He spooned himself into my arms. “By the way…Rule #5 you should have to lie in your own wet spot” he whispered as we both fell asleep.

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