Puppy Love Ch. 03

“We get undressed. We can lie here a little.. or maybe walk the beach.”

“If it’s alright with you, I’d kinda like to observe a little.” Luke was still soaking in the experience.

“Fine with me. Gives me a moment to…” Jack stopped mid sentence and leaned over to kiss Luke.

He started slowly with a gentle kiss on his lips… just a peck. Luke didn’t react – he didn’t back away, but he didn’t kiss him back either.

“Was that Ok?” Jack asked.

Luke nodded.

“Can I kiss you again?”

Luke nodded again.

Jack went in for kiss two, He was still gentle, but this time Luke kissed back. More than just a peck – a deep, slow, hot kiss.

Luke immediately turned away, unable to face Jack.

“So, was it that good or that bad?” Jack asked puzzled?

“it was everything I hoped kissing a guy would be” sounding a bit breathless and giddy.

“Good. I’m glad… cuz I’d like to do more of that if it’s okay with you?” Jack smiled.

Luke didn’t answer, he just leaned forward and threw his arms around Jack’s neck pulling him in closer for another kiss.

Jack let out a small, accidental laugh into Luke’s mouth. It wasn’t that the kiss was bad, it was more how great it was. How warm and sweet it was.

“What… what did I do?” Luke asked, a little surprised.

“Nothing! It was great. You’re great! Honestly – you don’t kiss anything like a guy who doesn’t kiss guys” Jack laughed “You’re quite good at this. Very sensitive.”

Luke bit his bottom lip, slowly a grin crept across his face, creating a full, bright, beamy smile.

With their towels out on the warm sand, Jack and Luke laid next to each other… waiting for Luke to be comfortable for a stroll, while Theo and Olive laid between them. Jack reached over and took Luke’s hand in his. There was a brief hesitation – Luke wasn’t sure it was something he could do… out in public – but it quickly gave way to a firm grip on Jack followed by a heavy sigh. Jack’s eyes were closed, but the sound jolted them open. He rolled over to find Luke smiling back.

“You still OK?” Jack asked.

“I’m slowly feeling better.” Luke smiled in return.

“I think I’m ready for that walk… that is if you still want to” Luke said apologetically.

This would be first time each of them would see the other unclothed. As much as Jack was tempted to look while Luke stripped, or while he laid there on his towel working up his nerve to stand, Jack respected his privacy… he didn’t want him to feel he was putting on a show – Jack wasn’t going to risk whatever, if anything, they had going by making him uncomfortable.

Jack felt confident. Ready to lead Luke across the beach… to be his escort for the afternoon. Luke’s usual confidence had dropped away. He was nervous, unsure where and how to look. Would he be judged? He was proud of his body, but would this beach full of stranger feel the same way? Would Jack accept him?

“You ready?” Jack whispered

Luke nodded his head, a large lump forming in his throat not allowing sound out.

Standing up, Jack took Luke’s hand and assisted him up. Their eyes met in a way they hadn’t before leading up to this moment.

Trying to be subtle, trying not to appear eager, Jack glanced at Luke, and was awestruck. His 5’7″ frame had elements of a much larger man. A thick dick- large even while flaccid. A broad chest covered with a coating of hair across his pecs, moving down to a six pack stomach, and working to his bush… trimmed but full. His circumcised rod was stirring, getting hard while it arched away from his body. Embarrassed, he placed his hands over his package.

A tattoo of three claw marks, as if a wild animal had ripped the skin of his chest open – inked red inside revealing what would be meaty tissue underneath – on his left pec and a strip of Chinese symbols on his back, across his left shoulder blade. Both of his nipples we’re pierced, each having a small, silver barbell slipped through them.

Jack smiled. He liked everything he saw – it was better than he could have imagined. He tried to resist gawking, but curiosity got the better of him.

“Luke, turn around for a second… I want to make sure you don’t have sand on you”

He turned around, showing Jack a gorgeous, full, round ass… lightly cloaked in the same man fur as his chest.

“No, you’re good” he laughed quietly.

Jack stood there, still in awe, and noticed Luke noticing him back. He wasn’t going to flaunt himself, if Luke had any interest in him he could look when, or if, he was ready.

“Yo, Jack, turn around for me… I’ll check you for sand too.” Luke laughed and smiled brightly.

Busted. Oh well, it was nice checking out Luke’s ass anyway.

“Umm…. Jack” Luke sounded strained “you have a really nice body… if you don’t mind me saying so.”

“Thank you, so do you.”

Jack was flattered, it had been a while since anyone had shown any interest in him. After Mike, Jack did everything possible to avoid being noticed – of blending in. Jack could feel Luke’s eyes on him… sending chills throughout his body. He wondered, did Luke like what he saw?

“Can I ask… do the claw marks mean anything?” Jack asked

“Oh, I got that a week or so after Christine left… when I realized it was permanent. Symbolizes her ripping my heart out.” Luke took a deep breath and sighed.

Curiously, Jack asked “and the symbols on your back, what do they back mean?”

“Strength, courage and wisdom. I got those a little after the claws… I felt like I needed all three.”

“They must be working… because look at you now.”

Jack slowly lead Luke from their enclave near the sand dunes down to the main beach. Walking hand-in-hand, they strolled near the water’s edge, laughing as the cold water washed over their feet… retreating back to the dry sand to warm their toes when they became chilled. Theo and Olive walked closely on their leashes in front of them, running in and out of the water too.

“Do I look alright?” Luke blurted out “I feel like people are staring.”

Jack smiled. “Probably because they like what they’re seeing. I know I do.”

Luke blushed again… and Jack liked how easily it was to make him do it.

“I’m sorry how I acted yesterday” Jack apologized again “it’s just when you said ex and Chris I assumed single and gay. I hate the way I threw myself at you.”

“I told you before, I’m flattered. I just wish I wasn’t so awkward and self conscious.”

“Let’s go back to the towels and relax a little more. Dry off, warm up. I brought some snacks and sodas, plus food for the dogs.”

As they slowly made their way back across the beach Luke took his moment to look. Jack’s tight ass just a touch away. His thick, muscled thighs tapered down to a pair of long, creamy legs… dusted in light blonde hairs. The same shade of blonde hair piled on his head and that speckled across his arms and broad chest. A treasure trail of hair ran from his navel to where his waistband would be. Jack was an anatomically correct Ken doll. His dick looked big, maybe 7 inches and circumcised like his own, but honestly, Luke didn’t have many to compare it to. Blonde pubes surrounded it, sculpted neatly and tightly.

They laid on their towels, the dogs settling with them, and held each other. They kissed, softly at first, quickly becoming deep and wet. Luke could feel his cock swelling, becoming hard… stretching out to brush Jack’s stomach. Aggressively seeking attention.

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