Rory and Philip Ch. 03


A gay story: Rory and Philip Ch. 03 This chapter is long, and spends a lot of time exploring Rory’s relationship with Angie. He and Philip get back together later in the chapter to explore more sexuality. The story involves male-on-male sex, so if that’s not your thing, please find a different story. If nonstop fucking is what you are after, then you may want to pick a different story, or skip (way) ahead to the “After Angie drove away, I went to find Philip.”


I headed back to my dorm room, needing to address some homework and get some things for my volleyball practice. I knew that Angie, my BFF from high school was coming to meet Philip and see if she approves. Since I’d not told my parents anything about being gay, she’d been my only confidant before hooking up with Philip. Her coming to “check up on him” was a little aggravating, but mostly sweet that she was so concerned about me.

I also started to think about telling my mother. I suspected that she suspected, but I’d never said anything, and I certainly did not tell my father. He’d never understand, and if I told my mother, I was afraid of it being a wedge that would go between the two of them. I struggled with all of this. I loved my father, and he’d taught me a lot of things growing up, but he was also a part of that “God hates fags!” church, and I was certain that he’d disown (or worse!) me if he knew. And my mother, well, I didn’t think that she’d disown me, but it would make things even harder between her and my dad.

I walked into my dorm room and was greeted by my roommate, Scott.

“More video games?” he asked with a knowing tone in his voice. I could feel that my face went crimson and I’d just told him the answer without speaking.

“Well, yeah, more than just video games, this time,” I confessed.

“Hey, like I told you before, it’s all OK with me – in fact, good for you! Good for both of you! I’ve known Philip for a while and he seems like a nice guy, and so I’m glad you two are getting along. By the way, I’m going to leave in about a half an hour to go home overnight – my girlfriend’s mother is turning 50 and she wants me to be there for the party tonight.”

“Hey, do you mind if my high school friend stays here for the night, then?” I asked, “She’s a frosh at UK, but is coming for a visit.”

“She?” he asked.

“Yeah, but not like you’re thinking. She knew I was gay even before I did, and she’s just been my rock in all of this. She may not stay, but just in case?”

“Sure, no worries, but change the bed?”

“Yeah, I will.”

Scott left and I got to my homework. I’d been working for an hour or so when my phone rang – it was Angie.

“Hey, Angie!” I said into the phone.

“Hey, yourself!” she replied, “I’m here, where can I find you?”

I told her how to get to my dorm and went downstairs to let her in.

We hugged tightly, and she kissed me on the cheek.

“I’m so happy for you!” she said, then added, “And a little bit concerned!”

“Concerned, why?” I asked her.

“Because, you’ve never dated or anything, and I’m worried that he’s going to just break your heart, or use you up and throw you away. Or that you’re going to mistake lust and sex appeal with real love and throw yourself at the first person who came along and gave you an orgasm.”

Aside from getting into details that I never thought I would with Angie, I noticed a couple of people in the lobby area looking at us and suggested that we table the conversation until we were more private.

We walked up to my room, where she continued.

“Look, Rory, after talking to Philip the other day, I feel a little better, but I am still a bit worried about your text – the one where you said, and I quote ‘I think I’m in love!’. Lots of people fall for their first partners – especially if they don’t just fuck and run, but then they get their hearts broken. Have you two talked about this? Are you ready to have an exclusive relationship? Is he?”

“I – I don’t – I guess I don’t know. No, we have not discussed it, we’ve just been having fun together, but so far we’ve also been keeping up with classes and other things. When I told him that I needed time to do homework and such he was quite easy about the whole thing.”

“Well, that’s all fine and good, but look, just don’t fall in love too fast. Sex is wonderful and all, but there’s more to a love life than just sex.”

I just looked at her. This was all very surreal – having this conversation with her. It seems like one I should be having with a parent, but that’s impossible. Without warning I reached over and hugged her.

“I can see that you are doing all of this because you care – thank you for caring!”

“Rory, you big dope! I love you! I’ve told you that a million times now! Of course I care! Now when do I get to meet this predator?”

“Angie, don’t call him that!”

“I’m kidding you, Rory! If I thought he was a predator I’d have been talking you out of seeing him altogether. I just want you to be cautious, that’s all.”

“Well, we have a volleyball practice session in half an hour, you can come along, or we can meet you here afterward, what’s your preference?”

“How about you go and I’ll stay here and do some of my own studying, and I’ll see you after?”

“Um, I need to get changed,” I told her.

“Don’t let me stop you!” she said, “We both play for the same team, so it’s no big deal, right? Besides, I have to study so I won’t pay any attention!”

I looked at her a little surprised, and thought that she was joking.

“OK, I’ll just do it,” I said to her.

“Go ahead, I already told you to!”

She started to open her book bag and just continued doing what she was doing, and I decided that I just needed to change, so I did, stripping out of my loose shorts and boxers and pulling on some supportive sport underwear and a different pair of shorts and t-shirt.

“Damn, Rory,” she said, “if you weren’t gay, and my best friend forever I’d be very tempted by you!”

“Hey, you said you weren’t going to pay any attention!” I protested.

“Well, I lied – I’ll return the favor sometime, maybe!” she said laughing.

I headed out to our practice. We had a good session and when we were done, Philip went back to his place to shower and change, and promised to stop by my room when he was done. He was nervous, saying that he felt like he was meeting my parents or something.

“Oh dear God no!” I said, “it’s just Angie!”

I went back to my room and grabbed my shower stuff and some clean clothes and started for the shower. Noticing my clothes, Angie said, “Aw! No show this time!”

I flipped her a bird as I went out.

When I returned from the shower I found Philip already in my room talking to Angie. They were chatting away like old friends when I went into the room.

“Hey!” Angie said as I walked in. “We were just talking a bit!”

“I promised you dinner, I believe,” Philip said, “Shall we make it a threesome?”

“Sure,” I replied, “if it’s OK with you?” I nodded toward Angie.

We walked to a nearby restaurant – not a fancy place, but good for college students on a limited budget. We sat and ordered food, and then got to talking.

“So, Philip, I’m going to be direct, here,” Angie started, “I love this guy – he’s the brother I never had, and I’m very protective. He’s been kind of sheltered, and I guess, kind of held prisoner, so he doesn’t have a lot of experience with dating and relationships, not to mention sex. I want to know what you’re looking for – are you a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy?”

I was totally embarrassed by how directly she was going after him.

“Angie, we haven’t even talked about most of that, I think you’re going too fast!” I complained.

“No,” Philip said, “it’s OK, Rory. I think she brings up good points, and again, she’s protective of you, and that’s OK. I appreciate her concerns, so let me address them. First, and foremost, I’ve never been a ‘love them and leave them’ kind of guy. I’ve had only a couple of real relationships, though I have dated several guys – usually things didn’t last because I felt like the other guy did fit into that category. When I first met you, Rory, I did not know of your inexperience, and I don’t think of myself as a predator, I just saw a cute guy who carried himself well, and I wanted to get to know you. I didn’t force you into anything, at least, I don’t think I did.”

“No, on our first meeting we just played video games and talked,” I said.

“That’s right,” he continued, “though I wanted more, I’ll tell you that, but you did not seem ready. So, Angie, as to what am I looking for? I am just looking to get to know Rory better. We’ve had a physical relationship, and I’ve enjoyed that a ton, but we are still getting to know each other, and I’m enjoying that.”

“Are you looking for a long term relationship?” she asked, “or just a ‘friends with benefits’ kind of thing?”

“I don’t think it’s either one, really. More the long term thing, but again, we’re just getting to know each other. He’s a freshman, I’m a sophomore – I’m not looking to settle down yet, and I don’t think he should be either.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt. I was infatuated with this guy, and I loved the sex – I was learning so much – but he was right, we were awfully young.

“I’m certainly not looking to hurt him or break his heart,” Philip continued, “but if you are looking for me to say that I want to spend my life with someone, then I’m not ready for that!”

“And I’m not either!” I interjected.

Angie took in what we were saying, and eyed us both

“Angie,” I continued after a bit of silence, “realistically, I will probably change majors at least once, and so might you, and maybe even Philip. We are all too young to know. Similarly, it’s way too early to be thinking about a life partner. That being said, I like Philip – a lot! – but I don’t want to rush things. I hope that we stay friends forever, and lovers for a long time, but we have to let it all play out. I know enough about him to feel that he’s not just going to dump me, but we have a long way to go.”

“I agree, I like Rory – a lot, too!” Philip said looking toward me, and taking my hand, “and I can assure you that I’m not ‘using’ him in any way. We genuinely like each other and we are just going with the flow right now. We’ll see where it takes us, but we are being honest with one another!”

Angie sat there looking at us – first Philip, then me, then Philip again.

“OK,” she said, “I’m satisfied – for now – but,” she said looking right at Philip, “he’s my brother, and I’ll stand up for him through hell and back, so I better not hear that you’ve done anything to him, you hear me? I will kick your ass!”

“I know you will!” he said, then added, “I really do appreciate your fierce loyalty to him – it helps me know how special he is!”

Our food came and we ate and talked – about more light subjects this time. When we’d eaten, Philip asked if we all wanted to go to his place and play some video games. Angie was less enthused than Philip or I, but she agreed. She would play video games with me when she came to my house, but was never really into them much.

We sat in Philip’s room playing until it was getting late.

“Hey, I need to go,” Angie said, “It’s a long drive back to Lawrence.”

“What?” I said, “you can’t start driving back now, it’s way too late!”

“Are you my mother?” she said to me.

“No, lest I need to remind you, I’m your brother, and I don’t want you falling asleep driving back. My roommate is out for the night, so you can sleep in my room.”

She looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice!” I said, “You know darn well I don’t mean that! You need sleep and there is a space for you to do it in without driving all the way back there now!”

“OK, I’ll take you up on that,” she said, “but I have to leave right after breakfast, OK?”

“Sold,” I said.

We got ready to leave and Philip took me in his arms and whispered to me “I was kind of hoping you’d stay here!”

“How about tomorrow after breakfast?” I asked.

“I can’t wait!” he said to me.

Angie and I left and walked back to my dorm. We walked arm in arm.

“OK,” she said, “I like him. I like that he likes you and you like him. I want you to talk to me, though, please? Let me know if there’s anything going on in your head or in your heart, you got it?”

“OK, sis!” I said.

“Sis is it?” she laughed.

We got to my room and she headed to the bathroom. I told her that there was a ladies bathroom down one floor, but that it was not unusual for women to use the one on this floor.

“There are stalls, but there’s also a bank of urinals and guys will just walk in and use them no matter who’s in there. The sinks are around the corner, so once you are there you’re usually safe. Oh, and sometimes there are people who have sex in the showers, that’s not too unusual, either.”

“So, I can walk down the stairs and use a relatively clean ladies room, or skip the stairs and use a disgusting guy’s room? Stairs it is!”

“Well, I’ve never been in the ladies room, so I can’t vouch for it being clean or not, but yeah, the bathroom on this floor can get disgusting!”

She headed downstairs, and I went to the bathroom on our floor, and peed and brushed my teeth. When I got back, I quickly put clean sheets on Scott’s bed.

Angie got back and noticed the freshly made bed.

“Oh!” she said, “I thought I was sleeping in your bed with you!”

“That would be pretty cramped!” I replied.

“I don’t mind getting close to you, that way you don’t have to change your roomie’s sheets again tomorrow.”

I was getting really tired.

“Well, OK, whatever, I’m getting too tired to argue with you.”

I scooted to the wall side of the bed, and pulled back the sheet for her. She kicked off her sandals and immediately pulled off her shorts, draping them across my desk chair, then grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head, also depositing it on the chair. Now standing in front of me wearing only her underwear, she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall forward and put it on top of the other things on the chair.

“Angie, what the hell are you doing?” I asked.

“Getting ready for bed,” she replied, completely unfazed by standing in front of me with only her panties.

“Like that? With just your panties on?”

She put her hands on her hips and looked at me.

“What are you wearing?” she asked.

“A pair of boxers,” I replied.

“Right, so this is how I sleep, too!”

“No bra?”

“Have you ever tried to sleep with a bra on?”

I just looked at her, “Of course not!”

“Well, they bind up and pull and pinch, and I just don’t do it!”

She got into bed next to me. It was a really small bed for two people. I’d shared the same sized bed with Philip, but that was different as we were trying to touch each other. Angie and I lay there, side by side with barely enough room.

“Thanks for letting me stay,” she said. “I really did not want to drive back tonight.”

“You’re welcome,” I said back to her, “I didn’t want to think about you driving all that way this late.”

I also did not want to think about her lying there next to me wearing just her panties, or me with just my boxers.

“I bet you wanted to stay with Philip, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but that’s OK. We have time – you’re right, we shouldn’t move too fast.”

I was lying there, petrified. She turned on her side and propped her head on her hand. I did my best not to notice her tits.

“You know that I mean it when I tell you that I love you, don’t you.”

I just lay there looking straight up at the ceiling.

“Yes, Angie, I know. And I appreciate you everyday. I can’t talk to Mom and I sure as hell can’t talk to Dad about any of this. It’s good to know that you have my back, even if you are overprotective.”

“Overprotective?” she replied.

“Yes, but I love you for it.”

“Why won’t you look at me?” she asked. I didn’t move, or speak. “Rory?”

“Because you’re half naked, and it’s confusing me,” I confessed.

“Confusing you how?” she asked.

“Because you’re like my sister, and I’m gay.”


“Well, you’re lying here in bed next to me half naked, so why do I want to look at your, um, your breasts?”

“They’re just boobs, Rory. I live on a coed floor and half the girls there walk around topless in the hallway going to or from the shower, it’s not a big deal!”

I was still staring at the ceiling.

“Look at me. Look at my tits. They’re too big and saggy for a 19 year old, but they are what they are, and I’m comfortable around you, and it’s OK.”

“OK because I’m ‘safe’?”

“A little, yeah, but OK because I love you, my brother. Remember you got changed in front of me earlier.”

“Yeah, but…” I started, then stopped.

“But what?” she pushed me.

“But why do I feel excited? I’m gay, you’re a woman, why do I find this exciting?”

“Exciting like… like what?”

“Like down below!” I said. I was still just staring at the ceiling.

“Oh! Wow! Well, Rory, I’m flattered, and a bit intrigued, but I love you like a brother, not a lover. I’ll admit there was a time when I wanted you more like that, but realizing that you are gay changed that. I love you so much – I really do! – but I know that you are meant for someone else – maybe Philip, maybe someone else – but you will only be completed with another gay man. I know that, and you know that. I’m comfortable with you – comfortable enough to sleep with you in this small bed and be here topless with you. You can look if you want – I’m OK with that. I’ll strip completely for you if you are curious, but I won’t have sex with you – that’s between you and your boyfriend. I do want you to stop staring at the ceiling, though.”

I finally turned and looked her in the eye.

“That’s better!” she said. “You know, I keep telling you that I love you like a brother, but it’s more than that, I think. I don’t want us to sleep together, well, not have sex together, but I do want to do this!”

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. She put her hand around my head and pulled me closer to her and we kissed for a while. My cock was definitely stirring, but deep down I knew that she was right, I could not deny who I am.

She sat back, and I was still looking right at her face.

“I love you, too, Angie. Even if my sexual responses are confusing me, I know that you’re right. I’m so lucky that I grew up next door and have you as a friend. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

She smiled at me. “I’m lucky to know you, too, and I’m happy that we can share like this. I can’t imagine sharing like this with anyone else. I know that we’re all to young to commit to a life partner, but promise me that we’ll always be friends.”

“Whoever my life partner is, if I’m lucky enough to find one, they’ll never replace you and they’ll just have to get used to you and me having something extra special.”

I leaned in and kissed her. I sat back, and my eyes moved down to her breasts. I’d seen her in a swimsuit often while we worked as lifeguards, so I knew that they were large, but bared in front of me like this, they seemed enormous.

“See? Too saggy for a 19 year old.”

“You sell yourself short, Angie, they’re beautiful, though this is still very weird to me.”

“Still turning you on?” she asked, then quickly added, “No! Don’t tell me that – this is not about sex – I’m just going to sleep.”

“Right, just going to sleep – sure!”

She rolled onto her side, facing away from me.

“Good night, Rory, I love you!”

“Good night, Angie, I love you, too!”

“Now, this bed is too small for anything else – spoon with me!” she said.

I scooted up next to her, keeping my crotch clear of her butt, and draped an arm over her, being sure to keep it at her waist.

“Very good! When I get back to school I’m going to tell people that I slept with a gay man!” she said, laughing.

I slapped her ass.

“You’re naughty!” I said, laughing with her.

In what seemed like only a few seconds I felt her body relax and her breathing became steady and I knew that she was asleep.

My mind was racing, though. The thought of lying next to her like this was still affecting my physiology and though my cock was not hard, it was swollen. After some time I managed to drift off, too.

When I awoke, the room was light with the morning sun, and Angie was not there. Her shorts and t-shirt were gone from the chair, but her bra was still there, and her backpack was still on the floor. I rolled groggily, realizing that my boxers were tented with my morning wood.

“Shit!” I thought, “I hope she left before that happened!”

As I waited for the hard-on to relax she came in through the door.

“Morning!” she said, “I had to go for a morning pee. I tried the one on this floor, but I looked in four stalls and they were all too disgusting to even contemplate, so I ran downstairs.”

“Morning,” I kind of mumbled back, as I stretched.

“I hate to rush you, but I have a ton of studying, and I need to get back. Do you want to come get breakfast with me, or should I just go?”

“No, I’ll come, too,” I said, just give me a minute to shake the cobwebs out.”

She immediately started undressing again, which had me confused, until she reached for her backpack and she pulled out a fresh set of underwear. She noticed me looking.

“I can wear the same shirt for a few days if I have to, but I can’t stand wearing yesterday’s skivvies!”

She pulled the t-shirt over her head, exposing her breasts again. She took the bra and wrapped it around her middle and hooked it in front, then spun it around and pulled it up into position. She helped each tit into the cups and snugged things in and then pulled the straps up over her shoulder. I was dumbfounded.

“What, you never watched someone put on a bra before?” she asked.

“Well, no, who would you think I’d watched?”

“Did you enjoy it?” she asked laughing.

“It was interesting. I never would have thought about hooking in front like that. Do all girls do that?”

“Well, from being in lots of girl’s locker rooms, I’d say that most of them do it that way. Some take them off that way, too!”

As she talked, she nonchalantly pulled down yesterday’s panties and grabbed her fresh pair. Between her legs was a shock of hair. Now I was staring. Without skipping a beat she stepped into her clean undies, and pulled them up, but only about to mid thigh. Then she pulled a pad from her backpack. She opened it up, pulled a strip off the back and stuck it to her underwear. She then proceeded to pull them all the way up and got herself settled in.

“Here’s a good reason to be glad you’re a man!” she said. “I knew that it was time for a visit from Aunt Flo – fortunately I was in the bathroom when she came by!”

If I’d started to get turned on in any way, it just went out the window. Perhaps one “good” thing about being an only child in a repressive house was that I was almost completely unaware of all things menstruation! She finished getting dressed and looked at me.

“Hey, chop chop! We gotta get going!”

I hopped out of bed, my morning wood subsided. I decided to change and hit the bathroom on our way out. Given the show I’d just gotten, I dropped my boxers by my dresser and grabbed a fresh pair, and pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt. My intention was to go visit Philip, so I dressed reasonably. On the way out, I popped into the men’s room, and then joined Angie down in the lobby. We went to a little diner on the edge of campus and had breakfast, and then she was ready to head back.

She hugged me tightly next to her car.

“Bye, Rory, I want you to keep me up to date about you and Philip. Be careful with yourself. He seems like a nice guy, I just don’t want you to get hurt!”

“I just realized how selfish I’ve been,” I said to her, “I have not asked if you’ve met someone.”

“Nah,” she said, “I’m too busy studying.”

She kissed my cheek again.

“Besides, I still have to get over you.”

That hit me like a ton of bricks.


“Another time, Rory.”

“No! At least give me the short version!”

She sighed and looked at me, and then at her phone for the time.

“I crushed hard on you – even after I knew you were gay, I still fantasized about us getting married and having kids and living happily ever after. I know that won’t happen, and I know why, but I’m still in love with you. I have to let that settle before I ever settle for someone else.”

Tears welled up in my eyes.

“I can’t believe it! I’m sorry, I don’t want to make you feel that way!” I said to her.

“Men,” she said, “you’re all fucking clueless – even the gay ones!”

“But Angie, you never told me!”

“See? Fucking clueless! No, I never told you, and you never noticed. But I understand with all the shit you were going through. I know that ‘we’ won’t be together, and I’m OK with that, but I am putting myself into school and not just chasing a relationship for the sake of a relationship. Time will help me. And, truly, seeing you happy, that helps me, too. Just keep that promise that we will always have something special, OK.”

I hugged her to me, leaned back and kissed her, and then hugged her again.

“Ironclad,” I said. “I love you Angie, and I’m sorry I didn’t notice.”

“I love you, too, you fucking clueless man. Now, let me drive back to Lawrence, and clear my head and get my studying done!”

After Angie drove away, I went to find Philip. It was still kind of early so I gave him a quick text.

“Angie just left – should I walk over now?”

“Yes! I’ll be up 8====D ;)” came the reply, almost immediately.

I walked to his room and knocked quietly.

“It’s open!” he said.

I walked in, and closed and locked the door behind me. The sight had me knocked out. Philip was naked and stretched out on the bed, and true to his word, he was up! A towel covered the bed.

“Wow!” I said to him.

“You’re getting behind!”

“You want me behind? Or you want to take me from behind?” I asked teasingly.

“Ooh, tough choice!” he said, getting up from the bed, his cock swaying as he walked over to me, “I just know that I want you!”

“Mmm, nice to be wanted!” I said.

As he got to me we worked together to shed the t-shirt and shorts. My shorts and boxers went down at the same time.

“I really wanted you to stay the night!” he said to me. “Do I need to be jealous of Angie?” he asked.

I thought about the conversations I’d had with her.

“She’ll never be my lover,” I said, “but I do love her. Still no, you do not need to be jealous of her, just understanding.”

“I can do that,” he said, as he kissed my neck and chest, and his hand settled on my cock. “You are delectable! I love tasting your nipples and your manly chest, and” he continued kissing downward, “your cock!”

He took my dick in his mouth, running his tongue all around me. If I wasn’t fully hard when he started, I certainly was by now! I put my hands on the back of his head, and caressed him as he was bobbing up and down on me. I rocked my hips gently trying to match his rhythm.

As much as I was enjoying it, I also wanted him – to feel him, to taste him, to fully be with him. I pulled up on him and I think he understood. He stood up and we kissed again.

“I want you on the bed!” he said as he broke the kiss and took my hand, leading me to the bed.

“Philip, I want to…” I started, but stopped.

“Want to what, sexy boy?” he asked.

“I want you to fuck me! I want to feel you inside me!”

“Are you sure?” he asked, “I want it, too, but I really want you to be sure!”

I got down on all fours and looked back at him.

“Yes, I’m sure!” he said.

“No, no, Rory,” he answered me, running his hand over my back and down over my exposed ass, “there’s plenty of time for doggy fucks, but first times should be face to face! I want to be able to kiss you, to be kissed by you, to watch your face when you cum, to have you see mine when I cum! First times should be gentle and loving and introduce you to the wonders of penetration while truly being with your lover!”

Wow, how could I possibly argue with that?

“Come here,” he said rolling me back over onto my back. He moved in and kissed me with a smoldering passion, while his hands caressed my chest and my arms. He sat back up again, between my legs and kept talking, looking me right in the eye as he did, all the while his hands were running all over my body.

“You are going to love this, Rory, but we will need to go slow and gentle. Just relax – this is not an invasion, this is not a violation, this is the melding of our two bodies sharing an exhilarating experience. You’ll feel it, you’ll know it. As I slide into you – you’ll feel yourself open up. You’ll be vulnerable, yes, but I will not be taking from you, I will be giving to you, just as you’ll be giving to me. Our bodies pressed together and we become one flesh. Where you end and I begin will be blurred. The excitement of the moment will overwhelm us both. You’ll offer yourself to me, and I will offer myself to you, too! Humping like animals has it’s appeal and can be fun, but this one needs to be extra special. ”

All the while he was caressing my chest, my stomach, my cock, my balls, and my asshole. Somehow he’d gotten my ass and his cock all slick and wet with the lube. I don’t even know when he reached for it – it seemed like his hands were always on me, and that his eyes were always looking directly into mine.

“Relax, baby, relax, and I guarantee that you’ll love this!”

I had been so wrapped up in his words and his look that when he leaned into me, when he let the head of his cock just begin to penetrate me, I almost didn’t notice, but then he had the head slipping in past my sphincter. I just seemed to open to him. It was big – bigger than the finger he’d used before, or the thumb he’d been using while he was talking to me. My legs were pushed up and back, stretching me out and open, and I felt him slide in further. His cock was stretching me now in ways I’d never felt before, and he looked at me and smiled and stopped.

“I’ll just give you some time to get used to it – it’s making you full, isn’t it? Focus on the full feeling. The stretch will ease up – just give it a few seconds to get used to me!”

I tried to relax and focus on the “full” feeling that he was talking about.

“It’s feeling less painful!” I said, “I’m focusing on the full part!”

He pulled himself out, just slightly.

“No! Don’t go!” I said, fearing that he would stop.

“Just changing the pressure part,” he replied as I felt him start to push forward again. He then started a slow, small movement backward and forward, no more than an inch. My muscles relaxed and I started to enjoy the sensation of his cock in me.

“You can go a little further!” I told him.

He pulled back just a bit, and put more lube on himself, then pushed in again, further this time. Then pulled back. Then forward. I could feel the head inside me. As he pulled back again, more lube, then forward, even further this time. Again a pattern of back and forth, but still not fully in.

“Philip! Give it to me!” I said, somewhat breathlessly, “I want to feel it all! This is fabulous!”

I felt his cock pushing on my prostate as he began to push himself deeper and deeper into me. He would push in, and then ease back, then in further, and then ease back. Finally I felt his hips push against my ass, and I knew that he was fully inside me. The feeling was of being full, and being joined with him. I wrapped my legs around him and we kissed with a passion like I’d never known.

Slowly he began to rock his hips and the sensation of his cock moving inside me was almost too much. My head rolled back and all I could manage was a moan. I tried to move my hips with him, but the weight of him on top of me meant that I could barely move at all. The pressure and excitement kept building up in me, and I could see it in his face, too. We were both sweating, and as Philip picked up the pace suddenly I started cumming all on my belly – it just seemed to pour out of me.

“Oh, God, Philip, I’m cumming!” I said, perhaps a bit too loud, “I’m cumming! Oh fuck me, I’m cumming!”

He sat back a bit, his cock buried in me and looked down at me, pools of cum now all over me from my nipples down to the bush at the base of my penis. He smiled and started a slow but hard rhythm pushing himself in my ass.

“That’s so sexy! I can’t believe you had a p-spot orgasm your first time!” he said. “It makes me want to cum, too!”

“Do it, Philip! Fuck me and cum in me! I want to know that you want me!”

He started to move more furiously than before with the sound of skin-on-skin smacking as his hips thrust forward and slapped against my ass.

“Oh Rory! I’m gonna cum, too! How do you want it?”

“In me! Please, in me! I need to feel it that way!” I almost screamed.

A few more thrusts and he grabbed my hips and slammed against me and I could feel his cock twitching inside me and his face contorted and I knew that he was spewing his load deep inside me. He held himself against me for a few minutes that way, his eyes closed, his head back. I just kept watching his face until it began to relax again. His eyes opened and he looked down at me and a huge smile spread across his face.

“You look so good lying there, my cock buried in your ass, your cum all over your belly, and you’re smiling up at me!”

He reached down and ran his fingers through a pool of cum and took it up to his lips and loudly slurped the cum clean. He repeated the process, but this time he leaned down and fed me the cum. As he did, I felt his softening cock suddenly get expelled from my butt, and I felt a stream of warm cum slip out of me at the same time and drip down.

“Oh!” I said, “I’m gonna leak all over your bed!”

“That’s what the towel is for!” he said to me, still grinning.

Free from the position of being inside me, he quickly moved his face to my belly and began to lick and suck up the cum from me.

“You’re delicious!” he said, swallowing.

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

He smiled and cleaned up more, then quickly moved to kiss me, his mouth full of my spunk.

“Yeah!” he said, “I’m sure that you agree!”

“Tasting me on your mouth, that is delicious!” I replied.

He collapsed beside me, and I sat up on one elbow and moved to kiss him again.

“Thank you for being my first, and being such an unbelievably terrific first!”

“Thank you for letting me be your first!”

“Here’s to many more!” I said, and I kissed him and hugged his body to mine. I put my head on his shoulder and slipped into a blissful post-orgasmic sleep.


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