Video Night with David Ch. 03

A gay story: Video Night with David Ch. 03 Author’s note: This is the third story I’ve done. It continues from the end of the second one and will make much more sense if you start with my first. I hope you like them all.


Yes, another shower was definitely in order, but for a few minutes we just lay quietly next to each other, enjoying the afterglow of the amazing experience we’d just shared. I wasn’t really thinking about specifics, only marveling at the feeling of contentment and warmth that had replaced the trepidation I’d felt only minutes ago. I could still feel him inside me…could still hear his harsh breathing as he fucked me and the strength of his arms as he held me tightly while he came closer and closer to filling my virgin ass with his seed. His cry of ultimate pleasure as he emptied himself deep inside me echoed in my thoughts…as it does to this very day.

What had been unthinkable only a week ago had actually happened. I’d always wondered and fantasized about having sex with another guy but never actually thought it would happen. Now here I was, naked in bed with my best friend who had just cum inside me and then sucked me off like he was starving for it, and both of us were grinning like idiots.

Fucking unbelievable.

We finally crawled out of bed and made our way back to the shower, weak-kneed and laughing now that the tension was gone. The warm spray felt wonderful on my body and I stood quietly watching as David washed himself, then began lovingly washing me. His hands caressed my skin and I just relaxed and enjoyed his tender manner as he ministered to me, his slippery fingers cleaning away the remnants of our frantic coupling as I sighed with pleasure. He knelt before me and gently caressed my cock and balls, still aching a little from the amazing release he’d given me. His touch felt wonderful.

At one point he looked up at me and smiled and I was genuinely surprised at the look on his face. It wasn’t the expression I was so used to seeing, kind of cocky and wise-guyed, but rather more of a loving and appreciative look, and it came to me suddenly that it was the look of someone whose deepest want and need had been satisfied, and well satisfied at that. In that moment I loved him for it, for his gratitude, for understanding and appreciating the trust I had in him and our friendship and my willingness to make his most secret desires a reality.

I stood there looking down as he stroked my body, loving the sensation of being cared for like royalty, when he suddenly stood and stepped forward, pressing his body against mine. He wrapped his arms around me and to my surprise leaned forward and kissed me. It caught me completely off guard and for a brief moment I had no idea how to respond. I know it sounds strange considering all we’d done to and for each other, but it was so intensely intimate that it threw me for a loop. I’d had no qualms about taking him into my body and I’d loved every minute of it, but kissing him had honestly never occurred to me before.

I felt his tongue brush my lips and instinct took over my reasoning. In a second we were kissing like the lovers we were, as deeply and lustily as any woman I’d ever been with. My hands found his back and pulled him tightly against me, sliding down to grasp his ass to press our cocks together. I felt his stiffened member slide against my own, surprised that he’d gotten hard so soon after the intense fucking he’d given me and even more surprised that I was as turned on as he was.

He reached down between us and wrapped his hand around both of our cocks, holding them together as his soapy hand slid back and forth, stroking and squeezing. It felt wonderful and I just lost myself in the sensation and the kiss for a minute or so. There’s something about the touch of another human being that resonates on a primal level, isn’t there? I hadn’t been intimately close to anyone in a very long time and suddenly felt almost overwhelmed by the need for it and the desire to have it continue for as long as possible.

Alas, the capacity of my water heater put an abrupt end to the feeling as the water suddenly turned cold. I yelped in surprise and quickly rinsed off as he stepped out of the shower, then turned off the spray and stepped out myself. He handed me a towel and as we dried ourselves it occurred to me that, as so often happens after good sex, I was ravenous. I said so and in reply he looked down at my cock and said, “Me too.” We both laughed at that and I said “Good lord, I’ve created a monster.”

He just grinned.

We hung up our towels and walked naked into the kitchen to scrounge but came up empty handed. I’d been so consumed with anticipation and excitement after he called that I’d completely forgotten to go shopping. We quickly agreed that we needed to make a run for supplies and I started for my bedroom to get dressed when he got a strange look on his face.

“What?” I asked.

“I forgot to bring any extra clothes” he replied, and I laughed. “I guess I was thinking about other things too.”

“Yeah, you brought beer, weed and KY but that’s it. That’s us, isn’t it? The only thing on our minds was our dicks. Come on, you can wear some of mine.”

I grabbed some jean shorts and a tee shirt while he went through my stuff, coming up with a pair of gym shorts and another tee. My clothes fit him pretty well since we were about the same build, and as we dressed it occurred to me how weirdly natural it seemed to be standing naked together with him in my bedroom. The same room where, not too long ago, we had actually been connected in a way that I could still feel deep inside me. Not exactly sore but still well aware that he’d been where no man had gone before. It was a surreal feeling.

David was still parked behind me so we took his truck. We’d decided to grab lunch before going to the store and headed to a place here in town that I liked. It was an old fashioned drive-in type of place that had outside counter to-go service and tables under the trees if you wanted to eat there, and that sounded good to me.

I watched him as he drove, thinking about everything that had happened in such a short period of time. I guess I must have had an odd look on my face because at one point he looked over at me and said, “What?”

I laughed and said, “We washed the car, got a buzz, fucked and took two showers. It’s been a hell of a morning.”

He burst out laughing and said, “I know, I know. It’s the best Saturday morning I’ve ever had.”

We rode in silence after that, both of us lost in our thoughts until we reached our destination. We ordered burger and fries baskets, then made our way to a shaded table away from the few people that were already there. We sat across from each other and proceeded to devour our lunches in a short time. I hadn’t realized how hungry I really was. I had a thought that if we kept this up I’d end up getting fat. I must have smiled or chuckled because he looked at me and asked what I was thinking about.

Instead of explaining I said, “You know, we’ve been doing some wild shit and we really haven’t talked about it, have we? What do you think about all of this?”

He started to say something, then paused. “I was going to make a joke but you’re right, we haven’t.” He thought for a moment, then said, “I never expected anything like this to happen, especially with you. I’ve had thoughts about it over the years but never was brave enough to actually try to make it happen with anyone. And then you had that movie and it made me want to, but I didn’t want to fuck things up between us by saying something. I’m glad you did.”

I waited to see if he would go on, and after a minute or so he did. “I never felt like I was gay but I always wondered what it would be like to suck a dick. I’ve always loved getting head but never realized how much I’d enjoy giving it too. You’re really good at it too, you know? Have you done it before?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m the same way. I thought about it a lot, and I don’t know why I set up the movie thing the way I did. Something just made me feel like I should. I was a little scared that you might freak, but at the same time it still felt like the right thing to do. Probably one of the hardest things I ever did was ask if you wanted to try it. And when you started taking off your pants my pulse jumped off the scale. You’re pretty good at it too. You’re a natural.” That made him laugh.

“There’s some stuff we should probably talk about too,” I said. “Have you said anything to Trish about what happened last week?”

“No,” he replied.

“Are you going to?”

“I thought about it but I decided not to. She might flip out. I’ve been after her to suck my dick for a long time and you know she won’t.”

“Yeah, I know. Everybody knows. You’ve kinda made sure of that. What’s up with that anyway? She’s always been a free spirited kind of girl.”

He smiled. “Yeah. She likes showing off as I’m sure you’re aware. I’ve seen you checking out her tits enough times. She likes showing them off and she gets off knowing guys are looking.” He was quiet for a minute, then said, “I’m not sure if you know this but she likes to flash truckers when we’re driving on the interstate.”

He laughed at the look of surprise on my face. “Yeah, she does. We’ll be cruising along and pass some random trucker and she’ll pull up her shirt and make sure he gets a good look. Sometimes she pulls her shorts to one side and shows them her pussy. One time we rode alongside a rig and she finger fucked herself until she came. He loved it, started honking his horn wanting us to stop or something but we dropped back and took the next exit. She really got off on that.”

“Has she ever given you road head?” I asked.

He snorted, “Yeah, right. I wish. It’s fun to watch her though, I like showing her off. And we always fuck like crazy when we get home from one of her ‘excursions’ as she like to call them.”

I said, “Man, I’d love to see that. I’ve seen her titties a bunch of times but she never flashed her pussy at me.”

He laughed. “Nah, at home she likes to play like it’s accidental but I know she’s doing it on purpose. Hang on a second,” he said as he pulled out his wallet and handed it to me. “Look in the left side, in the place behind my license.”

I stuck my finger in and came out with a photograph that was folded in half. When I opened it my breath caught. There was Trish, lying back on their couch completely naked with one hand on her tit and the other parting the lips of her pussy. She had a beautiful smile on her face and her full black bush matched the lustrous black hair on her head.

“Wow.” It was all I could think to say. My cock jerked as I stared longingly at her pretty pink pussy.

“You can keep that if you want,” he said, “I’ve got others.”

Tucking it into my shirt pocket I said, “Thanks, I’ll get some use out of this.”

We both laughed at that.

“But that still doesn’t explain the not-sucking-your-dick thing. Has she ever told you why?”

“We’ve argued about it enough times but all she’ll say is that it would make her feel degraded or some shit like that. I don’t know. It used to piss me off but I guess I’ve just gotten used to it. Now I just fuck with her about it. It’s become a kind of running joke, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it,” I replied.

“That’s one reason this whole thing with you has been so wild. You’ve been lucky, you know. You’ve told me your ex loved to blow you and that’s one reason you put up with her shit for so long. I think I would have done the same thing.”

“Maybe. I did until I found out about the other guys she was sucking off when I wasn’t around. I think she held the neighborhood record for most delivery men satisfied in a single day. I’m surprised she never offered to do you.”

“Nah, she and Trish are too close but knowing what you told me I did think about it sometimes.”

I couldn’t blame him for that. I’d had the hots for Trish for a long time but I’d never hit on her, it just didn’t seem right, no matter how many times she showed me her tits. I did jerk off to the fantasy though, and the picture he just gave me would help with that, for sure.

“Well, all I can say is if she ever offers, take her up on it. Even after all we went through with the divorce, the last thing she did before she left for good was to suck me off one more time. Maybe she wanted to remind me what I’d be missing, and I have, but it was pretty satisfying to squirt my last goodbye into her mouth.”

We both laughed about that for a minute, then gathered our trash and dumped it before we got back in David’s truck. We sat in the parking lot for a few minutes having an after meal smoke, and I told him which store we were heading to for provisions. I picked the one that was farther away than where I usually go because while I was listening to him talk about Trish I’d had an idea that I thought we’d both enjoy.

He had an older pickup that sat higher than most of the cars on the road, perfect for what I wanted to do. It had a large cab with a bench seat; if it had been a stick shift I never would have been able to do what I had in mind. I had the same desire as before, the wanting to make him feel special and to make his fantasies come true, and to indulge my own newly discovered cravings as well. This was all new to us and so far I had only had his cum in my mouth once.

I wanted more, much more.

As soon as he pulled out onto the road I slid sideways and twisted around so my right knee rested on the floor and I lay forward across the seat. I reached over and pulled the loose gym shorts back out of the way, exposing his cock and balls to my eager eyes. His breath hitched as I wrapped my hand around him. I could feel that he was about half hard, the talking we had done had affected him the same as it had me, apparently. I could see that he had been oozing a few drops of precum and I flushed at the sight, a warm feeling of excitement racing through me as I took the big head of his cock between my lips and lapped at it with my tongue.

He groaned out loud and I felt the truck swerve as I licked his cock. Turning slightly I smiled up at him and said, “Keep your eyes on the road, dude. I’d hate to try to explain this if we crash.”

He laughed and grasped the wheel tightly at the 10-and-2 and replied, “I’m good, just….please!”

I knew he’d be ok, he was the best driver I’ve ever known. In response I slid my mouth down to the base of his dick and lightly bit his rapidly filling shaft. He sighed and settled himself back against the seat and rested his right hand on the back of my head, twining my hair in his fingers. I don’t know if he thought I might stop or if it was just part of his fantasy but I liked it either way. I wanted him to hold me there and let me feast.

He did.

And I did.

It was perfect, I felt submissive and dominant at the same time. We had each other right where we both wanted to be, my left hand following my lips up and down his cock while I cupped his balls in my right, his hand resting on my head, lightly pushing me back down on each stroke as he raised his hips, trying to slide the whole thing down my throat.

It was totally exciting me. I was riding along in the middle of the day, sucking my friend’s cock as he drove us to the supermarket. Broad daylight and the people in the other cars around us had no idea what was happening. I was totally immersed in the moment, loving the flavor of his steadily leaking fluid on my tongue as I sucked him, my lips stretched around his shaft, the big head filling my mouth as he pushed up and up, trying desperately to cum before we reached our destination.

I could feel his balls filling up and drawing up into position to cum as he got closer to his release, and I gently eased them back down, away from his shaft. He moaned as I did it, saying “Oh man, don’t stop. I’m so close.”

“Are we almost there?” I asked, freeing him from my mouth and holding his dick in the breeze coming in the window.

“Yeah,” he replied, a little breathlessly, “We’re here,” as I felt him swing into the parking lot.

“Get a spot away from everybody,” I said, taking him back into my mouth.

The truck swung a couple of corners, then came to rest. He threw it into park and turned off the engine, then twined both of his hands in my hair and urged me back down. He didn’t want to wait any more and neither did I.


I sucked him down as far as I could, then slid my lips back up and began stroking his shaft as I swirled my tongue around that big beautiful head. The effect was electric! He pushed hard back against the seat, bracing his legs as he shoved his cock as deep as he could in my mouth, his hands desperately holding my head. I tightened my grip and sucked with enthusiasm, holding his cock in one hand and his balls in the other as I gave it all I had, taking him as deep as I could.

He cried out and exploded, a huge shot of hot cum bursting into my waiting mouth, coating my tongue with the flavor I was waiting for. I swallowed the first mouthful and kept on stroking and sucking as the spasms wracked his body.

It was even better than the first time! The flavor and texture of his cum was just what I wanted, what I needed, and as I swallowed I kept milking his cock, trying to get one more shot, one more drop from his spewing member. At that moment I was right where I wanted to be, and I never wanted to be anywhere else.

His head fell back against the seat, his breath ragged as he came back down from that place we go when we cum, and he slowly relaxed as I suckled the last bit of his load and swallowed it contentedly.

Rising up, I pulled his shorts back in place and sat up, grinning at him. He stared at me in wonder as I wiped the last bit of cream from my lips with my finger, then sucked it into my mouth saying, “Mmmm….Delicious”

“Wow, that was incredible,” he managed to say as he slowly calmed. “You really wanted it, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did. It sure seemed like you wanted it too,” I laughed, “Was road head as good as you thought it would be?”

“Oh my God, it was insane! You have no idea how hard it was to concentrate.”

I settled back in the seat. “I know exactly how hard it was, it was in my hand…and my mouth.” I grinned at him and he smiled in return.

We sat quietly for a couple of minutes, then he looked at me, then down at my obviously stiff cock and asked, almost hesitantly, “You really like the taste, don’t you?”

His question gave me a bit of a shiver as I realized that my feelings were so apparent. Ok, why not? “Yeah, I really do. I’m not sure what it is about it but ever since the first time it’s become a craving I’ve been having, something I never knew I wanted until I got it and now I think about it all the time. After you left last time I was thinking about everything we did and I was so worked up that I wanted more, so I jerked off and had some of my own.”

“For real?”

I nodded and told him about what I’d done, being upside down and cumming on my own face and in my mouth and how much it turned me on to do it. He listened closely, apparently fascinated by what I was so openly confessing, revealing one of those secret things we all do that we would never dream of telling anyone else about. That was they way we had always been, able to talk about pretty much anything without embarrassment, but this was something altogether new and I loved the rapt expression on his face as I described in detail what I’d done.

“It tasted different than yours though. Not bad at all, just different. Since then I’ve been wanting to do you again and thinking about when and where. This was not one of the ideas I had,” I laughed. “It was fun though, so if you have any other fantasies about getting head be sure and share.”

“Oh shit, where do I begin?” He looked upward thoughtfully and said, “The beach, the drive-in, at work, in the pool…”

I laughed. “I get it, I get it. Anywhere and everywhere, day or night, you’re ready.”

He reached over then and placed his hand on the bulge in my shorts and squeezed gently, palming my hardon through the cloth. I shuddered as he scratched his nails down the length of it, a sigh of pleasure escaping me.

“It feels like you’re ready too,” he said with a smile.

“I am, for sure, but I want to wait until we get back to the house. Then we can do whatever we want. As much as we want.” I gave him an evil grin then, and raised my eyebrows in an exaggerated way, making him laugh.

“Let’s go shopping and then get out of here,” I said, then climbed out of the truck and adjusted my cock so it wouldn’t show quite as much as it did before.


I grabbed a cart, and as we started through the store I looked over at him and what I saw warmed my heart.

David was smiling brightly, looking as happy as I’d ever seen him look, and I knew that I was responsible for it. I was giving him the thing that he had wanted so badly for such a long time and he was loving life. The truth be told, so was I. I was finally able to indulge and explore my most secret fantasies with a more than willing person. And the fact that it turned out to be my closest friend, the one person that I knew I could trust, was simply amazing. I could still taste him even now, and the thoughts of what I’d just done made my half-hard cock pulse in anticipation.

There he was, walking beside me and picking up anything even vaguely phallic in shape and wiggling it at me, grinning like an idiot.

That’s my buddy. I mean, come on, you let a guy know that you like sucking him off and this is how he acts?

I loved him for it. It was classic David, for sure.

We grabbed a few things for dinner and drinking, and some hotdogs to grill. This required him to find the biggest wieners he could and show me, of course. I just poked my tongue in my cheek and mimed sucking a dick. We both laughed. Then we saw the older lady down the aisle watching us, and laughed even harder.


Back at the house we stowed our provisions, cracked a couple of beers, grabbed a joint and went out to sit on the deck by the pool and declare ourselves lords of the universe. The afternoon was warm and breezy and the sun felt great on my skin. I really needed to get outside more. My back yard has always been my sanctuary, separated from the real world by a six foot wooden fence that gave me a place to go for solitude and pure relaxation.

We sat there and drank, smoked and talked like we had a hundred times before. But this time there was an undercurrent of something different. I’d look over and catch him watching me intently, like he wasn’t sure what to do, or what I might do, and it occurred to me that he still saw me as the instigator in our newly expanded friendship. It made sense. I was the one that asked the fateful question, the one who sucked his cock first, and the one who decided to let him fuck me.

Now he was waiting to see what was next. I smiled at the thought. I had a pretty good idea what I wanted to do.

By the time we snuffed out the stub of the joint I had a nice buzz going and it looked like he did as well. I drained the last of my beer and stood up, pulling my shirt off and dropping it on the chair. I turned to David and unzipped my shorts, sliding them down and stepping out of them to stand naked in front of him. I held my cock, wiggled it at him and then laughed and stepped over the side and into the pool.

When I stood up and broke the surface I wiped my eyes and saw David shucking his clothes, ready to join me. He grinned and jumped in next to me, splashing me thoroughly. Then oddly we stood there just looking at each other. The water was chest deep and warm, and as it settled I looked down and saw that his cock was hard again. I’d been at half mast since I sucked him off in his truck and now I was more than ready to be touched, but I was surprised and pleased to see that he was stiff again so soon.

He stepped toward me, watching me, and wrapped his fingers around my shaft. He squeezed lightly and I made a noise that he smiled at. He held on as I moved until my back was against the wall of the pool, then eased forward and pressed against me. Our bodies rubbed together, buoyant in the water, and I wrapped my legs around his hips as he leaned forward and started kissing me softly again.

It’s hard to explain but the intimacy involved with the deep soulful kiss went somehow beyond all I’d experienced with him so far. There was something about it that made me feel loved and wanted, and as the kiss continued he slid his hands down to my ass and held me tightly against him, causing a moan to escape my lips. My cock was pressed between us pointing up and his rode up against my ass, bobbing as the water moved. He pushed against me, sliding it between my cheeks and making clear what he was thinking. I’d fucked my ex in exactly the same way in the past and I warmed inside as I felt his cock rubbing against my asshole and pictured being on the receiving end of his thrusting hardness again.

We clung together for a couple of minutes until I dropped my legs back down and slid off his cock, my breathing ragged, turned on as much as I’d ever been. I moved to the shallow end of the pool and hopped up to sit on the edge with my lower legs in the water and my cock jutting up in the bright afternoon sunshine. I spread my legs wide and David dropped to his knees in front of me and engulfed my rod in his hot mouth.

My head fell back and I groaned out loud as he took me deep, his hand starting to stroke me and his tongue swirling around my swollen head. I’d been edging for so long that I knew I wouldn’t last and I watched intently as he devoured me hungrily, the pressure building almost painfully inside me. In less than a minute I groaned “Oh man, I’m gonna cum…” He responded by taking my cock as deep as he could and sucking hard, stroking the base of my dick and biting my shaft lightly.

The world exploded as I burst, and I gasped as I fired into his mouth again and again. He sucked hungrily until I was drained, then milked out my last drop as I shuddered and tried to catch my breath. He stood up and leaned in to kiss me again and when our mouths met I realized he still had my cum on his tongue. I moaned as we shared it, the familiar flavor filling my senses and triggering the same craving I felt whenever I thought about David sliding his cock into my mouth.

I had a moment to wonder what what happening to me. All my life I’d had thoughts about sex with another guy but I had always assumed I was just fantasizing since I loved women and eating pussy was one of my favorite things to do. Now here I was, savoring my own cum and already looking forward to the next load I would coax from David’s balls while still thinking about the picture of Trish naked and wanting very much to sink my tongue and my cock into her hot pussy.

My life had definitely taken an interesting turn.

Our lips parted and we both swallowed the traces of my climax, then absurdly we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Wow,” I said, sliding back down into the water. “That was great.”

He grinned and replied, “Now we’re even.”

My legs were still a bit wobbly as I made my way across the pool to where two rafts floated in the corner. I pushed one in David’s direction and climbed onto the other, lying back in the sunshine. I watched as he did the same, sliding back and settling himself, his stiffened cock pointing up and back toward his stomach. It was an amazing sight. I’d floated here naked many times but never had any cock but my own to look at before. I loved it and again marveled at the fact that he was hard and ready so soon after I’d drained him in the truck.

The breeze moved us slowly around the pool, our rafts bumping occasionally as we warmed and enjoyed the comfortable silence. The sun felt good on my skin as I savored the afterglow of my release, my balls aching lightly from the force of it. A few minutes passed and then my raft bumped into his and turned slowly until I was looking at him from the foot end of his. I saw that he had his hand around his cock and was stroking it slowly. He saw me looking and grinned, pointing it in my direction and waving it back and forth.

I watched as he played, stroking his cock and pointing it at me. It was pretty obvious what he wanted, and I remembered that he’d listed “in the pool” among his fantasies of getting head.

“You horny fucker,” I said, “Didn’t I just take care of that a little while ago?”

He grinned wider. “Yeah.”

“And I’m supposed to just latch on to it whenever you get hard, is that it?”


I slid off the raft and moved over to stand next to him. “Ok.”

His face turned serious at my soft response and I felt him tense as I wrapped my hand around his shaft. My other hand moved to push his legs apart and he responded by parting his knees to the edges of the raft, exposing himself to me.

I stroked him slowly, squeezing gently, and was rewarded with a large drop of precum oozing from his big cock head. I leaned over and placed my lips right on the tip and lapped it up, then sucked gently on his slit as I moved my hand up and down, coaxing another drop from him before standing up.

“Do you like that? Is that what you want?” I asked.

“Oh, God yes,” he said, “I can’t get enough.”

I leaned close and looked at him. “Good.” I whispered. “Neither can I.” I moved my face down until my mouth was over his nipple. Leaning in close, I breathed hot air onto it and watched as it hardened before sucking it into my mouth and running my tongue around and over the hard little bump.

David groaned softly when I bit down lightly and squeezed his cock. He pushed up, trying to get me to stroke but I just held it in my hand, feeling the hardness and heat. I loved knowing that it was his desire for me that made him so stiff and ready, so willing to submit to anything I decided to do in order to get his cock back into me, one way or the other.

I moved across his chest and nursed his other nipple lovingly as I slid my hand down to cup his balls. They felt swollen as I kneaded them softly, tickling with my fingertips. He groaned again and writhed on the raft as I teased. I looked up and saw that he was flushed, a look of deep need on his face. He sighed when I took my hands away and stared at me as I stood and moved down to the foot of the raft until I was standing between his legs and looking up the length of his body.

I’d looked at David countless times over the years and I’d seen him naked a few times now but the sight before me was something straight out of one of my fantasies. He lay there on the raft, knees parted, completely exposed in the late afternoon sunlight. His stiff cock curved upward toward his stomach, the large head moving slightly with the water’s motion and his own tension. His balls were obviously swollen and drawn up, a sign that I knew meant he was getting closer to cumming, and the look on his face was pure need, focused desire, waiting for me to do something, anything that would end with his release. And he and I both knew I would because at that moment we both knew I wanted it as much as he did.

I wrapped my fingers around his cock and gently pulled him toward me until the raft was against my chest, then leaned forward and took him into my mouth. He groaned and his head rolled back as I started to slowly slide my hand up and down while I mouthed that beautiful big cock head. I sucked, nibbled and bit gently, up and down the shaft and around the edges of the head, loving the sounds he was making at each new sensation.

I was hooked, I knew it for sure at that moment. Everything about what we were doing seemed right to me.

He was my best friend.

He’d been denied what he wanted for a very long time.

So had I, and I hadn’t even known it for sure. But I did now, and I wanted to revel in it, to do all the things I’d ever thought about doing to another man.

I stroked him slowly as I moved down to minister to his swollen sack. I used my tongue and mouth on his balls, licking and sucking, biting very softly, and he writhed in response.

“You’re killing me man,” he said, and I stood up and smiled at him.

“Like that, do ya?” I asked as I squeezed his cock. He groaned in reply.

I said, “She doesn’t know what she’s missing.”

“Maybe you should show her how it’s done,” he laughed.

“That would be fun,” I mused, my fingers playing along his shaft. “What do you think she’d do?”

He looked at me and was silent for a moment before he said,”You want to fuck her, don’t you?”

“Dude, you know I’ve always wanted to fuck her. I want to eat her pussy first though. I might even be able to taste your dick.” I smiled and licked up the drop of precum that had resulted from my stroking. “I could fuck her while you’re fucking me and we could all cum together.”

“You’ve really thought about that, haven’t you?

“Well, she’s been showing me her tits for years and you gave me the picture of her naked, it’s your fault. Don’t blame me.”

At that I took him back into my mouth and began sucking him in earnest. My hands roamed his stomach and chest while my mouth went up and down, my tongue bathing the underside of his cock. I held his hips and pushed down on the raft, then let it rise each time he slid in between my lips, creating a rhythm of rising and falling that felt like he was fucking my mouth.

He was loving it too. On each rise he tried to push farther in and I tried to take him deeper, then sucked hard as he slid back down, only to come right back up and try again. And again.

It couldn’t last.

I don’t know if he was visualizing the scene I’d described or just loving being sucked, but in a very short time he was gasping for breath and his fingers twined in my hair, holding my head as he thrust up into my mouth desperately, then moaned loudly and began to spurt. I took him as deep as I could, then bit down on his cock. He cried out softly and flooded my mouth with his hot cum.

I sucked greedily, the feeling like hot water squirting on my tongue, my mouth full of cum and cock and it was wonderful! I swallowed what he had to give, then slid up and sucked on the deflating head, milking him and coaxing out the last few drops as he began to slow back to normal.

As my tongue cleared my mouth and I swallowed the last of his load I savored the unique flavor of his seed and knew that I was, indeed, hooked.

David looked up at me and said, “That just gets better each time you do it.”

“That’s because you haven’t had it much.”

“No, it’s not,” he said, suddenly serious. “I think it’s because you obviously love doing it and that makes me know it’s ok for me to lay back and just enjoy. I’ve never had that before, to just be able to be selfish and enjoy.”

I smiled. “It’s definitely my pleasure. I get as much out of it as you do, I think. There’s something about knowing how much you like it that makes it even better. Plus, now that you know that I’m willing to blow you I essentially own your ass.” I reached up and pinched his nipple, then made for the pool steps with him laughing behind me.

We dried off and got dressed again, then sat back in the deck chairs to relax. David produced another joint and we talked about normal things while watching the sun go down, enjoying the breeze and smoking peacefully in the gathering dusk of evening. After a while we both agreed that food was definitely in order, so I lit the grill and gathered the makings for a simple meal of hot dogs and chips. By the time they were ready we were both famished and dug in eagerly, of course with the mandatory wiggling of the weenie that he couldn’t resist doing.

It was a little surprising that we were still so comfortable and familiar with each other after all the bizarre things that had happened between us lately, but then again maybe not so surprising. We had been close for so long that making the jump to where we were now had only caused a mild trepidation in me, and I assumed him as well, until we were comfortable in our new roles. We were still defining just what those were, of course. He’d let me take the lead and be the dominant one, but I was also the submissive willing to take him inside my mouth and ass. I had made the first move almost every time we coupled, and delighted in making him feel good while also exploring my newly discovered love of sucking cock and the taste of cum. As for David, he was apparently completely at ease with the fact that we were now fucking and sucking each other. He didn’t seem to be bothered by anything other than how long it would be until he got his dick sucked again.

That’s my buddy.

Those thoughts and more crossed my mind as we cleaned up after our meal and went into the living room to chill. We both had a nice buzz going and settled in to watch a Bond movie, me on one end of the couch and David on the other. It was standard fare for a regular guy’s night hanging out but it was anything but a regular night for us, and I was very curious as to what would happen next.

I might have guessed.

As the movie came to a close David asked, “Do you still have that video?”

I knew what he meant. The video that started it all.

“Yeah, I do.” I got up and switched tapes from the Bond flick to another that was nearby. I sat back down, picked up the remote and hit Play. The movie was cued up to the pool scene, and his reaction was beautiful. He smiled widely and looked at me. “How did you know…?”

“I figured it was likely. It’s gotten some play since you were here before,” I admitted.

I watched as his eyes were drawn to the screen and the cock sucking that was going on by the pool. I didn’t say anything else, I just wanted to see how he’d react. It came to me then that he was sitting in the exact same place he’d been when I sucked him the first time, watching the same movie.

Coincidence? Nahhh…

Now I can take a hint, but I’m not above a little teasing first. I leaned back on my end of the couch and sort of watched the film while keeping an eye on him. He was concentrating on the movie, really getting into it just like before, and I watched as he squirmed just a bit when the guy was starting to suck the redhead’s cock.

It was turning me on too, and I started slowly rubbing myself through my shorts. David looked over at me and I met his eyes and grinned.

He laughed, kicked back and started doing the same. We alternated watching the screen and watching each other, and it was fun, acting like horny teenagers that got a hold of dad’s dirty movie and got all horned up over it, rubbing our dicks and being naughty.

That went on for a few minutes but my memories started really getting to me. I slid off the couch and moved in front of him, just like before. He looked down at me, knowing what was coming and quickly raised up and slid his shorts down over his ass and down his thighs. I slid them the rest of the way off, but slowly, as I stared at the treat that awaited me. I tossed them to one side and with my left hand parted his legs. It was warm, just like before.

I looked up at him and licked my lips, then leaned over and took him into my mouth.

He groaned in pleasure.

And the phone rang.

He jerked like we’d been caught committing a crime and I sat up laughing. I reached over and grabbed the phone from the cradle and answered it.

“Hi Trish,” I said, and his eyes went wide. “Yeah, he’s right here. We’ve just been hanging, you know. Dope, food, movies. Major excitement.” I grinned at him. “Here he is,” I said, handing him the phone.

He almost fumbled the handoff and I laughed out loud. He watched me as he talked to his wife, answering questions and listening, apparently, to a long description of her day. I stuck out my tongue at him and made the universal two-finger “eating pussy” sign at him while pointing at the phone. He snorted with laughter and had to quickly make an excuse for it while shaking his hand for me to stop fucking with him.

Yeah, right.

I grabbed his cock, which was now starting to wilt, and leaned over. I started noisily planting smacking kisses on the head as loud as I could, trying to keep from laughing as his conversation with Trish stuttered a bit. She must have asked him what the sound was because he said, “Oh, he’s smacking his lips and blowing kisses at the phone. I think he wants to eat your pussy.”

I looked up at him wide-eyed, not believing what he’d said, but nodding none the less.

He started to laugh but pulled up short at whatever her reply was. He didn’t repeat it, instead asking her some innocuous questions about her parents before telling her he’d be heading home in the morning and wishing her goodnight.

I figured playtime was over, or rather, just beginning and went back down and wrapped my lips around his cock again. He moaned very softly and eased his hips forward a bit, then relaxed and settled back just as he’d done the first time.

And that was fine with me. I laid my forearms across his thighs and used my hands to stroke and fondle while nursing contentedly. I moved down a little so I could watch his face and he could see his cock in my mouth. He alternated watching me and watching the movie for a few minutes, his fingers reaching down to wind themselves in my hair as he pushed up, trying to fit all of his cock down my throat.

He hit my limit and my gag reflex and I backed off quickly, coughing a couple of times and wiping my eyes.

He smiled and said, “Sorry, I got carried away.”

“It’s ok, give me some time to practice and maybe I’ll be able to.”


“Uh huh. I’ve seen it done so I know it’s possible. You can help me get better at it.” I licked my lips and grinned.

His voice softened. “69?”

“Oh yeah.”

I backed off and we both shed the rest of what we were still wearing, then he lay down on the carpet. I turned the other way and lay next to him, both of us on our right sides. I scooted closer and was rewarded with the wonderful warmth of his mouth on me. I put my left arm over his ass and squeezed as I sucked him in again.

Heaven. Pure bliss.

Without the frantic disbelief of the first time we did this, we simply loved each other, doing all the things that you enjoy having done to you. Our hands roamed, our mouths sucked and licked and I lost track of everything else but the sheer pleasure I was experiencing and doing my best to give back to him.

Things started to go a little faster but a burst of willpower allowed me to release him and pull back, my cock immediately missing the heat of his mouth.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Shaking my head I reached up for the lube that I’d tucked in next to the VCR earlier. It was warm in my hand. I turned around and handed it to David, then took the seat he’d been in before. He watched as I found the right angle and leaned back, parting my legs. I crooked my finger at him. “Come here,” I whispered.

He moved between my knees as I lifted and pulled them back, realization dawning on his face.

He stared at me.

“Yes,” I said.

He quickly lubed himself and me, inserting a finger so I was slick on the inside too. My heart was pounding as I felt his gentle invasion, my thoughts a mix of anticipation and nervousness as I waited to be taken again. He moved closer and I felt his flared cock head press against me. With his hand he grasped my pulsing cock and held it tightly as he began to push forward, looking me straight in the eyes.

“Are you ready?” he asked softly, as the pressure increased.

Unable to speak, I just nodded. He smiled, squeezed me tightly, and with much less trouble than the first time David’s cock was in my asshole again.

I sucked in my breath and made a sound. He stayed still as I got used to the stretched feeling, maybe half a minute, then slowly pushed farther in. He released my cock and put a hand under each of my knees, holding them up and allowing me to relax as he started to fuck me.

I looked up at him, watching his expression as he held my legs and pushed the last inch of hard meat inside me. He stopped moving, buried to the hilt.

“Are you ok?”

“Yesss…” I hissed. “Oh, fuck yes.”

He smiled at that, then began slowly sliding in and out of me, a look of rapture on his face as we fucked. He loved having his cock sucked but this obviously meant something very different to him.

I understood completely. Sucking him off and swallowing his cum was great fun, but this was a lot more serious and intimate. At that moment I was impaled on his manhood, completely vulnerable and subservient, taking him inside my body in the most intimate way possible and encouraging him to own me, to make me the object of his pleasure. As before, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of being loved and wanted, desired and needed as I willingly gave him everything I had.

My hands went to his hips and I guided him into me, pulling him forward and trying to show how much I wanted it, how good it felt to be loved that way.

He moved his hands to the back of the couch, letting my legs rest against his arms as he leaned closer to me. Once again we were joined, two as one, designed for pleasure and loving.

I reached down and began stroking my cock in time with his thrusts. Our breath was ragged and after a couple of minutes I knew I was close. With my unoccupied hand I pushed on his chest, making him raise back up over me. I stroked faster and then I was there. With a moan I began to cum, joyous spasms wracking my cock. I aimed for my face, hoping it would reach and that I had the angle right.

David stared, fascinated as the first shot landed at the corner of my mouth. The next landed on my cheek just above it. As it ran down over my lips I reached with my tongue and gathered as much as I could, looking him in the eye as I first showed him my prize, then swallowed it down. He started fucking me faster for a few seconds and then cried out, burying his jerking cock deep inside me, filling my ass with his load.

I held him tightly to me and swooned as everything came to a glorious end.

A minute or so later he rose up and slipped out of me, my feet gratefully returning to the floor. He watched as I fingered up the rest of the cum on my face and sucked the finger into my mouth.

“Wow,” was all he managed.

I wholeheartedly agreed.

After a while we made our way to the shower. The warm water was wonderful and comforting, and we moved easily around and with each other as we cleaned ourselves. We didn’t say much as we dried, just looks and smiles, and it was enough.

As we drifted off to sleep I thought about everything we’d done, and everything we might do in the future. Both made me smile.

We woke up at about the same time in the morning and I turned to look at him. He was smiling at me, not saying anything but not really having to. We both knew the score.

We’d washed the clothes he came in so he was able to wear them back home. Trish was due to return home in the early afternoon so David grabbed his cooler and we walked out to his truck.

I kept the lube he’d brought. I figured we’d probably need it some time.

As he put the truck in reverse a thought came to me. “I forgot to ask. What did Trish say when you told her I wanted to eat her pussy? You never said.”

He looked at me for half a beat then grinned that typical shit-eating grin I knew so well.

“She said to tell you ‘It’s a deal.’ ”

I watched him back out and head off down the street.

I had a lot to think about.



As I said in the beginning all the events in my stories are true. We really did all that shit. I know I’m a little off on some of the dialogue but much of it I remember very clearly. Forgive me for doing my best with the rest.

I wasn’t trying to write some sort of cliffhanger, this is just the natural point to end this part of our story. There is more.

To answer a question you may have, yes, Trish did find out about us. And it went in a direction that I never imagined. If there’s any interest I’ll think about writing it down.

Thanks for the kind comments I’ve received, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my story as much as I’ve enjoyed reliving it.

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