Sauna Slut Ch. 01


A gay sex stories: Sauna Slut Ch. 01 Chapter 1:

Lex watched as the last couple pushed the doors of the gym open, stepping outside into the cold, wet night. He was glad that he was able to have his workout alone.

Lex pressed out a few more reps on the shoulder press machine until it started to get sore. He stood up to stretch out the joint.

“Hey, it was Lex, right?”

Lex looked up to see the guy who scanned him into the gym stepped towards him. The man was wearing a tank top that was made by cutting off the sleeves, and through the deep cuts he could make out his trimmed abs and v-line. He felt a twinge of jealously, realizing that no matter how much he worked out he just couldn’t seem to get as fit as this muscle god. He hated blaming his genes, but honestly he had never seen another Asian man that fit.

“Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot your name.”

“Tristan. I’m the owner of the gym.”

The owner? That made sense to Lex. He never saw anyone else when he came this late. But he always assumed that the gym was one of those chain gyms owned by some unknown face. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’m about to close up soon. Are you almost finished with your workout?”

Lex quickly turned to the clock on the wall. Shit. He didn’t realize how late it had gotten and accidentally stayed a few minutes past closing. Looking down at his body drenched in sweat, he realized that he wouldn’t get a chance to shower before going back to his car.

“Oh yeah, I’m pretty much finished right now. Sorry for keeping you.”

The man grinned, and Lex couldn’t help but appreciate his chiseled jaw and perfectly white teeth. His green eyes looked back at him warmly, making Lex’s heart jump. “No worries. I like my late workouts, anyways. How about this? I gotta get a quick workout in anyways. You can stay until I leave. How does that sound?”

Lex agreed, and he watched as Tristan made his way over to the free weights. Luckily no one else was there to see how long he stared at Tristan’s ass in the thin white basketball shorts.

About half an hour later, Lex was finished on the leg press machine. He watched as Tristan finished one of his weighted sit-ups, getting a good look at his chest and arms.

What I would do to have a man like that. Or a body like that. Lex thought, not realizing that Tristan was looking back at him. He started to panic as Tristan stood, walking back towards him. Hopefully he didn’t notice how much he had been staring.

“Hey, I’m about finished up here. What about you?”

“Yeah, same.” Lex struggled to speak, trying to hide a stutter. “Thanks for letting me stay late.”

He was about to turn towards the entrance when the man’s hand touched his shoulder. Lex flinched, nearly jumping a foot away. Tristan’s face was a mix of fear and regret.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to catch you off guard. I was just going to say that I’m planning on spending some time in the sauna and hot tub. So you’re welcome to keep working out or shower if you want. You’re welcome to join me, too.”

“Oh okay. Thanks, let me just go get changed and I’ll meet you in the sauna then.”

The two walked into the lockerrooms, and Lex stayed back to stop by his locker. He unlocked the top one using the code for his padlock, and started to strip from his tshirt and shorts. Underneath, his boxer briefs were still sweaty. He reached in, digging through some of the clothes in his backpack to see if there was anything else for him to wear.

The only thing that he pulled out was his small, yellow thong. He had forgotten to take it out from the last time he had a planned hookup. It didn’t end up happening, though. The other guy didn’t even show up. All he got was a message on grindr saying:

didn’t realize you were full asian. thought you were mixed.

Lex shook away the memories, swapping his underwear for the fresh thong. At least the material resembled the material of swimwear, so he could pretend he was wearing it for the hot tub.

Plus, it kind of turned Lex on to show himself off around someone who looked like they had just come out of an Andrew Christan advertisement.

He slipped the thong on, letting out a sigh of relief as the string of the thong dug itself into his ass. Luckily it was tight enough to hide his growing hard-on.

When he finally relocked his locker and made his way over to the sauna, Tristan was already leaning his back against the wall. It felt like he added more water to make it even hotter, and the warm, humid air coated his body.

“Hey, nice of you to finally join.” Tristan grinned. Lex noticed that his eyes fell down to the yellow thong for a moment before quickly going back up to meet his eyes. “Never seen something like that before.”

Lex bit the inside of his lower lip. “Yeah, it’s really all I had left that was clean. Plus for swimming…”

His voice trailed off as Tristan waved his hand. “You’re welcome to wear whatever you want. Doesn’t make a difference to me.”

Lex took a seat on the bench furthest away. He didn’t want to get to close and make Tristan uncomfortable, and it was easier for him to take quick glances at his glistening body. The way that he was sitting, the white basketball shorts were bunched up underneath his thick thighs, and Lex could make out short pieces of hair sticking out.

Besides the cleanly manicured beard and mustache, the rest of Tristan’s body seemed to be mostly shaven.

Lex pulled out his phone, pretending to look at something as Tristan turned to him.

“Hey, I know this might not be a good time. This is always awkward for me to talk about.”

Lex looked up expectantly. “Go for it.”

Are you going to ask me to turn around to show you the rest of the thong? Do you want to feel how soft and smooth it is?

Tristan opened his mouth again, pausing for a moment before looking down at Lex’s torso. “Well…”

Maybe pull the strap up my ass and snap it?

“When I ran your membership today, it looks like your credit card was declined the last time the charge tried to go through. I actually wasn’t supposed to let you in today, but I thought it would give me a chance to approach you.”

“Fuck,” Lex sighed out, rubbing his head into his palms. He really thought something was going to happen between the two of them. “I’m sorry about that, I’ll leave after this. I didn’t know it was maxed out.”

“Hey it’s totally fine. If you just give me another card or something like that, we can keep your membership going. I won’t charge you a startup fee or anything like that.”

After a few moments of silence, the owner spoke up again, realizing something was off. “You’re not able to pay for this membership, are you?”

Lex covered his face, trying to hide the tears starting to build up in his eyes. This was so embarrassing. How was he supposed to admit everything?

“No, but it’s fine. There’s another gym that’s a bit cheaper, I might be able to make it there.”

Tristan thought for a moment. “Hey, why don’t I let you stay for the next month. Or at least a few more months until you’re able to get back on your feet.”

Lex looked up, feeling relieved at the smile on the other man’s face. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, man. Like I said, I’m the owner. Plus, I wouldn’t want to be the reason you start to lose your awesome physique. How would that make me look?”

The two of them shared a laugh, but Lex couldn’t keep his mind off of Tristan’s words. Does he really think I have a nice body?

“Well, in that case, maybe I can pay the fees another way?” Lex asked, hoping that Tristan would catch the hint. He watched as Tristan’s face went from confusion to understanding. But his heart sank when his face turned into a face of slight disgust.

“I don’t know if I’m reading you right, but are you trying to offer some sort of sexual favor for a free membership? Absolutely not, I will not have anything like that going on in my gym.”

Lex’s head fell forward, and he cowered closer to the wall, trying to make himself disappear. He couldn’t believe he actually said that to him and humiliated himself like that.

“But if you wanted to do stuff together anyways, we could always make that happen. But not in exchange for a membership.”

Lex looked up in surprise, seeing Tristan’s raised eyebrow as he scanned Lex’s body up and down before landing on his growing bulge.


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