Earning My Keep Ch. 03


A gay story: Earning My Keep Ch. 03 I had been managing to make my way for a while now in a large city. I had Rob to help me along and I had other friends like Dare and Jack as well. But as they say, things get old and you move on. Rob and … Read more


Sauna Slut Ch. 01


A gay sex stories: Sauna Slut Ch. 01 Chapter 1: Lex watched as the last couple pushed the doors of the gym open, stepping outside into the cold, wet night. He was glad that he was able to have his workout alone. Lex pressed out a few more reps on the shoulder press machine until … Read more


From curious to first time – Part 2


First time gay sex story: From curious to first time – Part 2 Years passed by and the same questions would come across my mind at times….What if Me and John did go all the way that night? How would it of felt? would I of liked it? Would I really be able to go … Read more