Scholarship Offer – Ch. 01

A gay sex story: Scholarship Offer – Ch. 01

Hello readers! I am so excited to publish this story. It’s been a busy few months and I haven’t really had time to write lately so when I finally found some free time and some inspiration I knew I couldn’t waste it! Enjoy the following story and let me know what y’all think!

How to Get a Scholarship to CSU

I pace my dorm room floor; a cool late summer breeze is blowing in through the open window. A shiver is sent through my body. I pause to look at myself in the mirror above the sink that was in the corner of this box they call a freshman dorm room at CSU. I was nervous and could see it in my body language. Taking a deep breath and steadying my gaze at my reflection, “You’ve got this Alex! This is what we’ve been studying for all summer! It’s ok if you’re a bit nervous….don’t let Coach down!” I stare at my deep blue eyes in the mirror and hope for an indication that this pep talk is sinking in.

“Fuck! Who am I kidding, I’m just a punk kid from a nowhere town in the middle of butt fuck Egypt. There’s no way I’m ready for this.”

I hang my head and sulk back to my lofted bed frame, sitting at the desk underneath.

It was my freshman year at Corwood State University (CSU) and even after two weeks on campus I am still overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people at this school. CSU is the largest university in the state, and I had been dreaming of attending here since I was a kid.

To many in my small rural hometown, a college degree was the only way out. I busted my ass and put in the work and secured a scholarship! I was beyond excited to attend CSU. Little did I know there was another name for CSU other than Corwood State.

I came out to my friends & family early in high school and surprisingly I was met with so much love and support. I had already experimented sexually with a couple guys around town, so I was aware with what flavor gay I was. I knew I was a bottom, I loved getting fucked and giving men pleasure. I thought I was pretty good at sucking dick too because….well because I’d never had any complaints up to that point. I was also on the track team and the constant practices and track meets kept my 5’8 frame in shape. I was the textbook definition of a cute, boyish twink. The point is I knew I was hot and I was gonna flaunt it! Little did I know, I was in store for a humbling slap across my face from my neighbor Mr. Stevens

Mr. Stevens had lived next door to us since I was in grade school. He was a big beefy, jovial kind of guy. Always throwing parties and having cookouts for the whole neighborhood. He worked as a welder, so he was built like a slab of granite. He was also the nicest teddy bear of a man. As I started to come to an understanding of my sexuality, I developed a little harmless crush on him, and he was the subject of many of my early fantasies.

When I got the word about my scholarship to CSU, I knew I needed to celebrate. All my hard work and dedication had paid off! I received my offer during the middle of my last semester of senior year, so in my mind I had 4 months of pointless high school. I started skipping classes and missing track practices. I was acting like a grade A douche! Looking back, I can’t believe my parents put up with me, but then again, I was 18 and on my way to my dream school. I think I earned the right to live it up a little bit.

One weekend early in the summer after I graduated from high school my parents were out of town and I decided to throw the greatest party this small rural town had ever seen. I was gonna leave my mark and I was gonna do it up big! So I invited everyone who was anyone to come over. The night was incredible! Or at least I was told it was a great night, I honestly can’t remember most of that night. All I know is that many handles of shitty alcohol were drank and plenty of white claws and other shitty beers were chugged. It was pure teenage chaos. I even found time to sneak away with a past hookup for some drunken sloppy sex. I slobbered over his cock and he fucked his load deep into my tight ass.

I remember looking up at that pretty boy his cock obscuring my vision as he shot a load over my face, then the sun was rudely waking me up. I was sprawled out on a lawn chair in my backyard. The sun felt like molten lava splashing across my face. Fuck I was hungover. I was naked and could feel the dry cum on my face and my ass, God I felt gross. Once my eyes allowed me to see I was greeted with the sight of my parents’ trashed backyard. There was bottles, cans, cups, and various other party debris scattered across the yard and in the pool. Shit! My parents are gonna kill me if I don’t get this cleaned up.

“Looks like the party was a success!” a booming voice chuckled from over my shoulder interrupting my internal panic. I jumped a bit, falling out of the lawn chair and onto the grass.

A large figure was blocking the sun and after shielding my eyes I realized it was Mr. Stevens from next door.

“Mr. Stevens you scared me!” I said as I picked myself up on wobbly feet.

“Whoa easy there big shot,” Mr. Stevens said with a smirk as he placed one of his massive hands on my bare shoulder to steady my balance.

“I hope we didn’t keep you up too late last night” I said with a guilty tone as my eyes found the ground in front of Mr. Stevens.

“Don’t worry son, I’ve thrown my share of parties in my youth, I usually ended up naked too,” he said with a wink as he looked my body up and down.

I was suddenly very aware of my nakedness. I blushed crimson and started darting around the yard looking for a towel, anything, to cover my shame.

Mr. Stevens chuckled again, his baritone laugh shaking my body to its core as I found a towel and wrapped myself in it.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before Alex, so don’t get getting your panties all in a knot. You passed out around midnight, and your friends were starting to get a little too rowdy, so I came over and told everyone to go home. I saw you on the chair and decided you needed to sleep this one off so I let you be woken up by the sun as a small lesson about getting too drunk at your own party!”

I blushed again and thanked my lucky stars I had a neighbor like Mr. Stevens.

“Thank you, Mr. Stevens, I owe you one!” I say as I find a trash bag and slowly start picking things up.

I could feel Mr. Steven’s gaze on me. “Tell you what Alex, I’ll help you clean up and in return you can help me with some things around the barn. How’s that sound?”

“Yes! That sounds incredible Mr. Stevens, thank you thank you thank you!” I gushed as I practically pranced across the yard and hugged him.

“Alex, please I’ve known you for years, plus you’re a college boy, and going to my alma mater, you can call me Buck”

“Wait! You went to CSU?!”

“Yep, I wasn’t as smart as you so I went on a football scholarship, you’re doing it the right way, you’ll be able to keep your physical health and get a college degree!”

“Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t know that Mr. Ste….I mean Buck”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me boy, now go get some pants on and lets get this place cleaned up” Buck said with a wink.

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