Scholarship Offer – Ch. 01

I felt my stomach flutter a bit at the commanding tone he just took. I quickly ran inside to get dressed.

As I walked down the hall of my dorm, I felt excitement build up in my chest. I spent another 15 minutes going back and forth on whether I was going to go through with this. Finally, I said “Fuck it I came this far, I can’t let Mr. Stevens down!” So, I slipped on a pair of running shorts and a loose-fitting shirt and started my walk to the elevators. I was hoping I was portraying a casual confidence because inwardly I was still nervous as all hell. I got to the end of the hall, took a right and then a left and I was standing in front of the elevator. My freshman dorm was the nicest and most updated dorm on campus. Baxter Hall was 7 floors of hormonal freshman, who are without parental guidance for the first time in the lives. So, needless to say, I was living in a writhing, pulsing, organism of teenage sex drive and chaotic debauchery. I hit the down button and waited, anticipation building up inside my chest and spreading through my body. I was ready for this!

We cleaned most of the morning. The sun was hot, and my headache wasn’t going away. I was fighting for my life out there. Buck and I started in the backyard. I cleaned up all the trash and reorganized the patio furniture while Buck started cleaning the pool. I was wearing a pair of jogging shorts and a tank top, and I was still sweating. Although I wasn’t sure if that was from the sun, the hangover, or the fact that Buck took his shirt off while he was cleaning the pool. I couldn’t help but sneak glances. Buck was 5’10 but built like a mountain. He had close cut brown hair and deep brown eyes. He looked like a linebacker, and I suspected that’s why he got the scholarship to CSU. He had a broad hairy chest that screamed “Daddy!” The kind of chest that would knock the wind out of you when he pounds into you. I could feel my shorts tent a bit and I was suddenly regretting not throwing on underwear.

“Hey Buck, I’m all finished out here I’m gonna clean up the inside of the house,” I yelled over my shoulder as I quickly got inside to hide my arousal.

“Sounds like a plan son, I’m almost done in here and then I’ll come inside to help you.”

My brain was still foggy, but I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of Buck checking out my backside as I closed the sliding glass door.

The rest of the morning passed without incident Buck joined me inside not too long after and we got everything sparkling clean. I collapsed on the couch, ready to pass out again. “Thank you Buck I appreciate the help, let me know when you want me to repay you, but right now I need to pass out for a couple more hours.”

“I don’t think so boy” Buck said in a suddenly demanding tone. My eyes peaked open and I saw him staring at me with a hunger and lust I have never seen before, from any man.

I was a bit surprised at the shift in tone and could only squeak out a feeble “What do you mean?”

“I help you all morning cleaning up after your mess, parading around in those ‘Fuck me’ shorts and then you don’t even have the decency to pay me back now? No way you’re gonna pay up right now.”

He took a step towards me on the couch and was soon standing right in front of me shirtless with a sizable bulge growing in his jeans.

“Buck? What’s going on?” I said, my eyes wide with shock at the caged monster in front of me.

“Alex don’t play dumb with me; you know exactly what’s happening right now. I saw you with your friend last night. You have natural talent son, but you need some coaching to achieve your true potential.” He unzipped his jeans and out flopped the biggest cock I have ever seen. It was like a massive steel rod protruding out of his jeans. It had to be at least 9 inches long, thicker than my wrist, its massive head looked like the perfect lollypop, and my hole clenched a bit at the thought of feeling those veins stretch out my hole. His balls were tight to his shaft and the most gorgeous bush of brown pubes blossomed out from behind. It was honestly the most perfect cock I have ever seen.

“Holy fuck…” I said in a whisper, my hangover was suddenly non-existent.

“That’s right boy, you’re gonna help me take care of this boner I’ve had all night since I saw that horny boy fucking you in behind the shed. Now just lean forward and open that pretty mouth of yours.”

I was on auto pilot as I slowly leaned forward, my lips parting slightly. I made first contact with his cock head and my life changed forever.

I was riding the elevator down to the basement of Baxter Hall. My confidence has been rising and falling ever since I stepped out of my dorm room. I was bouncing on my toes as I anxiously waited for the elevator to get me to my destination.

The elevator dinged and signaled my arrival. I stepped into the damp dim basement of my dormitory. The only things down here were janitor supplies, maintenance offices and of course a special bathroom the Mr. Stevens told me about. I approached the door and slowly opened it. Inside were two stalls. Above the stalls hanging from the ceiling written in what looked like sharpie was a sign that said, ‘Scholarship offices.’ The stall on the left said giving, and the stall on the right said receiving. I took on last deep breath and entered the stall on the right, latching it closed behind me. Inside the stall the walls were covered with graffiti. Messages from past and current students. I was too nervous to really take the time to read those messages because right in front of me on the dividing wall between the stalls was a hole with duct tape around the edges. On top of the hole was a message that read ‘Someone Will be With You Shortly’ and arrows pointing back down at the hole. I sat on the toilet and waited for my time.

I didn’t have to wait long, soon after I arrived the door squeaked open again. The stranger stopped in between the stalls. He walked to the sink and washed his hands. My heart was beating out of my chest as this stranger played with my anxiety by taking his sweet ass time. I watched his feet walk from the sinks on my left, back around my stall until he entered the stall on my right, the latch echoed off the walls. I held my breath as a shadow crossed in front of the glory hole.

“Is this your first time at the scholarship office?” A deep voice rumbled out and shook my soul.

“Ye..yes sir” I said with all the confidence I could muster.

“Welcome to Cock Sucker University,” he said with a chuckle as he undid his jeans and his soft cock slipped into the hole. Showtime!

I was slurping up and down Buck’s cock my hand gripping the base. He was smirking down at me, my pretty blue eyes staring back up at him as I eagerly serviced this hunk of a man.

“That’s a good boy.” He said, his voice rumbling my body, I let out an involuntary moan.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long Buck.” I said completely drunk on his dick as I ran my tongue up and down his thick shaft.

Buck pulled the cock from my grip and slapped my across the face with it a couple times. “Stick out your tongue boy.” He slapped his tree branch of a cock across my tongue a couple times. “When you’re pleasing my cock like this you are to refer to me as ‘Coach,’ you understand that boy?”

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