
A gay sex stories: Shadow-Cat Screams!

Horrifying screams echoing off of chamber walls. Racing hearts and pulses and the thick acrid smell of fear laced the air like poison. But there were other smells ones that bore the reason for the soul shaking fear. “Run! They’ve broken into the palace! Mobilize the Shadow- Fighters!” More screams. More panic. Muffled voices; panicked whispers coupled with silent escapes through the palace. More screams this time from the dying combined with the stench of the dead. “Find the Prince!” I hear one of them roar.

Just a little further through the tunnel and we will be safe. I can smell them they are close- oh so close. I can hear the battle that wages overhead the Shadow- Fighters are slowly being defeated. Each man fights to the death because they know that no mercy will be shown to those that survive. Better to be dead for what power does and enemy wield when you are dead?

They are strong and determined the element of surprise is their friend and ally. Where now is the god that my father made me pray religiously to as a child? How could this great Egyptian warrior allow this to happen- where is the Goddess Bast when her Shadow- Fighters need her the most? Just a little further; I can see the trap door in the gloom the very one that will lead us out of the palace and into the forest.

Then in a moment everything changes… Shadow- Fang opens the trap door a small breeze flows past us. Where we had once been downwind our scent has been carried to our pursuers who now run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them. We won’t make it we have women and children with us and the Lykens are not known for their compassion. All will be killed save for one- one will be spared to serve as a bargaining chip in the coming negotiations with the King of the Shadow- Fighters. Me. Prince Shadow-Cat. To be taken alive by a Lyken is a fate worse than death. I won’t be taken alive!

A ghastly roar from one of the Lykens travels down into the tunnel and ricochets off the walls and strikes fear in all. The tunnel is filled with a cacophony of frightened murmurs.

” Go” I order them “Go through the trap door and follow the stairs, until you reach the door that will lead you out into the forest you know the way from there” I whispered urgently. 21 sets of panicked amber and green eyes stared at me from the gloom.

“But your highness” Shadow- Fang pleads “No Shadow- Fang there is no time if I go they will catch us! You have to lead them to the forest and get them into the boats! You have to get them safely to my father he will know what to do!”

I can hear their footsteps pounding above they will find the entrance soon enough. “Shadow-Fang I order you to go will you disobey your Prince?! They won’t kill me now go please!” With one last pleading look and a silent bow my orders obeyed. While the others file through the trap door and down the stairs I begin to prepare mentally and physically for the fight that will ensue before long. Even a fight between an experience Shadow- Fighter and 6 fully matured Lykens would be difficult to win — I don’t stand a chance.

I watch Shadow- Fang disappear through the trap door and I can hear the bolt silently ease into the lock. And for the first time I thank the gods for instilling in my father the wisdom to construct the various escape roots that are housed within the palace. I can hear them they’ve found the door they are trying to knock it down each pounding against the door matches the pounding in my heart.

You know its odd right before the worst is about to happen it’s like time moves so slow or stops moving at all and it’s at that very moment that you take notice of everything- I mean really take notice. The whole time we had been down here I had not been aware of how quiet it had become in the palace there were no sounds of weapons firing, knives being sunken into flesh or even the sounds of bones breaking as fists struck their targets. There were no longer women crying over the bodies of their loved ones even the dying made less noise and there were still a few. The smell of the dead was altogether unbearable. And for what was not to be the last time since the bolt slide home in the latch I wished that I had taken my chances and gone with Shadow- Fang.

What’s even stranger still is that when time has slowed to a point where you begin to doubt whether it’s even still active it speeds up again as if it’s trying to catch up. It’s an altogether unsettling and out of body experience. It’s an unsettling out of body experience. All at once I could hear the pounding outside the door increase in tempo. I could hear the mongrels inside the palace looting it for what they called the spoils of war. My senses became blazed with sounds and smells. An unsettling out of body experience doesn’t even begin to explain it.

I took my stance in a half crouched position just as one of those dogs had turned the door into a thousand match sticks- which by the way was antique wood 500 years old given to my family by the Shah of Iran- good for nothing uncultured dogs! It’s odd how I can now appreciate the beauty of such objects which I had taken for granted now that it was to be taken from me and I from it — ah well on with the show. I have a date with death and I plan to take as many of these filthy uncouth animals with me as possible!

Now Lykens do have the ability to see in the dark but it’s a piss poor comparison to the Shadow- People! That’s why the come carrying their torches. I can launch an arrow at an archery board in pitch black a thousand times and never miss the bullseye- beat that! As a result of their short comings Lykens rely on their sense of smell and their uncanny ability to detect movement (great). The first Lyken enters through the narrow archway followed in a singular line by the rest of his company; a factor which inhibited our escape (resulting in our current predicament of me acting as both bait and diversion) proves to be most advantageous in taking down the first Lyken.

Claws distended I leap upon the first Lyken going for the kill I sever his jugular vein as I tear his throat out, he falls to the ground clutching at what used to be his throat making a chocked gurgling noise as he slowly dies. The sound of a dying Lyken hmm I like it! My self praise was to only last a minute, although Lyken are naturally stupid creatures the others did not fall prey to the same reckless mistake as their fallen comrade. A blow to the chest from the next Lyken sent me hurtling in the brick wall of the tunnel. As I struggled to breathe more Lykens came rushing into the tunnel- each breath I took caused the most excruciating pain to tear its way through my back, chest and neck. Just as the same brute that sent me crashing into the wall was about to kick my exposed side which would have without a doubt broken all my ribs on my right side I sank my talons into his exposed thigh causing him to scream (well howl). Using what little strength I had that remained I rose to my feet and tore him open from abdomen to neck.

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