
I hauled my usually lithe form which had taken on the characteristic of a thousand pounds of lead into first an upright position; I then rolled onto my hands and knees and after what felt like an eternity of staying in that position I finally managed to make it to my feet. This had been no easy feat it had taken me ten minutes to perform this simple task and not only had I broken out into a sweat I was now perspiring profusely. Definitely wasn’t smart kicking that Lyken. Satisfied that the floor and walls stayed where they were supposed to, I took a detailed inventory of my scant dwellings.

I was able to ascertain that I was in fact in a dungeon about 5 miles below what would have been a banquet hall or the great hall and judging by the raucous noise being made my presence had not gone unnoticed. Countless stairs and passage ways lay between me and my “accommodations” so even if I somehow could get through the iron door (not likely I’m strong but I’m not superman) I didn’t have the faintest idea where or how far the exit was from where I now stood not to mention I didn’t even know where here was so even if I could somehow manage to get out of the cell and out of the castle with out my scent being carried to the Lykens they would surely catch up with me as I didn’t have one clue as to where safety was. Great!

Continuing my detailed inventory I noticed that not only was my cell infested with mold it also housed a number or rats- really these were accommodations fit for a prince! Okay now let me just say that normally I would never entertain the idea of rats being part of a balanced diet but I haven’t eaten in well I don’t even know when I last ate. So don’t judge me when I say these vermin looked delicious. Hmm looks like breakfast will be back on the menu ladies and gents.

Delaying breakfast for the moment — I mean they really weren’t going anywhere I again resumed my inspection I noticed that the mold was coming from this incessant and might I add annoying drip from the ceiling, I detected a Lyken in the corner — okay that drip is really starting to annoy- Wait RED LIGHT THERE IS A FUCKING LYKEN IN THE CORNER!! Okay queue the unsettling out of body experience where everything slows down to a point where I doubt time is moving yada yada yada. I now began contemplating how long the animal had been there? What did it want? Was it going to kill me? Not that I was giving up hope but as I previously stated I looked like shit, I felt like shit and hey what do u know I even smelt like shit – well not literally but you get where I’m going with this if a fight were going to ensue it would be over very quickly and there would only be one person walking out of here at the end. One guess who it won’t be!

Damn it why the hell hadn’t I noticed him before? Had he been watching me sleep? Oddly enough I found that last thought to be the most disturbing- when you sleep there is a universal sense of vulnerability the fact that a mortal enemy was party to a precious moment where I wasn’t on my guard and not able to readily defend myself felt not only like a major invasion of my space and privacy but felt too intimate for my likings. When this is all over I’m telling you I’m going to devote 110% of my time to combat training as well as honing my senses. Maybe it’s the blows to the head that got me all outta wack I mean that can happen right? Okay now this is the fun part where everything speeds up. Out of the shadows emerges the very same liken who’s leg I snapped like a twig. Definitely wasn’t sensible to take that cheap shot!

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