Splash Zone

Colt put the partially-emptied bowl on top of the TV again. Without warning, Liam yanked the hose from my throat. It burned like a motherfucker. I started gasping as cum splattered out of my mouth while I tried to suck in air. I was focused on myself, but I still noticed Liam positioning the apparatus so as not to spill my white gold; he drained the rest back into the container.

I barely registered Liam removing my handcuffs and Colt using a pair of scissors to free my legs from the athletic tape. I was trying to will myself to not vomit while I regulated my breathing. I let them yank me to my feet. Colt and Liam stood on each side, holding me up by the armpits. I stumbled across the floor, not sure where they were taking me.

“He’s still raging hard,” Colt chuckled bemusedly.

We entered Liam’s bathroom. They guided me over to the walk-in shower. Liam reached out and adjusted the knobs; the water started flowing.

“I wasn’t about to have him stink up the Beemer with his funky jizz,” Liam sneered.

They launched me into the shower; the cold blast of water rained down on my head. I steadied myself by planting my hands against the tile walls. My legs were shaking; my body started shivering. I reached up with one hand and used it to try to clean off my face.

“That’s good enough,” Liam announced less than a minute later, and unceremoniously yanked me back out.

I still felt wrecked, but the freezing water had done something to re-solidify my muscles and given me enough energy to not pass out. Colt pushed a towel into my hands while Liam turned off the water. I swiped the towel across my body, trying to warm myself. I noticed some jizz still stuck in the crevices between my fingers; the shower hadn’t exactly been thorough.

“Come on,” Liam said, grabbing the towel from my hands.

He wrapped the white fabric around my waist. I realized that my boner had finally gone down, which was a silver lining of sorts. Even it couldn’t resist the power of an icy cold blast. I pushed my jet-black hair away from my eyes into a slicked-back mess. Liam grabbed me by the crook of the arm and walked me towards the living room.

Travis was sitting on the edge of the couch looking at his phone. Liam pushed me into the spot on the other side. He and Colt walked back towards his bedroom.

“AhhhHHHHH-ahhhhhhH-oHHHH-fuck-fuck-AhhhhhhHHHHh!” blared from the speaker on Travis’ phone.

Blood rushed to my face once I recognized the voice. Obviously, it was me. He was reviewing the footage he captured earlier in his role of depraved documentarian.

“You gotta see this,” Travis said, pushing the phone towards my face.

I watched myself on the screen. I was rocking on the electric tooth brush and moaning like I was a deranged woman with a vibrator wedged against her clit. My cock was bright red and pulsing. I was already completely covered in my own jizz; I looked like a human version of a glazed donut.

No. No. It was the only word I could grasp onto while watching the film. I wondered if part of me thought saying it enough would somehow undo the past.

“This is the best past,” Travis said with a smirk.

On the screen, my cock started erupting. Volley after volley of splooge took flight. A few of them painted my body, including one splashing against my face. Several others shot up and arched down into the plastic cum receptacle between my legs.

Back in the real world, Liam and Colt re-emerged. Liam had changed into jeans, a Polo shirt, and sneakers. Colt was still in his nylon basketball shorts, but had tossed on his T-shirt and Nikes. I looked over at Travis. I realized he was dressed in what he’d been wearing earlier that day, too. He must have gotten ready when I was in the shower. How the fuck didn’t I notice when I sat down? God, I’m still pretty fucking out of it, aren’t I?

“Let’s hit the road, boys,” Liam announced.

“What about Augie?” Travis asked, putting his phone down and nodding at my exposed chest.

“He’s coming with us,” Liam said.

“I think it’ll be fine,” Colt chimed in. “It’s Chico’s. Nobody’s going to care. They’ve seen weirder shit.”

What? No. I can’t… you can’t! My mouth tried to open, but it wouldn’t. Liam and Colt approached and pulled me up from the couch. They gave each other a knowing look; I started stumbling as they guided me towards the door.

“Please, please,” I finally muttered.

Liam stopped dead in his tracks. Colt almost kept pulling me, but realized he needed to pause. Liam looked at me like I’d just slapped him across his face.

“Please put you back in the chair?” Liam asked. “Okay, if you really like it that much. I’m not sure how long we’ll be at Chico’s, though, so you might be riding that tooth brush for a few hours.”

Travis chuckled at the threat. Colt and Liam spun me around in unison and started dragging me back towards the chair. I dug my heels into the tile; my entire body shivered in fear and disbelief.

“No!” I cried out. “No, I want to go with you. I don’t care. Please, please take me.”

“Fine,” Liam replied, “but no more talking back unless you’re ready for the consequences.”

I nodded. I couldn’t imagine being strapped to the chair again. It had been the most intense thing I’d felt in my life. I was a lobster frantic to avoid being thrown in the boiling pot of water after already having taken a dip.

“Trav, come help take Augie to my car,” Liam commanded. “I need to grab something.”

Liam released me and handed Colt the keys from his pocket. With a captor on each side, I was escorted outside of the pool house. The concrete felt rough against the soles of my feet. The moonlight was reflecting off the surface of the pool as we walked past it towards the driveway. Colt unlocked the car; I was loaded into the back seat. Travis joined me in the rear, while Colt took shotgun.

“I’m going to get the burrito with extra guac,” Travis said.

“Guac sounds amaze-balls right now,” Colt replied.

They talked briefly about their appetites and preferred Mexican foods. It felt so weird to suddenly go from being the center of attention to the third wheel. My stomach gurgled again, and I did my best to suppress a burp. I could taste the cum that had surged forth into the back of my mouth. Fucking shoot me. How did I get here? I just want to go to sleep. I’m so tired.

The driver’s side door open; Liam plopped down onto the black leather seat. He moved around; I heard something banging against the console.

“Is that…?” Colt asked before stopping himself.

“Time for tacos,” Liam said. “I’m starving. Don’t think I’ll be ordering the ‘Augie special’ though – a mega bro-tein shake made up of millions of little swimmers.”

Liam zoomed out of his driveway; he had never cared about following rules while driving. The guys all chatted about a recent MMA match on the short drive. I’d seen it, but I knew I’d taken a new role in the group. It wouldn’t have been in my interest to say anything.

We pulled into the parking area. Chico’s had always been a bit of a dive; it was mainly high school kids and drunks who were there between midnight and closing time at 3 a.m.

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