Splash Zone

I was still in my own head. I was bouncing back and forth between asking myself how’d I’d gotten into such a shit show and refusing to accept that it was reality. I kept closing my eyes and counting to five during the car ride; I hoped that when I opened them, I’d be at home in my bed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Liam asked.

The three amigos were standing by the open door next to wear I was seated. I hadn’t noticed Liam parking and them exiting the car.

Colt reached in and grabbed my bicep. He pulled me from the car; it wasn’t as rough as I’d expected. Liam jammed something into my hands. I looked down; it was a shiny silver thermos. I shook my head in confusion.

We started to walk towards the squat, brown building. I promptly became aware of the cars in the lot; there was about eleven others. My heart skipped a beat. The light coming from Chico’s large windows pulled me closer like a moth to the flame.

“Is that Luke’s car?” Colt asked Liam.

“Yeah, some of the baseball crew texted me that they were at Chico’s in case I was awake and wanted to join.”

No! Fuck, no! My heels dug into the black top right when Colt and Travis both looped their arms through mine, locking me into the same hostage position that I’d been in earlier that night. I shook my head from side to side. I wanted to pull away from them, but I wasn’t so delusional that I thought I could overpower them.

“Feeling a little shy, Augie?” Colt chuckled.

“That gives me an idea…” Liam trailed off.

He pulled the silver thermos from my right hand; I’d managed to somehow hold onto it even while I was being apprehended. I waited for him to open it, but he didn’t.

“Hold him still,” Liam commanded.

I closed my eyes. I couldn’t watch. One… Two… Three… Oh, fuck! What the fucking…?

My eyes shot open. Liam was rubbing the base of the large silver vessel against my towel covered crotch. Travis’ and Colt’s bodies were abuzz with laughter.

“No, no,” I eked out under my breath.

Liam kept pressing the thermos against my shaft; he started dragging it up and down the length. Butterflies immediately took flight in my cum-filled tummy. The pilot light in my core shot up to a large flame. I watched in horror as a large tent formed beneath the thin white towel he’d covered me with.

“For shits and giggles,” Liam said, locking eyes with me.

“Can’t believe you’re making him pop a bone, bruh,” Travis said. “He’s already walking in half-naked.”

Liam just shrugged. He was trying to downplay how much fun he was having in his new role; he’d adapted to being a sadist like a fish to water – or, better yet, like Ted Bundy at a sorority house.

Once he had achieved his goal, he started walking again. The two giddy goons kept me wedged between them and followed a step behind. I wondered if they could feel the goose flesh on my arms poking into them as we reached the door.

Liam walked through the entrance and held the glass door open. The noise of plates being dumped into a plastic busing bin escaped from the building.

I looked down at my torso. My stomach was still slightly distended from my forced feeding, and my abs were heaving up and down from my burgeoning hyperventilation. The towel was snuggly secured around my waist, and it extended to my knees. The large tent at my crotch was noticeably visible; fortunately, there was enough overlap of fabric that there was no risk of my boner freeing itself. Thank God for that, I guess.

Liam nodded at his henchmen; they released me, and Colt got behind me. He put his large mitt firmly on my back and gave me a forceful push. I went stumbling across the threshold, trying not to end up ass over teakettle.

My feet slipped on the over-polished linoleum. My eyes darted around the small space, trying to help me get my bearings. One old woman stood at the register and three disheveled men sat at the small counter, drinking beers. Roughly fifteen guys were spread out throughout the small dining room; I recognized most of them as seniors from the baseball team, but there were a few guys from other sports there, too. I only counted two girls; they were both cheerleader/jock-girlfriend hyphenates.

“No way!” Chester Thomas, catcher for the team, called out. “Augie’s naked!”

All of my fellow graduating seniors turned to look; many of them had to turn around in their booths to be able to see. A malevolent smile spread across Liam’s face. I thought about trying to bolt back outside, but I could hear Colt and Travis giggling behind me, blocking my escape route.

An accordion started playing in my chest; I felt my heart being squeezed and my lungs emptying of air. One of my arms instinctively shot up and wrapped itself around my mid-section in a primitive attempt at protecting myself.

“Looks like he’s happy to see everyone,” a voice called out from the crowd.

“He’s popping a bone!” Chester hollered.

Pretty much every eighteen-year-old patron in the place burst out laughing. I noticed a few of them pulling out their phones to take some pictures at my expense. I felt mortified for a fraction of a second before I remembered the footage Travis had on his phone. I knew their snaps would be nothing in comparison.

The three drunks at the counter looked over briefly before going back to their primary aim of downing more alcohol before closing time. The older, white-haired women stood at the register, shaking her head in disbelief.

“What the fuck, man?” Chase Collins, captain of the baseball team, asked Liam as he approached.

Liam shrugged at first. Chase looked at my exposed torso for a moment but refused to let his gaze meet my eyes.

“Augie lost a bet,” Liam said, “so he had to pay the price. He’s got to sit with us in just a towel while we eat.”

“What about that?” Chase asked, motioning at the bulge in my towel.

“How the fuck do I know, bruh?” Liam chuckled. “He wasn’t boned up when we got out of the car. Now that I think of it, though, I did tell him that all of the senior baseball guys were inside as we were walking through the parking lot. Maybe that did something to him?”

“Augie St. James!” Chase began. “A certified fag! I fucking knew it!”

Chase finally looked me in the eyes and shook his head in disgust. My mouth opened; I wanted to defend myself, but nothing came out.

There was something wrong with me. I wasn’t feeling anything nearly as intensely as I’d have expected. I had gone from feeling so much embarrassment, lust, and even excitement to feeling dazed. Maybe my body just ran out of endorphins after so many orgasms?

“Wait ’til the guys hear about this,” Chase said.

I noticed an older man walking towards us; I wasn’t entirely certain where he appeared from. He was dressed in a short-sleeve button up shirt and khakis. He looked to be my dad’s age and had a bit of a belly on him.

“Excuse me,” he said. “What’s the meaning of this?”

Chase extricated himself from the group and went back to his table. I was sure he’d be more interested in spreading the rumor that I was gay than staying to see what unfolded next.

“You can’t come in here without proper clothing,” the man said.

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