Steam Room

A gay story: Steam Room DISCLAIMER: This story contains adult MM content. If this type of material offends you please do not read it. Also this is a work of fantasy. I neither practice nor encourage unsafe sexual practices. This is my first attempt at writing and I welcome all feedback as long as it is constructive.

I have, for as long as I can remember, disliked going to seminars alone. I much preferred traveling with a coworker so that I would have someone to spend the evenings with that I knew and was comfortable with. Unfortunately, this seminar was a solo trip.

I found the flight to be quite uneventful, from check-in to collecting my luggage upon arrival at my destination. Maybe this weekend wouldn’t be so bad after all. At least it had started out pretty good.

The seminar actually started the next day, so I had time after checking in to the hotel to enjoy a nice dinner. I checked the phone book upon arrival to see if there were any spas which would allow me to get a massage and enjoy a good sauna after dinner and before turning in for the evening. I was not able to find any that offered massages in the evening, but I did manage to find one that offered sauna, whirlpool, steam room and shower. It had the added bonus of having a weight room if I decided I wanted to work out a little before relaxing. I made note of the address, grabbed my map of the city and headed for dinner.

I had a nice quiet dinner at a very nice restaurant, and then decided to give the spa a try. I found the front of the facility bright and well lit. The personnel at the desk were very helpful and courteous. One of the young men at the desk escorted me into the facility and showed me where the lockers were. He then told me to enjoy my evening and left me to change out of my clothes.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and found my way to the steam room. I took a seat and began to feel the tensions of the day ebb from my body. I felt a hint of cool air as the door opened and a large muscular man entered. What struck me as odd was that he was carrying his towel rather than wearing it. My eyes were immediately drawn to his groin as he had the largest dick I had ever seen. Sure I had seen adult movies before, but this dick was as big as any of those and still limp. I realized I was staring and quickly looked up to find him smiling at me.

As he walked over to where I was seated, he asked, “Do you like what you see?”

I didn’t know what to say. I had heard these types of things happen in health clubs and spas, but I always thought they were fictitious accounts of someone’s vivid imagination.

I again realized I had been staring at this magnificent cock, when I heard him speak again. “Why don’t you take a closer look?”

As he spoke he began to stroke his cock and it responded to his touch by growing thicker and longer. I would guess that it was at least 10 inches long and almost as thick as my wrist. I had never imagined that a man could actually be that large, but here was proof right in front of my eyes. I knew I had to reply. I knew I had to get out of there. I stuttered, “N-n-no, thanks. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stare. I-I really have to be going anyway.”

As I began to stand up, my towel, which had been lying across my lap, fell to the floor. I realized for the first time that I was harder than I had ever been. This fact did not go unnoticed by this stranger still standing directly in front of me and as I bent to quickly pick up my towel and cover my nakedness, he took the opportunity to slap my face with his massive cock. He placed his free hand behind my head and directed my head to his crotch. The position of my neck forced me to my knees and I found myself face to face with his monster cock. I licked my lips and he held the tip directly in front of my mouth, touching it to my now wet lips.

I tried to move my head, but his grip was too strong. “You know you want to lick it, so what are you waiting on?”

The searing heat from his steely cock was burning my lips as my tongue darted out of my mouth and licked across the head. My senses were never more alive than they were at that very moment. I could smell his manly musk, I could taste his salty skin, and I could feel the hardness of his cock. I licked again.

“Now open your mouth and suck it,” he said, as he pressed the tip against my lips again.

Without thinking I simply opened my mouth and allowed him to press it between my lips. I think I half expected him to thrust it all the way down my throat and gag me until I couldn’t breathe. Instead he only inserted it just past the head allowing me to run my tongue over it as I wrapped my hungry lips around its enormity and began to do what I enjoyed having done to me.

“That’s right, cocksucker, suck that big dick.”

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be his cocksucker and do just exactly that.

I began to slowly slide my lips and tongue down the length of his hardness until I felt the head lodge firmly in my throat. Then I slid my head back up the full length of this massive tool until just the angry head was still in between my lips. As I moved back down, I tried to take him even deeper in my virgin throat. Fighting the urge to gag was proving to be more difficult that I imagined. I wondered how men and women who are able to deep throat ever learn to do it.

This stranger knew exactly what he wanted from me and he guided my head in his tempo up and down his shaft. Each time I would try to take him still deeper, until I finally managed to have the head slip into my throat. He felt the increased pressure and stopped, holding my head perfectly still. As he did so, I began to realize that the sensation of gagging lessened slightly. He slowly retreated again, but this time did not allow me to pull as much of his length from my mouth. He allowed me to catch my breath, and then pressed with even more force into my throat as another full inch was driven past my gag reflex. Again he waited a moment before withdrawing just enough to allow me to again catch my breath.

Once again, he began into my throat, only this time, he did not stop, but began thrusting with each stroke deeper and deeper until my nose was firmly pressed against his pubes. What I had wondered about a moment earlier, I was now doing. I was taking this monster cock deep into my throat. In fact, I was literally having my throat fucked by this stranger with the magnificent cock.

Just before he withdrew, I again felt a slight draft on my bare ass and suspected that someone else had entered the room. My lover did not hesitate even for one second, but withdrew again so that I could catch my breath. His hands effectively prevented me from seeing who had joined us in the steam room and as I attempted to turn and look he held my head firm and began his reentry into my throat.

I felt something cold and wet on my anus. I got very nervous, as I couldn’t imagine anything going into that hole. Then I remembered that only a few minutes earlier I had never had a cock in my mouth either. I decided to relax and hope this new stranger was as gentle as the first. I soon felt a finger intruding inside my anus. This was not too bad as I had experienced annual prostate exams and knew what to expect from a finger. Seeing no resistance to the finger, the stranger withdrew and added a second finger. Feeling no resistance to this, the stranger inserted a third finger. I felt increased pressure, but still could not say that I truly felt any pain.

I refocused my attention on the magnificent specimen lodged firmly in my throat as I realized I now needed to take another breath. As if he could read my mind, he slid slowly out again until I was able to again breathe. I felt the second stranger pressing his hardness firmly against my anus, and with the timing of a symphonic musician he pressed into me at the exact moment that my throat was again filled to capacity. The momentary flash of pain brought stars and tears to my eyes as both lovers, as if on cue, froze fully inside of me. As my oral lover began to withdraw, my anal lover did likewise. After being able to catch my breath, I realized the pain had subsided in my anus.

With the graceful execution I thought only years of rehearsal could produce, these two strangers played my body like a fine tuned instrument. Slowly and deeply they played me. Time no longer had any meaning to me as I relished the pleasure I was feeling of being used by these two virtuoso performers.

Just as I wished this could continue all night, the tempo increased as they both neared the crescendo signaling the climax of the performance. Soon I felt them tense and hold as they both released their precious fluids simultaneously inside of me.

The newest stranger withdrew first and I felt empty. My anus twitched as if it was begging him to return. Instead he said, “Thanks. That was great. You have a fantastic ass.” I again felt the draft as he left the steam room.

I realized my initial lover was still in my mouth. He had pulled back so that I could breathe without difficulty but had not pulled completely out. I could taste the saltiness of his seed now on my tongue. What I thought would be repulsive, I actually found quite pleasant. At that moment, I knew that this may have been my first experience with a man but it would definitely not be my last. He slowly withdrew his now softening cock from between my lips and I reached up and held it gently as I licked the head clean of the remaining semen.

He had not spoken again since he had told me to suck his cock. Again he broke the silence of the room, “Wait until I leave the room before getting up off your knees.” With that last command, he walked out and I again felt the cool air on my ass.

It was at that moment that I realized I had another man’s sperm leaking from my anus. I could feel it as it slowly ran down the back of my leg. I looked at my watch and was surprised to find that an entire hour had passed since I first went into the steam room. I also realized that I had never seen the face of the stranger who had taken me anally. I doubted that I had seen my oral lover’s face enough to even say that I knew what he looked like. I was very sure that I would not be able to describe anything about him except that magnificent cock. I quickly got up, grabbing my towel and headed for the shower in hope of seeing him again. Unfortunately, when I arrived in the shower it was vacant. I showered and left the spa very relaxed and satisfied. I may not have received the massage I initially was looking for, but I could not have been more content.

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