Steam Room

A gay story: Steam Room DISCLAIMER: This story contains adult MM content. If this type of material offends you please do not read it. Also this is a work of fantasy. I neither practice nor encourage unsafe sexual practices. This is my first attempt at writing and I welcome all feedback as long as it … Read more

Bi-curiously Experimenting Ch. 03

A gay story: Bi-curiously Experimenting Ch. 03 **Disclaimer** The events that unfold in this article have not occurred in my life. I don’t know if they ever will. Am I bi-sexual? This is a question I have long wondered. I have had some serious fantasies and even more vivid dreams from time to time about … Read more

Birthday Night Out

A gay story: Birthday Night Out *The following is from my experience based on what happened. Everyone is above 18. Hope you enjoy.* *Back story. So it’s the weekend I’m celebrating my birthday. I live in the middle of no where so I have to travel for fun. I got a hotel room 5 hours … Read more