Str8 Turn Out Ch. 12: Into the Fire


“Everywhere from the neck down,” I chuckled. “I tried some highlights and trimmed the eyebrows a bit, too. What do you think?” I smiled as I turned my head from side to side a bit, trying to keep it lighthearted. To tell the truth, I would be devastated if he didn’t like my new look that Tyler had forced onto me.

Jim looked me over in a false serious appraisal and with a smile said, “It looks like someone is going a bit stir crazy…but I actually kind of like it, especially the smooth part.” He reached down and stroked my smooth thigh with his rough paw.

I involuntarily inhaled at the electric sensation of his rough hand caressing my hairless thigh. Without any body hair, it was as if my sense of touch had been cranked up to eleven. I spread my legs wider in a not-so-subtle invitation, but Jim took his hand away. “Listen, I guess I should tell you why I wanted to see you before things go any further.” He was suddenly a bit sheepish, which was a bit surprising from this big bear of a man. “My wife and I have been having some issues. Long story short, we’ve finally officially separated and are getting divorced…”

“Oh, no. I’m sorry to hear that.” I truly meant it. Jim seemed like a great guy and I could see he was genuinely bruised by their breakup.

“Well, it was a long time coming and we’ve just been going through the motions for a while. So here is my crazy idea…and feel free to take your time thinking it over or just say no, but I was thinking about moving in here with you, I know it’s a big ask and it’s just a one-bedroom apartment and we barely know each other, but this is close to my office and we seemed to hit it off and I would pay half of everything of course or whatever you think is fair and if you want we could just try it for a trial period just during the lockdown and I promise to not get in your way…”

OMG! As Jim nervously babbled on, I could hardly believe my ears. This incredibly sexy man that had taken my anal virginity wanted to move in with me and sleep with me in my bed EVERY night! Had I not been so completely surprised at this turn of events, I would have been screaming YES! YES!

“…so that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I can see it is a lot to consider, so let me go drain the snake and then we can talk about it.” Jim went to the bathroom while I sat there stunned. The thinking part of my brain was telling me that this was a really bad idea. I barely knew the man. For all I knew, Jim could turn out to be a complete psychopath, or a leech, or a drunk, or abusive, or an infinite number of other bad possibilities. On the other hand, every part of my newly revealed sissy-self wanted this man in my life, in my apartment, in my bed and up my ass!

Just as I heard the toilet flush there was a banging on my door. WTF? I opened the door and a VERY red-faced Tyler barreled in, grabbed me by the shirt and slammed me against the wall. “Where the FUCK is it?!” the little bastard almost spit in my face.

“Where’s wha…” I barely managed to get out before he bitch-slapped me across the face HARD! I staggered to the side in shock and surprise with my hand on my wounded cheek when all hell broke loose.

You’ve heard of Mama Grizzlies protecting their young? Well, you’ve never seen fury until you saw my Papa Bear come bursting out of the bathroom protecting his bitch! Little Tyler went white and looked like he might piss his pants as my giant came at him.

“Who the fu…” was all Tyler got out before Jim grabbed him under the jaw and lifted the little twerp off the ground with one hand! Tyler instinctively grabbed onto Jim’s forearm and kicked his little feet as Jim carried him to the door and opened it with his free hand. He pulled Tyler in close and snarled, “If I ever see your face again, I will end you.” Then he grabbed Tylers shirt and launched him across the hall, where he bounced off the wall and hit the carpet like a set of bagpipes!

Jim slammed the door, looked at me and asked, “You wanna tell me what that was all about?”

I nodded dumbly.

Over some more beers, I explained everything that had happened from my first encounter at the sports bar, to our first encounter, to everything that had happened between me, Tyler, Coach and Miguel. At the end I showed Jim what I had found in the binder for my team and explained that I had the rest hidden in the basement. Jim did the best thing that anyone could do at that point – he listened. He never asked, “Why didn’t you…?” or said, “You should have…”

He simply waited until the end and stated, “This ends now.”

Almost on cue, there was a knock at the door. We both glanced at it. “Wait here,” Jim said and went to the door. Of course, it was Coach…trying to sound reasonable but obviously pissed.

“Can I talk to Chris?”


“He has some things that belong to me.”

“Then call the cops.”

Coach started to lose it. He was not used to having his authority questioned. “Look. I don’t know who you think you are…” he poked Jim in the chest. Bad move. Never poke a bear!

Jim slapped his hand away and Coach swung at him. Jim blocked the punch and belted Coach in the side of the head. Coach staggered back and then moved forward to attack, but then his legs gave out and he collapsed like a marionette whose strings had been cut. Jim calmly closed the door.

“I don’t think we’ll be hear…” was all he got out before I jumped into his arms and kissed him deeply. When I came up for air I had only one thing to say.


Jim smiled and then kissed me hungrily. I wrapped my legs around him and let him carry me to my bedroom. His hands groped my ass then slid under my shirt to peel it off as he continued to devour my mouth. While we bounced off the hallway walls, I kicked my shoes off and yanked Jim’s shirt up over his head. I wanted him inside me so badly. He had won me in combat and I wanted him to claim his prize like a conquering hero.

We made it to the bed and he gently laid me down with my head on the pillows. Jim grabbed the waistband of my shorts and yanked them along with my underwear over my hips and off my legs in one swoop. I guess I didn’t have to worry about my choice of underwear after all. Jim grabbed a pillow and shoved it under my hips, leaving me perfectly aligned for him to impale me. I grabbed the lube off the nightstand as Jim stripped naked and climbed on top of me on all fours. We looked into each other’s eyes as I lubed up his hard cock and guided him to my hole. As soon as his head was at my entrance he pushed forward. I pushed back and gasped as a third of his cock breached my rosebud and slid inside. His eyes bore into mine as I adjusted to his girth and took quick deep breaths. I pushed back again and took another third of his shaft inside me. Again, I took a series of quick breaths while I wrapped my legs around his hips. Jims strong arms were planted on either side of me like mighty oaks and I held onto them like a life preserver while he waited patiently for me to signal his final plunge.

Finally, I stopped panting and pulled his hips forward with my legs. Jim slowly but inexorably pushed forward until he bottomed out in my ass. I had every inch of him inside me and I knew then that I would always feel empty without Jim inside me. He had won me, claimed me and I had given myself to him freely. I belonged to him now and I was good with that. Jim smiled down at me and then leaned down to kiss me gently. I returned the kiss as he started to move his hips, slowly pumping in and out of me. I moaned into his mouth as my hands explored his hairy chest. Jim broke the kiss and pulled back up onto all fours, watching my face as he fucked me. My eyebrows arched in submission and my mouth formed an O as I moaned in a higher register every time he bottomed out in my ass.


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