Jim looked up from his paper, “What?”
“Look at all the sissy stuff they have!”
Jim smiled and squeezed my leg again, “Oh, Chrissy. Did you think you were the only girly boy in the world?”
“Well, no. Of course not. But look at all the STUFF they have.” Jim went back to his paper while I started dropping sissy treasures into my shopping cart. Long story short, in less than an hour I had dropped more than two hundred bucks on frillies. “I should get dressed,” I said standing up.
“Uh-huh.” Jim grunted from behind his paper. “So, what did you get?”
I smiled back, “You’ll find out in two to three business days, big guy.”
I stepped into the bedroom to get dressed and went through my clothes trying to decide what to wear. Having spent an hour sifting through all things sissy, my regular clothes seemed boring, so I focused on my nylon gear. I opened the drawer that held all the nylon tops and bottoms that Tyler had given me. Jim seemed to like my pink panties, so I slipped on the pink nylon short shorts with white piping and the white nylon athletic shirt with pink piping. Then I went into my jewelry box to add some bling, not that I had much jewelry. I clipped on my heavy gold chain bracelet and my thin gold necklace and checked out my look in the mirror. Of course, the first thing I checked out was my butt. My panties made a visibly pantyline under the short’s pink nylon. I smiled to myself thinking that in this outfit I was guaranteed bear bait.
OMG. Was I already trying to get Bear to fuck my ass again? I was still sore from the double header this morning, so why was I dressing to try to seduce Jim again? There were only three answers as to why I had dressed up like this and I didn’t like any of them. I was either a cocktease, a sissy or maybe both.
My reverie was interrupted by a wolf whistle. “Looking good, Boo-boo,” Jim smiled. “I hope you have a drawer full of outfits like that.”
I blushed furiously as Jim approached. “Umm, yeah. I guess I have a fetish for silky things,” I stammered as Jim came up behind me. I watched in the mirror as his hands explored my nylon clad body. It was an erotic sight to behold; a large muscled mature man exploring the body of a smaller, athletic younger man through his silky male lingerie.
Jim was watching us in the mirror too. “Damn, you are a beautiful boy,” he purred in my ear. Noticing my jewelry, he husked in my ear, “You should get your ears pierced. Wouldn’t you like to wear some pretty earrings?”
“Mmm, yeah…” I agreed. “That would be hot.” Of course, I was so turned on by Jim manhandling me that I would have said the same thing if he had suggested that I paint myself purple.
“Shit. Look at the time,” Jim said. “I have to get dressed before Miguel gets here for his interview. Do you have anything for lunch?”
“I can make some sandwiches. I better change too.” I didn’t want Miguel to see me dressed up like a sissy boy, but Jim wouldn’t have it.
“Stay this way. This is your place, so you dress anyway you want. Okay?”
“Umm, okay Jim.” I blushed. Jim was so supportive that I was embarrassed for doubting his motives earlier.
“Better get going on those sandwiches, sweet cheeks!” Jim playfully swatted me on the butt to send me on my way. I blushed and headed for the kitchen in my flip-flops, rubbing my sore butt cheek. I had left the cash on the table, so I slipped it into the little inside pocket in my shorts.
I had just finished putting lunch on the table when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Jim called out. He came out of the bedroom in jeans and a blue company polo shirt to let Miguel in. I blushed slightly to see Miguel in his janitors’ uniform while I was dressed in pink and white nylon with my pink toes on display. It was pretty obvious who the bottom boy was in the room.
“Hey, Chreesie,” he greeted me with his sexy accent.
“Hey, Miguel,” I decided to give the men some space to discuss their business. “I’ll let you boys get to it…”
“Don’t be silly, Chrissy,” Jim stopped me. “Please stay and we’ll all have lunch.”
To say that lunch was humbling would be the understatement of the year. I sat there between two masculine men who had both fucked me, dressed like a sissy boy with highlighted shaggy hair and pink toenails that matched both my panties and nylon short shorts while they talked shop. There I was, Joe College having lunch with two working men and barely understanding half their conversation. Sweating pipe? Air balancing? BX? Pex? I was pretty handy doing home repairs, so I could follow most of it, but a lot of the technical stuff went right over my head.
When they started talking about money, I insisted on giving them some privacy and retreated to the bedroom with newfound respect for the blue-collar guys that make the world go round. I had also figured out that Jim did mainly residential construction; decks, dormers and additions along with some house flipping so he could always keep his crew busy between jobs. I put on some music while I was waiting for them to finish and to kill some time, I figured that I would do my nails. I sat on the side chair with my legs crossed at my knees painting my fingernails pink. After I finished my left hand, I blew on them to dry them quicker. I held my hand out to check out the paint job when I caught my reflection in the mirror. OMG. I looked like a total sissyboy, dressed in pink and white nylon, pink toes showing on the ends of my legs that were crossed like a girl with my hand extended like I had seen my sister do when she did her nails. The strange thing was that instead of being shocked, the sight and thought gave me a bit of a thrill…
I quickly painted the nails on my other hand pink and gave them a quick blow dry. Then I struck several poses in the mirror to see how they looked. I crossed my arms over my chest, then moved one hand to my chin like I was in thought, I posed with hands on hips and then with one hand splayed flat on my chest, thoroughly enjoying indulging my feminine side.
Jim called out that they were done and I came out of the bedroom to find that Miguel had got the job. I gave him a big congratulatory hug as he headed back to work. When I turned back to Jim, he was busy typing on his phone.
“Thanks for giving Miguel a job.”
“No problem. I think he will be a good worker. Grab your mask and let’s go,” he answered not even looking up from his phone.
“Go? Go where?”
“To get your ears pierced.”
“What…?” I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly.
“A friend of mine has a tattoo parlor, but he does piercings too. Let’s go…he’s waiting…”
“Dressed like this?!” I gestured to my outfit.
“Zach runs a tattoo parlor. Trust me, he’s seen it all…” Jim smiled.
“But I have no pockets for my phone or keys or wallet…” I protested. Jim wasn’t serious about me going out in public like this, was he?
“Don’t sweat it. I have a key now and it’s my treat. C’mon Boo-boo.” Jim took hold of my bicep and gently ushered me out the door into the elevator. I tensed as the doors closed and my stomach flip-flopped as the elevator dropped toward the lobby. OMG. I would die of humiliation if anybody saw me like this.