“Is it going to be like this every night?”

“God, I hope so.”

“I better start taking some vitamins.”

“Whatever it takes, babe, whatever it takes.”

“Am I heavy?”

“No you feel good on me, in me.” Guy could feel Alex’s cock pulse with an orgasm aftershock. “Real good in me.”

“This seems to be working, I mean us.”

“Uh huh.”

“Should we set a date?”

“For what?”

“Remember, you proposed.”

“Oh yeah. Tomorrow? I guess I mean today.”

“You are a lawyer, right? You do know it’s against the law to marry in this state.”

“State of bliss?”

“No, New York.”


Alex shoved a little deeper into Guy. “You’re not getting out of it that easy.”

“When you do that, I won’t want you to get out either.”

“Do you think we should date some more first?”

“Not if you mean date anyone else.”

“Are we going too fast?”

“I’d say you hit just the right speed.”

“I’m thinking we’d better just fuck the night away and leave any serious conversations until the morning. You’re still horny.”

“And yet satisfied at the same time.”

“Is it always like this with you?”

“Boy, I hope so.”

“Go to sleep. You’ll need your energy again in a while.”

“Night, night, lover.”

“Good night, lover.”


Morning light filled the room. Alex awoke to find himself in Guy’s embrace, as he had several times during the night. He leaned against the headboard and tried to clear his head, trying to remember all that had happened. His alarm clock confirmed that only one night had passed. The litter of condoms around the room indicated that it had indeed been a busy night. Still he felt rested. Guy snuggled against his side, laying his head in Alex’s lap.

Alex raised the sheet covering them, taking a peek at the sleeping form beside him. While Guy had undressed him, examined him point by point, Alex hadn’t taken the time to look at his new lover’s body, he had been too aroused. Now in the calm of morning he began his assessment. Guy’s chest was lightly covered with fine dark hair. Guy was clearly very fit, though smaller boned than Alex. A thin line ran down to his pubes. From the nest of dark hair, Guy’s cock extended, now fully relaxed and draped across Alex’s thigh. No wonder Alex still had sensations deep in his body. When that thing is hard, it must be enormous. Guy’s balls hung low, laying on the sheets between them. Alex remembered them slapping on his ass when Guy fucked him. Yum. Guy’s long, thin legs stretched out of sight. His legs had similar dark fine hair. Alex would have to wait until they got up to see if that continued along his feet.

Alex began to smack Guy’s face with his flaccid cock, trying to wake him. Guy stirred, Alex’s stomach was scratched by Guy’s morning beard. Alex persisted in teasing with his cock until Guy snapped it between soft lips and sucked lovingly.

“Good morning.”

Guy reluctantly released Alex’s hardening cock. “Good morning, to you.” He kissed Alex fully. “How are you feeling?”

“Thoroughly fucked and very satisfied. You?”

“Hmmm. If I didn’t dream all that last night, and since you’re still here this morning, I’d say it really did happen, and consequently, thoroughly fucked and very satisfied captures it well.”

“What do we do next?”

“I think we’ve pretty much done it all.”

“I can’t imagine being in this bed without you.”

“I hear you completely, though it does seem early in our relationship to talk about living together.”

“I think we talked about this last night.”

“I don’t remember too many times when either your tongue or cock wasn’t down my throat. How could we have talked? Grunting I remember.”

“More talk like that and you’ll have it there again.” Alex smacked Guy with is half hard cock.

“Happy to oblige.”

“Seriously, or as serious as two naked guys who have just fucked the night away can be, we have to talk about what we do next.”

‘I suppose we could decide to a cooling off period, date once a week, avoid sex and be all around miserable.”

“That doesn’t appeal to me.”

“Me either. We could declare our undying love and go to Massachusetts and get married.”

“While that does appeal to me, it seems a bit rash.”

“I’m sure your caution is prudent, damn.”

“How about we give it a try, you move in with me since I’m not moving to Brooklyn and you haven’t painted a very good picture of your accommodations there. We have to promise that if it doesn’t work out we can kiss and say good bye and just hang on to the wonderful memories. I’m not saying we can’t disagree, but only if we’re trying to find a way to better understand each other.”

“A trial marriage with an easy out clause?”

“No Mr. Attorney, a relationship about love, not contracts. A relationship about openness and honesty, not property. I expect there will be times when we have to fight like hell to keep it working, but I’m willing to be told I’m being an asshole if I’m bugging you. And you can expect the same from me. What do you say?”

“Where can we get a truck or something so I can get my stuff?”

“I think we better get cleaned up first. I think the sheets are stuck to my back. You came a lot last night, lots of times.”

“You were no slouch there either, lover.”

“I like that, how you call me ‘lover’.”

“I didn’t really notice, it just came out.”

“Nice. Now off to the shower.”


Alex borrowed the super’s truck and drove with Guy to Brooklyn to retrieve his belongings. On entering Guy’s soon to be former apartment, the comments about Alex’s apartment became clear. Guy’s apartment was truly a dump. For furniture there was a mattress on the floor, some beach chairs and a trunk. The scattering of dirty clothes added nothing to the décor. Guy’s work suits, shirts and ties were neatly hung on a pipe extending from a wall.”

“Should we just pour some gasoline around and light it?” said Alex sarcastically.

“Are you seeing a side of me that makes you uncomfortable?”

“Nothing a little discipline won’t fix. Though I’ve never thought of myself as a dominatrix. Is there a gay equivalent? Other than Daddy or the leather thing, and I’m not going there.”

“Pity, you’d look good in leather.”

“More secrets revealed?”

“No, you just painted a lovely image.”

“Well in that spirit, get some garbage bags and pack this shit up. We can drop most of it off at the laundry. The few tidy things we can move. The rest we should dump.”

Guy looked sadly around the wreck of a room. “I guess you’re right. How I lived didn’t make much difference to me. I didn’t hang out here at all, weekends out on Fire Island or the Berkshires, late nights at work. It will be good having a nice apartment to come home to.”

“And me, too. Don’t forget me.”

“No worries, lover, I’ll never forget you.” Guy embraced Alex and kissed him.

“Get moving, Guy, I’m getting horny. And I’m not doing it on that mattress.”


They moved Guy into Alex’s apartment. They began their lives together, working at their careers by day, loving at night. Their first night together had been blissfully compatible. Their daily — and nightly – interactions grew on that foundation. Alex’s corporate job was regular and routine. Guy’s job in the DA’s office was marked by long hours and tense situations. Guy grew to depend on Alex’s loving embrace at the end of a long day. Alex thrived on being loved for loving. Guy returned Alex’s care and made every effort to be with him.

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