Stu could feel Cal’s body hair, chest, leg, arm, and pubes as Cal pressed against him. He felt oddly complete in the arms of this large, masculine man. He even was pleased at the sound of soft snoring. It felt so good. He had pleased Cal. He slept.


“That all really happened?”

“And a lot more. You are a wonderful lover. You trusted me and you gave into your feelings. You gave me a lot of pleasure and judging from your responses, you got a lot yourself. But, I’m afraid you’ve lost your cherry.” Cal laughed and hugged Stu tight.

Who was this merry soul in Mr. Marcus’s office? The rest of the business staff conjectured as to what could have happened to make such a change in the poor gray man. Even those who had known him since his own undergraduate years could not recall even a day of such spirit. Still, it was Mr. Marcus, even if this one smiled and laughed, seemingly at his own unspoken jokes. The normal minor infractions of punctuality that had been the old Mr. Marcus’s pet peeve went unnoticed. In the words of Gladys, “I don’t care what he’s doing, I just hope he keeps doing it.”

What had begun as a twice a week dinner had evolved into nightly trysts, with Cal discreetly arriving after dark and departing before dawn. Mr. Marcus had concerns about propriety, Stu and Cal didn’t care. After three weeks and one dreadful drenching rainstorm, Cal moved into Stu’s house. Cal assumed the character of a domestically contented man. Stu fussed over him. Cal was a man of great appetites. Stu struggled to accommodate his wants and needs.

Stu was torn when Cal asked to borrow the car for a weekend away, torn between giving to Cal and being separated from him. Cal returned late on Sunday night, tired and reserved. Stu was concerned, only relieved when Cal penetrated him and ejaculated, filling Stu with cum and reassurance. Cal didn’t offer any explanation of his weekend away, Mr. Marcus never asked.

What Mr. Marcus did know was that the car had been washed, vacuumed, and gassed up. Groceries and treats had been brought back for him. By Monday morning Cal was as affectionate and unassuming as ever. Stu understood that every man deserves privacy and put his fears away. There was no doubt his life was happier and more content than ever before. People reacted to him with a friendliness that was new to him. He began to feel a part of campus life.

The next weekend, Cal suggested they go out. For Mr. Marcus, it was one thing to be seen around the college, but he was not ready to be ‘out’ in the world. Cal suggested a bar and dance club across the river. That should be far enough away to be discreet. Cal used every wile to coax Stu out of Mr. Marcus. Stu finally agreed to go.

The club was very dark. The only exception was a small, spotlighted dance floor in the center of the vast room. On the floor, various shirtless young men were lost to the pounding ‘house music’. Mr. Marcus longed for his quiet living room and ancient opera recordings though Stu was beginning to feel the beat and Cal tried to coax him onto the dance floor.

“I can’t dance” Mr. Marcus protested.

“Come on Stu, loosen up. You’re in a gay bar. We’re all friends here.” Cal tried to be persuasive.

A group of students from the college spotted Cal and came over to talk with him. Mr. Marcus was relieved to not have to dance, but terrified at being seen in a gay bar. He prayed the bar was dark enough.

“Hey Mr. Marcus. You here with Cal? We love coming over here. Nothing like it on our side of the river.” Mr. Marcus recognized the student from a class he taught in an earlier semester. The student didn’t seem shocked or concerned in any way about his presence in the bar or that he was here with Cal.

“Don’t worry, Stu, they think anyone over twenty-five is too old for sex. They think we’re here to be friendly.”

“Still, this is more than I bargained for.” Mr. Marcus sought to flee.

“Okay Stu, drink up and we’ll get going. Hey bartender, can we get another round?”

Mr. Marcus fretted until Cal had finished his drink, ignoring the extra drink before him. Then Cal took him by the hand, pausing to wave to the friendly students and left the bar. Outside in the lot, Cal was sorry for pushing Stu to do more than he was comfortable. Cal caught Stu in his arms and kissed him deeply. Stu loved it, Mr. Marcus was terrified. Mr. Marcus sulked the entire drive back to his house. When they got inside, Cal caught him in his arms and began kissing him.

“Stu, I love you. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But I’m proud that you are my lover. I’d tell the whole world. But I love you enough to respect your concerns about how you will be perceived. I’ll try to be content with just loving you here.”

Stu melted in Cal’s arms. “Fuck me Cal, I need you to love me right now.”

The tension between them transformed into lust. They couldn’t wait to disrobe, Stu tore off his trousers and led Cal to the living room. Cal dropped his own pants, his cock already raging with hardness. Stu lubricated himself from a dish of olive oil they had left on the coffee table after sharing wine and hors d’oeuvres earlier in the evening. Cal plunged into Stu’s ass, their need to love overcoming any caution. In the heated state, they thrashed about, banging into the coffee table, upsetting an unfinished bottle of wine. Stu grabbed at Cal’s back, demanding to be penetrated deeper. Their climax came together, Stu blasting between their locked bodies, Cal filling Stu’s ass with bolt after bolt of his cum.

“Oh god, that was good.” Cal slowly withdrew his cock.

Stu lay back on the couch, ass dripping olive oil and cum. “Interesting salad dressing you made Cal.” Stu laughed and then became serious. “I love you Cal. You know, we’ve never said that before. Nothing in my life has been truer.”

“Let’s get you cleaned up, lover so we can go to bed and make love again.”


One morning as Stu, got ready to go to his office, Cal called to him. “Stu, I forgot my password cheat sheet in my office on campus. I need to get a report and some student papers that are online. Can you log me in so I can get these? My first class isn’t until 1 PM. And you’ve been hogging the bathroom consequently I’m not dressed yet.”

“I guess so. Do you think my access will work for you?”

“I’ll bet you can get to anything on the network. You’re the ‘go to’ man for everybody at the college. Don’t you know how important you are?”

“I’m just the accountant.”

“Yeah, just the accountant that the Provost, Dr. Waldheim, knows by name and every department head depends on for budgets and board presentations, and every faculty member depends on for payroll and expenses, and every student prays will help when he’s short on payments. Just the accountant. This college can’t function without you. I knew that the first day I was here. Anyone I asked about anything told me, ‘See Mr. Marcus.’ I admit that it wasn’t a complete coincidence that we met on that bench.”


“Yeah, I was seeking you out for payroll stuff. But there you were, sitting like a contented cat in the sun. You were so cute, my heart melted. Then I had to come up with a way to get to know you. You made that easy when you offered your kitchen. I still can’t believe it took four weeks to get you to invite me to move in. I was using my best stuff. It was strange to be among the students creeping back to their dorm rooms during the early hours of the morning ‘so no one will know’. We all got to know each other pretty quick. Thank god for ‘gentlemen’s honor’. Though it was hard not to get to giggling when one of my fellow skulkers and I caught each other’s eye in class.”

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