The Annual Measuring by mrmoon


A gay adult story: The Annual Measuring by mrmoon ,
Seeing as I have to write something here, I’m here to tell you that this story isn’t original, and most of it is an edited copy of ‘Measuring Up,’ by The Rebel In Me. I’m not going to rewrite the other parts of his story, since I’m not a sexual man and can’t write those scenes well.
It was that time of the year again as the eldest brother, Percy, celebrated his birthday. This year he knew it was gonna be a lot more different; he’d grown a lot more hair and his dick had nearly doubled in girth and length. The growthspurt began in mid-August, a few months before Percy’s December birthday. It also lent him an entire foot of height, making him the tallest boy in most of his classes at 6’2.Not so long ago he’d still been just a boy, but now that he was fifteen he knew that Michael would have more difficult of a situation with discovering puberty. Michael himself was starting to ask questions about sex and girls as school sex education had raised so many more questions. Living in the countryside, neither could turn to the internet.

Anyways—as the family celebrated, the two boys readied themselves up for their annual crotch measuring event.

By the time night fell, the two boys were stuffed full with cake and drinks. Joe—Percy’s bestfriend—slept on the sofa. Percy and Michael slept in the same room; different beds.

Percy brought with him the previous results of last year’s measuring, but he knew that it wasn’t just a case of growth here-or-there but also the fact that his equipment was now fully functional; he’d also discovered the joy of teenage masturbation that he’d pass onto his younger sibling. Michael too had noticed that his brother now better filled the front of his school trousers—a lot more than the other boys—and was also aware that he had a couple of curly hairs at the base of his penis, a bit like his brother had showed off last year.

Percy already knew, of course. It was hard not to when your younger brother bragged that he’d been the first in his entire gym class.

Determined by odd age, Michael went first as he was thirteen. He quickly took down his shorts and shucked off his plaid boxers. Percy kneeled and, using his mother’s sowing tape, he measured his little bro’s soft dicklet. “Nice—three inches long. A tiny bit more than an inch wide.”

Michael pouted. “You were that big when you were eleven! Stupid genes,” he muttered.

It was time to get his erect measurement, so Percy pulled out a stack of porn magazines he’d saved up to buy over the years. “You start wanking yet, Mike?” His index and middle finger rolled the dicklet’s foreskin back and forth over the tip. Percy, being born in the city and thus circumcised, had always been fascinated by it.

Not wishing to embarrass himself, Michael answered affirmative. He’d never even heard the word before and wasn’t sure what it meant, but he knew he’d been caught in the lie, if his brother’s raised eyebrow was anything to go off by.

“I’ll show you,” Percy offered. The fingers on the dicklet were soon replaced by his fist. Michael gasped and turned to him in askance. “Just tryin’ to help. You’ll thank me in a bit.”

“A-all right,” Michael muttered. “Just be gentle, please.”

With granted permission, Percy cradled and fondled his brother’s cocklet and soon found himself face-to-face with his brother’s erection.

“Damn,” said Michael. “Neat way to get a stiffy. Felt good too. Thanks.”

Percy once again grabbed the tape measurer and lining it up against his brother’s dick, they agreed on a new measurement. “Four and a half inches long. Maybe two inches thick in a month or so.”

Now it was Percy’s turn and for the first time, Michael noticed he was hesitant. “What’s the matter?” he enquired. “You worried I’m gonna catch up?”

Percy nervously chuckled. “In your dreams, ‘lil bro.” The teen sighed. “I’m just not sure if things’ll be appropriate with how much has changed.”

“What’d’ya mean ‘changed’? We’ve always agreed to do this. I hope you’re not chickening out,” he said. With a smirk, he imitated a chicken’s movements and gobbled.

“Shut up, dumbie. Just promise to keep everything a secret. Deal?” he asked, presenting his hand. Not for the first time, Michael noticed how hairy it was.

“‘course, dumbass. Nothing’s changed.”

Percy stoically took off his shirt. With his arms raised, Michael noticed that there wasn’t a single hair under his arms. Probably shaved them, he thought.

Right away, Michael noticed the thick hair travelling down Percy’s navel. As he waited, he decided to play with his boy cock and it felt almost as good as when his brother played with it.

It didn’t take long for the shorts to go and the underwear to appear. Unlike the loose, cotton boxers Michael wore, Percy’s were tight and enhanced his figure. It also—perhaps purposely—shaped around his bulge, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Slowly, Percy slid down his underwear—Michael didn’t know what to call them. They weren’t boxers—and in that instant he noticed just how much hair his brother had down there. Then came the base of Percy’s cock and damn, it was thick. Michael grumbled in jealousy.

After what seemed like forever, inch-by-inch the tip if his cock appeared. Circumcised, with the scar sitting half a millimeter below the glans. To Michael’s eyes, the entire thing looked huge. For someone Percy’s age, it downright would be.

Percy’s cock hung in front of him, stacked on top of two heavy, red-toned balls. The sack was clean-shaven and hung at least four inches down. Michael might never be as big as Percy in the future, but at least he felt better that probably not many would be. No one in his life, at least.

“You okay?” his caring brother asked. “Let’s get this over with before I get hard.” Michael agreed and, unrolling the measuring tape, they measured its length at five and three-fourths of an inch. It’s girth had tripled from last time; it was eight inches around and pumped full of blood, if the thick veins around it was any indication.

“Want me to get’chu hard, like you did for me?” Michael asked, hand already rising up and failing to ring around the thick girth.

“Do as you want,” Percy responded. “I’ll wanna finish it off, though.” Michael had no idea what he meant but leaned forward anyways and began rubbing the glans. “Fondle by balls too, please. Fu—frick, yeah, that hits the spot!”

Percy refused to curse around his brother, though substitution words were fair play.

Michael was far more impressed with the weight of his golf balls than his vocabulary. It threw him into shock when they began tightening and released a clear fluid. “Holy cow! What’s that?” he whisper-yelled. “Is that pee coming out?”

His innocence turned Percy on even more. “No, it’s pre-cum. Helps by making it slimy and easier to have sex.” Michael didn’t bother asking what sex was—he’d asked two years prior after Percy said ‘he’d lost his v-card to a girl,’ and the teen refused to tell him.

“Anyways,” Percy began. “I’ma need to finish off in a bit, but I gotta measure beforehand. You can let go,” and handing him the measuring tape, he did as he said.

Now, Percy knew full well that he was the biggest kid in his year, probably the entire school. An official measurement was just a confirmation.

Michael pushed the cold metal end against the boy’s pubes and steadied the ribbon. It measured at a neat ten inches and grew an inch in girth. A drop of pre-cum fell and splashed onto the ground before him.

“I needa finish right now—I’ma go to the bathroom.” he said.

“What’d’ya mean?” Michael whined in frustration. “How else will I learn if I don’t even know what you mean by ‘finish!'”

Percy stared at him for a good few second before he finally acquiesced.

“Fine. Like I said before: don’t say a word. Now get in bed. You can watch there and not get anything on you.”

Michael again didn’t know why he had to follow those instructions, but he relented. Anyone would with these kind of secrets.

Percy then began moving his hand over his length, paying extra attention to the glans. It was, of course, the only sensitive part of his dick. His circumcision removed almost all of the sensitive inner skin—unlike normal circumcisions.

To Michael, it seemed like Percy was in another world. His hips buckled up to meet his fist, pounding away. His ballsack had tightened to a serious degree and the same clear fluid began pumping out of his slit with reverence.

Michael could hear Percy’s breathing become labored. His brother’s face turned into a grimace before his hips shot up one last time, a groan of pleasure signifying his release.

Michael was astounded as several ropes of a pearly-white fluid shot out of his brother’s cock. It landed everywhere—his brother’s hair, chest, and face were all affected. The black headboard of the bed juxtaposed the silky ropes of white fluid that had been shot on it.

Percy was thinking about something else. It was the first time he’d ever ejaculated in front of someone, and it turned him on severely. The sheer power behind his bursts had scared Michael, though the boy understood that it was the cause of Percy’s pleasure. It also looked a bit fun and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he could do the same.

Percy cleaned up the mess with a crusty towel under his bed. It was Michael’s first time seeing it. He wondered how long Percy had been playing with himself before today.

Michael could smell the stuff from where he sat. It smelled like a diluted bleach solution.

Seconds of silence passed before the brothers broke into a giggle. Percy wanted to do it again in front of his brother, and Michael wanted to brag to his friends about everything he’d learned and seen.

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