Unexpected Encounter Ch. 02


A gay story: Unexpected Encounter Ch. 02 A few weeks had passed since my little, um, encounter. Nothing much had changed for me. I slept with some girls, playing at domination and all that. Nope, nothing changed— if you didn’t count the fact that I kept flashing back to sucking that guy off in a bar bathroom. There was something animal about it, and I couldn’t get it out of my head.

It was Thursday afternoon. I was at work, finishing some boring stuff when my phone rang. A number, and nothing else. Immediately I thought of him. More precisely, of his cock. My face heated up. I was sure I was red as a beet, and worse, I was starting to sweat.

Glancing around, I picked up the phone surreptitiously. “Hello?” I sounded meek.

“You remember me?” It was the same strong voice. “We met in a bar a couple weeks ago.”

I tried to speak but coughed instead. “Y-Yes,” I said finally.

“I’m going to that place in two hours. I want you to be there. Don’t be late.”

My mouth went dry. Holy shit. He wants to see me. I realized I was nodding at the phone like an idiot.

The words popped out of me before I could think. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there.”

The line went dead. I was frozen with the phone still against my ear as my heart pounded in my chest like a jackhammer. Licking my dry lips, I was suddenly aware that my pants were way too tight. I walked as naturally as I could to the bathroom and jacked off quickly. I couldn’t wait to see him again. All I could think about was his beautiful cock, of getting it into my mouth.

I spent a while trying to concentrate on my work, but I wasn’t getting anywhere, so I tidied up my desk, grabbed my computer and left, heading straight for the bar.

I was half an hour early, so I waited in my car for a bit before going inside. I walked in and once more had the feeling that everybody was looking at me. Once more I ordered a beer, gulping it down this time and asking for another. I was so nervous that I was shaking like a little girl. The shame was sneaking back, keeping me looking at my shoes. After my second beer, I went to the bathroom. He wasn’t there, so I went back to my seat at the bar and got yet another beer.

By now, it was about time, but there was no sign of the guy. Somebody else sidled up to me and attempted small talk.

“What’s up?” he asked me.

“Nothing much,” I said. “Just having a beer, waiting for a friend.”

“Yeah? You seem a little tense,” he drawled.

“Nah,” I said with a (hopefully) convincing chuckle. “I’m fine. Just been waiting a while…” I turned my attention to my beer. Out of the corner of my eye the other guy shrugged and walked away.

More time passed. He was half an hour late. I was just about to leave when my phone buzzed with a text message.

Be there in 5 min. Don’t leave.

Exactly five minutes later, he walked in, looking all elegant. He chatted up a couple other customers before walking to me.

“Let’s get a table so we can talk easier,” he said. I nodded.

He ordered beers for us. We sat across from each other at the table, not saying much until the beers arrived. Then the discussion began.

“It was nice last time,” he said.

“Yes, it was,” I mumbled into my beer.

“Come on, relax.” He grinned. “I’m not gonna rape you or something. We’re just two adults talking.”

Somehow that didn’t make me feel any better.

“Sorry,” I said. “It’s just, that was the first time I’d done anything like that before. I didn’t see it coming. It really made me question myself.”

He nodded and made a thoughtful noise, sipping at his beer. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m married…”

Oh, yes. That made me feel a lot better.

“…and I love my wife. I just like to spice up my routine from time to time.”

I blinked at him. “So—you’re not gay, then?”

“Nah. Just like to change things up sometimes. I like the ladies mostly, but every now and then I’ll do something with a guy.”

“You know,” he continued, “I’ve tried tons of stuff, gotten lots of blow-jobs. But last time… Last time was really good. You sure that was your first time? Seemed like you really knew what you were doing.”

“Instinct, I guess.” Lame.

But he laughed. “I guess so.”

We talked for a while longer over a couple more rounds, about sexual things and other stuff. Okay, it was mostly sex. He told me about a threesome he had once with a girl and another guy. I was surprised; no matter the combination, he was always the alpha male. Submission simply wasn’t in his playbook.

Upon leaving the bar, he took me to his car—shit, a Mercedes, this guy has money—and asked me to go with him to this nice hotel he knew. I agreed, ignoring the nervousness that was creeping up on me.

Fifteen minutes and zero words later, we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. “Nice” was an understatement as far as I was concerned. Did I mention this guy has money? And he went to this place a lot, judging by how he was greeted. I stood off to the side awkwardly, trying to be invisible. Did everybody know what we were here for?

When we reached the room, I relaxed only slightly. He went into the minibar for a beer. I declined, having plenty of booze in my system already, and he grabbed the remote and started looking for porn. He was totally comfortable, the exact opposite of me. Dropping the remote on the bed, he removed his jacket and tie, tossing them aside. He glanced at me, gesturing toward the bed. I’d been standing by the door since we walked in, a fish out of water, but I shook myself and sat down carefully at the end of the bed beside him.

On the TV there was a super-built guy and two busty blonde girls, and it was the usual rough and ready fare. I looked away, at “my” guy, glancing down at his package. He was already hard, his eyes glued to the TV. Of course he undid his belt and took off his pants, scootching up to the top of the bed. But he kept going, removing his underwear too, tossing them to join the rest of his clothes. Then he began unbuttoning his shirt, and took that off. His eyes hardly left the screen. I looked him up and down, paralyzed. My eyes lingered on his erect cock; my mouth began to water.

“Hey, man.” I jumped, looking at his face. “Go make yourself more comfortable. Then you can take what you’re here for.”

So. He wanted me naked. For some reason I didn’t think much of the request. Well, he was naked; I figured it wasn’t fair for me not to be the same. I went into the bathroom, too embarrassed to strip in front of him. I took everything off, made sure it was relatively neat, and walked back out.

He was stroking himself lazily, reclining on the bed. I watched him for a few moments. He looked at me finally, took his hand off his cock, and went right back to the TV. I took that as my cue to get started.

I crawled onto the bed and up to him, leaning down to his cock. His beautiful cock. That was what I was her for. I took my time, kissing it, licking it from base to tip, fondling his balls. Then I put it where it belonged, in my mouth, and was rewarded by a moan from him. The guilt was gone; I was free to enjoy it. And enjoy it I did. It felt wonderful, tasted perfect. Soon I was working him just as I had before, like a hungry little bitch. The fact that I didn’t care for the guy didn’t matter. All I wanted was his cock.

I was so lost in sucking him that I startled when he gripped my hair, stopping me. I took my mouth off of him and looked up. His eyes were dark.

“All right, my little whore,” he said, his voice husky. “On your knees. I want to pop your cherry.”

Oh, there’s the domination. The voice in my head started jabbering, panicky-like. Right. He’s not going to rape me. It’s perfectly consensual!

Like with everything else, I obeyed him. Even though I was in over my head, some part of me wanted this. I turned around and got on my hands and knees, pushing my ass out like the whore he said I was. I felt one of his hands on my ass, heard him spit, felt his wet finger at my entrance. Then he pushed it in slowly. It didn’t feel as bad as I was expecting. His other hand left its spot on my ass to wrap around my cock. I gasped, jerking forward automatically. I hardly noticed when he added a second finger into my ass. The third one was a different story. It started to feel a little weird. I could feel him stretching me, and it kind of felt good. Of course, it helped that he was milking me with his other hand. But then both hands left my body, coming back to rest on my hips. I knew what was coming next, and braced myself.

When he started pushing his cock into me, it wasn’t so bad. It was when he kept going that it started to hurt. I gritted my teeth and took deep breaths. I didn’t think he could get all the way in, but he did. By the time he was all in, I was nearly crying. I felt like I was split in two. He didn’t move, waiting. He started rubbing my cock again, sending me an unexpected jolt of pleasure. I began, amazingly, to relax. Then he started to move. It still hurt, but not quite as much, and soon after that the pain was gone. Most of the pleasure came from him stroking my cock, not so much from him in my ass.

Perversely, I felt a kind of pride. I was a big boy, a man, taking this huge cock up my ass. He seemed to agree, starting to move harder into me taking his hand off my cock. The pleasure stayed in my cock and finally, slowly, traveled into my ass too. Soon he was going full force into me, even spanking me erratically, and he had me moaning, a bitch at his mercy.

When I came it was almost a surprise. I could hardly breathe, gasping out little noises of ecstasy as cum exploded from me, covering the bedsheets. I had never come this hard before; the pleasure was the most intense I’d ever experienced. Shot after shot spurted from my cock, more cum than I thought I could hold. It seemed like it wouldn’t stop.

He was still driving into me, kept going even after I’d finished coming, and I had a fierce desire to have him come inside me. But instead he pulled out of me and tugged at my hair. Dazed from my orgasm, I still had the sense to wrap my lip around his cock and slide down onto him. His cum gushed into my mouth, almost as much as mine, but somehow I swallowed it all. It was strong, maybe too much, but still I wanted more. I cleaned him completely, wanting to do a good job, to be a good slut.

We both took a few minutes to catch our breath. Then I got up off the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower and retrieve my clothes. I looked at my ass in the mirror. Already I was beginning to feel the effects of my ass being so thoroughly abused. I smiled ruefully. Gonna be difficult to sit down tomorrow…

I took a long shower and felt a good deal better. Then I dressed and made me way back into the room. He was still sitting on the bed, partially dressed up top. He had changed the channel to some sports news. I got onto the bed, giving his cock a kiss. Then I slid over, putting some distance between us, and stared at the TV.

He called a cab for me a little while later. Standing outside by his fancy car, we regarded each other coolly. He did, at least; I tried.

“I hope you call again soon,” I said, attempting indifference and failing miserably.

“Yeah,” he said. “Sometime.”


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