The Bachelor and the Stripper by tvdude17

And in his lap, Angel feels… small. Pretty. Feminine. Safe.

But his eyes are like a mountain lion sees a prey. Filled with deep, dark, carnal urges that cannot see the light of day. It makes Angel feel meek, vulnerable but above all… sexy as fuck.

She pushes his hands down her shaven stomach and over her naked waist to her ass.

It’s all fun and games until your best friend’s hand is holding your naked ass cheek.

Angel gets hard in her panties. The feeling of this big manly hand, a hand she’s seen for years but never felt, not like this, on a sensitive part makes her horny beyond compare. She’s being held by him, grabbed by him, owned by him.

The blood rushes through her body to her dick which starts to swell in her panties, and she quickly continues her performance, by turning around and sliding her ass up and down his body.

Another mistake. Feeling his chest, his stomach and finally his crotch sends her into overdrive. The heat radiating from his pants to the heat coming from her ass connect through the fabric. It makes her stop in her tracks and wish to push it down further. Makes her want to feel his cock against her ass. But she can’t. This is a joke. This is supposed to be a joke.

Angel throws herself back to enhance the joke and it works. Jake laughs and so does everybody else. She goes the extra mile to make everyone uncomfortable and dance badly. She throws her leg up in the air, but she’s not nearly flexible enough and it only goes halfway. She jumps on his lap with her knees, almost kicking him in the nuts, and waves her hair round and round.

Everybody dies of laughter and Jake’s eyes look normal and boy-ish again, laughing at his stupid best friend.

The wig falls off and Angel worries about one of the guys choking in his beer and falling on the ground laughing.

She can’t help but laugh herself.

The second song ends, and Angel has no more dance moves left. Instead, she crawls off Jake’s lap and takes a deep bow.

The men applaud her as she picks up her wig, but another guy takes it and puts it on, pretending to be sexy.

I let it go. Angel had her moment. I feel the masculinity rushing back into my body and soul. My shoulders lock backwards, my chest raised high, my back straightened, and my butt arch lowered. I feel like myself again. And I let myself fall into the couch and gratefully take the beer handed to me as the men applaud.

I snicker as Jake locks eyes with me.

“Naughty girl!” He jests as he takes his whiskey and sits down next to me.

“I told you I’d take care of it,” I sighed.

Jake rubs my hair like he always does and lets his arm rest on my shoulders like he’s done a million times. And still, a wave of tingling heightens every nerve in my arms. This doesn’t feel like normal. It feels like a girl would feel if a guy was hitting on her. It feels like he’s claiming her.

I sip my beer to shake Angel off of me.

“Well, that’s all I got, old man. It’s still you and your hand tonight,” I say, embellishing my low voice to sound more manly. Like his friend.

It seems to work. Whatever tension I felt with this embrace, is gone as Jake sits up straight and retrieves his arm.

“It was hilarious man, I really appreciate it. It’s the best bachelor party I could’ve imagined.” He smiles grateful and I nod appreciative.

“Come on, sexy lady, can I get a lap dance!” Thomas says as he thrusts his hips in the air.

“I can touch you?” I replay and raise my hand and slap him hard in his crotch.

“OOOOEEEH she bites!” The others laugh while Thomas grabs his crotch.

Jake takes the wig from Karim’s head and gives it back to me.

“Put it back on,” he breathes, inebriated and with a desperation I can’t quite place. I oblige and put the long hair back on.

I suddenly realize I’ve been away an hour preparing this and everybody else has continued to drink. I’m easily three, four drinks behind if not more. This pack of men, my friends, some I’ve known for years, all gather around me and look at me like I’m not me. I thought the wig toss would break the spell, but to them I’m still Angel. I’m still a woman, a stripper, and they want what they ordered.

Angel feels threatened. No girl likes to be alone in the woods, surrounded by a group of horny, drunk men.

“Let’s play a game,” she says.

“Yes, let’s!” A tall black dude says excited as he inches closer on Angel’s other side on the couch.

“Spin the bottle!” Angel says, ensured that a group of all men will immediately turn off when they have to kiss each other.

“Great idea!” The guy who tried to touch her yells from the opposite side of the table. “Whoever it lands on can kiss this hot piece of ass!”

The group laughs but nobody seems to turn away. Instead, a few share a bottle of rum and take deep sips. Angel starts sweating.

The guy who stole her wig empties a wine bottle and puts it on the table to spin.

“I’m not sure if this is a good idea…” Angel protests.

“Come on, it was your idea!” Jake replies.

Angel nods and takes Jake’s glass and downs the whiskey. It burns in her throat, but it’ll help later on, she’s sure.

“Here’s to the lucky fellow!” The guy yells as gives the bottle a whirl.

The bottle spins only a bit before landing on a big guy. He’s sweaty and nervous and doesn’t seem to have a lot of experience with women. His egg-shaped face lifts up his wet lips. Angel has to turn on her professionalism and crawls seductively over the table.

“Big boy wants a kiss?” She says as sexy as possible.

“Wooooooh!!” The men yell.

The guy licks his lips, and Angel throws herself at him, kissing him quickly before pulling away.

The watchers burst out cheering and laughing, spilling beer and knocking each other. Everybody laughs and pushes each other.

Angel laughs and shrugs, wiping her lips. She throws a look back at the guy who seems to be blushing.

“Who else wants?” Angel says commanding as she spins on her heels.

The big guy turns the bottle, and it lands on a handsome tanned man with a black beard. Angel feels her dick jump in her panties. The man blushes and pretends to not want it, but his friends urge him to not be a pussy.

Angel thankfully makes use of this by stepping forward with her legs in stockings and heels and making a big show of it.

She steps over Jake to get to the man and leans on his chest. His pecs are rock hard and broad. She wants to use them as a pillow.

Angel feels how he instinctively holds onto her waist, like he’s done to girls probably a million times. She smiles, feeling safe and sexy but lets him come to her.

The kiss is warm and intense, his big lips pressing hard against hers. Angel represses a moan as she sinks into his embrace.

The guy makes a smooch sound and pulls back and looks at the other men with pride.

“What are you gonna do? Huh? None of you got shit on me!” He laughs as he raises a glass, and the others cheer him on. Some guys bend over laughing. Others pretend to vomit. More than one has their phones out, laughing, recording this absurdity for future reference.

Angel looks a bit flabbergasted as she’s pulled out of the moment, this intimate moment with a man. She starts laughing. Of course. This is all a joke.

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