The Bachelor and the Stripper by tvdude17

The guy flexes his arms and steps forward, almost knocking Angel over. He spins the bottle again and it points to Angel, who is a bit relieved she doesn’t have to endure this again.

Except, everyone starts jeering at the guy she’s standing in front of. Angel turns around and sees Jake sitting on the couch.

“I can’t, I’m promised to another!” Jake waves apologetically.

“Shut the fuck up!” A man yells. Someone throws an empty beer cup at Jake’s head.

Angel sees his resistance and gets cocky. She sits down on his lap and slides to the side, her legs draped over him.

“Are you sure you don’t want this, daddy?” She says exaggerated, commanding more laughs and cheers from the audience.

Jake nods, accepting his fate.

“Come here,” he sees as he lunges forward, grabs her head and pushes their lips together.

The kiss is harsh at first, Jake pressing hard to make a statement, to get it over with. But as soon as their lips lock and the kiss begins, their mouths are glued together. Their whole bodies are. It turns into the softest, realest, most hungry kiss Angel has ever felt.

At first, she doesn’t move, too stunned. But then she feels herself push forward and suck his lips in, holding them tight to never let go. While he takes control and massages hers, pushing them open to make way for his tongue.

Angel’s mouth is invaded, conquered, by him. She lets herself be taken by his tongue, searching through her mouth, licking everything in sight. She sucks on it, rolls her own tongue against it, but it is unyielding, locking their mouths together, pushing deeper into her. Before it pulls back.

The kiss lasts maybe a few seconds, but it has disarmed Angel beyond repair. She has never felt more like a woman, more submissive, more belonging to Jake.

Jake retracts much like the other guy did, pushing her away and looking to the others for approval. The men all yell and cheer, as Jake chugs someone’s left over beer and raises his arms.

Everybody carries on partying like nothing has happened. Beer and hard liquor flows, some start dancing, others continue playing poker. Jake gets up and leaves. But Angel, Angel sits on the couch and touches her lips. Wondering if she’ll ever feel as amazing as she did just now. And if women always feel like this when they’re kissed, truly kissed, by a man. So… in love?

She gets up and finds her dress to put back on and wanders around. She notices men are a lot more handsy now. Hands slap her ass and linger, touch her back and waist. There’s something magnetic about a man’s hand. It’s so firm, so commanding, so large. Angel feels alive every time one touches her. She feels wanted and sexy.

The night continues with many more drinks and Angel feels the earth spin. They’re all outside laughing and drinking and Angel makes her way through the crowd. Suddenly she feels a hand slide over her back. It touches longer than any before and makes its way down her ass. It slips under her dress to her bare ass. It’s the most erotic feeling. A man’s hand where it shouldn’t be. And just briefly, she feels a fat manly finger part her cheeks and touch her warm hole. She jumps at the strange sensation and looks around. It could’ve been any of the five men huddled together, talking and drinking. Angel blushes and gets out of their way.

The sensation was by no means unpleasant, but this is too much even for her. She’s not out for sex. She’s too professional for that. So, she plants herself on the swing next to the house and empties her beer bottle by herself.

Angel gets lost watching the stars and it’s not until an hour later that she notices the party went quiet.

“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out alone late like this,” a firm voice says. Angel jumps and looks behind her. Jake walks down like the dapper gentleman he is, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He walks around her and flashes a bright white smile.

From down here he looks tall, handsome, the perfect man. Angel understands why a girl wants to lock him down.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. This act must stop. Angel isn’t real. She was a joke. And it has gone on long enough.

“Shut up,” I say, as I always do to him. Jake looks away and his demeanor changes. More relaxed, more like he usually is with me. The gentleman evaporates in front of my eyes along with Angel in front of his.

“Are you enjoying yourself on your last free night, bro?” I ask polite. Jake nods and takes a sip. He missteps and I only now notice how drunk his eyes are.

“It’s crazy right. One of us married,” he says as he takes another sip.

“Not that crazy. I always knew you’d leave me for a woman,” I jest. Jake grins and we lock eyes.

“I appreciate your last stand,” he says, cheekily. For however serious, intellectual and posed Jake is to the outside world, he is always that dumb college jock with me. Always looking for an adventure. And his eyes beg for one now.

“I didn’t want you to do something stupid,” I said honestly, getting off the swing and stepping towards him.

Jake nods, downs his glass and throws it away.

“Like this?” He says before he attacks me, grabs my head and plants his lips on mine again. I almost moan at feeling his mouth again, our lips massaging each other again, the taste of whisky seeping over into our spit. I can’t not open my mouth again and let his tongue drown me.

report We kiss hungrily, as if we’ve gone years since the last kiss, and sloppily as only drunk men can. And immediately I feel light again. My stomach flutters, my muscles relax, my hips sway. Angel is being kissed back to life.

“Fuck” Jake sighs as he takes a short breath and kisses me again. I awaken and push him off and back away.

“What… what are you doing?” I ask, straightening my hair and dress.

Jake looks panicked and turns away.

“Nothing. It’s a joke,” he says quickly as he stumbles away.

I’m left standing alone beside the house, utterly confused.

The first kiss was a dare. A joke. Just a stupid joke to embarrass us. But it was too good. I could taste him wanting me. Had I wanted it too? If not, then why did I want it again now? Why did the second time feel so right?

I walk down into the house. Almost everybody has fallen asleep. Two guys, Brock and Miguel, are still swimming, splashing and making noise. Of course they are. But almost everyone else has either gone to their room or fallen asleep on the patio.

I look inside and Jake’s sitting on the couch with the whole whisky bottle.

Angel touches her hair, to see if it stills sits right and sits down next to him. He hands her the bottle, and she takes a modest sip.

“I’m sorry,” he slurs his words. “Can you… can you not mention it?” His voice breaks Angel’s heart. So sad and lost.

She turns towards him.

“I don’t want to see a sad face on your bachelor party. Otherwise, I might have to give you another lap dance,” Angel says smiling.

Jake turns to her and smiles too. His eyes shoot to her breasts. Angel follows them and looks back up, a cheeky smile on her face. She wants to signal she didn’t mind. She didn’t mind at all. His eyes lock into hers and a spark ignites in them.

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