The Blue Crew by Stryder 666

The man held the boys head with both hands as he pulled his dick almost all the way out before heaving his member back into the boy’s mouth. He buckled as the knees slightly as he moved faster than before and listened to the slightly choking noises as he flexed his cock deep into the boy’s throat and he held it there Cumming into the boy, as if trying to fill his empty stomach.

The man pulled from the boy who in turn dropped to his hands, resting on all fours. He gasped for air at the same time he coughed and spit out most of the fluids in his mouth. “Thanks cutie” was all the man would say as he moved to fix his pants and move down the street. The boy got to his feet and whipped his face on his sleeve as he crossed Livia’s path leaving, making slight eye contact with her. She thought about her own son at home, and this kid couldn’t be a day older then her own 15 year old son. She wanted to hold him, protect him maybe but knew she couldn’t.

Meanwhile back on the side of the motel TJ watched as all kinds of characters entered and left the area. He remained seated with his knees to his chest as he put his face down into arms and spoke softly into the mic. “Hey pops we aren’t getting any kinds of bites except some local drug runners.”

Pops responded quickly “don’t move…you’ve been being watched for the last hour, shadowy figure on the porch across the street, keep at it kid you’re doing great like always.” The dark figure began his approach to TJ. He stopped right in front of him; he kneeled down to be face to face with TJ. “I don’t want any drugs…” TJ said as he jumped right into his act. The man’s face remained in the shadows as his long black pea coat almost touched the ground. The man shook his head no and spoke so calm and slowly “I am not offering your drugs, I’m offering you a warm and safe place to stay”. TJ put on a face before speaking “Um…I’m not into those kinds of things either”. The man’s white smile could be seen even in the shadows.

“Listen boy my offer was just an offer, not a suggestion for anything else. I just want to see someone like you out of this kind of place, there is a real hotel less than three blocks away from here”. He stood up and continued to speak. “Go there and tell the desk clerk Mr. Wulf sent you, and get something to eat also.” He dropped a silver money clip at TJ’s feet, complete with a few tens and twenties stuck inside. He turned and walked away. Pops spoke first “enjoy your night in the hotel… we couldn’t possibly take this guy down for being nice to a street kid.” TJ stood up and began his walk to the hotel.

The entire crew met up. Minus TJ was staying at the hotel and pops that was posted outside the hotel. Captain spoke “so fill me in…Derek any leads at the bar…Livia how’d the trailing go?”. “Nothing at the bar except a few flamboyant drunks Derek would say. Livia spoke next “I lost the boys a few blocks in; he was able to ditch me in an alley”. The captain shook his head “alright Derek I want you to go relieve pops and Livia u go get some sleep.”

TJ flopped down onto the large bed once all the other things were done; the hotel wasn’t that bad of a hotel. But TJ could hear into the room next door. He heard whimpers and crying but TJ knew he couldn’t act in case it was just a family issues next door, he couldn’t blow his cover so he decided a shower and then bed, he told Derek good night and hid the wire tap as he got into the shower.

Next door was more than just a family issue. A crying teen was curled up in the blankets as another figure entered the room; it was a larger boy, still just a teenager. The cute blonde haired boy turned over. He saw an older boy standing next to the bed. He spoke “my name is Cain…you must be Thomas, well Tommy boy welcome to the club, now get undressed” his last line was strongly worded.

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