A gay adult sex story: Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007 ,
William is plagued by guilt after doing things he never though he’d ever do. He’s being irrationally angry towards everyone because of his guilt. Help comes in the form of his ever-loyal best friend..
Poster’s notesThis is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn’t get an account here), I’m posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren’t specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It’s a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat of the story.
I will be posting each chapter exactly as it is found on nifty sans my friend’s author’s notes. He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him he’s at horn1269@gmail.com. I hope you enjoy his story.
Chapter 3: A Slow Fall
John was getting worried. Every single day he saw his best friend trudge along the school corridors with the air of a disinterested hobo. Aside from the fact that William was often late these days, he attended classes as if he clearly did not want to be there, and worst of all, he was rebuking anyone who tried to ask him what he was on about. Even John.
It was Friday on Phys Ed when John saw just how much William needed a stern talking to, and maybe a good smack on the back of his head.
“You’re an idiot, Will! They were down to one man and you still got caught!”
“So what, Jim? It’s a frigging game!”
“Screw you, this was a graded practical exam!”
John hurried across the field to see what the ruckus was all about. There, he found Johnson Masters, one of their classmates, fiercely arguing with William just after their capture the flag exercise in P.E. Johnson was known in the class as extremely competitive and grade conscious and was none too pleased that William had cost them the game and the perfect score.
Sensing a fight in the making, Coach Piaget, their Phys Ed teacher, parted the crowd of boys and shouted down Jim and William, pulling them apart and grasping their shoulders firmly.
“Settle down boys, there’s no need for this!”
“Coach, William’s a liability in our team! His grade shouldn’t be the same as ours, he was pulling us down!”
“Shut it, Masters. I made this exam a game so that you boys could enjoy yourselves. I didn’t want this to be a do or die competition,” said Coach Piaget, more to Johnson than William. “But James, he’s right; you performed quite poorly out there.” William scowled at Johnson, who looked quite triumphant thinking that the coach took his side.
“But in any case, Masters, this is unbecoming of your position as team leader and is contrary to the sportsmanship I’m trying to teach you boys! You’re supposed to be old enough to think on your actions and know what’s right from what isn’t! Your behaviour is definitely the latter! ” berated Coach Piaget.
William smirked at Johnson with all the contempt he could muster. This seemed to drive the competitive boy over the edge.
“You’re a faggot bastard!”
Several things happened at once. William lunged at Johnson and gave him a right hook straight to the nose. Johnson saw the move and tried to punch in return but got hit by William’s punch first so that he blindly swung at Coach Piaget instead. All the boys were either screaming for them to stop it or cajoling them to keep on fighting. John had enough sense to pull William out of the crowd, but not before being given detention by a pained Coach Piaget. Two minutes later, Johnson and the Coach, both of whom sported bleeding noses, went to the infirmary, whilst John and William waited outside the disciplinary officer’s office.
It was already 5PM and the sunset cast a gloomy shadow on the two boys as they waited in silence outside the office. John was about to start talking when William suddenly blurted out, “I’m sorry.”
“What?” said John, clearly surprised at William’s initiative to make amends.
“I’m sorry, I have no excuse.” William said again. His tone was both dull and remorseful, with the air of a man who accepted condemnation, yet didn’t care all the same.
“Will, you’re worrying me a lot. Please just tell me what’s going on with you!” begged John.
But before William could reply, his name was called from within the foreboding office. William was glad for the excuse to get away, while John stared worriedly into his sunken face. John couldn’t help but dwell on his best friend’s brash attitude. He tried to pass it off as something that would go away a in few days, but today’s events proved that something much worse was happening to William. He definitely had problems, and John was determined to help him solve them, at whatever the cost. In fact, John was so absorbed with thinking of a way to help his best friend in the whole world that he almost didn’t notice the boy in question standing in front of him.
“Will! That was…fast.” John said in surprise.
“Yeah.” replied William in a deadpan tone.
“What happened?!” asked John in exasperation.
“Mr. Skinner said that no one was available to supervise my detention today so it’s gonna be next week instead.”
John looked at William’s deadpan face and thought again of his plans to help his best buddy out. He put his hand on William’s chin and raised his face up so that they looked each other in the eye and said, “William look at me. You have problems.”
“Yes.” William replied firmly. John was a bit taken aback because he expected William to brush him off. William’s easy admission made him realize that William had just given up trying to fix things on his own. It made the situation that much more worrisome.
“Will…” John spoke softly, letting the silence convey his extreme worry and concern for the friend he cared for most in the world.
Suddenly, William grabbed John’s hand, which was still holding up his chin, and grasped it firmly. John thought that William must have been trying to say what he couldn’t through his touch. In any case, it was making John blush heavily; he hadn’t known William could be so touchy-feely, and he didn’t know that he could be flustered by something so simple as having his hand held. William then closed his eyes and gripped John’s hand a little bit tighter.
“Will, you’re going straight to my house today for a sleepover.” John said, as he returned the hand squeeze.
William didn’t reply, but he slowly nodded, still gripping John’s hand.
The hand-holding situation was getting a bit awkward for John, though he couldn’t quite decide if he wanted it to stop or…
“Yeah, John?”
“You can let go of my hand now.”
An almost imperceptible sigh escaped John’s lips.
“Mrs James, can Will stay over tonight?”
“Oh, is that you, John dearie? I rather thought William would be the one to ask permission, and usually before the day itself.”