Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

After William had recovered, he motioned for John to lie down with him on the bed. It wasn’t a bed for two people, but they nevertheless fit in quite snugly.

“John, that was the best ever. Thanks so much, bro.”

“No probs, dude, but I should be the one thanking you first.”

“No, I should be thanking you for everything…” William said, sounding a bit dramatic.

“Then maybe we should just thank each other forever, haha.” replied John.

Quite unexpectedly, John felt William turn sideways on the bed and felt the older boy’s arms wrap around his body. William was hugging him.

“I might get tired of thanking you forever so how about I just do this until I fall asleep…” William said. He pressed his forehead against John’s and just looked at his best friend as if their eyes said everything they wanted to say.

Then a few minutes later, Both John and William, still naked, fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

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