Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

Speaking of hairless, William’s pubic mound was totally bare, not even a hint of hair or even some peach fuzz. John thought that pubic hair might be one area he could beat William at…but never mind that now.

John kept putting off looking at the last, most tantalizing part on William’s seemingly desirable body, but he couldn’t help himself anymore. When one looks at someone’s crotch, it is hard not to look at everything in that area.

His restraint just reached its limit.

John was staring at William’s dick.

To John, it looked like his thumb, except it didn’t look like a finger. It was like a tube of sorts, with a red knob at the end. It was rather like a red button mushroom. William’s circumcision seemed to have been done quite perfectly; there was hardly any indication of a circumcision scar. His dick itself was smooth and hairless, probably not as thick as John’s thumb and around more than two inches soft. William’s scrotum was just as John imagined it: a scrunched up bag that was still too early in puberty to show the outline of his testicles. It was of a hue slightly darker than the rest of William’s skin and it seemed to accentuate his dick even more.

As if to taunt John, William thrust his hips just as he saw John staring at his crotch. William smiled deviously while John stifled a curse in surprise and contented himself with a pillow throw directed at William’s boyhood.

“Whoa, dude watch where you chuck that thing!” said William, still smiling.

“Bastard, you’re teasing me!” John retorted, his cheeks the color of tomatoes.

“Well, you seem to like it a lot.” William said, sounding genuinely grateful. “Well, I can’t be the only one naked here, right? Come on, dude, take your clothes off!”

“Er, I dunno….”

“Here I’ll help you out.”

“Will!” John was momentarily terrified as William got near him, naked as the day he was born, and started taking off his shirt. He was rooted to the spot, wanting so much to resist, and yet he couldn’t do anything to even stop William’s gentle hands from taking off his top, then his shorts then…

“Will, wait!” John said softly.

“It’s alright, John, I don’t mind.” William said with an encouraging smile. He knelt down and hooked his thumbs on John’s white briefs then pulled down gently. The elastic got caught on John’s apparently throbbing erection, and it slapped against his belly as William pulled his underwear all the way down.

John was now slightly panting from the intense feeling of being naked in front of his best friend, whom he had admired for so long. His dick had never been this hard before and it was probably because it was inches from William’s face, close enough that his dick felt William’s hot breath…

William giggled as he stood up again and gave his friend a good look over.

At first glance, John could be best described as a well-cared for boy. He was mildly chubby, most probably because of baby fat. His face was rounder than William’s with eyes of a blue hue, the kind that people would most often associate with depictions of angels. That was it, William decided. Staring at John’s face almost seemed like staring into a cherub’s face: innocent, childlike, pure. John’s hair was dark brown and styled in a way that would remind one of a certain teen singer named Greyson Chance. His nose was well rounded, almost like a button, and his lips were what could be described as timid.

William next assessed his best friend’s chest. As would be expected for a boy like John, he had no muscle definition of any sort whatsoever. John had the kind of slightly protruding breasts one would find on mildly chubby boys. His stomach was also a bit portly, as was his pubic area.

Speaking of pubic area, William was surprised to find wisps of semi-transparent hairs there. John beat him in that department, William thought as he smiled ruefully to himself. Together with John’s smaller hands, and shorter legs, one could accurately conclude that John was the perfect definition of cute. Cute…William never thought of any boy as cute before, until now. It was funny, John found him handsome while he found John cute. He wondered if this was similar to those clichéd love plots on the dramas his mom used to watch, but he dismissed the thought thinking it would be silly with two boys. Sort of.

William saw John’s dick first before anything else, but it was only now that he paid it much attention. As he first noted, it was throbbing hard. It looked like it was half an inch shorter than his when he was hard, so that would make John around three inches. Also…

“Dude, I didn’t know you were-“

“Uncut?” John said timidly.


“Is it a bad thing?”

“No! Actually, it looks kind of cute that way, with your tip poking out like that when you’re hard.” William giggled as John blushed crimson.

“So…,” William said slowly and deliberately. “I read in this puberty book my dad gave me that boys who still have their skin feel better when they wank. Is it true?”

“Uhm…err…” John could just imagine himself sweating bullets right now.


“I, uhm, don’t know how…I mean, I don’t…I’ve never…” John stuttered.

“John… haven’t you ever wanked?” asked William, clearly astounded.

“Hey, just because you already know how doesn’t mean I do…”

“But we were just talking about it a while ago! That means you know something!”

“Well…I…,” John was getting really pressured by William’s insistent look. “Okay, I admit it, there are times when I rub myself when I get hard, cuz it feels a bit ticklish, but after that…there’s nothing. And yes, I know I’m not doing it right, so there!”

“Aw, John, that’s alright, really!” William said with the air of an older brother teaching his younger sibling how to put on socks. “The way you’re doing it, you’re not even getting to the good part. It’s a good thing I’m here though, cuz I can teach you!”

“Wait, what?!” John exclaimed rather exaggeratedly. “I mean, you won’t mind? I mean…uhm…”

“Yeah, totally, bro. Besides, I made you show me your dick. And I know it was really embarrassing for you, so consider this my payback.” William said with a grin.John could only nod as William lay on the bed and motioned for him to come and watch. John watched with rapt attention as William started to jack his steadily hardening dick.

“So you grip it like this, and well, it has to be hard first and uhm, you sort of pull it up and down like you’re pulling on a straw or something…er, wait that’s not the right comparison…well you do it until you feel like you need to pee and just keep going on it until you feel great inside.” William said awkwardly.

“You sound like a dork!” giggled John despite his current state of embarrassment.

“Well, I haven’t exactly tried to teach anyone how to wank before!” William replied. “Just lie down here and do it like I showed you.”

“O…okay….” John resumed blushing deep crimson as he replaced William on the bed and did as William told him.

John copied the hand position William taught him, something that actually was like holding a straw and pulled the skin of his dick up and down. Sensual pleasure filled his entire groin within the first few strokes. This new method of masturbating was definitely better than what he did before, which could be best described as rubbing himself through his shorts.

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