Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

“Well, ma’am, you see…William’s been, uhm-“

“I’d say he’s been having a miserable time, yes,” Mrs James cut John off midsentence. “I may be a busy woman, but I’m not daft, dear. I know William’s behaviour has been unexplainably bad the last few days. Unfortunately his father and I have been too busy to talk to him directly. I think, maybe it is a good idea if you boys talked about it.”

John was always a bit hesitant to talk to William’s mother because she was a strict woman, the kind that seemed like they were impatient, argumentative and overall scary. This time she sounded worried. It didn’t make her any less scary though.

“Er, so that’s a yes?”

“Yes, of course. But where is that boy? He can hardly sleep there without any clothes and he hasn’t even made his overnight bag yet.”

“He’s already in my room staring at the ceiling, ma’am. I won’t mind if he just borrows some of my clothes.”

“What…? Well…in any case, if your mother already agreed to it…no harm I guess…” Mrs James almost seemed like she was going to be angry but caught herself at the last moment. John was grateful for it and took it as a sign that William’s mother understood the urgency of this impromptu sleepover and the state of her son.

“Thanks very much, Mrs James,” John replied as he sighed in relief.

“It’s quite alright, dear. Just sort him out, okay? He needs you more than ever now. And John?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Would you mind maybe telling me what he tells you afterwards?”

“I don’t think I would, ma’am, but I’m pretty sure William will.”

“Ah, I understand. Well, enjoy yourselves there, and give Sharon my regards.”

“I’ll tell my mother for you. Goodbye, ma’am.” John was again grateful for Mrs James’ impeccable sense of tact. The things William will talk about were strictly best friend confidential. If William would tell his parents anything, he’d do it in his own time. His mom seemed to understand that enough to accept John’s refusal to be her spy.

He was intrigued though. She said “he needed you more than ever”. Did she mean that she thought William might need him specifically? Or maybe she just meant that he needed his friends? Maybe she did mean John because they were best friends. Did William tell his mom something about him that would make her say that? Did she think there was something special, something more to their friendship?

In any case, there was a sick boy he needed to tend to in his bedroom. Today was less of a sleepover than it was a shrink session, and while William was the patient who reclined on the sofa, Doctor John Watson would be the one taking notes and saying “how do you feel about that”.

Just as John said to William’s mom, he was lying on John’s bed staring at the ceiling. He didn’t even look at John when he came in the room. John pulled up a chair, sat down, took a notebook and a pen, then said in his best faux Russian accent, “Zow, how du yoo feel aboute dat?”

“…what?” This time John got William’s attention and he was glad that William was smiling.

“Zis is your therapy session.”

“I don’t remember having a German therapist.” William said, smirking all the way.

“It’s Russian, you dork!” replied John as both boys laughed hard.

After a hearty laugh and after catching his breath, John adopted an air of utmost seriousness and said, “Will, what happened out there today?”

“With Jim? Or about everything?”

“Hmm, let’s start with Jim.” John said. He was glad that William was open to discussing the bigger picture behind his issues, but he’ll save that for later. Better to handle the small fish first before tackling the sharks.

“Well, when we were still at the gym lockers, I asked him something.”

“What, and that set him off?”


“What did you ask him? Jim isn’t usually a hothead.” said John, aware that William was still nervous and beating around the bush.

“Well, I asked him how long his dick was.”

“Oookay…?” John had an inkling where this discussion would lead to.

“But he didn’t give a straight answer so I just said we should show so I pulled down my briefs and showed mine.”

“Wha….” So maybe John’s inkling was wrong. He definitely was not expecting that. Since when did William like showing his dick to anybody anyway?

“He looked at mine but he said he won’t show me his just because I did mine. Then he said that it was a faggy thing to do but that he’d let it slide.”

“Okay, then why was he so fumed a while ago? I mean, if he said he’d let it slide, why did he call you a fag and stuff?”

“I uh…kind of insisted and tried to pants him.” William said bashfully, his cheeks looking very much like tomatoes.

“What?! Why the heck? Were you that desperate to look at his dick?” said John incredulously.

“I dunno, but he shoved me and got pissed and said I should quit it or else.”

“Well, you definitely got that ‘or else’” John said wistfully.

“I guess it was stupid.”

“Well I’m telling you that I KNOW it’s stupid.”

“Yeah…” William fell silent and closed his eyes.

“Will, what’s up with that? I didn’t know you were the kind who liked to compare.”

“I don’t know. I was just curious I guess.”

“There’s more to it than that, isn’t there?”

“Yes.” William said honestly.

“Are you going to tell me now what’s been bothering you the past few days?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” William replied. At this point he got up from the bed, sat opposite to John and looked him in the eye.

“Before that though, John, I need to ask you something,”

“What is it, bro?” John was puzzled. He was also starting to suspect how this conversation would end. He didn’t even notice that his forehead was starting to sweat, probably because of nerves.

“Am I good looking?”

“Are you serious?” John was deeply baffled now.

“It was a serious question, dude.” William said flatly.

“Well, yeah, you look good, I guess. I mean, come a few years it’ll be easy for you to hook up with a girl…” John was now getting nervous of William’s line of questioning.

“Yeah, but speaking as a guy, you like how I look right now?”

“Well, of course I like you! I mean…wait!” John was getting too flustered now. Every word he said was intentional, though he was starting to regret saying them in that manner. “I mean, of course I like you, man. You’re my best bud!”

William looked greatly relieved and said, “Thanks, best bud,” smiling as he raised his hand for a fist bump.

“Always, bro.” said John as his fist met William’s.

“John, I need to ask another favour from you.”

“Anything, Will. But maybe later, ayt? I think mom’s done with dinner,”

“Sure. Oh! Wait, did you tell my mom-?“

“I took care of everything, bro.” John said with a smile. “Now, get your ass up and let’s go eat downstairs.”


The boys ate dinner with John’s parents. It was a tense moment, since the adults always had this unhealthy interest in the boys’ school day. John and William agreed beforehand that they were not going to mention the incident if they were asked, and they did exactly that. John kept his replies to a minimum whilst William concocted a grandiose story involving him, a dodgeball and Johnson Masters’ head. John made sure to kick William under the table while his parents were still laughing.

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