Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

The boys decided to play a bit of PS3 after dinner. They played John’s favourite game, a Naruto fighting game where both of them were equally good at, perhaps John more so. This time however, John let William win because he thought it would make him feel better.

“Dude, you’re totally letting me win.”

“Am I? Maybe you just got better.”

“Play for serious, I can take you!”

“Okay, okay. I will.”

And William didn’t get another win until they stopped thirty minutes later.

John assured William that it was fine to borrow his clothes. So while William was taking a shower, John got him a shirt, a pair of shorts and a pair of his undies to change into. John felt strange knowing that William was going to wear his underwear. That line of thought suddenly gave him a mental image of William naked. What would he look like naked? Johnson Masters already saw William’s dick…and the showers at the gym were especially designed to ensure privacy…

John shook his head vigorously and berated himself for thinking of such weird things. He took the clothes he gathered and knocked on the bathroom door. “Will, I’ve got your clothes here, I’ll just put them on the sink, yeah?”

“Cool, thanks!” shouted William over the running shower’s noise.

John opened the door and put the heap on the sink. He glanced at the shower where the mosaic glass made William look like nothing more than a smoky silhouette. He could still make out the curves of William’s shoulders and his butt. Why the heck was he looking at William’s butt? He suddenly sensed that William’s hands stopped moving and that his head almost seemed to swivel in his direction. John couldn’t really tell if William was looking at him because of the glass, but in any case, he opened the bathroom door and got out in a hurry. Why did he feel so awkward around William right now? They’d been together as best friends for so long so why the awkwardness now?

A while later, John finished taking his shower after William and both were now in John’s room. John was checking his Facebook account while William was fiddling around with John’s green stuffed toy frog, Fabio.

“I still don’t understand why you like this thing. I mean look at it, it’s a realistic looking frog with glassy eyes but it has fur instead of scales or slime or whatever.”

“That’s because it’s a stuffed toy, Will. It’s furry because it’s supposed to be cuddly and I actually think that it’s cute even though it’s made to look like a realistic frog.“ retorted John.

“Still weird. I half expect it to flick its tongue out at you. Where’d you get this anyway? You do know that we’re dissecting frogs in January, right?”

“I got it from my grandpa as a present. I know about that dissecting thing and I don’t care, real frogs are still different. Now, will you please stop insulting Fabio and listen to this?” said John.

“They’re talking about me in FB, aren’t they?” William said as if he was commenting on the weather.

“Yeah, pretty much. It’s funny though. They all think it was just Jim being an ass and that he beat you up. I think they switched you for coach. The nosebleed thing. Nothing about the stuff you talked about with Jim.” reported John.

“Thank goodness for that…” William sighed in relief.

“So, Will, you gonna tell me what’s up with you now?” asked John hesitantly. He wasn’t going to force William if he suddenly decided to keep quiet about it.

“Yeah…sign out and come over here for a bit.” William patted the bed and motioned for John to sit beside him. “You see, a week ago I found out that Dragon Sorcerer Kingdom Wars had exclusive items that you needed to buy with real money. My parents didn’t want to do anything about it, so I hit up the chat forums and I met this guy…”

“Met a guy? That sounds suspicious already…”

“He offered me free credits. How could I refuse?”

“Easy. Say ‘NO’. And I suppose ‘free’ wasn’t free at all was it?” said John with the air of a mother scolding her young child.

“Well…” William took a deep breath and said, “I wank on Skype for him and he gives me credits for it.”

“…come again?”

“I wank on-“


Suddenly, before William could react, John’s mom called from downstairs, “John, is everything alright with you boys?”


“Alright, boys. Don’t make too much noise!” said his mom.

“Dude, nice save.” said a giggly William. Both of them waited to hear her moving away before they talked again.

“Thanks, ma- hey! Don’t change the subject! Dude, you showed your junk to some stranger on the internet?” John chided, visibly cross.

“Hey, don’t call it junk…”

“Not the point! Dude, that is so wrong on so many levels!”

“Oh yeah, give me one reason why it’s wrong.” William was starting to get touchy.

“Well, you know, it’s just, indecent and…dude you’re like prostituting yourself!”

“What?” said William, shocked by John’s accusation.

“Come on, what do prostitutes do? They have sex with men for money!”

“I did NOT have sex!”

“You wanked for a stranger for game money. There’s little difference, Will!”

“You don’t understand!”

“Then please, help me understand! Because honestly all I see is a big idiot in front of me!” said John angrily.

William was also getting testy, but withered after he saw John’s face. It was the face that made him weak in the knees whenever he saw it on anyone’s face. It was that look of pure and utter disappointment.

“You know I like the game a lot right? I just had to get those exclusive items…it was like, I couldn’t enjoy the game fully if I didn’t. And…,” William realized his reason was pretty weak the way he said it. John seemed to agree because his eyes were raised in disbelief, as if he was waiting for the real reason.

“Okay. It’s this guy I met. He likes me, dude. I mean, he appreciates me. He likes the way I look, the way my dick looks…he reckons I’m good looking.” William said carefully, aware that this reason still sounded pretty weak.

He expected John to get angrier still, but incredibly, the shorter boy’s features actually softened. “Will, is that it? You wanted attention? You wanted someone to appreciate you?”

“Well, yeah…”

“But dude, I appreciate you! I told you that you look good! You’re probably the most handsome boy I know and…” John trailed off. He felt like he let something slip and blushed heavily.

William didn’t miss the comment and blushed too. “Well thanks, man, but your opinion’s biased because we’re buds. This guy, he’s a stranger, he hadn’t had time to know me that well so he’s not biased. He’s more…more…ah, what’s that word…it was in that essay test we had the other day…”

“Objective?” supplied John.

“Yeah, that.”

“Dude, you don’t need a guy to tell you you’re good looking to be good looking!” John said exasperatedly.

“But how will I know?”

“Well…you definitely don’t need to wank for them!”

“But he also told me that my dick looked good. He said that it’s big for my age and that it’ll get bigger still…”

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