Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

“Dude, we already know you’ll get bigger! It’s natural. Why did you become so conscious about your dick anyway?”

“I don’t know man, I just don’t know!” William said. He knew that all his reasons sounded lame to John, but they did hold an importance for him, something that only he could understand. He looked at John pleadingly, wanting him to feel what he was feeling.

“Okay, Will. So, why the douchebag attitude the past few days? If this was the reason for it, it doesn’t make sense since you seem to like it.”

“I dunno man. It’s like, yeah, it feels good. And it’s cool I get credits…but it’s like…my conscience is gnawing at me. It’s like…”

“It feels wrong inside.” John said, finishing William’s sentence.


“It’s like a guilty pleasure.” John concluded. He wondered if he could have a career in psychology someday, since he seemed to be good at second guessing William’s thoughts.


“Why don’t you stop?” John said. He put his arm around his best friend as a gesture of support. He wouldn’t mind if William cried at this point. He’d actually very much like it if William cried and leaned on his shoulder…but he doesn’t cry easily. Why did John want that to happen anyway?

“I don’t think I want to…but it’s like I feel bad for doing it too. But you know what?” asked William.


“I feel loads better now. I guess I just needed someone to know…someone to…”

“Someone to tell you you’re not a bad person?” John supplied again.

“Am I?” asked William with utmost sincerity.

“Will, of course you’re not. You may be a big idiot, but you’re still a great guy, and also, my bestest friend ever.” John said with a wide smile.

“Thanks, bro. Come here.” William gave John a tight one-armed hug.

John felt relieved. Talking took a huge load off William’s shoulders. It made John wonder though, about William’s parents. Do they talk like this at home? Do they even talk to him about school or anything like that? William seemed to lack attention so much that he was trying to get it from the wrong places. John couldn’t help but wonder if maybe William’s parents were neglecting their son a fair bit.

Also, about this hug. It felt good. Too good. So good he didn’t want William to pull off. His cheek was touching William’s cheek. William’s head was practically leaning on him. John felt all warm and tingly inside and felt a lot of emotion in that hug. He tried to mentally look for words that could describe this moment. Or maybe there was just one word…

John suddenly blushed harder than he ever did before.

“So, dude, will you quit being an ass from now on?” John said, partly to distract himself from the sudden swirl of emotion in his head.

“Yeah, I promise, bro. Should I stop doing this?”

“Yeah, you probably should stop hugging me now in case I like it too much.” said John offhandedly, hoping it didn’t sound too contextually misleading.

“I meant the webcam thing- wait, what was that?” William asked, his face suddenly displaying a knowing smirk.

“Nothing! Haha!” John tried to pass it off with a nervous laugh, a laugh that William only returned with his smirk. “Anyway, dude, it’s your call. It doesn’t seem like it’s hurting anyone, but I still think It’s a bad idea, overall.”

“I know what you mean. I’ll quit it once I can… I guess I’m having too much fun with my credits right now…and stuff.”

“The ‘and stuff’ part is what worries me.” said John with a grin.

“I know, I know…and John, there’s something else I wanted to ask you.” William said. For reasons unknown to John, he was now looking at the floor, not unlike a child confessing to some petty wrongdoing, or someone who was going to make an embarrassing request. John couldn’t decide which of the two he wanted to be the case; he had an inkling what the request scenario would look like and for some reason, he liked it.


“Remember my favour earlier before dinner? Well, it’s just that I have to know, I’m just so curious. Uhm, can I compare my dick with yours? I mean, just so I know everything’s normal and stuff.” said William, his feet shuffling around nervously.

“William, what, what are you…dude!” John was very much lost for words. He knew the ‘request’ scenario would be something like this, but knowing didn’t make it any less embarrassing.

William looked up straight at John’s eyes. He had this blazing look about him, the sort he always wore when getting John to join in in whatever it was he wanted to do. John never was able to resist William when he was like this, and William knew it.

“Dude, come on, I just want to compare! It’s a natural boy thing! Besides,” William’s eyes narrowed and that knowing smirk returned to his lips. “You were ogling at me in the shower.”

“What?! But, you couldn’t have seen…” John muttered, giving away his guilt.

“Ha! I was right! It was just a guess since you took so long in the bathroom while I was there, but you gave yourself away right now! If only you could see your face!” William was practically laughing now.

John could only mutter incoherently as William giggled.

“Bro, chill! It’s okay. You know, I realized that it’s strange, being best buds and all, that we haven’t ever seen each other naked. Well, now’s the perfect time! You can hardly refuse seeing my dick after wanting to see it in the shower, right?” William said with a grin.

“Will, you sure that guy you met didn’t teach you to, oh I dunno, be a total perv or something?” replied John nervously.

“Maybe, I dunno. But whatever, man, let’s do this!” and to John’s great dismay, William started undressing like it was nobody’s business. John had enough sense to bolt for the door and lock it.

“Sorry. Forgot about that…” said William with a sheepish grin. And for the second time in his life, John blushed harder than ever before; William was already totally naked.

There was a tense pause where John just stared at William’s naked body. His eyes focused on each part and took in every single detail: William’s blonde hair, messy with bangs almost already reaching his eyes. His hazel eyes were shaped like almonds and looked perfectly proportioned with his nose. His nose was slightly pointed but not sharply angled and rightly distanced from his mouth. His mouth, which was now curved in an awkward smile, had luscious lips that weren’t too puffy or lean, always looking moist…

John could feel something strange building inside him, specifically his lower stomach.

He kept looking at William, this time, noticing his lean arms, which had dustings of fine hair. William masturbated with that right arm of his…and every time they fist bumped or high-fived, he was doing it with the hand he held his dick with. John also gaped at William’s chest, which by the looks of it, had all the signs of starting to mature. He could just barely discern the shape of William’s soon to be pectorals, and on his lean abdomen he can just imagine abs forming there in the future. Was it just him or were William’s nipples sort of sticking out a bit?

And then there were William’s smooth, hairless legs. Those legs didn’t look anything special, but they always beat John whenever they raced each other. John noted that William’s legs were indeed longer than his own owing to the fact that William was a good 5’2” while John was a flat 5’.

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