Webcam Boys Chapter 3 by Dingg007

William was smiling as he watched his best friend enjoying himself. He gave more hints and pointers along the way such as “Try pulling on it longer each time,” and “It gets better if you’re feeling really good then you do it really fast,”. By the time John was panting in pleasure, William had gotten to his full length of three and a half inches hard. He was so engrossed with watching John though, that he didn’t even notice his boner that much. There was something in seeing John so happy and content that William couldn’t describe…all he knew was that it made him happy too, for some reason.

“Ugh…ughh…uhm..ahhh…” John was now grunting in pleasure as he continued to work his dick. His red glans kept popping in and out of his foreskin, and William noticed how moist it looked, quite unlike his. For some reason, it made him think of his tongue, which was red, moist and inside something too, then his thoughts turned to dicks being in mouths, something that sounded funny, gross and intriguing at the same time.

In any case, John seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his first proper masturbation session. He was now curling his toes, he was thrusting his hips up and down in rhythm with his panting and stroking. William found the scene so erotic that he started to absent-mindedly fondled himself too. But just as he thought John was at his climax, the younger boy suddenly stopped.

“John, why’d you stop, didn’t it feel good?” William asked, his tone a bit let-down.

“It was, Will, it was…but…I felt like I had to piss real bad and I was scared I’d make a mess!” John replied while looking at William pleadingly.

William felt like a child deprived of his favourite treat. His impatience won him over; he wanted to see John squirm in orgasm already.

“If you’re that scared then close your eyes, John.”

“What, why?”

“Just do it!”

“Alright, alright. Will, what are you-OH WILL!” John almost shouted out loud as he felt fingers close around his dick. Both of his hands were busy gripping the sheets, so it meant only one thing:William, his best friend in the world, the boy he had just recently noticed was extremely kind, awesome and handsome, was jacking his dick.

John felt like he would faint from the pleasure, William’s fingers felt so gentle yet firm on his dick. Having someone else masturbate him felt much, much better than doing it with his own hand. Plus, he was being jacked off by William, the boy he liked so much. John had never felt this good in his life, and wondered if it was possible to make this last forever. It took less than two minutes of William jacking him off for John to get his first ever explosive dry orgasm.

“WILL, I’M…UHHH!” John managed to stammer out as his climax hit him. He instinctively grabbed William’s hand with both of his, while the former was still gripping his dick. Both boys’ hands felt the intense throbbing of John’s hard member.

There was a period of time wherein both of them just lay there in silence, John was recovering and his breathing slowed, while William just sat there with his friend, smiling all the way.

“Will, thanks, dude. That was…that was the best feeling I’ve ever had ever.” John said awkwardly.

“I’m glad to help, John, my bro. At least now, you know how to do it on your own, so you can do it whenever you like!”

“Yeah, but you know…it felt loads better when you…you know,” John started. Both of them looked the opposite direction as deep blushes appeared on their cheeks. “It felt much better when you were doing it to me.”

“Really…well, that’s great, man, I mean, you’re welcome…” William said with equal awkwardness.

“Hey, Will, you’re still hard.” John noted.

“Oh…right…” indeed William was. The awkwardness of the moment made William momentarily forget that his boner was still unattended.

“Do you want me to…?” asked John, still blushing.

“No, no, it’s alright dude, I can handle it on my own…”

“Will…,” John put his hand on William’s shoulder and both boys faced each other again. They were still both deeply embarrassed by the whole situation, and yet it felt like there was a new level of understanding between them. Both were staring at each other’s eyes, with worlds of meaning passing between them. “Let me wank you, Will. I owe you for doing me.”

“But that was for showing me your dick.”

“It’s okay. This way, we’ll always owe each other.” said John, with a mischievous smile.

William couldn’t help but smile with John as he let the younger boy push him down on the bed. He was hard as he could be with the expectation of someone else’s hands touching his most private of places. Then again, he wasn’t about to be masturbated by just anybody, he was going to be masturbated by his best friend John. And before he knew it, he entered a new plane of pleasure when John’s smooth fingers started stroking his dick.

William was overcome with new, unknown pleasures as he experienced John’s careful ministrations. He saw John’s face filled with what was unmistakably, a pure look of joy. He thought back to when he masturbated on his own, it had felt good but it felt even better when he masturbated for PBear, knowing that someone who liked him was watching him. This though, being masturbated by his best friend, was incomparable. He supposed it was because of two things that made this experience so much more pleasurable. First, someone else’s hand was stroking his dick, and second, it was his best friend John.

William thought of John, that wonderful boy who was kneeling down beside the bed jacking him off. They had been best friends since that day in preschool, when William told off some bullies who made John cry. They had been together through the most notable events of Williams’s life, like the time they got lost during a camping trip to Gravity Falls, that time he was selected as a class representative in a science quiz bee and John cheered him on, that time his dog Sigmund died and John was there to help him cope… John had been there for him for as long as he could remember, and that thought filled William with so much…what was the word…was it love? He felt loved by John every single step of the way. Of course, there was the question of how this could be love if they were both boys, but it didn’t seem like an issue. All he knew was that the best times of his life, John was there with him. Also he-

“OH, JOHN!” William exclaimed. John had pulled back as much of William’s dick skin as far as it could go, giving the older boy a slight discomfort and at the same time, a sudden surge of pleasure. The interruption snapped William out of his reverie. John had to shush him and kept going while William just submitted to the intense feeling he was having.

“Will, am I doing okay?”

“Yeah, super. But, uhm, could you go a little faster, I’m almost there…”

“Oh, I thought I was supposed to be careful and…”

“John…please…” William pleaded. His voice was almost a whisper and sounded like the most seductive and alluring thing John had ever heard. He quickened the pace and stroked William’s dick for all it was worth.

“Ahhh, yeah! That’s it!” William whimpered as he was reaching his climax. All of his limbs were taut, his legs were rigid and his hands practically ripped the sheets off John’s bed. And with a final sigh of relief, he had his dry orgasm. Just like John, he held the younger boy’s hand on his dick so that they could both feel the intense throbbing of his impossibly hard member.

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