The Crafton’s – Part 2 by Schaka

“Good morning! Good morning! How are you all this morning?”

“Just fine Mr. and Mrs. Prendergast! Come join us.”

Carter patted the empty bench next to him. Ed and his wife made their way across the expansive yard. As they entered the gazebo, June rose clumsily to greet them. She extended her arms to hug first Ed then Wanda. Carter shook Ed’s hand, and warmly embraced Wanda. The tingle in Wanda’s pussy suffused her body.

“June, you look just amazing! Ann told us you were pregnant. You just look fantastic! You and Tom are just so lucky.”

“Why, why…uhh… Thank you so much, Wanda,” June said nervously.

The deep rumble of Christian’s laughter followed by Gabrielle’s high pitch giggling preceded them as they turned the corner of the house. Gabrielle had a firm grip around Christian’s neck. He feigned a gallop, pretending to be a horse. She smacked his big shoulders, urging him on. They turned the corner and pulled up short at the sight of the guests in the yard.

The tingle in Wanda’s cunt became a tremor as she beheld this man mountain. He was sweating profusely. It streamed off his brow, ran down his cheeks, and dripped from his chin. His broad chest and heavily muscled arms glistened with perspiration. He was shirtless, wearing bib overalls. They were faded almost white from prolonged use. Flip-flops encased his massive gnarled feet.

What is it about the men in this family, she thought. They seem to exude sexuality!

Christian lifted a squealing Gabrielle from his shoulders and gently set her on her feet. Before he could acknowledge the assemblage, Halvatia yelled through the kitchen window.

“Christian! Get your sorry ass in here and shower so you can help me serve lunch.”

Christian nodded and plotted passively past the gazebo. He headed into the kitchen to shower in his sister’s room. A soft breeze carried the musk of his exertions. Some wrinkled their noses; Wanda felt a dampness between her legs.

Halvatia watched the interplay of the assemblage. Carter was a good host, making Anne’s parents welcome and comfortable. The boy had come into his own. His inner strength had manifested itself. His knowledge of obeah surpassed hers. He thoroughly understood how a knowledgeable person could use Nature and her creations.

She shook a little of her unique herb blend into the gumbo. The secret ingredient added that distinctive flavor to her gumbo. It also added a little spice to people’s lives too. The summer will be interesting, she thought with a smile

Chapter 23

Dusk was falling when Tom Crafton punched the security code into the lock and pushed the door open. He stepped into the familiarity of his foyer. This house more refuge than home. As Carter took more interest in the business, he found himself retreating increasingly to Allen and Johnnie’s arms. He felt irrelevant in his own house.

A quick smile played across his lips. The aftertaste of Allen’s cum was still in his mouth. He shifted his legs slightly as the pleasant ache in his anus reminded him of his gay lover ravaging his ass. He called him his married bitch. He loved that. He loved the way Allen used him. In some ways, Carter was treating him the same way.

A sour frown played across his lips. He glanced upstairs. I share this house, and my wife with her lover, my son. He had finally got the nerve to confront Carter about June. It had not gone well.

Carter admitted their affair. Outrage exploded from Tom in a stream of vitriolic curses. Carter had sat quietly through the outburst while Tom stomped about issuing threats and recriminations.

Then Carter related the scene he witnessed in the dressing room of the costume shop last October. He described watching his father on his knees, sucking cock. He went into detail about watching Tom Crafton greedily gulp down Allen’s cum.

Tom recalled his terror at being found out. Visions of public disclosure and humiliation flashed through his fevered mind. Then Carter calmly pointed out that this family, like most families, had secrets. Those secrets needed to be kept.

Tom remembered mechanically nodding agreement. A deal was cut. No blackmail, just a gentleman’s agreement. He would accept his son fucking his wife, and the fact that the baby she was carrying was Carter’s. In return, Tom’s bisexuality secret was safe.

Carter and Allen both dominated him. Allen made him wear lace panties to work. Allen and Johnnie expected him to suck their cocks anytime and anywhere they wanted.

Carter fucked his wife anywhere, anytime he wanted. The only difference was Carter was not fucking him, and Allen was. A tremor shook his body. Would that be the ultimate humiliation or the final submission? To have his son fuck him! To feel his massive tool penetrate his anus!.

An all-consuming warmth pervaded Tom’s body. He flashed back to a few weeks ago. Instead of taking the noisy elevator to their second-floor apartment, he had decided to take the stairs. When Tom reached he and June’s apartment, She was not there.

However, he heard voices above him. For some reason, stealth seemed to be the order of the day. He stole silently up the stairs. When he reached the landing, he laid his head against the solid oak door.

He heard soft moans and quiet voices. Slowly, carefully, he turned the knob on the door. Using stealth that he never knew he possessed, he eased the door open a crack until just one eye could see into Carter’s apartment.

June Crafton lay naked on the floor. The slight pooch of her pregnant belly shook as she plunged the vibrator into her pussy. A frothy white cream covered her nether region and the sex toy.

Carter lay between her legs. He was naked. His face was barely a foot from his mother’s throbbing wet pussy. He stroked his cock as he complimented her on how she looked as she masturbated for him.

“Mmmm, mom you should see how your pussy lips swell.”

“Tell me how they look, baby.”

“Mom, they swell and blossom like the petals of the Morning’s Glories in our yard. As you get wet, your juices are like the dew on those flowers.”

June tittered like a schoolgirl. “Is my pussy getting bigger?”

Tom watched entranced as his son nodded his head. The intimacy of the scene was revelatory. He never talked to his wife in this way. His eyes flicked from his wife’s pussy to his son’s cock. His mouth went dry.

“Mom, your pussy lips have always been puffy and open as though you want to fuck. It’s always been a light tan but now it’s a deep dark, almost bluish-black.”

“Oh, Carter, I am always horny! There are times after we make love that I have to use my vibrator.”

“Mmmm, you are my slut mommy!”

Tidal waves of emotions washed over Tom’s body. He was outraged at the intimacy of his son and his wife. He felt betrayed that his wife would share herself with another man. Finally, he felt humiliation that another man, his son, could be this intimate with his wife. The tightness in his pants grew as his eyes flicked from June masturbating to Carter stroking his dick. His tongue snaked across his lips when copious quantities of Carter’s precum spouted from his slit.

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