The Enchanted Boy Ch. 15

A gay story: The Enchanted Boy Ch. 15

Vernon studies the map and looks up at the mountain towering above him.

“According to this there should be a large cedar tree next to the entrance,” he says.

They look around, there are a few pine trees and bushes dotted around the lower slopes of the mountain but no one can see a cedar tree.

“Are you sure we are in the right place father?” Bain asks.

“Yeah, positive, perhaps we can see a bit clearer if we climb higher?” he suggests.

They walk up the slopes, still unable to see the cedar tree. Baffled, Vernon sits to study the map again.

“I don’t get it, where the hell is this tree? We can’t be in the right place.”

“Father, what are you sitting on?” Bain asks.

“It’s a tree stump why?” Suddenly Vernon stands up and looks down, the stump is large.

“Could someone have cut it down?” Bain asks.

“It’s certainly possible and it looks like it could be cedar wood,” Vernon replies.

They begin to search the area when Kian shouts out, “Over here!” He’s standing next to a large bush by a rocky outcrop. They all rush over. Vernon pushes the bush apart and behind it is a small cave.

“I think we may have found it.” he says. He heads inside, it’s dark, very dark, “Crap I can’t see a thing.”

Rafael pushes past and walks up to a wall and he points with his finger to a small ledge. They all wonder what he possibly could be doing when suddenly a small flame shoots out from his finger and hits the wall. Everyone gasps, as the flame ignites a channel that runs along the cave wall. The flame runs along the channel until it reaches an alcove where in the rock has been carved a small well. This has some flammable liquid inside and it starts burning brightly. The flame doesn’t stop there as on the other side of the alcove the channel continues, the flame races along and lights several wells along the way. Soon the cave is lit and they can see in the distance.

“Wow, you’re just full of surprises,” Vernon says, Rafael just smiles.

They head in, the cave narrows and turns into a tunnel, eventually they find themselves in a large cavern and dotted around the walls are the lanterns.

“Wow!” Kian says, his voice echoing around the walls, “this is so cool!”

“It’s cold in here,” Pellon says starting to shiver and still naked.

Vernon digs around in his back pack, produces a blanket and hands it to Pellon.

In the centre of the cavern is a small lake and they can see a mist rising from it.

“Hey it’s warm,” Bain announces, “must be a natural spring. Why don’t we ..” But before he could finish Rafael has waded in up to his waist. “Bath in it,” Bain continues.

Soon the twins are naked and joining Rafael, followed closely by Bain and Pellon.

“Come on in, the water is lovely,” Bain shouts to his father and Ellit.

“Come on let’s join them,” Vernon says to Ellit.

“I don’t know if I want to,” Ellit replies.

Pellon sees Ellit is hesitating, he wades out and walks up to Ellit so their noses are almost touching.

“Here let me help you out of these,” He says and lifts up Ellits tunic.

Ellit doesn’t resist and his tunic is soon discarded on the ground. For the first time Pellon is able to see his scars up close. He runs his fingers over them causing Ellit to shiver.

“He really did a number on you huh,” he says, “how many beatings did you get to do this much damage?”

“I lost count.”

“I only had one beating and that was more pain than I could have ever imagined, you must have suffered so much.”

“I try not to think about it,” Ellit says.

Pellon pushes down on Ellits britches and they fall to his ankles.

“Come on, the waters lovely,” he says taking Ellits hand.

Vernon has already stripped and is in the water with Rafael, Bain and the twins who are all fooling around and having fun.

Ellit and Pellon get up to their chests when Pellon suddenly disappears under the water. Ellit looks round wondering where he’s gone when his legs are pushed up and he ends up falling backwards into the water. He quickly recovers himself and sees Pellon laughing at him.

“Ooh, you just wait!” Ellit jumps on him and they wrestle around trying to dunk each other, both boys are laughing hard. Eventually they both stop to get their breath and look at each other with huge smiles across their face.

“When was the last time you laughed like that?” Pellon asks.

The smile quickly fades from Ellit’s face, “Oh, I-I-I don’t remember.”

“Bet you I can make you laugh even more,” Pellon challenges.

“Oh yeah, how?” Ellit’s smile returns.

Pellon grabs Ellit by the waist and begins to tickle him.

Ellit starts to scream with laughter, “Arggh! Stop! That tickles!” He tries to fight Pellon off.

“Looks like they’re having fun,” Vernon says when suddenly Rafael, the twins and Bain all jump on him, he quickly goes under.

Jumping back up he looks round to see them scarpering, “Hey no fair, four on one!” He shouts.

Vernon dives under and the boy’s look at each other wondering where he’s going to come up when suddenly Kian is launched into the air. Vernon picks him up with ease and flings him across the water, he lands with a loud splash. Bain is laughing so hard he doesn’t notice his father sneaking up on him until he feels a hand between his legs and he’s being lifted out the water, he comes back down with a huge splash.

“Hey, you snuck up on me,” he says coming back up and immediately jumping on his father.

They wrestle in the water, dunking and trying to throw each other. Vernon ends up chasing Bain out the water, he manages to catch him and body tackles him to the ground. Bain falls on his back and Vernon jumps on top, he immediately starts to tickle him. Bain cries out with laughter.

“Arrrgh! Hahahaha, Stop it! Arrghhh hahahahah!”

Vernon eventually stops but grabs Bains hands and holds them above his head, he suddenly realises that he and Bain have an erection and as he is straddled across Bain’s hips they are rubbing.

Vernon looks at his boy’s beautiful cock, it’s enticing him and without thinking he grabs it with his other hand. Bain gasps as his father starts to slowly wank him.

“Oh father! Please!” Bain gasps.

Vernon looks into his eyes, they are pleading, he can see the desire in them, he can see clearly that Bain wants to be taken by him. Vernon cannot resist, all his reasoning that making love to his son is wrong seems to be melting away, he loves Bain so much and he’s now wondering if it’s something more that just a fathers love for his son. He get’s an overwhelming desire to kiss him and he gives in to it, putting his lips against Bain’s. The kiss sends shockwaves through Bain’s body, it’s electrifying, Vernon feels it too, he can’t believe that a kiss can be so sensual.

Vernon breaks the kiss and looks at Bain’s cock, he’s totally overcome with passion now and he mindlessly slips downs Bain’s body. He lifts up the huge cock and begins licking the head causing Bain to gasp in ecstasy. It’s leaking precum and Vernon licks it up savouring the taste. He then slips his mouth over it and slides down as deep as he can before he gags, Bain groans and can’t keep his eyes off his father’s mouth sliding down his shaft.

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