Rafael is fucking Kian hard now, “URRGHH! URRGHH! FUCK! URRGHH! I’M CLOSE! URRGHH! OH FUCK! KALEN! URRGHH! I’M GONNA CUM! URRGHH!” Kian pants.
Kalen sucks harder determined to have his brothers cum, he feels Kian’s cock expand more.
“URRRRRGHHHHH! FUCK! HERE I CUM!” Kian shouts and his body suddenly tenses, his cock spurts a huge amount of cum into the back of Kalens throat causing him to almost choke. Kalen keeps sucking and swallowing as his brother shoots spurt after spurt into his mouth. Being his first time he has trouble swallowing it all and keeping it in his mouth and some leaks out the corners. Although he didn’t know what to expect from the taste of cum it’s a lot nicer than he thought it might be and is actually enjoying it. Rafael suddenly shudders and Kalen can see his cock pulsating, he’s cumming into to his brothers ass.
Eventually Kalen pulls off, Kian is panting hard, Rafael too, his head next to Kain’s. Kalen turns round to his brother.
“Wow bro, you suck cock real good,” Kian pants.
“That was my first time,” Kalen replies.
“Really? Damn it was amazing.”
Rafael reaches over and puts his hand behind Kalen’s head and pulling him close they kiss. Kian joins in and Kalen finds himself in a three way kiss with his brother. He never dreamt of this happening, ever, but he loves it, his brother kisses good and he can’t see any reason why this shouldn’t happen, Kian feels the same.
Pellon finds Ellit sitting on a rock still naked, well away from the others, crying.
“Hey whats wrong?” Pellon asks sitting next to him and taking hold of his hand.
Ellit looks at Pellon, he can see genuine concern in his eyes, “I got scared,” he sobs.
“What of?”
“How can you be scared of…” Pellon bites his tongue, “Ah Soltan.”
Ellit nods his head, he looks up at Pellon his eyes full of tears, “All I ever experienced was pain, he would fuck me so hard I couldn’t sit for days. He’s completely ruined me,” he starts sobbing heavily, “sometimes I will shit myself, I just can’t control it anymore.”
Pellon puts his arm round him and pulls him close, Ellit sobs on his shoulder. He holds him tight until his sobbing abates, he can feel the tears trickle down his shoulder.
“I can see why you’re scared,” Pellon says, “you associate sex with pain.”
Ellit nods, “I know it can be nice, I see others enjoy it and I want to know what that’s like, I just don’t think I can yet.”
“No ones going to force you to do anything you don’t want to.”
Ellit looks up at Pellon, “You’re a prostitute aren’t you.”
Pellon nods, “Yeah I do it for money.”
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Sometimes I will get a client that is really nice and yeah I enjoy it with them, but most the time they’re ugly or fat or smell really bad, I don’t enjoy it then.”
“Why do you do it?”
“To survive.”
Ellit puts his head back on Pellon’s shoulder.
“How did you survive?” Pellon asks already knowing the answer.
“Begged and stole.” Ellit squeezes Pellon’s hand, “Thanks.”
“What for?”
“For being here.”
They sit for a while in silence and Ellit strokes Pellon’s hand, Pellon does the same back, he can see deep scars around his wrist and hands where the steel restraints cut in. Not a word is said, none is needed until Ellit shivers.
“Are you cold?” Pellon asks.
Ellit nods, Pellon looks back at the others, “looks like they’re setting up camp, perhaps we should join them.”
“Ok,” Ellit replies, Pellon gets up and is about to walk away when Ellit pulls him back, “Will you sleep with me tonight?” He asks.
Pellon pulls Ellit up then wraps his arms round him, “I’d love to,” then kisses him tenderly. “Come on, I’m cold, lets get warm,” he says and leads Ellit by the hand to the camp.
At the camp Ellit walks up to Rafael, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” but Rafael stops him from talking by putting his finger up to Ellit’s lips then giving him a tender hug.
Later that evening they are all sat round the camp fire, Bain in Vernon’s arms, Pellon holding Ellit’s hand and Rafael in between the twins. They spend the evening talking about their adventures, their past and what the future holds for them.
* * *
“What are you still doing here?” Soltan shouts across the courtyard to Phabian.
He’s saddling up his horse, there is another one next to his saddled and ready for Will, but Will is nowhere to be seen. Phabian had been holding back waiting for him to return.
“Why aren’t you with your troops?” Soltan asks.
“I was just about to leave to join them.”
“You shouldn’t be here at all, you’re supposed to be looking for Aljeron’s son! If he makes it to Aljeron I will hold you personally responsible for this fuck up.” Soltan rants.
“Yes sir,” Phabian says as he mounts his horse. He’s tempted to strike Soltan down where he stands but he knows all hell would break loose if he did.
Phabian looks at the gate one last time and with a heavy heart he sets off. Thoughts of betrayal run through his mind, wondering if Will had lied to him when he said he loved him. He rides hard, taking his frustration out on his steed.
The sun has already set when he reaches the border patrol.
“Evening Sir,” the soldier on patrol says.
“Any news on the boy we are looking for?” Phabian asks but knowing the answer.
“No sir but there was a Sheriff that came through earlier.”
“What about him?”
“He had a prisoner, a young man tied and gagged.”
“Tied and gagged? Why would he gag his prisoner?”
“Don’t know Sir, we thought it a little odd, he said he was a handful and wanted some quiet.”
Phabian was curious about this prisoner, “What was the prisoner wearing?”
“Another odd thing sir, they looked like a pair of battle pants, you know, the type we wear.”
Phabian’s eyes suddenly open wide, “WHAT! AND YOU LET THEM THROUGH!”
“Sir? We had no reason not to.”
Phabian kicks hard into his horses ribs and he gallops off at full speed. The soldier stands there looking bewildered.