At the end of the day, Levon met his mom on her floor and they waited for another elevator.
“Good day?” she asked.
A new elevator arrived, and as the doors slid open, Levon came face to face with Jaime, who couldn’t hide a grin.
Levon and his mother entered the elevator and it made its descent to the lobby floor. Jaime looked at Levon, who said nothing.
Suddenly, Stacey’s cell phone went off. She answered it.
As she jabbed on the phone, Levon’s gaze remained at Jaime.
“You almost got us caught today,” Levon muttered quietly.
“What’d I do?” Jaime whispered back.
“That soda you were drinking the other night? You knocked it over and it spilled all over the place. Jim saw it the next day.”
“I did?” Jaime almost laughed, “I think it was a collaborative effort after your little sideways thrusting maneuver, remember?”
“Oh shut up, you left it on the table.”
The door dinged open and the trio emerged. Levon’s mom ended her call.
After exiting through the front door of the lobby, Jaime followed behind as they walked though the parking lot. Jaime got to his car first, and as Levon and his mother kept walking, Jaime called out, “See you tomorrow, Levon!”
“A friend of yours?” Stacey Cole asked as they got to their car.
“Just another intern I work with, mom.”
“Oh, ok… He seemed nice. If he’s gay too, you should date him.”
“Mom!” Levon exclaimed,
“What?” she laughed, “There’s nothing wrong with a little office-romance.”
The Interns (Part 3)
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