The Love of Money I – Chapter 26: Balancing Act by MindSketch


The Love of Money I – Chapter 26: Balancing Act by MindSketch

Discover Chapter 26: Balancing Act from 'The Love of Money I' by MindSketch. Dive into this captivating gay erotic sex story that intertwines desire, ambition, and the complexities of love. Experience intense emotions and a thrilling narrative that keeps you hooked. Read now for a journey of passion and intrigue!<br/>

Marcus meets a new lady and enjoys his private plane.

Wednesday, 6:45 am

“Mmm… leaving already?”

I turned as I finished buttoning my shirt, looking at the lovely blonde propped up on one elbow, watching me through sleepy eyes. Even waking up, Helen was a vision. The sheet draped partially off her back, exposing a shoulder and generous amounts of teardrop-shaped side boob – a feast for my eyes. That hunger must have been obvious despite the low light of early morning because she smiled at me and reached up to tuck some stray hair behind her ear. Something was different about the way she looked at me this time. Usually, she was a tigress. A seductress. A goddess of lust and hedonism taking human form. Now, she looked more like a blushing, vulnerable young woman with about fifteen years less experience. She felt more like a girlfriend the morning after an intense lovemaking session. It was adorable.

“Yeah,” I said, “Erin’s downstairs getting everything together. We’re leaving in about fifteen minutes.”

Helen sighed. “There goes morning sex, I guess.”

“You have other options,” I pointed out.

Helen snorted. “That’s more work than I’m willing to put in right now.”

We were talking about Bobbi.

After finishing with her, Helen suggested we leave her trussed to my bed and find a different room for the night. I’d been reluctant, but Helen convinced me she knew what she was doing. She confessed to having spent time in Bobbi’s position and was confident she would be alright. I made a note to ask Helen about that when I had more time.

“But,” Helen continued, “I guess I should give her a break.”

“I had Erin untie her about thirty minutes ago,” I said as I approached her. I ran my fingers through her hair until they caught several tangles, and redirected them to stroke her cheek. My fingertips traced the faint pattern of lines left behind by the pillow’s creases as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

“I’m sure you know what you’re doing,” I said, “but maybe go a little easy on her this morning. I don’t want to push her too hard.”

Helen turned her head and pressed her lips into my palm, eyes closed as she inhaled my scent. Finally, she pulled away and said, “She’ll be fine. I promise.”

We exchanged looks for several moments; I was unsure if her words were enough for me but conceded with a nod. If there was one area where I could show Helen trust without too much cost, it was with Bobbi and my apartment. Erin made sure that nothing vital was being kept here while I was gone, so in case things went south with Helen, there was only so much damage she could do. I hoped it was an unnecessary measure. I wasn’t ready for this to end.

“You’re going to order the things we talked about last night?” I asked.

“I’ll do it today,” she said with a smile. “I’ll send you images along with all the documentation on the company.”

“Awesome. Thank you.”

I leaned toward her and pressed my lips to hers in a soft kiss. There was no heat… just intimacy. Something in her had definitely changed.

“Be careful with Ashlee,” she said as I straightened. “She’s smarter than she looks.”

“I can’t believe you’re okay with this.”

“You’re extracting information from her. Not having her assassinated.”

“And you’re okay with me messing with her feelings?”

“That’s her doing,” Helen said, falling back onto the mattress. The way she stretched emphasized the feline qualities I often associated with her, and I watched as her breasts – a little more than a handful each – flattened against her chest as she lay on her back with her arms over her head. “Maybe she’ll learn a valuable lesson from it. Either way, I gave up on anything resembling a mother-daughter relationship a long time ago. I think she resents me.”

I simply watched her for several moments, mulling over the relationship she had with her daughter while enjoying the view. I found their situation a little hard to swallow, but I wasn’t going to press her on it. I needed to leave soon. “Okay, Helen. I’ll be back Sunday. See you then.”

She murmured a non-committal response as she rolled over, and I caressed her blonde hair once more before walking through the bedroom door and shutting it behind me. I went downstairs and headed toward the kitchen, following the smell of coffee. Sure enough, there was a fresh mug on a warmer for me on the kitchen counter. I wasn’t the only one in the kitchen though.

Bobbi sat a couple of seats down from where my mug was, sipping on a cup of coffee and staring off into the distance. It wasn’t until I approached the counter that her head snapped around to look at me, large eyes wide for a moment and shoulders tense as if she were ready to bolt. She looked rough, but not as rough as I anticipated. Her hair had a few tangles, and her makeup from last night had smeared and streaked, giving her a severe goth look. She wore one of my band T-shirts that looked baggy on her; the collar had slipped off one shoulder, leaving it bare. I couldn’t quite tell what she was wearing under it, but judging by the generous flash of thigh I got as I approached the counter, she was either wearing underwear, boyshorts, or nothing.

“Hey Bobbi,” I said and sipped my coffee. “Sleep well?”

She stared back at me for several heartbeats and then looked away as she took a sip from her mug, acting as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “I slept great.”

Judging by the bags under her eyes – or it might have just been old makeup – she was full of shit, but after the rough night Helen and I had given her, I decided to let it slide. “Good.”

“At least until your fucking assistant woke me up.”

“I asked her to,” I shot back. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind. Next time I won’t bother.”

“Next time?” Bobbi said, and I noticed the slight waver in her voice.

“Listen,” I said, ignoring her question, “I need to leave soon, so I want to make this quick. Here’s the deal. Helen’s staying here while I’m gone, and she’s in charge. As far as you’re concerned, if she says jump, the only thing you need to ask before jumping is ‘how high?’ I don’t know what she has planned, but you’re to participate.”

“This isn’t what I signed up for,” she said.

“This is exactly what you signed up for,” I replied, staring her down.

We gazed silently at each other, challenging each other to break. I took a sip of coffee without breaking eye contact, and then she finally looked away.

“I didn’t know there would be other women,” she muttered.

“Would you have been more comfortable with men?”


I hadn’t expected her to answer like that; it gave me pause, and I wondered how I felt about sharing her with other men. I considered how I would feel sharing any of the women in my life with another guy. The thought of a different cock being anywhere near Erin immediately set off a visceral reaction. Question answered, which could be a problem down the road. When I hired her, Erin pointed out that if she became serious with another man, we would have to revisit our relationship. After what happened with Natalie, the very thought of that twisted my stomach.


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