The Love of Money I – Chapter 26: Balancing Act by MindSketch

They weren’t gone ten seconds before Erin rolled around the door frame and leaned against it. “Hey boss,” she said with her patented devilish grin.

“Erin!” I said, genuinely happy to see her.

“So, I definitely deserve a raise for this fine piece of maneuvering,” she said as she crossed her arms under her firm breasts. A hint of cleavage apparated just above the top clasp of her short-sleeve button-down. “Just to fill you in, I gave Emily a rundown of the situation. Nothing specific… just the high notes. A guy tried to pull a gun on you. You decided to get out of town, and Ashlee seems to know something but isn’t talking, so we invited her along in hopes that maybe a little alcohol would loosen her lips. She’s not sure what to make of that but is willing to keep quiet about it. She felt bad, thinking that she crashed whatever you were trying to do to get the info out of Ashlee and told me to tell you she’s happy to help in whatever way she can.”

“I also told her that you’re sort of dating Natashya, but it’s nothing serious. Natashya knows the score and is helping you out, and Ashlee can’t know that you’re dating, so Emily agreed to pretend that Natashya’s a friend from theater.”

“I’ve also set Ashlee and Emily with Shea and gave her instructions to keep them busy for a couple of hours. She’s already applied an exfoliating mask to your sister. That’ll keep them out of your hair for a while. You’ll have to forgive me for giving up your spot to Emily.”

“I think I’ll live,” I said. “By the way, where did you find Shea?”

“She’s a freaking stunner, right?”

“Yeah. When did you have the time to find and hire a flight attendant?”

“I outsourced,” she said. “I’m just sad you won’t get to experience her sooner. I think you’ll enjoy the experience when you do.”

“Wait… is my sister…”

“Ha! No, happy endings are for the initiated only,” Erin said, shaking her head, “but wouldn’t that be one hell of a way to introduce her to your degenerate lifestyle?” She waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about her or Ashlee. They’re both enjoying the best spa treatment that can be found on a plane.

“Oh my god,” I said, getting off the couch and pulling Erin in for a hug. “You’re an angel.”

“Nah,” she said. “This sort of thing is my job.”

I pulled back and held her at arm’s length as I looked down at her. “Hiring you is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

She grinned up at me and said, “God, Marcus. No need to flatter me. I already let you in my pants.”

“Seriously,” I said. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure, sir.”

I stared into her dark eyes for a full ten seconds and then leaned down to brush my lips on hers. It was a gentle kiss at first, little more than lips grazing over each other. Then it deepend as our tongues met, and I enveloped her in my arms and crushed her against me, communicating all my gratitude in a single moment. Thanks to my interactions earlier with Ashlee, my engine was primed and the kiss didn’t take much to get it going again. My hands began to wander.

Erin broke the kiss and pulled back before I could get too handsy. “So you have an hour… two tops. You remember where the hot tub is?”

“I think so.”

“Find it,” she said. “You’ll like what you see.”

I eyed her in mock suspicion as I pulled the rest of the way from her. “Okay. What are you gonna do?”

“I’m going to check on the ladies and then verify everything is in place for our landing. If there’s time, I might find you.”

“Okay,” I said. “Thanks again, Erin.”

“Hey, you wanted a relaxing trip. I’m gonna do everything I can to make that happen,” she said, flashing me one more smile before parting to take care of business.

A few minutes later, I found a small room with a fully stocked bar and a hot tub with a fully naked Natashya inside it. Her head leaned back against the edge of the tub as she reclined, and she gave no sign that she noticed me enter; my steps were muffled by the gentle hum of the tub’s bubbles. I took a cue from her and completely stripped out of my clothes, and she noticed me halfway through.

“There aren’t many opportunities for a man to strip for me,” she said with a laugh.

“Am I your first?” I asked as I pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and let it join my pants on the floor. I stepped into the tub.

“My second. The first was a private show for my sister. She married last year and her matron of honor got her a stripper for the bachelorette party.”

I frowned a little as I settled next to her in the warm water. “You mean maid of honor?”

“No,” she said. “Matron. She was married. Since I was single, I was the maid of honor. It’s a way for women to cheat and have two best friends in the wedding.”

Once I was settled, she turned and straddled me, one arm draping over my shoulder while the other hand dipped below the surface of the water. I felt her fingers wrap around my semi-hard prick. “Hm,” she said with a crooked smile, “It seems like someone was anticipating me?”

I relaxed back against the tub and enjoyed the experience of her fingers slipping over the sensitive skin of my cock. “You could say that. Erin told me I’d like what I found in here.”

“Ah,” she said, wrapping her fingers around the base of my cock as she positioned her hips over it. “And she made sure you were ready for me, no?”

I felt the lips of her pussy kiss the head of my cock, and unlike the feel of her water-logged fingers, they were much more slick with the arousal that coated them. I groaned a little as she began running the head of my cock along the length of her slit, teasing herself as she hovered over me, her wild strands of brown hair hanging around her face like a curtain as she smiled down at me.

“Her, and Ashlee,” I said as I felt the tip of my cock nestle in her inner folds.

“Mmm,” she hummed and leaned in close, pressing her cheek to mine as her beautiful lips brushed my ear. “Tell me more,” she whispered.

“About Ashlee?” I asked.

“Mmm,” she murmured in ascent.

I enjoyed the sensation of her slowly working herself up and down the first couple of inches of my shaft, slowly taking a fraction more inside her with every stroke. Warm bubbles surrounded us, dancing over our skin as they traveled to the surface, and replaced with more. It was relaxing and stimulating at the same time.

“Like I said,” I groaned softly, my lips near her ear as she cradled my head in her hands and stroked my hair softly. “She’s this unique combination of hot and cute, with dimples when she smiles, dark brown hair, and green eyes. She’s about your height.”

“Does she like girls?” Natashya whispered, continuing to gyrate her hips, getting more of me inside her with every thrust.

“I don’t think so.”

She kissed my cheek just beside my ear, her lips soft, warm clouds landing gently on my skin. “Pity. I’d like to share her with you.”

“I’d like that too,” I said as I let my fingers explore her back in lazy, chaotic patterns.

“Emily is also beautiful,” she said, delivering a kiss to my temple.

My fingers immediately halted along her back. I didn’t move, as I tried to process what she had just said.

It was true. Emily was a beautiful woman – tall, well-built, with large breasts, lovely skin, and a stunning fast that made me wonder how the hell she hadn’t found anyone else yet. However, no one else had ever told me that while riding my dick while they whispered dirty things in my ear. The image of Emily in a bikini played through my mind as my mischievous lover continued to ride me, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

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