The Only Exception Ch. 04

A gay story: The Only Exception Ch. 04

Hello my beautiful readers,

I know I’ve been gone for a while. Long story short, someone very close to me passed away and I found writing to be difficult. Please don’t expect chapters to be written quickly but I promise that I will never abandon my stories and I will try hard to have them all finished this year. So for those that are willing to wait on me, thank you! And thank you so much for the continued comments. They really cheer me up.

I hope ya’ll like this chapter


Ben’s Pov:

A soft knock sounded on my bedroom door followed by the predictably gentle words, “Darling, can we talk?”

I felt my wolf curl in on itself, ashamed of me for the speech of disappointment I was sure to receive. Nobody was happy with me at the moment, for they all felt that I was giving up too easily on finding an alpha mate but father made them hold their tongues about it last night. Of course, that would never stop my mother from prying.

“Come in momma,” I replied just as softly, trying my hardest to keep a tight hold on my emotions.

My mother let herself in and sat down on the bed next to me as she ran her hand against my back in a comforting way, filling the air with her light scent in an effort to soothe me, though it did not work this time.

“About last night,” she started gently.

“I’m old enough to make up my own mind.” I interrupted, just managing to keep my tone in check.

“Technically that’s true but sweetheart, I think you’re making a big mistake. I mean, think about it, really think. You’ll be so unhappy alone. Besides, you work so hard to please. You’re always trying to be what everyone needs, in the sweetest way of course, but what about what you need? Your can’t live like this forever. I know you and you’re one of the neediest omegas I’ve ever met. I know you try hard to bury it down but it’s obvious to everyone. You need an alpha, you know you do. Omegas in general are not meant to be on their own but especially not an omega like you. I don’t want you to suffer all your life.”

I flushed, hating myself just a little for the reminder of how I begged for Adam last night. She was right. I’d always chased dominance, even if no alpha wanted me back in the same way that I wanted them. I couldn’t help it.

“I’ll be fine,” I argued pitifully, barely believing the words myself. Just the idea of growing old without a mate made me want to cry but I refused to show such weakness in front of my mother.

“Benjamin, be reasonable! You could have your final heat any time now! Don’t you think you should at least try to keep looking until your body changes for good? Can’t you please try for a few more months? I know last night your options were… limited but I talked to Queen Emma this morning and she has assured me that she will reach out to the furthest packs she knows of to find you a worthy mate. Plus, I know your siblings are on the lookout as well. Gabe especially is going out of his way to-”

“Please stop,” I hissed, fighting the instinct to howl in pain at her words. It made me feel so small and pathetic to think of my queen and siblings begging an alpha to take me. “Momma there is no one else. No one wants a broken omega,” I informed her, hoping she’d finally drop it.

“Now that’s not true!” She scolded gently. “What about our young prince? He’s been through… much more than you and his mate still wants him.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, “They were always meant to be together. They were paired when the prince was born. Once the rogue figured it out, of course he went and claimed his omega. It’s only natural. You know that and I know that. Just as we both know that I don’t have anyone that will claim me. And anyways.. I imagine that even if I did somehow find my true match, he wouldn’t want me either. Not anymore.”

“Oh sweetheart, don’t talk like that. I’m sure someone will-”

“No, no! Enough. Just leave it!” I snarled, shaking her hand off my back.

“Benjamin… it hurts me to see you this way. I just want to help. Please don’t give up,” she pleaded but, thankfully, she kept her hand away and the air clear of her scent.

I shrugged while my omega whimpered over the idea that our life was hurting our mother. “It’s my fault anyways. I’m the one who wanted to go to that school,” I offered, wanting to make her feel better.

“You were a child! We should have never allowed it,” my mother disagreed, her tone darkening considerably with venom. “Those humans-”

“What’s done is done and I don’t blame you at all.” I rushed to say, hating that I’d upset her more. I looked away so that I didn’t have to see her sad expression and stared off blankly at the clock for a few moments before realizing how late in the day it was.

“Shit. I’m gonna be late for work,” I groaned, rolling over to find my uniform.

“Are you going out after,” she asked casually, without quite looking at me.

“I was planning on it but… do you want me to stay home?” I asked quietly, nearly holding my breath. I really didn’t want to resort to sneaking out of my own home just to see my Master. Well, anymore than I already was, but at the same time, I couldn’t handle the thought of upsetting my mother even more than I already had.

“It’s fine. Go have fun with your friends. You deserve it after last night’s disappointment,” she assured me. “It’s just… you never tell me anything anymore and I hate waking up to find your bed empty.”

“I’m sorry momma. Really. I know I haven’t been around lately. I’ll try to be better about that but… not tonight.” I answered with a small kiss to her cheek.

“Alright my sweet boy. Just, try to be more careful, okay? I don’t know what kind of shenanigans you omegas get up to but I don’t like seeing you come home with bruises.” Then she smiled and pressed her forehead against mine, allowing us to scent each other for a moment before she pulled away, leaving me to blush furiously when it dawned on me that she’d noticed my Master’s handiwork.


I had a couple couple hours left of my shift when I recognized two very familiar faces headed towards my section. I felt the heat of humiliation run through my body when the smaller of the pair glared coldly at me, while the larger only offered me a sheepish, polite but embarrassed half smile that quickly disappeared with a glare from his mate.

“Good afternoon my prince. Can I help you with anything?” I asked politely with a small bow.

The omega continued to glare but didn’t speak so I helplessly turned to his alpha, “O-oranges, like normal Cain?” I asked with an audible gulp, though it wasn’t the alpha that I was afraid of.

“Yes that’s-”

“Wait. You see him all the time?” Prince Fae interrupted his alpha with an angry little growl.

“Not intentionally pup. There’s nothing to be worried about. The omega is just doing his job.”

“Well. WE don’t like oranges,” Prince Fae loudly announced to me, arms pointedly wrapped around his small belly bump in a show of possession over the alpha and their future child.

I tried to smile politely even as my wolf whimpered over the perceived rejection. “I can get you something else. I’ve heard mangos can be really good for pregnancy,” I offered timidly.

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