There’s Always a First

A gay story: There’s Always a First “Arrived, 21 south east Salmonberry Lane,” the eternally polite voice recited.

Greg pulled over to the curb and let his Ford Focus roll to a stop, his heart pounding in his chest hard enough for him to hear the rapid beat in his ears.

“Fuck… am I really doing this?” Greg asked breathlessly while still gripping the steering wheel with sweaty hands.

Greg glanced over at the single story powder blue ranch with an attached garage, just one more cookie cutter house that was nearly identical to the dozens of others that he had passed driving through the neighborhood. For some odd reason he found himself staring at a bundle of cornstalks standing in the yard surrounded by bright orange pumpkins and a metal cutout of a ghost for almost a minute before finally reaching up to turn off the engine.

The quite inside the car only seemed to make the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears that much louder while he only sat and stared out the windshield without seeing anything.

“Ok… alright…” Greg finally said with a jerky nod and reached out to open the door.

Even with the bright blue sky there was still a bit of a bite to the late October air, the chill having nothing to do with how much Greg’s hand shook as he closed the door and began to walk up to the front door.

It had been a week since he’d gotten the DM on Fet, just a simple hello and an invitation to drop by sometime for a beer, some talk, maybe more…

Greg reached the door and only stared at the black four inch metal numerals that read 21 for a minute, his heart still pounding in his chest. Finally after one more deep breath he reached out to open the wrought iron screen door and after closing his eyes for a moment gave the front door four solid wraps.

Each second seemed to drag by like minutes while Greg glanced at the other houses on either side. How many nosy Karen’s were peeking out at him at this very moment wondering what business he had showing up in the middle of the day.

Greg was just reaching up to knock a second time when he heard movement inside and the deadbolt click, the door suddenly opening wide.

“Hey, Greg?” the man standing in the doorway said.

Greg suddenly found himself unable to say a word and gave a small nod while trying to moisten his suddenly dry lips.

“Come on in!” the man said with a smile, “I’m Mitch.”

“Sorry about that,” Greg said in embarrassment as she stepped inside and Mitch closed the door behind him, “You know… just… I’m a bit nervous about all this.”

“Yea, no problem, I completely understand,” Mitch replied with a smile, “Take your shoes off and grab a seat and I’ll go get us some beers.”

Greg nodded before Mitch gave another smile and turned for the kitchen. Greg kicked off his Teva’s while staring at Mitch’s back and had to take a deep breath before walking over to sit on the couch. The living room was clean and neat with family pictures hanging on one wall, a recliner, sectional couch and large flat screen TV and had the faint smell of vanilla that Greg thought probably came from a candle.

Greg let himself sink back into the soft couch and tried to wipe the sweat from his palms while biting hard enough at his lip to be painful, his eyes drawn to a picture on the wall of Mitch next to a slender, short woman as well as a small boy and girl standing in front of them, the entire family beaming happily.

“I hope you don’t mind Killian’s,” Mitch said as he came back into the living room, two beer bottles in hand, “I kinda prefer reds myself and always forget that not everyone likes them.”

“No, I do like Killian’s,” Greg said and reached out to take a beer as Mitch sat down next to him.

“So…ummmm, you’ve never done this before?” Mitch asked after taking a drink and turning to face Greg.

“No,” Greg said with a nervous laugh, “it’s… I’ve ahh, thought about it, and… it’s just…”

“Something you’d maybe like to try?” Mitch replied with an understanding smile.

“Yea,” Greg admitted, “How about you, I mean, you’re married, right?”

Greg glanced at Mitch’s left hand and the prominent gold band.

“My wife Susan, she knows,” Mitch replied, “I don’t keep anything from her like that, and occasionally I’ll invite one of my friends over to spend the night with us when the kids are at their grandparents.

“I even told her that I hoped you’d be stopping by today.”

“Really?” Greg replied with a surprised look, “I mean…. you told her we had been DM’ing and you even let your friends have sex with your wife?”

“I don’t lie to her about my friends and yea, sometimes,” Mitch said with a shrug, “When Sara and I are in the mood to play together, but most of the time we keep our play time separate, you know.”

“Oh, I hope you don’t think I was pushing for you to include your wife,” Greg quickly added in embarrassment.

“Hell, it wouldn’t bother me and I wouldn’t blame you if you were,” Mitch said with a laugh, “She’s pretty fucking hot!

“Hey, do you want to see a video of her?”

“Your wife?” Greg asked.

“Yea,” Mitch replied, “Well, her and I.

“A friend of mine likes to take pictures and videos and took something like four gig with his new Canon EOS.”

“Yea, I’d love to see her,” Greg said with a glance at the picture of Mitch and his wife and kids while trying to imagine the couple in the picture making love.

“Cool, I’ll be right back,” Mitch said and took a quick swig of beer before standing up and leaving the room.

Greg took a drink of his own beer while he took a closer look at the family picture. Mitch looked close to the same as what he did in the picture, clean shaven with dark black hair going to salt and pepper at the temples, a narrow face and long nose with pale blue eyes, but Greg was drawn more to the image of his wife.

“Susan,” Greg said under his breath.

Susan was a head shorter than Mitch with shoulder length dirty blond hair, round face and a wide, smiling mouth. It was hard to tell for sure in the picture but it looked like she had hazel eyes, but it wasn’t hard to see her laugh lines and an upturned nose or her beaming, happy smile.

He could feel himself getting hard as he glanced from Susan to Mitch and back in the picture, the irony of having come over today with the specific intention of seeing Mitch and now getting a semi looking at Mitch’s wife not lost on him.

“I’m back,” Mitch suddenly said when he came back into the room with a laptop, “Just give me a second to get this thing plugged in.”

“No problem,” Greg said while Mitch got down on his knees to open a cabinet below the flat screen mounted on the wall.

“So how long have you thought about sucking off another guy?” Mitch asked casually while he was busy with whatever he was doing in the cabinet.

Greg jumped as if someone had goosed him and glanced guiltily at Mitch’s back.

“A few years I guess, I don’t know when I really started fantasizing about it,” Greg stammered.

“Nothing to be worried or ashamed about,” Mitch said and stood up, “As long as it’s between two… or more… consenting adults there’s not a damn thing wrong with anything people can dream up.”

Greg took another drink from his beer while Mitch came over to sit next to him on the couch before opening his laptop and turning on the flat screen, the Windows login screen appearing on the TV.

“That’s sweet, how did you do that?” Greg asked while he watched the mouse cursor moving across the TV to select a folder labeled ‘Naughty’.

“Easy, I’ve got an HDMI wireless connector,” Mitch said distractedly while navigating through a series of folders labeled with the names of a half dozen different people, “Here we go.”

On the flat screen Mitch selected a folder labeled ‘Susan’ and then a second folder labeled ‘Videos’, Greg’s eyes widening in surprise at the dozens of files that came up while Mitch scrolled through the long list.

“This one is last weekend,” Mitch said and double clicked one of the files.

Mitch and his wife Susan suddenly appeared on the flat screen, Susan wearing sheer black stockings that molded to her legs and feet, a black leather corset laced up tightly along the back and nothing else.

“That’s… that’s hot,” Greg said, his eyes drawn to Susan’s C cup breasts that the corset cupped and lifted from beneath.

“Yea, she is,” Mitch said proudly and took another drink of beer.

“Get down on your knees,” the Mitch on the flat screen demanded with Susan quickly obeying.

Greg’s pulse began to pick up as he watched Susan first pull her husband’s jeans down before taking his dick in her mouth. The wet sounds of Susan sucking Mitch’s cock filled the living room, Mitch even turning the volume up even more while he casually placed one arm on the back of the couch towards Greg.

“She’s good at that,” Mitch said while watching the flat screen, “She’s really good at that, but not as good as most guys.”

“How’s that?” Greg said and glanced down at the obvious bulge in his jeans before returning his attention to the flat screen.

“She loves sucking dick, but it takes someone with a dick to really know what feels good,” Mitch explained, “I mean, I’m sure the same thing is true with lesbians eating pussy.

“No matter how good I am at it, no matter how much I love the smell and taste of pussy, a girl is always going to be better than I am at eating out another girl.”

“You like eating pussy too?” Greg asked in surprise, his dick throbbing while he watched Susan deep throat Mitch.

“Yea, of course,” Mitch said with a nod and then took a drink of beer, “I think my favorite thing though is eating cream pie.

“That’s something I do with Susan every single time I nut in her or if she lets one of my friends nut in her, there’s nothing sweeter than her pussy full of cum!”

On screen Susan had turned around to face away from the camera, her shaved pussy already gaping open with clear threads of liquid dangling and swaying from her labia.

“Think you can get a video from beneath us?” the Mitch on the flat screen asked, “Sue can suck you off while you video me inside of her.”

“Sounds good,” a voice Greg didn’t recognize said before the camera angle began to swing wildly.

“Just lay down on the floor, Jose, and Sue will climb on top of you,” the TV Mitch instructed.

Greg licked his lips at the image of looking up at Susan’s body while she climbed on top of the unseen cameraman and licked his lips, a hand straying to stroke his throbbing dick through his jeans. In seconds the image on the TV was centered looking up at Susan’s pussy with her legs on either side of the camera’s field of view before the bottom of Mitch’s glans suddenly appeared in the shot.

The sound of a zipper broke Greg’s concentration on the flat screen and he glanced over to see Mitch lifting up his hips to shove his khaki shorts down, his dick already stiff as he kicked his shorts off to the side. Greg glanced from Mitch’s dick on the flat screen tv as it slowly spread his wife’s labia open before slipping gradually inside of her vulva to Mitch sitting beside him, his dick in his hand while he slowly stroked himself.

“Two kids and Sussy is still as tight as she was the very first time I ever fucked her,” Mitch said before taking the final drink of his beer and setting the bottle aside, “You’re welcome to take your pants off and jerk off… or not.

“It’s up to you, but I can see you’ve got a hard on.”

Greg glanced up at Mitch’s larger than life dick on the flat screen, his shaft covered in a thick sheen of liquid as he slowly moved in and out of his wife’s body and then over to Mitch sitting next to him. Greg was almost relieved to see that they were close to the same size with Mitch maybe slightly thicker in girth and then looked up to catch Mitch’s eye.

“Totally up to you,” Mitch said calmly while his hand moved up and down his dick in time with his dick on the flat screen moving in and out of his wife.

“Ohhhhh, god!” Susan moaned loudly from the video.

“You don’t mind?” Greg asked.

Mitch burst out laughing while he looked over at Greg.

“Yea, that was probably a stupid question, huh,” Greg said with a chuckle of his own and then took a long swallow of beer to finish off the last quarter of the bottle.

Greg sat the empty beer bottle on the side table and then took a deep breath before standing up. He hadn’t bothered with a belt or even underwear so it only took a moment to unbutton his pants and push them down around his ankles before kicking them away. Greg’s heart was pounding in his chest as he turned to look down at Mitch who was still stroking his dick in time with him fucking his wife on the flat screen.

“You look nice,” Mitch said while staring at Greg’s hard dick, “Not to big, not to small, just about a perfect size for sucking.

“I like that you shaved too. Not many guys do that, but oral is so much better when you don’t have to pick hairs out of your teeth while you’re going down on someone.”

Greg glanced down at his lower stomach, his glans bouncing in time with his heartbeats. Shaving was just something he had done for years since he loved oral with his girlfriends and thought it was rude to make them shave while he refused.

“I think so too,” Greg agreed and then glanced up to catch Mitch’s eye, “Do you mind if…”

“If what?” Mitch asked.

“Do you mind if I sit next to you so that I could…” Greg began.

Mitch patted the cushions next to him with a smile, “If you want to touch me Greg, you can.”

Greg gave a jerky nod and then came over to sit on the couch next to Mitch so that their thighs were pressed together. For a moment the awkwardness got the better of Greg and he began to lose his erection, his dick going a little soft while he squeezed himself until Mitch broke in.

“Watch this part,” Mitch said, his hand never slowing on his own dick, “This is always fucking hot!”

Greg focused on the action on the flat screen TV, Mitch’s dick still moving slowly and steadily in and out of his wife’s vulva, her labia opening each time he pulled out before wrapping tightly around his shaft when he slipped back inside of her. Both Mitch’s shaft and Susan’s labia were coated in a thick white cream that made Greg’s mouth water.

“Sussy’s such a sloppy fuck,” Mitch said with a grin while staring at the flat screen, “She always makes a huge mess once you get her juices flowing!”

Suddenly the camera angle changed and slewed crazily until Greg was looking at someone he assumed was Jose staring back at the camera with Mtich’s balls bouncing off his forehead. While Greg watched Jose managed to hold the camera steady enough while at the same time reaching up to take Mitch’s dick in his hand and pull his length out of Susan’s body.

“Ohhh, fuck, put him back in!” Susan whined, her hips thrusting back in a vain attempt to have her pussy filled.

Greg felt himself get hard again while he watched Jose take Mitch’s entire length in his mouth before slowly pulling him out, the frothy cream that had just seconds before coated his shaft now gone.

“Ok,” Greg said with a not, “That was fucking hot.”

Greg watched as Jose placed Mitch’s dick back at Susan’s vulva, her own motion forcing Mitch home again as she moved her ass back and forth.

“That’s one of his things,” Mitch said while stroking his dick, “He loves to suck Susan’s juice off me while I fuck her.

“As long as I go slow I can keep going for a half hour, maybe forty five minutes, and each time I start to get close Jose will pull me out to suck me clean until I’m ready to keep going some more.”

“That’s just, that’s really fucking hot!” Greg said and glanced over at Mitch’s dick.

“You can touch me if you want,” Mitch said softly, “Just watch the video and keep the pace the same as me fucking Sussy.”

Greg stared down at Mitch’s dick for a moment, a clear drop of precum beading at the tip of his glans and gave a slight jerky nod as he reached over. Mitch let go of his dick and scooted forward just a little on the couch and gave a small grunt of pleasure when Greg took hold of him.

Greg glanced from the flat screen TV down to Mitch’s dick, the feel of another man’s hard cock nothing like what he had expected. The heat of Mitch’s dick, how hard it was while still being soft and pliable enough to squeeze, the disconnect of the familiar feeling of a dick in his hand without the feeling of having his own dick in hand while he stroked up and down in time with the Mitch on the flat screen slipping in and out of his wife.

“It’s… ahhh, it’s different,” Greg confessed and then used a fingertip to smear the drop of precum over Mitch’s glans, “It’s… nice.”

“Ummm, it is nice,” Mitch sighed and then reached over to take hold of Greg’s dick.

“Ah, shit!” Greg exclaimed and then leaned back, his eyes traveling from Mitch’s dick to the flat screen and then down to his own.

Greg’s hand moved up and down in time with the action on the flat screen, even pausing when Jose would pull Mitch out of his wife to suck clean and then resuming once Jose slipped him back in while at the same time Mitch’s hand stroked Greg slowly and steadily. He could feel the pressure building, the pleasure of having someone else stroking his dick while getting to experience what it felt like to stroke a hot, hard dick that wasn’t his own in time with the action in the video.

“Are you getting close?” Mitch asked, his hand squeezing and releasing gently while he stroked Greg’s dick.

“Yea, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” Greg confessed.

“Can I suck you?” Mitch asked.

“Ahhh, fuck,” Greg exclaimed as the pressure began to build even faster.

“Do you want me to suck you off?” Mitch asked again.

“Yea!” Greg exclaimed.

Mitch quickly got off the couch and kneeled between Greg’s legs, his mouth engulfing Greg’s glans and sucking hard.

“Ohhhh, shit!” Greg exclaimed at the feel of Mitch forcing his dick all the way down his throat.

Mitch’s head bobbed quickly, his hand just below his lips and stroking Greg’s shaft in time with his mouth bobbing up and down.

“I’m cumming!” Greg suddenly exclaimed as he felt the surge of pleasure and the pulse after pulse of his seed spilling from his body.

“Ummmmmm,” Mitch hummed, his head never slowing as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

Greg’s hips jerked in small spasms while Mitch continued to suck on his glans until finally Greg pushed him away.

“That was… that was good, nicer than most of my old girlfriends,” Greg said with a smile while he panted for breath.

“You taste nice too,” Mitch said while he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “Not as good as my wife full of my cum, but definitely good.”

Greg laughed and looked up at the flat screen where Mitch was continuing to slip in and out of his wife. After a moment he glanced over at Mitch and then down at Mitch’s still erect dick.

“Would you like me to suck you?” Greg finally asked while his heartbeat began to race again.

“It’s up to you, Greg,” Mitch replied with a smile, “Let’s just say I wouldn’t kick you out of the house if you did.”

Greg glanced up at the flat screen to see Jose sucking the white cream from Mitch’s shaft and then got down onto the floor between Mitch’s thighs. Up close Greg could see that Mitch’s glans was wider and flatter than his own, his slit at the tip much larger. Greg reached out a trembling hand and took Mitch’s dick, again marveling at the firm, yet yielding feel of his shaft and how soft his skin was. Slowly Greg began to run his closed fist up and down while watching Mitch’s skin slip over his hard shaft and the ridge of his glans.

“Yea, that’s nice Greg, just like that,” Mitch said softly and then scooted forward on the couch so that his ass was right at the edge.

The sudden move brought Mitch’s dick even closer to Greg’s face so that he could see the clear bead of precum already forming at the tip of Mitch’s glans. Greg leaned slightly forward and tried to hide the fact that he took a deep breath through his nose to see what Mitch smelled like.

The clean smell of ivory soap and just a hint of body odor filled Greg’s nose while he stared at Mitch’s dick. Each time Greg brought his fist up he watched Mitch’s foreskin hang for just a moment on the ridge at the base of his glans before slipping up to quickly envelope the mushroom tip.

Greg’s eyes focused on the clear drop of precum beading at Mitch’s slit, his heart pounding in his ears. Greg had tasted precum before, he often used a fingertip to get a drop of his own precum before quickly licking it from his fingertip whenever he masturbated and honestly liked his own flavor.

Greg looked up to see Mitch watching him with a smile and his arms spread wide on either side of him on the couch. Mitch saw his glance and gave a slight nod.

“It’s up to you,” Mitch said softly, “Whatever you want to do.”

Greg gave a slight nod and then looked down at Mitch’s glans. A drop of precum had slipped down the top of his glans before being smeared over the pink surface by his foreskin with the motion of Greg’s hand, Mitch’s entire head now wet but with an even larger drop of precum glistening at his tip.

Greg glanced up at the flat screen TV, the view now of Susan riding on top of Mitch in a reverse cowgirl while he sat on the very same couch Greg was kneeling in front of, but now with Mitch holding the camera to show Jose lapping at Susan’s engorged clit as well as the bottom of Mitch’s glans each time he slipped out of her body.

Greg watched for a moment at the erotic scene and then looked back at Mitch’s dick that he still had in his hand. With a final deep breath Greg leaned forward and touched the tip of his tongue to the large bead of precum glistening at Mitch’s slit.

The familiar thick, slippery feel of precum on his tongue was followed by the sharp taste of salt, a taste identical to what he was already familiar with. Greg pursed his lips, trying to see if there was any difference in the taste of his own precum and Mitch’s and then leaned down again to run the flat of his tongue over Mitch’s entire glans. The taste was stronger, but only because Mitch was certainly producing more precum than Greg would and there wasn’t a need to use a fingertip since Greg was using his tongue on Mitch’s slit.

“Ummm,” Mitch moaned softly, Greg glancing up to see him with his eyes partially closed while he watched the scene on the flat screen TV.

Greg focused again on Mitch’s cock, Greg’s tongue exploring the sharp ridge, running beneath Mitch’s glans to the sensitive flesh just below his slit, but always coming back to lick at every new drop of precum that would bead at Mitch’s tip.

Greg marveled at the feel of Mitch’s dick against his tongue. He loved oral with women, the soft, silky smooth flesh of their labia and vulva, the musky, tangy taste when he slipped his tongue inside of them. Mitch’s skin was just as soft as any woman’s labia, but there was a firmness, a hard center just below the surface. Greg glanced up again to see Mitch still watching the flat screen TV and then leaned forward just a little more. Mitch’s glans eased slowly inside Greg’s mouth, the silky smooth, firm flesh pressing against Greg’s tongue while he sucked hard in an effort to milk as much precum from Mitch as he could.

There was a momentary taste of salt which quickly faded to just saliva as Greg sucked on Mitch’s glans, the tip of his tongue toying with Mitch’s slit and pressing in slightly. Greg breathed through his nose and then pressed down, more and more of Mitch’s length slipping into his mouth until Greg felt the firm pressure against the back of his throat.

Greg had to fight back the reflex to gag and pulled Mitch’s length halfway out of his mouth. It was a little embarrassing but he’d experimented with a banana, practiced taking as much of the fruit down his throat as he could, but he still would always end up gagging.

“Go easy with your teeth,” Mitch said softly.

Greg realized he had his teeth pressed against Mitch’s shaft and opened his mouth just a little wider. Without Mitch pressing against the back of Greg’s throat there wasn’t any need to gag and Greg began to move his mouth up and down Mitch’s shaft. Greg’s hand was gripped around Mitch’s shaft just below his lips and moved up and down Mitch’s shaft in time with Greg’s bobbing head.

“That’s better,” Mitch said softly, “Just like that, nice and slow and you can suck harder if you want.”

“Umm hmm,” Greg said around a mouthful of cock, his head and hand bobbing up and down while he increased the suction of his mouth.

Minutes passed while Greg listened to the wet sounds of sex and moans of pleasure from the TV, the sensation of having Mitch’s dick slipping in and out of his mouth more pleasurable than what Greg could have guessed. Greg didn’t even mind the moment that Mitch placed his hand on the back of Greg’s head to control the speed with only the slightest pressure.

“Ahhhh,” Mitch moaned softly, “I’m going to cum soon.

“Do you want me to cum in your mouth?”

“Umm hmm,” Greg moaned around Mitch’s shaft.

“You’re sure?” Mitch asked.

Greg gave his head a jerky nod without breaking the rhythm of Mitch’s dick slipping in and out of his mouth.

“I’m going to cum Greg!” Mitch moaned, his hips thrusting up each time Greg’s mouth slipped down, “You’re going to fucking make me cum!”

Greg liked the taste of his own precum, but always thought his cum tasted chalky and a little bitter like alum, but in the moment he wanted to taste Mitch’s cum. Wanted that power to be able to make another man cum.

Greg felt Mitch’s dick jerk slightly before an instant later his mouth was filled with a thick, warm liquid. The taste followed, the same chalky flavor Greg was familiar with from tasting his own cum, but also much sweeter than Greg had expected.

“Ahhhhh, fuck!” Mitch exclaimed as several more spurts filled Greg’s mouth while Greg did his best to swallow.

Mitch’s hips continued to jerk for several seconds while Greg kept slipping the shaft in his mouth up and down. After almost a minute Greg pulled Mitch almost all the way out of his mouth until only Mitch’s glans remained. He could still taste Mitch’s cum, the strong sweet chalky taste coating his tongue, but it certainly wasn’t unpleasant, only new and different.

Mitch’s hips gave an occasional spasmic jerk while Greg concentrated on Mitch’s glans, sucking and licking the silky smooth firm flesh in his mouth while he tried to set every instant of what had just happened in his memory.

“You sure that was your first time?” Mitch finally asked.

“Umm hmm,” Greg mumbled with Mitch’s glans still in his mouth.

“That’s… that was pretty damn good,” Mitch said breathlessly and then gently pulled Greg up.

Greg stood and made eye contact just before realizing that Mitch was leaning in for a kiss before pulling away.

“Not… maybe not that,” Greg hastily said.

“Yea, no problem,” Mitch replied with a grin and scooted back to sit more comfortably on the couch, “How about another beer?

“I’ve got a video of me and Jose fucking Susan DVP, we could watch that and maybe a few others and… maybe in twenty or thirty minutes if you wanted to, we could try this again?”

“DVP, you mean like both of you inside of her at the same time?” Greg asked and took a seat beside Mitch on the couch.

“Yea, both of us in her pussy at the same time,” Mitch explained, “She absolutely loves getting stretched like that and goes fucking nuts!

“She likes DVP even more than getting fisted.”

“I’d… another beer sounds good,” Greg said while thinking about what it would feel like to be fucking a woman with another man’s dick pressed against his shaft, moving in and out of a woman while another man’s dick slipped in and out of her, slipped up and down against his own shaft.

He glanced over at Mitch’s semiflaccid dick and wondered if sucking him off a second time would be as nice as the first. Greg felt his dick stirring even if there wasn’t a chance in hell of him getting hard again so quick and wondered if having Mitch giving him another blowjob would be even better than the first time.

“Cool!” Mitch replied with a grin and stood up, Greg’s eyes following Mitch’s flaccid dick swaying from side to side, “I’ll be right back and then I’ll get that video going.

“And… I hope you come over again Greg, maybe after a month or two and we get to know each other better I bet Susan would love to meet you too.”

Greg laughed and nodded, “This was… this was nice, maybe even better than I thought.

“I wouldn’t mind coming by again.”

“You can come by anytime you want, just give me a call first,” Mitch said as he walked towards the kitchen, “There’s nothing better than having a jerk off and blow job buddy to watch some porn and relieve some stress with.”

“I fucking jerk off and watch porn a lot!” Greg said with a laugh.

“Yea me too, so don’t worry about giving me a call whenever you want, and I mean whenever, you don’t have to jerk yourself off again unless you want to,” Mitch said and walked into the kitchen to fetch the beers.

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