Tim’s Pool Party by PearlCum


Jerry leaned back and Tim gawked for a while, unable to say anything. He just stared and stared and the sight of the enormous cock. It was his to suck and it felt dreamlike just looking at it. “Are you afraid”? Jerry asked.
“Of what”? asked Tim. “Sucking a cock for the first time or sucking that thing”? They both laughed.
“I know, it’s always been a problem. A gay guy has it rough. I can’t exactly expect anyone to take it up the ass and my ex wife had a hard time screwing me.”
“Jesus, I can see why” said Tim. “Actually I find it very enticing.”
“Do you”?
“Yes” Tim answered. And he moved beside Jerry into the 69 position. Even after his multiple orgasm Tim was aroused just by the sight of what he was about to have in his mouth. He put his hand around the massive member and felt up and down the huge shaft with his fingers. He did this several times and used both hands and he ran his fingers over the head and looked at Jerry’s closed eyes.
Tim wanted to please his partner the way he had done but he knew it was impossible. Still he was determined to please the man and he leaned in and sucked and licked the head. After a few minutes of this Jerry was moaning and Tim was starting to get into it. He opened his mouth as wide as he could but all he could manage without scraping his teeth over the skin was to suck on the head.
It took a while but soon Tim found a nice rhythm. He stroked his left hand up and down the shaft and sucked the head of this big warm penis. It seemed like ages before Jerry was close to cumming. Finally a hand was on Tim’s head. He was glad to be pleasing Jerry. He used his tongue as Jerry had and as so many girls had done to him.
Jerry was moaning and moving his hips so much that Tim had a hard time keeping his mouth on the head. But it was wonderful having that warm dick in his mouth and he grabbed on with both hands. Tim’s lips were around the head, his tongue lapping at the flesh and as he stroked he felt the sperm move up inside Jerry’s cock. His main vein was pulsing spasmodically and then there was a rush of soft hot lava. Jerry almost screamed ‘Yeahhh’
But the first gush was nothing like what followed. Tim squeezed Jerry’s balls with his left hand and stroked him with the right. Suddenly a shot of cum like water from a garden hose that was left in the sun filled his mouth. He managed to swallow almost all of it but he pulled away slightly. The next explosion went up his nose until he closed his mouth around the flow. It wasn’t the bitter taste he expected. It was more neutral and slightly salty. Another long hot spurt went into Tim’s mouth but he couldn’t hold it and it spilled down Jerry’s cock and onto his hands. Then another spurt almost choked him and he had to pull back.
Jerry was gasping for air and moaning with delight as Tim continued to stroke and milk minor gushes of cum. Again Tim lowered his head and sucked and licked, not wanting to waste any of the nectar.
“Tim honey are you alright?” Tanya had come into the kitchen where Tim had been standing at the wine rack. “Are you drunk babe? What’s up”?
Tim snapped back to the present, the daydream was gone. “I’m fine, I just can’t decide what bottle to open.”
“What about Don”? She asked.
“What about him”?
“Well I don’t know, but I think you need to confront him. I didn’t know he was gay”!
“Not really, maybe bisexual”. Tim offered.
“Whatever, anyway you better straighten him out and I don’t like the idea of him getting off in the pool.” But secretly she really did.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow” he answered. As his wife went out to the pool Tim put his fingers around a magnum bottle of Chardonnay and mindlessly stroked it. ‘White’ he said to himself, ‘definitely the white nectar’.

* * Sunday morning 10:04 * *
There was no alarm in the room where Katie and Don slept. Tanya had come in and roused the buxom blonde at nine. The girls went for a shopping spree and lunch in the city leaving the guys to lounge around till dinner. Don woke to Tim’s voice yelling at him from the kitchen. “Get up you lazy bastard…get up the coffee’s hot”.
Don showered but didn’t bother to put on anything more than his blue boxers. They were so much more comfortable than briefs, especially in summer. As Tim handed him a cup of coffee he couldn’t help imagining the photo he’d seen the night before. And when he had gotten up to pee in the middle of the night and switched on the computer he looked at it again. And it made him cum again.
“The floor’s cold in here” Don said moving to the living room. Tim followed and he wondered what if anything he would say about the pool video. Tim switched on the TV to Sports Center but he wasn’t able to concentrate on it. The thought of his friend entertaining homosexual thoughts about him was foremost in his mind.
It was after all Tim who had made the suggestive comments over the years. Like asking Don jokingly to suck his dick while in separate rooms at Don’s house. Don passed it off of course but he didn’t know Tim wasn’t smiling at the time. He was stroking his cock in an upstairs bedroom. Then there was the time they shared a hotel room on a golf outing. Again Tim said something about having Don suck his dick. Later, in the stillness of night, Don heard subtle movements from Tim’s bed and then the unmistakable sound of cum shooting onto the sheets. It was pooling up and it made a squishy sound. He wanted Don to hear that hadn’t he?
There were other, more suggestive things too. Like when they shared a bed after a drunken night out. Tim had put his leg across Dons and made a slight humping motion on the bed. It was just play, but could that have started Don on his way to bisexuality? Or maybe it was the night Don stayed over and they watched some porn on cable. He’d left him a box of tissues on the couch and told him the porn channel number…just in case he wanted to watch later?
Don had in fact woken up. He was watching porn. And Tim had seen the light under the door. He opened it a crack and watched Don jerking off. The strange thing was Don’s hips were raised, his eyes were closed and he was aiming his cock at his bedroom door. Later, when Tim was masturbating, Don heard the bed creaking. It was all so wasteful; this convoluted hidden desire between them.
Sports center ended and Tim put on a movie. “Behind Enemy Lines” about Russian and German snipers at Stallingrad. But it was time to say something. “Uh, you didn’t see our cameras did ya”?
“What cameras”? Don asked.
‘Well here goes nothing’ thought Tim. “I had a new security system put it last week”.
“Oh yeah? Where is it”?
“The controls are up in our bedroom”.
“No I mean where are the cameras I don’t see anything.” Don started to worry a little.
“They’re on the roof. One in front and one in back over the pool.” Tim clearly read a worried look on Don’s face. Don was replaying the scene in his mind. Holly shit! Of course he had been visible from the roof and a camera might have seen everything he did.
“Want to see the video”?
“Not really” Don said stiffly.
“Come upstairs there’s something else I want to show you”. Don followed Tim feeling only slightly relieved. Perhaps Tim was talking about something entirely different or at least he would refrain from displaying what might be on the tape. When Tim touched the space bar on his computer there was his e-mail photo. But in the enhanced version there was no denying who it was or what it meant.


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