U-N-I Ch – by Author: byunilive

Latest gay erotic stories: U-N-I Ch – by Author: byunilive. The following story is entirely a work of fiction. The story is about fictional characters, who are celebrities in the story. Drop me a message to let me know what you think. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Latest gay erotic stories: U-N-I Ch – Chapter 1

by Author: byunilive

It’s november 2017. The five of us are sitting in Heathrow airport, waiting to board a plane to New york where we have several interviews to give and a couple of TV shows to shoot for the promotion of our fourth album with U-N-I.

U-N-I, that’s the name we gave to the group we formed over 10 years ago. Our lives have been so crazy in the past 10 years, sometimes I still have to pinch myself to make sure this is all really happening.

I always knew we would be famous one day. Ever since our first jam session in 2005, I knew we would become the biggest rock band in the world…or I hoped so anyway. To be honest with you, if someone had told me back then that we would become this huge band, I would have had serious doubts about the truthfulness of that statement.

But one can always dream! My father had always told me not to dream. To dream was to be disappointed and it was a waste of time. I learned not to listen to my father though. To me, the power of imagination was priceless and at an early age I was determined to do everything I possibly could to make my dreams come true and to live up to my expectations.

Ok I’m getting a little carried away here but now that you know the end of the story, let’s start with the beginning.

I was born in Ireland from a French father and an Irish mother. We lived in the Dublin suburb of Rathmines, a cool surburban alternative to living in Dublin, according to our parents. It had its own high street, cool pubs and bars and restaurants and brilliant vintage shops. There were lots to do and we were not far from the city centre.

Growing up, I had a great group of friends. I don’t even remember not knowing them. We had grown up together, started going to school together, practiced the same activities after school, enjoyed the same sports, the same music and we had all started learning how to play an instrument. We had always been the best of friends, simply because we lived in the same street. None of us lived far away from each other, although Robbie and I were the nearest neighbours, with Jordan just around the corner. Damon lived only a little further up the street and Dylan moved to the neighbourhood and joined our group of friends when we were around the age of 10. We could walk between all five houses in two to five minutes.

None of us were really Irish though. Jordan had Scottish parents who had moved to Dublin for work, Dylan had moved from Southampton in England, and Robbie’s mum was Spanish, and his dad was English. Only Damon had Irish parents. He actually looked the most Irish, fair skin and all. The rest of us had darker skins and we could get a nice tan pretty easily when on holiday abroad. You don’t get much sun in Dublin.

Jordan was the youngest, and Dylan the oldest, although we were all really close in age and over the years, our respective birthdays were always a good excuse to have a party. Dylan was born in january 90, damon in march, Rob and I were both born in May, and finally Jordan in September.

There was also Rachel, who seemed to be the only girl in the neighbourhood who managed to put up with us. She always wanted to hang out with us and play our games. She was a great girl, funny, smart and even pretty. She was our number one fan when we tried to play music together. She was part of the guys I suppose. We really liked having her around and when puberty kicked in, she and I had started dating. So she had been my girlfriend for a couple of years already.

I loved her, and I loved my friends. I couldn’t imagine not having them in my life. I was very close to Jordan, we often hung out together and we loved each other’s company, we would always play music together whenever we hung out. He had acquired a bass and he was a quick learner. I played the piano and the guitar. I was quite musically versatile, but I had learned how to play the piano around the age of seven and I was very good at it, probably because my father was always forcing me to practice, not wanting to spend money on lessons for no results.

But since we had started playing together, I was playing the guitar and it had become my instrument. I was always carrying it around, playing it whenever I could really, and I was starting to write songs. I had a very good ear for music, I could find a melody in an instant. I was a bit embarrassed to show the guys, but in school, or in my spare time, I had started writing lyrics as well. It was becoming a habit. Anytime I thought of something, experienced something, or witnessed something, I would try to write about it. I was carrying this notebook with me and just scribbled ideas whenever I could.

Whenever I was not hanging out with Jordan, or with Rachel, you would most likely find me with Robbie, mostly at night. He was my next door neighbour, and he was always, always there for me, whenever things got too tough for me to handle at home.

Indeed, to counterbalance with having the best friends I could possibly ask for, I had the worst family. Well maybe not, but it did feel that way to me.

My father was drinking too much, he was out in the pubs every night after work and would always come home late, drunk and often violent. He was not beating me up, although it had happened a few times. He would grab my arm a little too roughly, or push me against a wall, or slap my face. He was an angry drinker. Drinking was probably a way of avoiding other issues, such as feeling like a total useless member of society, going to a dead boring job every day to buy alcohol or cigarettes or if need be, to feed a wife and kids he, from the look of it, didn’t even love, although he was a lot nicer to my brother Thomas and my sister Amy, for some reason. I had made a promise to myself never to be like him. I didn’t want to end up like that. I wanted my life to be exceptional!

The only good thing I had learned from him was French. He was born in France but moved to Ireland with his parents when he was a teenager. He almost never spoke to us in English and we had to talk to him in French most of the time or he’d get mad, telling us that we’d never learn if we kept speaking in English. Even with my brother and sister, we spoke in French to each other if he was around. He had never really managed to teach my mum but even if she couldn’t really speak the language, she understood it pretty well so even when she was here, French was the first language we used in the house. It was not the best way to learn a language because it was forced on us but we did learn it.

My mum was not drinking, but she was not a very loving mum. I couldn’t really remember her cuddling me as a child. I didn’t feel much loved in my own home.

She was a christian, not that there was anything wrong with that, but she really had some pretty strong beliefs. She did not seem to be able to make allowances. She followed blindly the dictates of the church and she was very stubborn about it. She had to put up with an abusive husband and a pretty sad life I must add, doing the cleaning, cooking, shopping, taking care of the kids and receiving no appreciation or love for it, and I’m pretty sure that she believed God had intended it that way to make her stronger so she was just putting up with it. She was a strict mother and even though she knew what my dad was putting me through, she wouldn’t really tell him anything. Whenever I complained to her about him, she always told us that God had a plan, and that everything we went through in life had a reason to happen.

Consequently, I didn’t particularly enjoy spending time at home.

Robbie lived in the house right next to mine. Our mothers were friends and they had told us that when we were babies, they used to put us in the same playpen, so our friendship went way back!

I really thought the guys were a pretty amazing bunch of friends but Rob and I were best friend and everybody knew that.

I really felt the most connected to him, we knew each other so well, we spent so much time with each other, because every time I needed to escape my father when he came home drunk, I went to his. If my parents started fighting, if I had a fight with my brother or my sister, I climbed out of my window or walked out the door and went straight to Rob’s. I used any excuses I could find to leave and go to his place. The peace and love in his house was priceless to me. Rob and his family knew what I was escaping from, I had started doing that at an early age, I must have been only seven or eight the first time I had run to his place in the evening to escape my father’s violent outbursts. I had knocked at the door and Rob’s mother had let me in, comforted me, as if she had known what was happening to me, and asked my mother if I could stay the night because I was too damn scared of going back home.

She knew and understood what I was going through, she was always there to take me in her arms and make me feel special and loved in a way that my parents couldn’t. Over the years, it had become natural, I considered Rob’s parents as my second parents. I’m sure Rob’s mother tried to make the situation better by talking to my mother but after a while, it probably became an understanding. My mum would let me slip out of the house, leaving me in the care of someone else. That way she knew I was safe and my dad was just happy that I wasn’t home most of the time. He didn’t have to bother with me.

So I spent most of my childhood’s nights sleeping in my best friend’s bed. I always went back home after school, after all it was my house, it was where I was supposed to be, but after dinner, there was always something that would make me want to escape and I often found myself knocking at my neighbour’s door, hoping they would let me stay with them one more time.

It was during one of those nights that my relationship with Rob suddenly changed.

We were eighteen and about to graduate from high school. We had had a pretty long and hard day at school. We had lots of homework to do, and that day, I didn’t even bother going home. We just left school and went to his place and up to his room.

When we came in the room, instead of studying, I started going through the new NME magazine that his mother had just bought for him. We just loved talking about music, the bands we admired, the songs we loved. He was also very musical and played the guitar so I often played with him when we hung out together, showed him the melodies I had come up with, and so, we had started writing songs together. He was the only one who knew I was writing lyrics, and he was always supportive and admirative of what I was doing, always telling me I had an incredible talent for it, and that if we ever were to become successful, they would have me to thank.

I had a good voice too, and I loved singing, but so did Rob.

He was, however, a lot more more confident than I was. I didn’t mind singing behind closed doors, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it in front of an audience. So, whenever we played music with our friends, he would be the one singing. He was definitely the one who put the most energy and passion into that. He was so good, and it gave him an opportunity to show off, which he just loved to do.

We usually learned how to play songs from the rolling stones, the beatles, Queen, The eagles, Don Mclean, Elvis, Bob Dylan and more especially U2. We were huge fans of them. They were our inspiration.

And most of the time, as we played together, it just sort of happened, just like that, a brand new melody coming out of nowhere. Well it was coming from us, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like it was coming from another place, the songs sort of wrote themselves, and it was an amazing feeling. We were so thrilled to be able to do that! It was nothing extraordinary but it was a very good start. The most important part to me was that we all really loved doing it. We had spent hours in Damon’s garage, because that was where the Drums were, and when we began to realize that we could come up with sounds of our own, it all started to become really exciting.

So Damon was definitely sticking to the drums. He didn’t have a very strong body and he was quite thin, but somehow, he managed to hit the drums with so much energy and enthusiasm that he had convinced us very early on that he was supposed to be the drummer.

Whenever I wasn’t, Dylan was playing the piano, I was almost always playing the guitar now, except when I was writing songs, I felt more comfortable starting to find a melody on the piano. Otherwise, I was playing electric or acoustic guitar, and Rob was too if we needed both, and Jordan was playing the bass.

Rachel was our groupie, telling everyone how good we were, making sure people would come and watch us play whenever we performed live in pubs and bars. She was so funny. I think she just wanted to make her friends jealous because she was friend with us and they weren’t.

I remember one day in school, she came up to me went,

“Hon, you gotta hug me like right now and kiss me, make it look like you care! because there’s this girl over there who doesn’t believe me when I tell her that we’re dating. she really likes you and she keeps asking me questions about you so I didn’t tell her anything and it pissed her off! so I just want to make her so jealous! she’s so into you!”

“You’re mean, you know that!” I just told her, but did it anyway! I sort of liked her twisted mind!

Anyway, I was still sitting on Rob’s bed when I heard my dad scream from downstairs.

“Mark, if you’re in here, you’d better come home right now”

“Shit!” I said, looking at Rob and standing up in a flash.

We both went down the stairs, and as soon as I was close enough to him, he roughly grabbed my arm and threw me out the door.

“Hey, leave him the fuck alone” Rob screamed at my dad, as I passed by him again and went back inside, as there was no way I was going to follow him home and do as I was told, and Rob knew that.

“Excuse me?” He asked him back with an angry voice, looking at Rob straight in the eye.

“I said, leave him the fuck alone!” Rob repeated with confidence, not breaking eye contact. He had deep green eyes, and he could definitely talk with his eyes, there was a light in them, and as he looked straight at my father’s at that moment, he made him hesitate.

“We were studying, we have exams next week so whatever you want him to do for you tonight, it’s not gonna happen”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah! You know, we’re 18 now, and soon, trust me, he’s out of your life forever”

My father just laughed “good luck with that! Why don’t you try to find yourself a job first. Now, let’s go Mark! We’re leaving, we’re invited.”

“I don’t wanna go, I’ve got better things to do!” I said to him angrily.

“NOW!” he yelled, and pushed Rob away. But Rob fought back, pushing him out the door.

“He’s not coming with you” Rob added, with a determined tone of voice.

“What’s going on?” We heard Rob’s mother say, as she was just getting home from work.

“Jane, can you please tell your son to respect his elders.”

“That’s ok James, Mark can stay here tonight, they need to study”

“Like that’s gonna make them smarter!” he told her nastily. He looked at me, “Fine, you’ll get to explain to your mother why you didn’t come with us, I didn’t want you around anyway!” and he left.

I shood my head at what he had told me and turned to Rob’s mother

“Thanks Jane, I have a feeling I would have received a few punches tonight.”

She sighed. “I’m sorry he’s doing this to you.” and she came over to me and gave me a hug.

“Come on, you two, go back upstairs and study, I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

We nodded and walked up the stairs.

” Fuck, I hate him » I said, as I entered Rob’s room. I can’t believe you stood up to him like that” I told him, quite impressed.

“I can’t stand this anymore. We’re 18. He can’t treat you like that. This has got to stop. You’re staying here from now on, and when we make enough money, you can just leave and never go back!”

“If only that was true!”

“It can be! It will be!” he said with confidence in his voice. And he wrapped his arms around my back and hugged me tight against him.

“What gives him the right to treat you like that, this isn’t fair! You don’t deserve this.” he said with emotion in his voice.

I hugged him back and as usual, it felt comfortable, I felt protected and safe. It lasted a bit too long and I started to pull back, wondering why he wasn’t letting go. He looked at me in the eyes, but quickly looked away, as if he was afraid of something, and he let go of me.

“Well, come on, let’s study a little and prove your asshole of a father wrong.”

We did study, and I stayed with Rob’s family again that night. We were all very silent during dinner, and we just talked about the upcoming exams.

Everytime I looked at Rob, I noticed him watching me and when my eyes met his gaze, he looked right into me and smiled, letting me know he was there for me. He had a killer smile, it made me feel so much better every time he smiled at me, no matter the problems I had at home, he could just smile at me and the look of happiness on his face would take all of my worries away.

I could see real understanding and care when he looked at me. He had such great eyes, as I said, they were mainly green but there were different shades in them, and it changed according to his mood, or the light. He really had this capacity to talk with his eyes, you could read his emotions and feelings just by looking into them. It gave him charisma and confidence. Which was the reason why we had all agreed that, despite the fact that he could sing and had a great voice, he had also the personality to be the singer. People were drawn to him.

I think he was just a born entertainer. He was great to hang out with. He could make people laugh really easily and he loved being the center of attention. You could never get bored with him. He always had those wild ideas about what to do to entertain ourselves and I gotta say, it got us into trouble more than once. Jordan was a lot like that too. He was the kind of guy who’s always joking around but in a smart way, if you know what I mean. He was popular at school. All the girls were drooling all over him. Well to be honest, they were drooling over me too, but Rob, I don’t know he made them laugh, and he was just so nice and sweet with everyone. He always thought of other people before he thought of himself. He just had this capacity to love and show emotions. When we were together, the attention was definitely more directed toward him than me. I’m sure it also had something to do with his eyes. I’m telling you, you could see his soul in those eyes. Girls were attracted to them like a moth to a flame.


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