Visiting the CEO Ch. 02

A gay story: Visiting the CEO Ch. 02

I sat outside of the drive to the house I had been asked to go to. I didn’t know who owned it, but my boss, Mr. Roberts, had given the address to me and asked me to be there by 7. It was quarter to 7 right now.

I had received an email yesterday, at work, written to my work email address. I didn’t recognize the sender, and I saw there was an attachment to the email. We had been told countless times that we were not allowed to open spam emails at work. I had never received a “spam” email at work before, but I remembered the admonishment. I deleted the email, and moved onto the next. I did remember the subject line of the email: You need to see this!

Mr. Roberts called me into his office after business hours yesterday. Apparently, someone in IT had seen the email as well, and sent the attachment to the CEO. The attachment was a video of a party that I went to the previous evening. In that video, I was blindfolded, fucked by three guys (only 2 of whom I knew), fisted (I had never experienced this before) and finally all 3 guys came on my face. Even though I assured Mr. Roberts that I didn’t open the email, or the attachment, nor did I know that everything was being videotaped, my boss scolded me about having something like this in the office email system.

Mr. Roberts assured me that my job was not on the line because of this, then he handed me a piece of paper with an address and asked me to be there.

I waited a few more minutes and drove up to the front door. It was a rather large house with a circular drive. I parked in front of the door and went up and rang the bell. When the door opened, Mr. Roberts was standing there. I always thought he was a handsome man, especially in the tailored suits that he wore around the office. Mr. Roberts was about 6’1″ and slender, maybe 175(?). I was guessing his age to be in his 40s. In his polo shirt, I could see some dark hairs on his chest. In contrast, I was 5’8 and 135, and 24 years old.

“Hello, Jack. Thank you for coming tonight.” He escorted me in and led me into his office, just to the right of the door. “Would you like a drink, Jack? Vodka and tonic? Please have a seat.” He pointed to a couch at the side of the room. I wondered how he knew vodka and tonic was my drink of choice.

“Thank you, Sir. That would be nice.” I was hoping it would also settle my nerves down.

Mr. Roberts walked to his desk and pressed a button on what I assumed was an intercom. “Would you bring us a drink? My guest will have a vodka and tonic.” Apparently, he didn’t need to tell the other person what he was drinking.

Mr. Roberts walked over and took a seat in a chair next to where I was sitting. Then he said, “I’m going to be up front with you, Jack. The third guy in the video that you saw yesterday was me.”

That got my attention.

“I want to tell you that I enjoyed that evening, and I’m hoping that you did as well.”

Just then, Jeff, Mr. Robert’s assistant at work, walked in with a tray with 3 drinks on it. Jeff was dressed like a Chippendales dancer, bow tie and all. If Jeff came up to me in a bar, I would definitely be interested in hearing what he had to say. The jockstrap he was wearing was showing a nice sized bulge. Jeff handed me my drink first, then gave a glass to Mr. Roberts (I was guessing it was straight whiskey of some sort) and finally took the third glass, set down the tray and sat on the other end of the couch.

Mr. Roberts took a sip of his drink and then said, “Did you enjoy that evening, Jack?”

Truthfully, after watching that video yesterday, and reliving those scenes in my head last night, I was in no doubt about how I was going to answer this. “Yes Sir, although I’ve never been fisted before. I’m still not sure how I feel about that.”

“Good. An honest answer. Thank you for that.”

Mr. Roberts took another sip, and I did the same. Jeff was remaining quiet and I looked over at him. I saw no hair on his well defined chest and 6 pack abs. I was guessing that Jeff was about 5’10” and maybe 180 pounds of muscle. Jeff smiled at me.

“Do you like the outfit that Jeff is wearing, Jack?”

I turned back to look at Mr. Roberts. “Yes Sir. He looks like he could actually be one of those dancers.”

Mr. Roberts smiled. “I agree. He does have a marvelous body. I would like to see you in a similar outfit. Would that interest you?”

I looked back over at Jeff. There was no way that I could look like that. While I was smooth on the chest and abs, I didn’t have the muscle development that Jeff has. This time, I took a good swallow of my drink and looked back to Mr. Roberts. “I could never look like that, Sir.”

Mr. Roberts chuckled, and for the first time Jeff spoke. “Thank you, Jack.”

I glanced back to Jeff and smiled at him. Mr. Roberts then said, “Well, never is a long time Jack. We would have to see about that, but I would still be interested in seeing you in that outfit. I’m having a small get together tonight, and was hoping that you could help serve drinks to me and my guests, and if you agree to do so, I would like you to wear an outfit like that.”

Memories of Thursday night came back to me. “Just serve drinks, Sir?”

“That is entirely up to you. All of my guests this evening will be gentlemen that are influential in local business. Many, but not all of them may wish more services than just drinks. If you agree to any additional services, that is entirely up to you.”

“So, if I say no, it means no? And it doesn’t affect my job?”

“Definitely. The fact that you work for my company is only a coincidence. If I hadn’t recognized you as one of my employees, I would’ve approached you myself instead of sending David to contact you.”

“You know Dave?”

“I’m sorry. I thought that once I told you that I was the third guy in that video, you would’ve known that I know David. He is my nephew.”

I swallowed the rest of my drink. Jeff said, “Would you like another drink, Jack?”

I thought about that. I had abstained from eating before coming here, uncertain about what would be happening. More alcohol might not be the best thing right now. “Could I have a water?”

Jeff set his drink down and hustled out of the room. He returned shortly with a bottled water, chilled, and an empty glass with ice. He opened the bottle and poured some water over the ice, then handed the glass to me.

Mr. Roberts then said to me, “You’ll be paid $500 for your services tonight, Jack.”

That stopped me in the middle of my sip. I lowered the glass. “So, I’ll be a prostitute?”

Mr. Roberts expression didn’t change at all. “No. You’ll be paid for your services as a waiter, although if you decide on additional services, I wouldn’t be surprised if the gentleman leaves a tip for you.”

Since my girlfriend left me, I had been struggling to make my rent payments in addition to paying my other bills. My car was 10 years old and may not last much longer. I could definitely use the extra money. I was barely hanging on.

“I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do.”

Mr. Roberts smile was back. “Of course not. You’re not my slave, you’re an employee, although all transactions tonight will be cash, so you won’t get a w-2 at the end of the year, nor a 1099. Now, if you agree, Jeff will take you and help you get ready. My guests will be arriving about 9.”

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