Visiting the CEO Ch. 02


“Thank you, Sir.” I stood up and looked to Jeff, who stood up and told me to follow him. He led me up stairs to a large bedroom. “You can put your clothes on the bed. Did you clean yourself out before you came here?”

“Well, I didn’t know what I was going to be doing, but, yes, I did.”

As I removed my underwear, Jeff said. “We’ll have to shave you. Follow me.”

Jeff led me into an ensuite bathroom that was as big as my bedroom and bath combined. He proceeded to remove my pubic hair and the hair under my arms. He checked my ass and legs and said that I was good. While he was shaving me, he said, “I enjoyed that video, Jack. Paul has given me a longer copy on a memory stick for you, if you would like it.”


“That’s Mr. Roberts. He allows me to call him Paul outside of the office, but at least for the time being, you should be calling him Mr. Roberts, or Sir.”

“Ok. Yes, I would like that video. It kept running through my head last night.”

Jeff stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. He was smiling. “I would enjoy an evening with you sometime, Jack. I love fucking twinks.”

“You’re a top?”

“For the parties, I’m versatile. Some of these guys love the feeling of a big dick breeching their asses.”

So the bulge that I noticed in his jockstrap was real. “Let me know when you’re free. I think that I would enjoy an evening with you as well.”

Jeff looked up from his work and smiled. Then he lifted himself up so that he could give me a peck on the lips.

After he finished shaving me, he had me get in the shower to rinse off. We returned to the bedroom, asked me my waist size, then found my uniform. “Did you eat before you came over?”

“No. I was too nervous, and again I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

Jeff walked to a telephone on the night stand and pushed a couple of buttons. “Could you bring a milkshake up here?” He looked to me and asked if I wanted chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. He received my answer and relayed it to the party on the other end of the line.

As I got dressed, Jeff told me about what to expect. “There will be 20 to 30 guests, and besides you and me, there will be 3 or 4 more servers. There will be hors d’oeuvres, and you’ll walk around with them on a tray. If the guest asks for a refill on a drink, you will get that for him.”

“No women?”

“Not tonight, or at least, I don’t think so. Some of the guys do bring their wives along occasionally. They like to live out cuckhold fantasies. If there are any women, I can guarantee they will be hot.”

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and a young lady walked in with my milk shake. “Jack. This is one of the kitchen staff. Her name is Karen. There will be several people in the kitchen tonight. If one of the guests requests something from the kitchen, find Karen and she will get it taken care of.”

Karen smiled at me and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” She handed the milkshake to me and said, “Let me know if you need anything else.”

Jeff said. “You parked out front?”

I nodded. Jeff asked me for my keys and gave them to Karen, explaining that someone would pull the car around back and the keys would be in the kitchen when I was ready to leave. Karen took the keys and left.

I took a drink of the shake and asked, “Are there any female servers?”

Jeff simply replied, “No.”

Jeff pointed at a couple of chairs by a window, and we sat down. “I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these guys wants you to go home with him tonight. That is entirely up to you. Also, they may ask for your phone number, so that they can get together with you later. If they ask you to go home with them, let Paul know about it. Whether you go or not, is up to you. If they ask for your phone number, let them know that they will have to contact you through Paul. The party will probably last until 1 or so. If you’re going home with one of the guests before that time, find Paul or me to let us know.”

When I indicated that I was done with the shake, Jeff walked me down to the kitchen and showed me where I could pick my keys up at the end of the night. On the way to the kitchen, we ran into a black guy, Jamal, who would be another server. Jeff introduced us, and as we continued, he explained that Jamal was very popular with the guests that were looking to bottom.

After the kitchen, Jeff brought me out to the main room. He introduced me to the bartender and as they arrived, the other servers. The other 3, Pete, Jim and Tony were all similar to Jeff or me, although I was the shortest of the bunch.

Jeff said the guests would be arriving shortly and all of us servers went to the front door. “You are to answer the door, introduce yourself and show them to the main room. If you decide to accept any offers for extra services for the evening, you can use the bedroom in which you changed. I’ll leave it up to you whether you shower before returning downstairs. There will be someone in the hall to make up the bed in case you should need it again. They’ll be watching for you to leave. Most importantly, enjoy yourself. Watch the others as they greet the guests and you will understand what you need to do.”

We only had to wait 5 minutes before the bell was rung. There were two gentlemen at the door when it was opened. Jamal was the first in line.

“Hello Mr. Johnson, Mr. Carson. It’s good to see the two of you again.”

“Jamal. It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

As Jamal was closing the door, I noticed one of the men looking directly at me. Jamal led them towards the main room.

I was last in the line to greet the door, and as I was waiting, Jamal returned. “Jeff asked me to tell you to take 2 turns through the greeting line, then stay with him. He will walk you through the server duties. Mr. Johnson is already asking about you, just to let you know.”

“Am I allowed to know what he was asking about?”

“I’m sure that he’ll let you know soon enough.”

Soon it was my turn at the door. When I opened it, a tall, slender gentleman, that I’m guessing was in his 50s was at the door. “Good evening, Sir. My name is Jack. I’ll escort you back to the party.”

A big smile came across his face. He stepped in side, and introduced himself. “Hello Jack. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Alex Patterson.”

“If you’ll follow me, Mr. Patterson, I will show you the way.”

It wasn’t a long walk, but Mr. Patterson verified that I was new. I escorted him to the bar and he ordered his drink. Jeff walked up with some finger food, and asked me to return to the door. As I was walking away, I heard Mr. Patterson say to Jeff, “Nice looking young man. Is he available this evening?”

I did not hear Jeff’s reply, but I would find out later that he was told that he would have to ask me once the party got fully under way.

The second gentleman that I greeted was a large, black man. He must’ve been 6’5″. I couldn’t guess his weight. He wasn’t ripped, but he wasn’t fat either. His name was Carter Jenkins. I recognized that name. If it was the same person, he was a professional football player (now retired) from our local team.

“Please follow me, Mr. Jenkins.”


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