3 men 1 boy – Chap 3


xxx gay stories: 3 men 1 boy – Chap 3

Third part, my favourite so far. (Read parts 1 and 2 to have a better understanding of whats happening)

I slowly started to wake up, my mind started to awaken yet my body was strangely tired, I could feel my bed sheet under my body, and I could hear sounds coming from downstairs. I didn’t feel like opening my eyes, what an amazing dream I had just had, even though I thought I was straight that dream convinced me I wasn’t. As I lay there naked, I couldn’t believe how much of a perverted dream I had, three grown men, having their way with me. And yet I felt sad that it was over. I slowly came to starting to stretch, waking up from my tired, exhausted, orgasm drained body. I felt the bed sheet caress my naked bum and my blanket tickling my wiener. Wait, I was naked, I never sleep naked,

“oh my god,” I thought to myself “what if I took my clothes off while I was dreaming! My father would belt me black and blue!”

I jolted awake in fear, as I sat up and my eyes adapted to the new surroundings I realised I wasn’t in my room. I was in some little girls room, there was pinkness and teddy bears and barbies everywhere, and little dresses with frilly edges. Now I was confused. Where was I?

I could still hear talking from downstairs, maybe I was asleep and my dad took me to his friends house? But then why was I naked. I sat there for at least 10 minutes figuring out what to do. I realised that the longer I wait the more chance that someone would come up to wake me, then they would see me naked! I knew I had no choice, I had to put some clothes on immediately, I didn’t know which one to pick they were all girly clothes. But I had no choice, I grabbed the nearest clothes, it was a black skirt that was very short, given the lack of my underwear, people would see everything if I bent over.

I got rid of it and put on some black shorts, but they were short shorts, they only came up to my tiny testicles, at least they covered them I thought, I had no choice. I grabbed a pink top with a hello kitty on the front. It fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror, and was surprised to see a little girl. Except for my neck length hair which was messy I looked like a proper diva.

My god I thought, this is embarrassing. My bubble bum, looked like it would rip through the fabric, and looked sexy, but if I was a women. I didn’t want to prolong the terror anymore so I apprehensively walked out. By this time the talking had stopped and the TV was on. As I walked outside my room I almost gasped at the beauty of this house, it was almost a mansion, with wooden floors and a beautiful olden day touch to it. I went to the stairs and ignored all the other rooms, as I walked down the stairs I reached still couldn’t hear the talking just the TV so I figured my dad must’ve been watching TV with his friends. I walked to the edge of the room and apprehensively took a step into the Tv room.

I had my eyes closed expecting either laughter or a smack, I got neither, so I slowly opened my eyes, in front of me sat three 3 men of my literal dreams, My principal, Mr Martin and Robert the janitor. And they were all staring at me with gobsmacked expressions. It then hit me, these men must have brought me to one of their houses. I looked at the time for the first time and saw it was 11pm. My dad would be angry that I’m late I thought.

“wow Andrew you look gorgeous babe” I heard the janitor say,

I blushed with embarrassment, and strangely a sense of pride, my thoughts went straight to his dick, my first dick, I loved it. his was so beautiful, strong and delicious, I subconsciously started to push my ass out. The principal was looking at me with joy, and Mr Martin looked like he was gonna jump out of his couch and just swallow me whole. After a few minutes of awkward silence the Principal spoke

“well Andrew, let me tell you what’s going on, right now your dad thinks we have taken you and your entire grade to the camp that you forgot to pay for. You dad was kind enough to drop off all your things,” gesturing to my camping bag laying in the corner of the room “your other school friends actually are going to camp for the next 5 days, and we told them you cant make it. Coincidentally Mr Martin just informed me he was feeling ill, so we sent the students with a substitute. Basically you are here for the next 5 days.”

I understood what was happening, the punishment that I should’ve received in school ended up being enjoyable, so to properly punish me they decided to bring me to their house. I was scared, but I was more glad that they didn’t tell my father what had happened.

Then the Janitor spoke to me saying “I hope that you liked what happened yesterday…I know we really did, we really want u to be happy babe, we aren’t going to hurt you too much and hopefully you will learn more things from us”

I looked at the Janitors face and realised I really really liked this man, his scraggly beard and messy hair, he was always so nice to me. But most of all I loved his dick, I really really loved it. maybe I thought, maybe I loved him?

“Did u like it yesterday?” Mr Martin asked “or did u just do what u had to so you could get out of trouble?”

I didn’t know what to say, I felt like he knew the answer but he wanted me to say it, I couldn’t though. It was embarrassing. I looked down I shame and blushed more.

“did u Andrew?” asked the Principal in his confident deep voice, that reflected his large cock size, him and his dick scared me. I nodded shyly, my feet twisting on the floor in shame.

“Speak” he boomed “look at me while I speak to you”

“y-y-y-esss sir,” I stammered as I looked up at him “I did”

He smiled, and my fear disappeared, “good boy, good boy”

I was happier now, except when I saw Mr Martins face, he looked at me like he was sneering, like he was happy that I liked it but also kinda upset by it. I flashed him a hesitant smile, and he smiled back.

“what was you favourite part?” asked the Janitor

I felt butterflies in my stomach, I felt like a girl with a crush, I was so embarrassed to tell him, but I didn’t wanna make the Principal mad. So I said “I liked everything,” I looked at the principal said “I liked it when u were kissing me and touching my bum, and I loved it when you put my whole thingy in your mouth.” I looked at Mr Matrtin and said “I liked it when you squirted on my face and then u came and kissed me, and licked all the sperm and put it in my mouth” Mr Martin finally smiled, he was happy, thank god. “ I looked at the janitor, my voice started to crack and I could feel myself start to sweat with nervousness and said “I liked it when, when were cleaning my bum.. and stuff”

“But what was your favourite baby?” the janitor asked again

I honestly didn’t know what to say, I tried stammer out an answer but his eyes were locked on mine and I couldn’t think straight. He helped me out though, “why don’t u come and sit on my lap honey” I almost ran to him.

He picked me up and put me on his leg, he put his arm around me and one on my thigh, I could see the Principal and Mr Martin smiling, a bit jealously I might add.

“what did u like babe?” he asked

I looked down at my hands as I could feel all the eyes in the room staring at me and whispered “I liked sucking you, that was my favourite” the room was quiet, I looked up and saw everyone smiling at me. “oh baby”, said the janitor “I loved that too”.

The principal then spoke again, “well Andrew, I think you will love it here then..

When I asked what they wanted this is what he told me “andrew you are going to be our bitch, not the rude bitch, the type of bitch that is very lucky. You will live with us in our house, and you will have everything you could ever want. Food, toys, games, your own TV, your own special room and everything. In return, all u have to do, is enjoy yourself.”

“How do I enjoy myself sir?” I asked, the idea sounded amazing.

“up until now what was the best time you had in your life?” he asked

I blushed again “yesterday” I whispered

“well then, all you have to do, is what you loved doing, because by doing that, you made us all very very happy indeed, so we won’t punish you. Its a fair deal, you keep us happy, we keep you happy. You can never say no to us, That’s the type of bitch we want you to be, are you ok with that?”

I didn’t even think about it for a second, I got food, toys everything I could ask for. And in return I got to taste delicious penis? Why would I say no?

“yes sir, please sir” I was smiling so happily now. This was the happiest day of my life. “I want to be your bitch sir”

“Well then lets begin” said Mr Martin, everyone started to take of their clothes so I hopped off the janitor and started taking mine of too. Once everyone was naked the Janitor grabbed me and pulled me down onto him, he lay on his back, on the floor and made my lie on my back on his tummy. As I lay there he started to touch my already hard penis, and slowly wank it with his thumb and one finger.

I started to feel really happy and nice. Then I saw mr martin on his knees near mine and the Janitors head, his 6 inch cut dick waving in front of our faces. Then I felt the principal lift my legs up off the janitor and spread them, then a familiar sensation of tongue was licking my bum hole while the janitor was still wanking. The janitor whispered to put Mr Martins dick in his mouth and wank it so I grabbed his dick and lead it to The Janitors mouth.

I have to tell you the feeling was really amazing, the janitor was molesting my small package as I lay on his stomach, the fat principals tongue kept washing my bum hole sending chills down my spine each time, in my right hand I was holding Mr martins dick and wanking it as the Janitor was sucking on it. I can’t explain how amazing I felt, how complete, I was their bitch and I loved it, I would do it forever if they would let me.

Unfortunately the stupid phone rang, my poor bum hole stopped getting licked and I was quite upset, then to make matters worse the other two stopped to allow the Principal to pick up the phone. We lay there quite still as the Principal sighed and muttered on the phone. He seemed quite annoyed, then when he came back he said to the Janitor “Richard we have to go, some stupid kid has cracked his head at school.

I gotta go do the paper work, and I will need u to clean up. Martian u can stay here with the boy, try not to tire him out before we get back, ok?” he winked as he was putting his clothes on. The Janitor got up and I could see him sporting a massive erection, I was scared he would be annoyed but he just picked me up in his arms and gave me a big long kiss as he held me. It was then that I decided that I did actually love this man, I felt butterflies every time he kissed me or touched me. I couldn’t wait for him to get back. “see ya soon babe” he said with a wink. And then they left.

After a moments pause I heard a small cough it was my Maths teacher Mr Martin, “what u thinking about Andrew?” he asked “Richard? Right?” I blushed, it seemed no point denying it now, I just blushed and nodded, when I looked up I saw a flash of anger cross his face for a mlli second, I got kinda nervous, ever since I sucked the Janitors dick yesterday Mr Martin seemed a bit off. “go upstairs, in the bathroom u will find a pink bikini, wear it and come down. Run. I don’t want to wait” he commanded. I was quite nervous at this stage but I quickly did as he was told. When I came down Mr martin was sitting on the sofa legs wide open, his 6” cut dick standing tall.

“fuck u look sexy” he whispered, I must have I thought, the pink bikini was just a childs bra and a pink G-string, you could see my balls sicking out and only my bum crack was covered. Unwittingly my penis started to get hard as I watched my teacher molest me with his eyes. As my penis slowly started getting harder it plopped out the side of g-string and my whole package became visible.

It was very exciting, I knew Mr martin would want to suck me and I would get to suck him too. My penis flopping out seemed to be exactly what he wanted to see cause he got up from the sofa and came to me, then he dropped to his knees so we were the same height. I looked at his face expecting a kiss, but instead my blood ran cold, he was really angry. Then he started talking with so much hatred “look bitch” he spat “I am the one whose class you missed, I was the one who told the Principal not to punish you, I am the reason that your having so much damn fun. So how fucken dare you like the Janitor more then me?!”

I didn’t know how to answer so he grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pulled back until my cried out in pain. But as soon as I did his mouth covered mine and he started sucking my lips and tongue into his while at the same time poking his tongue into mine. He did this for a few seconds before I realised I should probably make him think I liked him better, so I started kissing him back, he seemed to like that cause he let go of my hair and instead grabbed my ass cheeks.

He pulled his face away from mine and whispered “imma teach u a lesson u bitch” and pushed me hard. I stumbled backwards and fel on my ass, luckily there was a pillow under it. but as I lay sitting there Mr martin started crawling towards me, his dick flicking up and down, he looked like a leopard stalking a baby deer. When he got to me he pushed my down until I was laying down on my back, ass still on the pillow. He tongue fucked my mouth again and yet again to make him happy I wrapped my arms around his neck to make him think I was enjoying this.

But he didn’t care about me anymore, he pulled away and went down to my dick, I raised my head a bit to see him smirking, my dick was actually hard….was I enjoying this? Then suddenly mouth open teeth showing he swallowed my dick, I flinched thinking he was gonna bite, but he didn’t. He did however suck my dick and balls so hard I thought my ass was moving up off the pillow each time. It was painful, yet strangely pleasant as well. He kept at it until my balls started getting sore, I still said nothing too scared of his wrath.

Then he quickly picked me up and flipped me on my hands and knees, I knew he would rim me, I was kinda looking forward to it, except I didn’t know how it would feel with someone who was angry eating my young asshole out. I needn’t have worried it felt great, perhaps because of how horny I was before the Principal left maybe cause of the hormones, but my bum hole loved how roughly Mr Martin licked my hole, up down around, sometimes poking inside it, slowly I felt my bum hole open a bit.

Then I heard spitting and felt wetness against my ass hole, yuck I thought I have spit in my bum hole, yet each time Mr martian spat, my penis would twitch more and more. Then very quickly, and a bit painfully I might add, a finger shot up my ass, my bum hole clenched immediately and it hurting, but he didn’t care he kept pushing it in and out as my bum hole felt like it was burning. But thankfully I soon started to relax, when I felt some more spit hitting my ass hole. It felt better now, but it didn’t last. Quite suddenly my poor hole felt like it had been shredded, mr Martin had shoved another finger in there, this time it was so tight around his fingers he could barely push it in and out.

So he kept spitting and rubbing, I felt like it went on for hours, yet it couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes, everytime he pushed in and out I could feel my penis flopping, no longer hard. Then mr martin twisted his fingers inside my bum and cured his fingers in a bit, he rubbed something inside my bum, and I felt my penis dribble, he did it again and my penis started getting harder, I didn’t like it, but it felt nice. “found it” he said menacingly “fucken slut aren’t you?” then he rapidly stroked this bump in my bum (I found out later this was my prostate), my penis shot up and I thought I would orgasm soon.

But Mr Martin pulled his fingers out of my ass, my anus twitched a bit, however it didn’t close, I could feel a pleasant coolness from the air touching my sphincter. I heard 3 more spitting noises as mr martin filled my hole with his spit, I arched my ass and lowered my head as far as the floor in anticipation of more prostate rubbing.

I heard more spitting but this time nothing hit my ass. Mr Martin then came up behind me, he grabbed the back of my hair again and pulled it up, then he put hi other hand on the idle of my back pushing it down, my back was arched like a “U” shape, thank god for gymnastics, otherwise this would hurt. My ass still the air suddenly felt a bit of pressure, the object felt about as thick as my two finger, but before I had time realise what it was Mr martin pushed against my hole and it slipped right in.

About three inches, it didn’t hurt as much as i thought it would, I think cause Mr Martins dick was not as thick as his two fingers. But it felt full, like it was meant to be there, I was so happy it didn’t hurt. Mr Martin then pulled nearly out pulled my hair and said “you ready for this bitch?” but before I could answer, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed his dick all this way into my rectum. It felt amazing, Mr martins dick grazed my prostate and my rock solid penis leaked precum.

I moaned in pleasure, “that’s what I thought slut” said Mr Martin, “fucken hurts aye you whore” then Mr Martin started fucking me hand gripping my waist he started fucking my hard and fast, as I moaned in pleasure I couldn’t help but push my ass back. Mr Martin on the other hand seemed to think I was hurting, I didn’t want to tell him how much I was loving this. He seemed to love it too, then as he kept fucking me I could not take it much longer and my dick started to throb as it kept getting swung up and down slapping my stomach and Mr Martins balls.

Soon I heard Mr Martin shout “fuck im gonna cum bitch, imma cum in your little boy pussy” I could no longer handle myself and as his penis pushed my prostate I yelled out in what Mr Martin must have thought was pain, and started to orgasm, my legs started to shake my sperm started flying through the air splashing onto the carpet my chest. Hearing my moans of pleasure mr Martin started to cum inside me, his jets of warm cum filing my anus the extra warmth making me cum harder, as I cummed I could feel my anus milking his dick, forcing him to cum harder.

As I finished cumming Mr martins legs gave way and we both fell to the floor, his massive weight crushing me, but thankfully he hugged me to him and turned around, now I was laying on my back on his stomach as he had his back to the floor and his still hard dick in my ass. I squatted on Mr Martin and still with his dick inside me I rotated so that I was facing him now, Mr Martin saw me penis and the sperm all over it, he realised that instead of causeing me pain, he made me cum. He started to get angry again, when his now semi hard almost flaccid penis started slipping out of my ass, this must have felt good as it momentarily distracted him.

I needed to make him like me again I thought to myself. As I moved a bit to allow the head of his dick to also slip out, I felt a bunch of seamen and spit and cum literally just splash out of my penis onto his now flaccid dick. Taking this momentary distraction, I sat back down on his now completely wet, messy, cum covered dick and wiggled a bit, the sensitivity made sit up and grab my ass sliding me to his stomach. I quickly put straddled my teacher and put my arms around his neck.

I looked deep into his eyes, and kissed his lightly on the lips, his anger seemed to dissipate. Still looking at him I said “Thank you so much sir, that was amazing, you made me feel so good and sexy, I cant believe I came without touching my pee pee at all. Your penis felt so good in my bum I want to keep it there.” Then giving him my best puppy dog eyes I said “I love you so much, can u please put your big dick in my bum please?”

Mr Martin looked at me and said, “I knew you would like that, you are just my little slut aren’t you babe?” then started kissing me slowly, deeply and passionately, while holding my face gently in his hand while his other hand started putting a finger into my bum again. Thank god I thought it worked, he not angry anymore, but just to make sure I said “let me make you feel good to Mr Martin” as I got off him and got between his legs. I looked at his cum covered placid penis and in one gulp took it into my mouth….


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3 men 1 boy


xxx gay stories: 3 men 1 boy. Author: dogsex1991. The story is including: Dark Fantasy, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Blackmail, Blowjob, Boy, Coercion, Discipline, Domination/submission, First Time, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Male Domination, Masturbation, Mature, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Reluctance, School, Virginity, Young Genres. A vey naughty boy is punished by his teacher, Principal and Janitor. A story on how they robbed my innocence.

xxx gay stories: 3 men 1 boy – Chap 1

Author: dogsex1991

My name is Andrew, I go to St Andrews Catholic School, one of the best in my state. My father dishes out $35K for me to be here each year. It was a semi boarding school, basically this means we can go home is we want to any day from Monday to Friday, but we have to go home for the weekends. For this reason most of the kids didn’t live to far away from the place.

It was full of ever so pleasant students and sugary sweet teachers. It made me sick. And bored. I would always be avoiding class, sneaking out after the teacher had marked my name and usually I got away with it, unfortunately this week was not my week.

I just snuck out of class and was in the school gymnasium, I had just been caught doing something bad. I was wanking, I couldn’t help it, honestly. I was a horny kid, I was in year 8, my 13th bday was coming up but already puberty hormones were coursing through my veins, and I got hard over anything. What’s worse was that if I didn’t take care of it I would get blue balls.

So today I had snuck out of Mr Martins algebra class, it was last period anyway and I figured as soon as the bell went he wouldn’t notice. So I headed to the gymnasium, hopped into the janitors closet, and started to wank. Unfortunately, just as I was getting ready to cum the door opened and the janitor walked in. My penis went limp immediately, I was mortified.

The janitor stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes dropped down to my penis and he just turned and walked out. That was 5 minutes ago, I was still in the closet, I didn’t know what to do. Then suddenly

“Andrew Michaels” came a loud voice filling the school with my name, “report to the principal’s office immediately.” My heart dropped, that was the Principal, Mr Phillips. I was screwed, if my dad found out I knew he would take the belt to me. My dad was the pastor for our very ultra conservative church, he did not think twice about corporal punishment.

And in his own words “faggots can be beaten straight, faggots should be beaten straight and faggots will be beaten straight”. He once caned me because I picked up $2 I had found because he considered it cheating. I was shaking thinking of what he would do to me if he found out I was MASTURBATING!!!! But since I had no choice I walked to the principals office, knocked and pushed the door to go in. Just as the school bell rang signalling the end of the day.

As soon as I walked in I knew I was in trouble, sitting behind his desk in his comfortable chair was the principal, mr Phillips, he was 65 year old man, he had a gut, a head that was going bald with only white hair, glasses that went over his blue eyes and a really nice suit on. If it weren’t for his suit though one would’ve thought he was a paedophile.

Standing beside him to his right was Mr Martin, the Maths teacher whose class I had snuck out of, he looked very serious, Mr Martin was a 34 year old man, he was tall and thin, but with nice broad shoulders, he had what one would consider a manly handsome face with just a little stubble. He had brown hair and brown eyes and all the girls had a crush on him.

Lastly there was the janitor, his name was Robert, he was a strange man, hardly ever spoke, he had a short beard that was messy and a messy crop of hair. He was just standing there looking at me with almost a smile in his eyes, like he was glad he caught me.

“sit” said the principal, so I sat down on the small hard chair opposite him. “im sure you know why your here” he continued as my heart started to beat faster and my head started to get moist with sweat. “we have decided that the only course of action is to tell your father, the reason for this is that you broke multiple school rules. First skipping class, second being out of your class with consent, third going to a restricted area, fourth, masturbating”.

I couldn’t contain myself, if they told my father all this I was good as dead, with a small tear in my eye I begged “please don’t tell my Daddy principal, you don’t know how much trouble I would get in, please sir I will never do this again”

I was sure this would work, why wouldn’t it, it always worked before. See I was a very good looking kid. Cute, pretty almost, I had beautiful blonde hair that came down to my eyelashes, green eyes that looked almost as if someone drew them on. My lips were small but round and beautiful, and my nose was small and dainty, I almost looked like a girl, and with longer hair I might have been able to pull it off.

It helped that I had a skinny body and long thin legs. In fact everything about me was small and petite, I was small for my age as well, the only thing not small about me was my bum, that was kinda big, but thank god it had a good shape. The year 12 boys on the showers often told me that I had a “bubble butt”, not sure what that meant but they seemed to like it.

It had a little bit of fat on it but they liked it a lot, once when I was washing myself and dropped the soap, as I bent down to pick it up I felt a tongue run lick me from my scrotum all the way up. It felt good I’m not gonna lie but that’s another story. Another thing I learnt in the showers that like the rest of my body my penis was small, maybe 3 inches fully erect. I didn’t care though because it still felt amazing to touch.

Anyway I thought my looks would pay off, but they didn’t, in fact as I stared at them tears in my beautiful green eyes, I saw the principal give me the same look that janitor gave me earlier, Mr martin also was trying not to smile, and as for the Janitor, he wasn’t even trying to hide his smile.

“hmmmm” said the principal, “we thought u wouldn’t wasn’t us to tell your dad, and we wont” he said as I started to feel incredibly happy, “but u still must be punished right?”

“yes sir” I said, overjoyed I wouldn’t get in trouble with dad “I agree sir, punish me however u like sir, just please don’t tell me dad”.

The principal smiled, “ok Andrew I will, but did u need to listen to every word we say without a second of hesitation, if u hesitate for even a second we will tell your dad immediately, there are no second chances.”

I nodded still happy, I guess I was smiling too cause Mr Martin said “if you listen to us hopefully you will be smiling more”. I didn’t understand what he meant but I didn’t want to show any hesitation so I quickly said “yes sir”.

The principal then got up and said “are u aware that masturbating without orgasming is very dangerous?” I shook my head no. “did you orgasm in the closet?” he asked. Again I shook my head no. He looked at me with a surprised expression, “well do your balls hurt?” he asked. I didn’t realise it then but I did have blue balls and they did hurt a bit. I said yes.

“oh no” said the principal “that’s very bad, that pain happens because your balls are in danger of exploding, u have to orgasm straight away! Quick Robert help him” said the principal.

I was scared, I didn’t want my balls to explode! So when the janitor came to me and started to pull down my shorts and undies I helped him and quickly threw them to the side. But what came next was unexpected. The janitor started to fondle my genitals, very slowly with his fingers, I looked up at the principal who for some reason started to sweat a little, Mr Martin was just staring at my package, and licked his lips.

I figured this was how they would stop my balls from exploding, so I looked at the janitor who by know was on his knees. And he looked so happy, even though his eyes were closed, I could tell by his deep breathing and big smile that he was happy. My dick was fully erect at 3” when I felt the janitor move so that now he was facing my right shoulder, his right hand was molesting my penis and the principal and my teacher were watching, and then I felt his left hand start to caress my bum.

I wont lie it felt…strange, but nice, quite nice. The janitor leaned in and whispered into my ear “u like that boy?” I didn’t know what to say, but I guess he didn’t care cause he answered his own question “of course u do baby” but he said it in almost a moan. I noticed that his left hand was now squeezing and pulling my bum cheeks aside, and he started to rub my butt hole with his finger. Then I felt my penis get wet while he was rubbing me, and realised I really must be enjoying this cause now I was leaking precum.

I felt like I was close to cumming and could feel my balls start to tighten up when the principal started to come around his desk, as he came around I saw a big bulge in his pants and knew he must be really turned on. The principal came around and faced me. His bulge was in my face now as was his gut. He started to breath really hard and went to unzip his pants, I got scared, I think I know what he wanted from me and I really didn’t wanna do it.

His dick popped out and my god was it seemed huge, it was probably about 7” and thick! Very very thick, it was uncut and I could see precum starting to drip from the tip down his shaft. I knew now that he wanted my to suck him, and I felt disgusted and very scared, but he suddenly seemed to change his mind. He dropped to his knees and told the janitor to stop what he was doing, the janitor stopped groping my ass and dick and went back to where he was standing before, I was a little disappointed but it was short lived cause the principals left hand took the place of the janitors as he started to squeeze and pinch and grope my bum, his right hand went up to the back of my head and cupped my head, with his left hand he pulled my ass in closer to him, I felt my hard wet precum dripping dick come in contact with his wet hard precum dripping dick.

As he pulled and pushed my bum cheeks my dick and his rubbed together sending shock waves of pleasure through my body and my legs started shaking. All the while he was staring at me but I couldn’t look at him, I felt so wrong and dirty, but I couldn’t stop feeling so nice, I loved how his precum and mine mingled together and started to drip down my legs.

Then whilst I was enjoying this feeling of adult dick against my 3” pecker, of chubby soft hands molesting my bubble butt, he suddenly pulled my head towards his and kissed me passionately, he did not hold back, his eyes were closed now but mine were open, as I felt his tongue slide into my mouth, I did not enjoy this much at first but I figured it was better then feeling his penis in my mouth. But as he kissed me he must have got really turned on because his penis started to throb and the feeling made me quite horny again.

He stopped molesting my mouth and slowly started kissing my cheek then my ear, then my neck and my collarbone. As he got to my chest his gut wouldn’t let him bend so he pushed me gently until I was sitting down on my bum on the floor of his office, at this point things started to get hazy from all the hormones coursing through my body, but, I remember the janitor came and ripped my shirt off my body and lay me down, whilst he was doing this the principal had removed his clothes and the fat old man was as naked as the day he was born.

As I lay down on my back the principal got on top of me, almost doing a pushup he started to kiss me again, first a quick peck on the lips, he kissed then sucked my cheek, then he ran his tongue from my collarbone to my ear. Then he started kissing my chest and sucking my nipples, each time getting more and more passionate, each time sucking on my skin like for longer and more powerfully, as he got lower and lower his passion seemed to increase, then just as he got to my pubes I realised he was gonna suck, the realisation made me stiffer then every before, I hadn’t realised it but, I was actually moaning and thrusting my pelvis up.

He stopped, just before he got to my dick he stopped and got off me. I was at this point incredibly disappointed. I opened my eyes to look around the room and saw the janitor holding his uncut dick, about the same length as the principals but thinner, and I looked at Mr Martin, he was pantless and slowly stoking his uncut dick, mr Martins dick was smaller, but to me it still seemed huge, about 6” not too thick. The principal then sat naked on his chair and said to the janitor “Robert, your the best cleaner I have ever had, clean this boy, I want to be able to eat off his ass”.

The janitor smiled, “my pleasure” he said

any suggestions guys?

the next one has a lot of kinkiness if u are keen

He then came to me and flipped me onto my front, my erect penis was rubbing against the carpet, and that still felt amazing. As I lay there I imagined what a peculiar sight this would be: a young boy, naked laying face down on the carpet of a Principals room. The principal naked on his seat, a maths teacher stroking his dick and a janitor who just started to clean my body with his tongue.



1 thought on “3 men 1 boy”

  1. Very sexy n hot story !
    Love you ,you skinny tight boy !
    Want to lick your whole body and fuck your skinny and soft ass n lips . love you xxx bitch


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