Ty and Charlie – Part 2

Ty and Charlie – Part 2

Genres: True Story, Blowjob, Boy / Boy, First Time, Gay, Romance, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young

Wow, I am blown away by the positive comments and ratings. All I can say is Thank you!
A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens.

10:09 p.m.

Charlie: hey, whatcha doing

Ty: flipping through netflix for a movie. you?

Charlie: my friend is gone now, feel like chilling?

Ty: of course! where are we going?

Charlie: um….idk, where do you wanna go? can’t stay out too late, but it’d be nice to see you

Ty: ok, yeah it’d be nice to see you for a bit too. how about we just meet up around the park and figure it out after that?

Charlie: Alright see you in a few 🙂

Ty: ok 🙂

A sensory overload of thoughts and heart pounding in my chest were gearing up in me right then also causing my hands to shake. After being with Charlie on that first night, I kept playing everything over and over in my head an inumberable amount of times. Every time I think about his hand on my leg, or holding hands with him, or leaning against him…..look,

I’m not one for the sappy stuff normally but every time, I feel butterflies in my chest. Never have I felt like this about anyone and I don’t know what to do with these feelings and…….ugh shut up Ty, you’re blabbering again. Anyway I quickly ran to find my shoes, throw on my jacket, and grab the keys to my car. A major point of pride to me, I drive a 13 year old, ruby red mustang covertible with only 36 thousand miles.

Among others, one of the first things I learned about Charlie is that we both share a love for cars. Having something I love in common with a guy like that….I’ve watched my parents separate and re-marry and separate their second spouses again so one thing I know without a doubt is aside from having personalities that click, you have to have common interests to have something to spend time on together.

Driving to the park, I once again had a big smile on my face. What can I say, going to see him even for a little bit excited me, my face lights up even when I simply see a text from him. I won’t lie, I was really hoping for more than him just holding my hand this time. Thoughts ran wildly through my head, I’m not ashamed to say that I am a virgin and my knowledge of sex is limited.

I mean, yes I understand the basics but I haven’t been physical with another person before so I wasn’t sure exactly what I could expect. Jarring me from my thoughts was my GPS telling me when to get off the freeway. I’m usually good at directions, but I operate by landmarks more than road signs and it was dark out. Just then my phone dinged also.

Charlie: hey, meet me at the store accross the street. i want to get a drink

Ty: ok, i’m almost there

I pulled up next to him, and gave him a quick hug (I still can’t get over that feeling) before we ran inside. The store was about to close, which I usually hate running in when stores are about to close becasue people run in when I’m at work, right before we shut down for the night and it drives me mad. But we quickly grab something to drink and then Charlie spied a bottle of wine on our way to the checkout.

“Hey look what we have here.” “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “What? It’s half for me and half for you. You aren’t that much of a lightweight are you?” “No, I’m not just, I don’t think we need it do you?” I replied with a questionable look. “We don’t even have a corkscrew and I don’t feel like trying with my teeth”.

“Yeah alright, another time I guess”, he said a little defeated. Trust me, the defeated part didn’t last long for him. Like most people, though I know I am underage, I’ve had a few drinks before. I mistakenly didn’t pace myself one time, ending up with a monster of a hangover on a day my family decided to go on a boat tour in the Virgin Islands, which I did learn from, so I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea and we might end up fooling around without needing to loosen up anyway.

Back outside we jump in his car and start driving around for a little bit. This is where my innocence began to show. We were just driving around chatting and killing time (so I thought). After going down the road a ways he pulls into a subdivision and parks at the far end. “Well I guess this is good”, he started. I was still thinking about the conversation we were having a moment before, completely missing his cue. I finish my train of thought and he leans his hand over to my leg again, this time placing it on my thigh.

My mind stops for a second and I start to get hard quickly. He undoes his seatbelt, then mine. I look at Charlie, he looks back and then goes for it. He leans in and wrapping his arms around my back, pulls me into him, full on kissing me. We keep making out for the next couple of minutes and the next thing I know he has his hand on my dick through my jeans.

I moaned into the seemingly endless kiss we were sharing, caught off guard by the first hand to feel me aside from my own, I just kept kissing him and holding onto him for a minute before I moved my hand down his chest (remember how I said he looked good in that picture? his chest felt awesome!) and onto his dick also.

I usually have other things on my mind than measuring myself when I’m hard, but I guess I am about 7 inches or so. Feeling Charlie through his jeans also now, I know he must be bigger than me, but the car is parked in the dark so I can’t tell. We keep kissing and feeling each other for another minute or so before I made up my mind. Breaking the kiss, I say “maybe we should try the backseat” “yeah Ty lets go!”, he eagerly replied.

We are both pretty tall so even the back seat didn’t turn out to be very spacious with both of us trying to lay on one another. He leans back onto me and I slowly fall back until I am laying down completely with Charlie on top of me. I keep feeling his body and goddamn he really is fit. We begin moving our hands down eachother until he undoes my belt, lifting up my boxers, and placing his hand directly on my dick. I jumped for a second and then simultaneously melted completely at that point.

If someone had knocked on the window of the car to see why it was parked at the end of this neighborhood, I would have kept on going. He started to jerk me off slowly at first and then faster than I had ever done myself. I have to feel him at that point so I undo his belt and place my hand on his cock also, begining to jerk him at the same time.

Then he gets up, leans down onto my torso, and starts sucking me. Cloud nine be damned, this was pure exstacy! I hold on to his head gently while he takes my cock in and out of his mouth. The feeling of his warm mouth on my dick right then was about to make me burst but I held back as best I could for a little longer, I wanted this to last.

He stops after a minute or two and lays back down, jerking and kissing me again. “I’m not going to last much longer!”, I said urgently though it probably sounded very quiet due to my hand jerking his much larger cock indeed and him giving me pure bliss. Before I knew it, he was kissing my neck making me moan audibly. “UGH….FUCK, CHARLIE!!”, I half moaned and yelled into his kiss. I shot I don’t know how many times and froze, but he kept jerking me making shiver uncontrollably.

I then turned my attention to him and jerked him off with all I had. In no time he moaned “I’m close Ty, keep going!” I pumped him fast as I could for another minute. “Keep going…ugh, keep going….FUCK!!”. I thought I blew a lot but he shot everywhere! I leaned into kiss intensely again before we got and found a rag to clean up our mess. I pulled my pants up again and we stepped out of the car to get into the front. I was a little dizzy and stumbled slightly.

Riding back to my car, I couldn’t find any words to say so I just smiled and looked at him. I gave him one more kiss before we parted for the night and looked in his eyes again. “I had a lot of fun, I loved that”, I told him. “So did I! Was that your first time?” “Yeah haha, was it obvious?” “A little, but it’s cute”, he said smiling.

“Thanks for coming.” “Dude you don’t even have to ask, just tell me to shut up and kiss me if I keep talking and miss your cue next time”, I replied laughing. “Haha alright”, he said. We said goodnight and both headed home. I slept like a rock and woke up the next morning with a text from him saying “I had a ton of fun last night, let’s do that again soon ;)”

That’s it for now, Thank You again for the positive reviews and the many “good luck” wishes last time. Let me know what you think in the comments!


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Ty and Charlie

Gay sex stories: Ty and Charlie. Author: gamer19. The story is including True Story, Boy / Boy, Gay, Romance, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Genres. This is a true story and I’m writing it mostly to wrap my head around all the thoughts going through my head.

A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. Just a heads up there isn’t any sex in this one

Gay sex stories: Ty and Charlie

Author: gamer19

For a few months now, I have realized that I am more attracted towards guys than I thought possible. I have had occasional girlfriends in the past but it never really did much for me and maybe it was after the last one I truly began to notice other guys…..she was kind of nuts, like I have noticed most girls are but that’s beside the point.

I had been raised in a religious family and, like most, had been told gays were about the most unholy “affliction” (I’m literally quoting a Sunday school teacher I had once) on the face of the planet. When I turned 14, like all teenagers do, I rebelled against everything my parents wanted me to do and behave and dress and……well, you get the picture.

But that’s probably about the time I started looking outside the sheltered life my parents had thoughtfully designed and, among other things, realized that gays weren’t bad people at all. Some, in fact were really nice people and, in my young mind, the reasoning I came to was that some guys just preferred dick and some girls just preferred vagina and that their preferences had nothing to do with their character as people.

But anyway, back on topic, wow there are some amazingly good looking guys out there! Right around the holidays I began talking to a number of guys online who had come back for college break. I was more than a little surprised when my inbox started flooding with messages because, I mean I’m handsome and all but some of them were way more attractive than I am.

My name is Tyler or Ty, I am 19 almost 20, I have blue eyes, long dark brown hair, I’m about 6ft tall, I don’t look muscular but I’m still strong, and I weigh 135lbs (which is shocking considering how often I eat and how much I eat). A few of them seemed to click but after talking to them more and meeting with the select one or two to test the waters, I never really met a guy I wanted to be with and could be with and just be me. I have no problems with gays obviously since I am but I act like a straight guy in my mannerisms and stuff and I don’t care for the effeminate types.

I was extremely bored after work one day and flipping through my messages on my phone and one just caught my eye. His picture was of his chest, toned but not ripped, slim body, and when I saw his face I was blown away. Like extremely handsome. Lighter brown hair than mine and shorter, darker eyes, firm jawline, He stood a little taller than me, and his name was Charlie.

We hit it off chatting for a while and after a while we decided to meet for coffee one night. We talked until the place shut down for the night and then walked around for a bit. It didn’t take long for me to feel like I was talking to someone I’d know for a long time. But it was rather cold out so we didn’t walk around too much longer and decided to head home.

Before we left he leaned in to hug me and I nervously hugged back. I slightly felt his muscles for the first time and wow, if this was any indication, he was very strong. It lasted what seemed like forever and I got comfortable and almost melted in his arms but I regained my composure before he noticed, I think. I cannot put into words how incredible it felt to hug someone like that. I don’t know how Charlie felt but I had the biggest smile on my face driving home.

We kept texting each other for the next week or so and got together again after christmas and new year’s. Randomly we chose a restaurant (it was actually really good), then I rode in his car to the mall where we got dessert. After that we decided to go see a movie, which I hoped would lead to more than just watching a movie, but we had more time to kill than we thought so we walked around again ending up in a book store where Charlie played with my hair a little, pushing it out of my eyes.

Gay sex stories: Ty and Charlie. Author: gamer19
Image for Illustration purposes only. Gay sex stories: Ty and Charlie. Author: gamer19

I sort of froze when he did that, no one had ever touched me affectionately like that before, aside from like my parents. Then he said, “come on Ty we gotta get back to the theater” “Oh yeah, lets go” I replied, being snapped out of it. Thankfully Charlie wanted to sit at the top of the theater like me. I hate having to look up at angle to see a movie, leaning back is so much more comfortable plus I figured that if hands went exploring, the top would be a little more private.

After about 20 minutes or so he placed his hand on my leg causing my heart to skip a beat. I’ve never been even remotely physical with another person so the slight contact of his hand on my leg gave me a semi (which I’m not sure if he noticed or not), filled my chest with butterflies, but I loved it all the same. He had to get up and go to the bathroom but when he got back we moved the arm rest, Charlie held my hand in his, resting them both on my leg again, and I leaned against him for the rest of the movie.

As the movie ended I really did not want to get up, sitting there with him like that was so great. Back in his car, I must have looked like a goof with the big smile I had on my face but I was so happy I didn’t care. Like the first night, Charlie leaned in to hug me and I did actually melt that time but then when I was about to turn and get out and back into my car, he looked at me and pulled me back for a kiss.

It was just a quick one but this was the first time I had ever been kissed, but after the hand holding and his hand on my leg I was on cloud nine. With the kiss I was on whatever level comes after that. Honestly if I hadn’t had to work the next day, I would have stayed in his car and taken that kiss a lot farther. We parted and as I looked into his eyes I knew I was falling for this guy.

That’s it for now. I know its a little short but still let me know what you think in the comments!


1 thought on “Ty and Charlie”

  1. Your gay sex stories fascinate me and turn me on. You are a great help to me. I can say, the best I have come across.
    Looking forward to read more.
    Thank you.


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