Why us? – Chapter 9


2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 9

– Author: SamanthaSarno

Is he okay? Where is he? Is he hurt? I need to see him.

My attention gets turned to the squeaking of a door. I turn my head and see Rae.

Rae? I can get out before he runs over to me and breaks down.

Oh my god Justin I’m so sorry. He cries.

A-are you okay? I ask.

He looks at me and I know realize he has a few scratches on his face and a big mark on his neck.

Yea I’m fine, just a f-few scratches. But you’re but okay I’m so sorry. He sobs.

Shh it’s okay calm down. I try to comfort him. I told his hand. He squeezes it.

N-no it’s not look what I did to you.

It’s fine Rae I’m okay I promise. It wasn’t your fault. I said stroking his cheek with my thumb. I love you.

I hear the door open again and we both look. It’s my dad.

I’ll be back. He said. I let go of his hand and nod.

He leaves and my dad comes up to me.

Oh Justin are you okay?

Yea I’m okay dad. I smiled a little.

I would be mad at that boy but it wasn’t his fault. It was a drunk driver it had nothing to do with Rae.

Oh, okay.

I’m so glad you’re okay, I love you Justin. He hugged me lightly.

I love you too dad. I pause. “Can I tell you something?”

Of course.

T-that boy, Raegan, he’s the boy.

He looks confused. “What boy?”

The boy that I-i dream about. I say.

What? How? He looks shocked. “I don’t know dad. But I-i think I love him.” I say nervous.

Really? Why have you never told me?

I don’t know. I was nervous.

I support you Justin no matter what. I know you are gay and he seems like a nice boy. We were talking before.

I nod. “Yea. I do love him dad. But I don’t think he sees me anything more than a friend.” I say as a tear falls from my cheek.

Awww son don’t cry. The way he was talking to me about you doesn’t seem like he only sees you as a friend. Is he gay?

Bi is all I say.

Oh. Well I think you should tell him how you feel. He says confidently.

No what if he doesn’t like me anymore?

Im sure that won’t happen. It doesn’t have to be today, but I recommend talking to him and telling him how you feel. You might be missing out.” He said.

Okay dad. Thank you. He kisses my head. “Anything for you.”

I then see a nurse walk in with Rae behind her.

Hi Justin how do you feel? She asks.

I feel okay. I said.

Okay good, you broke a few ribs and got some bad scratched and brusies on your shoulders. You’re very lucky it wasn’t worse. She said.

In the corner of my eye I see Rae silently crying a little.

Rae please don’t cry. I open my arms. He comes and wraps his arms around me.

It wasn’t your fault Rae. I’m okay I promise.

He stops crying and looks at me. His face, red and wet from his tears. He nods and backs up a little so the nurse can talk to me.

Okay so Justin is free to go home, just make sure he doesn’t put any pressure on his ribs while he is healing. He will need the wrap on for about 3 weeks. She said.

My dad and I nod. 3 weeks, ugh. Rae comes over and helps me out of the bed. I stand up sraight and we walk out to the front desk. I take Rae’s hand as walk out the car and we both smile.

Justin please come home tonight and relax. Raegan can spend the night if he wants. My dad says.

I look at Rae. “Sure, thank you Mr. Blake.” I smile and hug his waist lightly. He plays with my hair for a second and I hear a chuckle from him.

My dad takes his car and Raegan drives himself and me to my house. We go inside and I say goodnight to my dad and Rae does too. We go upstairs and I lay down easily and he gets next to me. I lay my head on his chest, both of us laying on your backs.

He kisses my head and I stift to sleep.

Goodnight Justin. He whispers, playing with my hair making me fall alseep even quicker.

Goodnight Rae.

I love you ?

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Another long one ? pls comment and vote ❤?

¡Samantha Sarno¡



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