My First Big Cock Pt. 12

A gay story: My First Big Cock Pt. 12 Matt followed me in his car back to my house, and parked on the street in front, while I pulled into the garage. I went into the kitchen from the garage, and saw my wife peaking through the curtains at Matt as he parked. “Are you … Read more

What do you mean gay? by LarryZiamNoshSlut

A gay adult story: What do you mean gay? by LarryZiamNoshSlut , well this is gonna be like one massive One Direction orgy, don’t like it fuck you 😉 Plus I am 15 and dyslexic so yup my spelling willbe shit!:3 Harry’s P.O.V: (March 21st) Hi my names Harry Styles, I’m 18 and I just … Read more

Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – by shesdifficult

2017 gay story: Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – by shesdifficult. Ayleo. I see him every night standing over me and my girlfriend’s bed. I use to think I was dreaming but ….. I’m not , Wonder who I’m talking about ? 2017 gay story: Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 1 … Read more

Why us? – Author: SamanthaSarno

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Author: SamanthaSarno. “Justin, son, come up here please.” My dad yells from upstairs. I get out of bed and walk upstairs. Yes my room is in the basement, and I like it. I open the door and see my dad at the kitchen table. I sit acorss from … Read more

Safe Deposit – by Transverse

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – by Transverse. Sam really didn’t think he’d say yes. It was an insane request, and it’s just the sort of thing a serial killer would say to get into someone’s house and set up cameras or something. Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 1 Author: Transverse … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 2

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 2 Thomas, bless him, shifted focus. “You never told me the story of how you got this stuff,” he said. “I mean, I know how you got it. But the actual story. I haven’t heard it.” He was right. Sam had gone out of his way to … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 8

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 8 Author: Transverse There was something in his tone that set Sam on edge. He stayed quiet, though, listening. It was the least he could do. “Small stuff would upset him for days.” There was no more grin left on his face. “I just…learned to be careful. … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 7

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 7 Author: Transverse The room was kind of a mess, their strewn clothes notwithstanding. There were more clothes piled into a corner; it was only on the second look that he realized there was a hamper under there. Three chairs were clustered by the window, boxes stacked … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 6

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 6 Author: Transverse “Is it all about stamina?” Thomas planted a kiss on his shoulder. “Fast can be fun, too.” “Not for me.” He scoffed. “You didn’t enjoy that?” “That’s beside the point.” “Whether you enjoyed it beside the point?” He sighed. “Okay, I liked it, okay? … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 5

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 5 Author: Transverse “Yeah, you are.” His unoccupied hand cupped Sam’s cheek, stroked his jaw. He knew what Sam wanted, what would happen if he got it. It was impossible knowledge, but Thomas had it, and Sam was losing the fight to keep his mouth closed. Thomas’s … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 4

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 4 Author: Transverse What the hell was he even doing? How long had it taken him to get stable and build an existence for himself? And now he was a hop, a skip, and a jump from getting fucked on a couch by a dark elf. Which … Read more

Safe Deposit – Chapter 3

Latest gay erotic stories: Safe Deposit – Chapter 3 Author: Transverse Thomas’s hand was on his thigh, inching closer to his zipper. He let out a breathy chuckle and his hand disappeared from Sam’s leg, reaching up for his cheek and turning Sam’s face further into his. Sam groaned at the loss of touch but … Read more

Why us? – Chapter 11

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 11 – Author: SamanthaSarno Oh. What if he does something to me? My ribs are still healing. If he does anything i’ll kick his ass. Just text me or anything before I’ll try to find you. He said. Okay thank you. Anytime. He hugs me. “I-i love … Read more

Why us? – Chapter 10

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 10 – Author: SamanthaSarno I woke up the next morning laying on my stomach, next to Rae. I smiled and reached over to get my phone. My dad texted me. Dad❤: I went to work, you can stay home with Raegan today ? text me later. Me: … Read more

Why us? – Chapter 3

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 3 – Author: SamanthaSarno Hello? He says walking his hands in front of my face. I noticed I wad staring at him. He’s literally the kid I dream about. Uhh sorry. He laughs a little. “It’s fine. You just looked scared.” Yea, I don’t know why. That … Read more

Why us? – Chapter 2

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 2 – Author: SamanthaSarno It was now the day of the move. Yestarday all me and my dad did was pack most of the house and put a lot of stuff in the moving truck. Justin we need to leave for the airport. My dad yells. Ok … Read more

Why us? – Chapter 4

2017 latest gay story: Why us? – Chapter 4 – Author: SamanthaSarno The next morning I walked into school and went right to my locker. I opened it and got my books. I then closed it and looked around a little. This school is really crouded. There are kids everywhere you look. Then my eyes … Read more

Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 11

2017 gay story: Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 11 by shesdifficult Ayleo Bruh Tiny I’m done with her she got my brother locked up I said calmly But Baby I- Nah you wrong for that So shut up with that baby shit he wouldn’t have dumped you and Teo wouldn’t have beat … Read more

Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 10

2017 gay story: Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 10 by shesdifficult I slipped my hand under the pillow and grabbed my boxers slipping them on right before she turned the light on Babe I’m sorry I left my phone she said He ignored her ” That nigga Betta not come to my … Read more

Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 9

2017 gay story: Fuck Me Brother – Mateo Bowles – Chapter 9 by shesdifficult “Mmmm Ayoooo ‘ I moaned as he thrusted in and out of me Wake yo horny self up “” I heard as I whined shoving his hand ” You ruined my dream !! Damn , really ? But you was moaning … Read more